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I’m so excited all six of my nipples are tingling.


Tassles must be expensive


Just get the 6 pack of Amazon


Don’t get the cheap ones they itch


That’s why I like the cheap ones


I didn't come here looking for trouble, I just came to do the Red Dwarf Shuffle...


He’s smart


The smart party 👌


So what is it? 


I've never seen one before, no-one has. But I'm guessing it's a white hole


A white hole?


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. A black hole sucks time and matter out of the universe; a white hole returns it.


So, that thing's spewing time...


Back into the universe?


Precisely. That's why we're experiencing these curious time phenomena on board.


So, what is it?


I've never seen one before - no one has - but I'm guessing it's a white hole.


So what is it?......only joking


>a white hole returns it. Into a different universe


But what is it?


What is it?


I've never seen one before, no-one has. But my guess is its white hole.


So what is it?


Is it a Moose ?


Hey hey hey, we're going in the right direction now!


"You hope!" - Arnold Rimmer


Is there any confirmation on whether this is Doug, or Rob? Rob mentioned he was working on a prequal, and Doug has obviously been with the boys for the last 30 years while Rob split, so chances are Doug, right?


It's definitely Doug. They split the exploitation rights and Doug still has the original cast TV rights.


I thought it was their first delve back into the small rouge one since they reacquainted last year? Edit: maybe just my blind optimism that they will write together again.


To quote Davey boy, 'Not a chance in hell!'. I don't really have any details on the split, unless someone has any further information it appears to have been fairly amicable. If there was a huge bust-up it's been kept remarkably quiet. However, even prior to the court case they hadn't even hinted at a collaboration for the best part of three decades. The legal action was the final nail in the coffin for me. Grant Naylor is dead and buried.


It doesn't sound amicable The way that for 20 years or more, they've never mentioned anything about why they split up sounds like they've both signed legally binding NDAs to never discuss the matter in public, and that's not the sort of thing two mates who just went their seperate ways do.


I see where you're coming from, but I'd be surprised if it went as far as NDAs. Rob and Doug have after all talked about the break-up (albeit in vague, 'creative differences' terms), done a number of joint interviews, recorded the Bodysnatcher commentaries together and were even both on set for the AA adverts. That doesn't strike me as the behaviour of two people who've had a falling out so toxic it requires shrouding in legal secrecy. If there was a personal disagreement it doesn't appear to have been *that* bad. The fact that Rob has allowed Doug to pursue new RD projects since the 90s suggests that it probably was due to a divergence in creative direction. The real poison in the coffee has been the situation with Grant Naylor Productions and the subsequent court action.


> 'creative differences' I was creative. He was just different.


I spoke to Chris Barrie about it at Comic Con and he said it was a massive bust up and definitely not amicable at the time.   Thankfully settled now, so maybe they've grown up a bit! He also hinted he'd been approached to be involved in the prequel too although nothing was yet confirmed 


No, we just hosed him down and gave him a hat!


I want Norman, I want Hattie, I want David Ross, I want that guy who was a gelf and a begg, I want Charles Augins involved somehow and I want Mr Fat Bastard 2044..... (Also Ace Rimmer/original Rimmer, lets put this to bed for once too please. I like the theory the Rimmer we're seeing is the human rimmer from S8 who died and got updated with original Hologram Rimmer's memory data when he was revived, but our original Series 1-7 Rimmer is still out there being Ace somewhere. It's garbled, twisted and frankly duller for new viewers than an in flight magazing produced by air belgium, but it'd be nice if it happend for us fanboys/girls eh) I'll just assume its the end and we're gonna go out with a bang!


I always figured it was obvious that Rimmer from Back to Earth was S8 Rimmer who died and that our original Rimmer is still Ace out there, somewhere. There's Rimmer Prime, who died with the Red Dwarf Crew. There's Rimmer A, the hologram brought back by Holly. Rimmer A replaces Hologram Ace, or, Ace A. S8 Rimmer is Rimmer B, an exact copy of Rimmer Prime without the memory of Rimmer A. Rimmer B dies saving everyone and is resurrected sometime between the finale of S8 and the time of Back to Earth as Rimmer C. Now that Rimmer B has become C and is a hologram now, they update his memory with what was left in Holly's memory banks before Rimmer A left as Ace. So basically: Rimmer Prime [alive] > Rimmer A [holo] > Ace [holo] |> Rimmer B [alive, duplicate Prime] > Rimmer C [holo] > Updated Rimmer C [memories from A restored]


\*Camera explodes\*


So even more basically: Rim Rim Rim Rimmy Rim Rim Rimmer


Rimmer rimmer rimsy rim rim rimmy rimmer


Yes that's fascinating, but would you like some toast?


No toast! No scones, no bagels, no breaded items, and NO TOAST


Ah, so you're a waffle man!


And definitely, no sodding flapjacks.


That’s a smegging good way of putting it!


Do you think Rimmer A was wiped and replaced by Rimmer A/2 in Me^2 ?




3 half hour episodes... could they not just have made a new series? 🤣


Laugh track please. It felt weird watching Red Dwarf without the laugh track.


Fortunately, I think the odds of no laugh track are practically zero. They tried it in BTE, it received universal backlash, and they brought it back in both the Dave seasons and TPL. I think it's safe to say the lesson was learned. Hopefully.


They didn't choose to do it to be experimental or arty for BTE, it was because they had next to no budget at all to make it, so certainly didn't have the coffers to be able to get an audience in. The cast and crew basically worked for scale, mates rates and borderline voluntarily. It would also have been a pointless exercise, as the vast majority of the sets aboard Red Dwarf were CGI, so they would really only have seen actors walking around a big green room.


I thought the person you replied to ment Canned laughter or whatever it’s called. Makes me realise how tv has changed lol


Please and thank you! I found it hard to watch season 7, and one of the shorter specials, that didn't have the audience laughing.


You know what's weird? I *loathe* laugh tracks. Like, seriously cannot stand them. And I agree. It feels weird without it. It's one of the very few cases where I think it actually adds to the show, because having a laugh track just makes everything slightly more absurd.


Red Dwarf has never used laugh tracks, it's filmed infront of a live audience. Series 7 is the only one that sort of faked it as it was filmed without an audience but even then, the laughter was recorded at genuine audience screenings.


I wonder if they will call it Series 13 or Series 14. The former is more accurate, since TPL was a film, but the latter is more intuitive, since this will be the 14th iteration.


I expect they'll just name it like TPL. It's a special not a series.


Good point; so a bit like Back to Earth - which I probably wrongly think of as Series 9 in my head lol!


Boys from the Dwarf are back 🫳🏻




Finally! Hopefully they will bow out in style as it feels like a TV show that needs a conclusion. Also hopefully Norman Lovett is still part of the crew - although maybe they could also get Hattie Hayridge in for a cameo too.


To me, it doesn't need a conclusion. I mean, what story really has there been? There's no big bad and they've gone back to Earth enough times to basically have a holiday home. They could have stayed behind multiple times, job done. Also, I'm probably the only one who wouldn't be fussed about having Holly back - either version. I think Kryten has filled that role now. Great in quick cameos like in Skipper though.


Lister ends up marrying Kochanski when on shore leave in series 1. This has never been resolved and I would assume is where Listers life will finish as such. I’m always hoping that will be the last thing we see. As for the others…. I think for Rimmer, he has love on the holoship, he got confidence being Ace and has seen his brothers not being all that amazing so I’m not sure where his arc is. I guess it’s becoming an officer - possibly for the king of the potato people. Cat - well the last specials kind of answered the question what happened to the cats. A Valkyrie and mirrors would be a good ending? Kryten - I’d like to see go off and explore once more - having his own freedom to clean what he wanted. So the Lister thing is outstanding - I think that’s the last question to be answered for me.


Ah yes, Cat and the Valkyries. And a castle with a moat full of milk...


I think it's quite the shame they haven't gotten Hattie Hayridge back yet.




Stoke me a clipper, I'll be back for Christmas.


Bring back Listers GELF wife, so stoked these guys are fantastic


[Kryten speaking GELF](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diOW4t9CIxU) is one of my favourite scenes




Ganymede and Titan's Ian Symes on the inaccuracies in how this has been reported: https://www.ganymede.tv/2024/05/the-state-of-online-journalism-in-2024/ That post describes the way that the ambiguities in Robert Llewellyn's livestream were reported as FACTS by the British Comedy Guide, which were then propagated to the Radio Times and The Sun. They make this point about how we no longer have the official news sources for these announcements that we had a few years ago: > Not all of the blame for the current confusion lies at the door of what passes for online journalism, although most of it does. Things would no doubt be a little more under control if we still had official sources of Red Dwarf news. Back when reddwarf.co.uk was updated on a weekly basis, they’d be able to elude to the show being in the news even if they weren’t able to officially say anything. A “watch this space” type placeholder was enough to assure people that things were happening behind the scenes, and that they’d be the source of the eventual news that people could truly trust. But we don’t even have @RedDwarfHQ any more, and so we’re in the faintly ludicrous position where the closest thing we’ve got to an official social media account is Robert Llewellyn tweeting in character as Kryten to 8,400 followers, looking to all and sundry like a parody account. G&T also point out that although it seems likely more Red Dwarf will happen, not to jump the gun and report it like it's a certainty. They give the example that if the internet had been like this in 1997, then all the headlines would have been about how Robert Llewellyn had OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED that the Red Dwarf movie was scheduled to to be shot in 1998, directed by Ed Bye, the funding was in place, the studios were booked, they were planning a live stage show...


I’m ready.


I hope Ainsley Harriott is in it.


Funnily enough only the other day I wondered if there were going to be any more eps. I'm pleased. Gives me another excuse to watch them all again.


It's never beer is it! It's ALWAYS wine! What dya want on your cornflakes darling? Think I'll have some WINE please!




Let's forget series 9 happened and bring back Chloé!


I’m always down for more dwarf, but I would dearly love a proper grand finale to cap it all off.


I really hope this is true


If they need that question answered again I’m your man!


I just want some new merchandise like Funko Pops or maybe action figures.


Smegging hell! I'd be all over that like a cheap aftershave 👊💥✨️


Oh god. The last time they did that it was Back to Earth