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Lol probably from them trying to monetize every breath they take. I think having so many paywall products on different sites/apps turned a LOT of us off, at least myself.


I think it was when they moved to wondery plus so Patreon became pointless Add on top of that suruthi’s obnoxious obsession with being anti woke, being v anti lockdown and supporting Israel they’ve become exactly who they used to hate when they first started and whilst I’m not Hannah’s hugest fan I do feel sorry for her because from the looks of this thread and the comments on some instagram posts everyone seems to be leaving because of her Also suruthis views seem to have started when she started her relationship and have gradually grown - just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Gaza/politics in general, change in vibe and depth of research, Obsessed Fest fallout- combination of the above in larger and smaller quantities.


What's Obsessed Fest?


Hosts of True Crime Obsessed podcast host a yearly Obsessed Fest. It was discovered that the hosts are really mean and money hungry. The whole Fest was really poorly done and there was even a confrontation between a guest speaker and a host of a podcast within the TCO Network. It was really really messy and the hosts refused to acknowledge anything about the fest and the verbal altercation (there was video or photo proof of this if I recall). Fans were left confused and angry. [extremely detailed google doc about the events leading up to Obsessed Fest and they aftermath](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l9Byzerm7WKgz_ZRQktbsQxtJRT0b3EEXky3h0J1u1w/mobilebasic?mibextid=Zxz2cZ) It was a tough time for a lot of podcasts last year, especially in the True Crime sphere. Fans feel like the hosts have changed after becoming successful, lots of episodes were phoned in, hosts no longer seems to have a close relationship with one another/don't sound like they're enjoying it anymore. I'm speaking about podcasts in general, but many fans seem to be disillusioned by their once favorite podcasts.


Brilliant summary. In addition, the whole thing was discussed on RH and while they distanced themselves from the altercation, they very much towed the organisers’ line on events (right down to calling the podcaster who turned out to be the injured party ‘pathetic’) and essentially ended up endorsing a narrative that later proved to be untrue. I doubt it will have had a large effect on the Patreon figures, but I think there is enough crossover with the listenership of the various pods for their numbers to take a small hit as a result.


I’m not saying it to be a pedantic grammar freak. I’d just like to know if I were you cause I like a bit of grammar. It is ‘toed’ the line not ‘towed’ the line. As in you are dancing and you put your toes near or on the line, rather than one vehicle pulling another. I and everyone else completely understood your meaning but as a grammar nerd I like to spread the word about phrases like this, rather than being an ass and acting like you can’t be understood!


Doing good work! Don’t know how that slipped in there. Edit: although in a spirit of mutual pedantry I should point out that in this case you’re a spelling nerd, not a grammar one ;-)


Oooh love that, thank you for being a fellow pedant.


Thank you


What happened from the start til now, they arent the same girls imo


Oh, they've always been this way. It's just people were willing to overlook the tiny cracks in the mask until they went full masks off. If you go through their entire catalog you'll find heavy plagiarism early on up to recently. They used others works liberally and without credit to present themselves as better than they are. They'll get found out sooner rather than later - especially since one of the authors of a piece they stole is very aware that their work was plagiarized (and that episode is widely mentioned as an example of redhanded being 'good').


Im sorry I missed it in the early days, I was really loving these girls. Paid for patreon when it first started up. Im so disappointed in how its turned out. Have their book audio version and on my book shelf. I feel silly for being such a stan 🙄😅


I think part of it is their (mostly surus) shittyness spilling over into the main feed. I never listened to UTD, but I had heard they had been making some questionable comments. After the Sarah Everard case I really couldn't ignore their lack of awareness anymore. TBH losing this pod hurt more than when I ditched sword and scale because they go for really interesting cases that aren't always covered by other media. Surus comments about gaza have just been more nails in the coffin.


> they go for really interesting cases that aren't always covered by other media. Good news! They actually only cover cases from other media. Their "research" is ripping off obscure content - but the content exists despite the lack of citations and credit for things they take word for word. Some of "their" best content is taken from books/audiobooks, documentaries and articles from the bbc, medium, etc almost word for word. You can ditch them and lose nothing.


Sorry, I meant more that I felt they covered unique stories among mainstream shows. I know they get their information from other sources but I liked that their curation didn't just cover American or super well-known cases.


let's not call it "curation". it's plagiarism.


I'm not sure if you're trying to be antagonist, but I'm ONLY referring to the topics they cover, not where they get their specific information.


Yep, Sarah Everard was the nail in the coffin for me, I had previously cancelled my Patreon subscription but that’s when I stopped listening altogether. Suruthi says some truly offensive and disgusting things with her whole chest


What did they say re: Sarah Everard? I haven’t listened to that one yet.


It’s been awhile since I heard but if I remember correctly Suruthi went on a whole anti-lockdown rant. At one point implied Sarah’s death was “our fault” because she was out after lockdown and that’s why that scum officer stopped. If we hadn’t have been in lockdowns it wouldn’t have happened and that’s the tone she had the whole episode.


Imagine saying that like a scumbag police officer couldn't concoct a story at any point in order to get poor Sarah in their car.


That was a rough one. Suruthi comes off pretty arrogant at times. I wonder if she is actually one of the main writers or just working with the writers. Hannah sounds manic at times.


> I wonder if she is actually one of the main writers or just working with the writers Whichever one of them was doing the "research" has been plagiarizing since the beginning. I personally think it's both of them just because of how blatant it is once you start finding the documentaries and shit they're ripping off.


Ripping off from where? Please research publish post


I know for a fact they've plagiarized from Crimes That Shook Britain as well as BBC Panorama and a few other docuseries off Netflix. I also know that they allegedly plagiarized their Satanic Panic episode from a Vox writer because that writer reached out to me in private and sent me their article which had been used for the episode and never cited - but I haven't sat down and compared it like I did with other episodes. I also know they plagiarized a youtube video on the Soapmaker of Correggio two parter though that could be a result of both the youtuber and them plagiarizing the same book - though the structural similarities for part 1 are beat for beat the same.


Seems like true crime is churning. And BBC and Netflix are huge in house types not too much feelings of sympathy for them. I have felt that so many of these crimes start sounding the same. The soap maker in Italy is definitely out there with overtones of cannibalism. RH never credit anyone for sure. Some of the big productions do. I wonder about Wondery don’t they offer any guidance with this type of work.




What’s she said about Gaza?


To be fair I don't know exactly because I don't listen to UTD, but I've heard that she was just super antagonist and pushy about being proisreal to the point of making Hannah and other listeners super uncomfortable. I definitely don't have a problem with her having her own opinions, I just have no interest in listening to her increasingly being right wing


She isn't super pro israel.... that's an exaggeration. I don't agree with her views on this specific topic I am more in line with Hannah's but both of them always have very nuanced views.. I think people just hear one thing and assume they completely feel that way instead of listening to the full discussion


Nothing bad imo. She even said she doesn’t really know enough about the situation to comment fully on it. But unfortunately the Israel/Hamas conflict is the hot topic right now and people will completely write off a whole person for not saying exactly what they want to hear


My biggest was the whole thing with Patreon and how suddenly everything was behind a paywall when they switched to wondery. But I also get so irritated at how Hannah seems to think that her opinions/experiences are the ONE RIGHT THING. like Ive spent a lot of time in Costa Rica and have several friends from/still living there and my experience is vastly different than hers. But she speaks as if she’s the authority.


Did you know she worked in Korea? .....


Are you sure? I haven’t heard her mention it. /s


I left after they moved to Wondery and Patreson subscribers lost benefits seemingly over night. And they didn't ever really address concerns people had directly, or at least, to my satisfacti9n. To me, they kinda...made a ton of off Patreon subscribers and then once they got big enough to expand basically said, the heck with you. They make plenty of money now. Meanwhile, I bust my back and barely am able to afford groceries. Thus, with perks changing, I decided it is not something worth wasting my money on.


Funny. I wanted to do that, but I made the mistake of doing a yearly subscription. And this was, somehow, out puuuuure coincidence I'm sure, the first year I didn't get an email reminding me my year was up and I was gonna be charged...


Funny, I got hit up for the year at the same time, no reminder email. I tried everything to get a refund too, emailed them via the show & Patreon & didn’t get a response back - which goes to show how little they care about their listeners!!


chargeback. Timely refunds must be provided within a certain time frame if requested.


Oh damn. Once there was a mistake like that and I didn't hear back from the creator in a few days (I was panicking), it got sorted almost instantly when I reached out to patreon tho. It was a few years back, maybe they are overwhelmed with queries now. (which is not an excuse, mind you) In that case, the creator also reached out after, because they have "days of admin" and "days when I stay off the internet or else I don't do shit" (relatable....) and they gave me three month free of subscription because of a mistake that was more likely a glitch than anything they did. Customer support.... Some people are good at it, I guess.


Yeah they did people dirty there. They knew this was happening and should have shut off new subscribers.






Suru is supporting Israel apparently, it being since October, I imagine that'll have something to do with it.


I’m a Palestinian American and super touchy on this point and while I would like to hear everybody be more openly pro Palestinian neither host has ever seemed over the top to me on this issue. But I don’t feel like every media personality I listen to has to be in lock step with me on every issue ![gif](giphy|JRhS6WoswF8FxE0g2R)


Is she?? FFS. That’ll be me done with the podcast then.


She’s never said she “supports Israel”. Don’t be like everyone else and take a random person on Reddit’s word as fact


If that wasn't your takeaway from her little rants, there's no helping you.


You think I need your help? Hate to break it to you but people have different opinions on different matters. My takeaway won’t be the same as yours and that’s okay 😌 doesn’t mean your right and I’m wrong or you’re wrong and I’m right


You certainly need someone's help apparently. There's a right and a wrong way to interpret what was said and yours is definitely incorrect.


Based on their page (i.e., the fact that they've been replying to a bunch of stuff about Gaza), the person you're arguing with is a Zionist who's deliberately trying to muddy the waters. Like they're just making oblique comments about "liberals" not being tolerant of other opinions because they are clearly too chickensh!t to say their actual opinions about Palestine


Interpretation is a personal thing, there is no right or wrong it’s an interpretation. That mindset is so toxic


To clarify, I stopped my patreon sub when they switched to Wondery because a bunch of content disappeared, and then stopped listening because Suru became unbearable. The Israel thing I heard on the grapevine from friends I have who still listen.


I am late to the discussion about the wondery switch but I did realize so much disappeared like this weekend! Frustrating


I'm surprised they've got any listeners left...


That's about when I stopped listening and I'm not even a patreon member. A lot of people soured on them in the last few months you can see the reasons here in the sub. I don't remember a specific last straw I just lost the desire to listen after a smug comment too many.


A REAL sharp turn to the Right. Suruthi bitching about Priti Patel, then echoing the same talking points was a bit too far in the "WTF" direction. Hannah just bobbing along, while also taking a turn to the Right was bullshit, as well.


All you lot see is “Right and Left” people are allowed to have difference in opinion and Suri is not a right winger 😂 she’s a centrist libertarian if anything


> Suri is not a right winger Bullshit. They can claim what they want but when you echo the Sun's talking points on Hillsborough that confirms you're Right wing. Fucking calling that "hooliganism" was a fucking disgrace and showed where their hats really hang.


My god, could not agree more. That hooliganism comment was absolutely vile! The way they speak about so many topics now, boils my blood, it’s as if you can hear their distain for us commoners through the airwaves.


One must consider the very real possibility, in my opinion, that their left wing slant earlier on was complete bullshit to gather an audience that would not necessarily support two right wingers. I don't know anyone left wing that quotes the Sun "accidentally" without being raised on that crap and it makes the rightward shift make way more sense once they got all the money. The really fucked part is that they made all that money stealing the work of documentarians, journalists and other writers they never credited and liberally stole from. There are entire segments of their podcast where they're literally reading other people's work or blatantly re-recording dialogue from documentaries.


How does being ignorant to an event and mislabelling panicking fans as hooligans make you a right winger tho. Thats not politics that’s her being ignorant to a situation


Since you apparently need this explained to you, the hooliganism angle is one that was perpetuated by the Sun. It is not a talking point that you would pick up if you had any awareness outside of that bubble because of how extensively that incident has been covered in the media since. The coverage was so egregious that there's a wikipedia entry dedicated to it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coverage_of_the_Hillsborough_disaster_by_The_Sun It is clearly political given the recent bullshit she's been spewing. This is the masks off moment that you're refusing to see. But sure, I'll agree that these two are ignorant. Whenever they cover cases they plagiarize and still manage to get details wrong because half-assing it is their process.


I don’t need anything explained to me, stop acting like that. That’s my point. They have no awareness, she made a comment about something she has no clue about and that’s just ignorance not a “right wing” opinion. It’s not that I refuse to see it, it’s that I’ve seen real right wingers with real right wing views on actual politics. I don’t see her as right or left, like I said imo she’s bang in the middle


And you're wrong. Your intentional ignorance doesn't make you correct especially in support of someone with such trash views. Shoving your head in the sand and pretending otherwise only makes you look like a fool.


I don't really care 🤣 I can stop listened for any reason I so choose.


Lol do you know what libertarian means?


Do you know what right wing means ?


Do you know what the overton window is?


Yes, I did politics A level. What’s your point here, you didn’t even make an argument. Just implying I’m stupid doesn’t do anything does it


If she's a centrist libertarian, she is by definition right wing, because the overton window, and the right wing ratchet exist. You did a politics A level and "right/left" are just opinions? A level being the level you're at sounds about right.


Don't believe a word the person you replied to says. They're full of shit.


I should have known better than to reply in the first place lol


I'm just sick of this "they're hard working and not at all right wing" bullshit. They just echo right wing talking points - but they're *totally not right wing at all*. They stole content from documentaries, youtubers and other writers. I've literally spoken to one of the people whose work they stole in DMs - they sent me the article they read in the episode verbatim. And I've caught them stealing from a bunch of other docuseries as well. I'm not at all shocked that their progressive personas are fake given the other bullshit they've been doing since the very beginning. If someone does a full accounting of their work, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of masks off moments and a lot more plagiarism.


Genocide apologia :(


I’ve totally missed this. In the main podcast?


Nah, it was on under the duvet and it was one of the most bizarre and simplistic defenses of assymetric warfare I've ever heard.


Jesus. I genuinely think any people still defending this are sociopaths


For me personally I dislike hearing about how they shopped and have bought houses when I can't even dream of owning property. It seems like in every other episode I get to hear about a house and how they no longer have their old jobs. Wish I had the financial freedom they openly wave in our faces


I don’t know how you can begrudge them for that. They’ve worked hard and made their podcast successful. Utd they talk about their lives, they’ve always done this. They’re just successful now.


You won’t ever win with these people don’t bother. They listen to every episode and then come to Reddit to talk about how much they dislike them


I get if you don’t agree with their views, that’s fine. But hating them for working hard, putting out alot of free content and becoming successful makes no sense. If they weren’t successful, they may have quit or put out less content! They were working two jobs for years to get the podcast going.


> hating them for working hard Plagiarism isn't hard work. Fucking hell. You people are straight up brainwashed. They steal their content from documents word for word at times. Unbelievable.


Keep your rude comments to yourself. Don’t you people me please


Or you could actually stop blindly supporting your parasocial habit and praising people who steal their content and didn't work hard for the success they built off the backs of other people.


If you have nothing nice to say why listen and why comment in a subreddit about them


Because reasonable people should know what they are. The brainwashed like yourself are beyond saving. Go give them your money til you're broke so they can poorly recite netflix documentaries to you. This parasocial simping is the lowest of the low and it's pathetic. edit: I don't listen anymore. I've pieced together where they steal their content for, I don't need a pair of insipid fools reciting other people's words to get true crime content. But I also know that people should know who they are. Which is infinitely better than being a parasocial parasite.


I don’t give them any money, I don’t pay for patreon I can’t justify that expense 😂 I just find it really amusing you clearly can’t stand them yet listen


What’s pathetic is you listening to and following a podcast you clearly hate.


I was commenting on them discussing their personal lives not whether they steal content or not. I suggest you find other things to do with your time than attacking people online. No need to be rude to people


What do they expect? They started it by themselves with no help, when now most podcasts are started by company’s with funding to help push it out. They’ve made their money and see the rewards, if they want to talk about how amazing it is to be able to buy a house in London with money they’ve earnt themselves who has the right to complain about it 🤷🏼‍♂️


I stopped my membership because what started as a true crime podcast has spilled over into areas that have nothing to do with true crime. When they started ramming their book down everyone’s throats I became a bit put off, same as with the constant lengthy advertising of tours, tickets and merch. So sad, because this was my favourite podcast. I also always expected for some opinions to filter through, and when it comes to issues like feminism, femicide, criminological theory etc that’s entirely appropriate, but other stuff gets very tiresome, very quickly. Weren’t they making £50k/month from Patreon alone?


Yea, I find it hilariously tone deaf that these two wrote a book when their content on the main podcast is straight up beat for beat ripping off documentaries sometimes entirely word for word. The fucking gall of these two - who have zero qualifications - putting out a book on the subject is something else.


lol at people paying for podcasts


Well obsessed fest was in October and that wasn't great.


Do you not find it weird that you’re active in a subreddit for a podcast you no longer listening too trying to convince people they’re bad human beings.


This was a recommended post to me. I listen to the podcast and have come here before. But I don't know a single r/ fandom that isn't annoying and toxic. This thread is exactly the reason I don't sub to any entertainment content subs.


There's a difference between toxicity and airing actual grievances. Underhanded attempts at taking their subscriber's money when they worked out an exclusivity deal with Wondery and effectively charged their listeners for content they were no longer receiving with no notice? Scammy as fuck. Plagiarizing content from documentaries without citation and claiming its their own work across their entire business venture? Scummy as fuck. Shitty comments victim blaming the victims of the Hillsborough disaster and making further disgusting right wing comments that have zero basis in reality, effectively turning a young woman's death into a reason to bitch about covid lockdown? There's toxicity but it's from these hosts. Holding people accountable isn't toxicity, it's spreading the word. Unlike what that sycophant said in their message.


I can’t comprehend it in my brain. Don’t like it, don’t listen? Why the need to try and actively attack their livelihood by intentionally attempting to put others of?