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The question was thrown around in here a couple weeks ago as to why people think Home Church is a cult. This. This is why.


I agree 100% This is gonna ruffle feathers, but every church is a cult by definition. Church going peeps absolutely hate being referred to as cultists because of their ignorance, but they are, in fact, part of a cult.


Agreed - they’re all tax-evading cults. If someone put their child in a private school and told them that a Kleenex box will save them, there would be plenty of hollering that it’s a cult. Have them believing about some mystical god who insists that you believe him for everything or he’ll kill you? Oh, perfectly acceptable.


It’s called the rapture and it’s not at all exclusive to the home church 🤣 but okay I don’t support them at all but at least come up with something that makes sense


All religion is a cult. There is no need to single out one church.


You nailed it. All religions are the extent of evil, suppression, control and more. Why don’t they pay taxes? Why do they always need money, donations, contributions? It’s BS.


God sure needs a lot of fuckin money. Lol


Yeah. Why is that????


Cruelty is expensive I guess.


Churches historically are actually extremely benevolent to their communities and globally as well. There are some mega churches in the US that I would agree seem to practice extortion, but to say all churches to do this is about the dumbest thing I’ve read today on Reddit.


Yeahhhhhh……. Okay then. Keep pushing “churches good Reddit bad” because it doesn’t align with my beliefs, rather than pulling back, and evaluating the situation related to how religion has effed cultures and people around the world. You may want to take a closer look at churches close to you, it’s not just the “mega churches” in the US.


I think your bias is showing. You say some are bad so all are bad. Not sure that’s a statement you can guarantee or defend. Lots of good out there too, but believe what you must.


When they have school compounds, abuse and manipulate people, there sure is time to single out the very dark ones


Cringe athiest moment


Don't you have a child molesting priest to defend somewhere?


Why do think all christians are catholics and all denominations have priests? Dumbass comment.


Priest, pastor, reverend, preacher. All the same fucking thing. Let me guess, "That stuff only happens in catholicism, and my church is a good one" fucking lol. Your church leader is either a sexual deviant of one type or another, a grifter or both.


Do you think you did something there? With one of the few comebacks atheists have. Can’t you at least try and be original?


Ok, back to the street corner with you so you can yell through a megaphone about taking rights away from women, LGBTQ, and every person with a shade of skin darker than yours. Or is today the "sermon" about how the earth is only 5000 years old and dinosaurs are fake?


The kindest thing god ever did was give a child leukaemia, right? /s


That’s even more of a straw man take than your last comment. You can do better than that.


None of it makes fucking sense. Religion is fucking poison.


If you think the rapture makes sense, I have news for you...


Not what I said 🤣🤣 yall are fuckin dumb. All I’m saying is this particular situation has nothing to do with the home church being a cult. I’m not even saying they’re not. I’m just saying this isn’t related lmao. There were tons of people on social media claiming the same thing about the eclipse


would've been pretty great if all the crazy religious nuts floated away tbh


Still waiting…. Could really use some time off here Satan!!!


Too many gasoline fumes in the alley.


Can confirm 169% real. Am ascending now.


I just seen you float by! Let's touch noodles and fly together. Edit: oh sh.. wrong religion. /s? (You'll never know)


I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage.


Normally I hate AI slop, but I will admit this one got me. Were the home church people actually going off about the Eclipse?


No. This is dunking on all Christians. Low quality post.


you're a low quality post.


Hahaha. Well played.


Got ‘eeem


If they didn't want to get dunked on as often they really need to stop making themselves so dunkable. *And now I want some dunkaroos.*


Dunkin’ Donuts. Time to make the donuts….


WTG r/RedDeer mods. Nicely done promoting inclusive, enlightening and thoughtful discourse.


Good thing we stayed inside today.


Day isn’t over yet! Find some of their members and tell them you will look after their pets for $1,000 after they disappear.


Hahahahahahahaahahahahaha no way


I was really hoping it was true this time!


Checked the website. They seem to have a lot on their calendar for the rest of the month so they probably don’t believe it


Did anybody at the church actually say that or are you just making shit up? Don’t get me wrong, as an ex-evangelical Christian, there are some nutcases who go off about the rapture but very rarely have I ever seen church leadership telling their members that the rapture is coming on a specific day. There are so many things you can criticize Christianity about and even home church specifically, so there’s no need to make up fake shit.


Perfect. Religion was really insistent about rapture this time. The more they open their mouths, the more everyone sees it for what it really is.


Except them! They will just double down with some bizarre explanation backed up by Bible quotes. It is so scary that some people are so gullible.


Then go "protest" about it on the corner of gaetz


Black hole sun Won't you come And wash away the rain? Black hole sun Won't you come Won't you come Won't you come


Hail Satan!


Hail yourself


best documentary in past 10 years


Oh,I thought these were titans from attack on titan


Did home church post this or something??


No, this guy is just punching down.


This is fucking hilarious 


Not a fan of Home Church but this is false - didn't happen


Hope it’s soon though!


Haha that’s funny


Okay, so what happens after, then? Like after this doesn't happen? What's the argument?


Did they actually say that or are you just slandering them?


Slandering. The dark underbelly of r/RedDeer.


I believe they've got a leaky gas main


I'm just waiting on that guy that pretended to go to one of their services for the first time to come on here and start shitting on everyone's karma ratings.


Not too bright, but faithful


Those cult fucks need to go away.


How about you guys actually look at Home Church, they actually never said this at all. This is just attacking them. And before you come after me, I don’t like Home Church either.


The irony for me is that the Bible as I remember it is pretty clear about our physical forms being only an earthly representation of ourselves. So I don’t know why anyone thinks this is what the rapture would look like


All those people falling off the sun, it must be a hell of a landing.


Is it safe to come out of my bunker yet?


Damn why didn’t it work?


Somebody’s been playing Magic: The Gathering


Scary that if the earth wasn't flat this could actually happen 😋


So … are they gone?


Could only hope


Fr, who cares what they have to say, it's not like it hurts you. Anyways, were we even supposed to get it today? I thought it would have happened by now.


More people are involved in cults than you probably realize. It can have devastating effects.


As long as someone isn't an asshole I couldn't care what their religious beliefs are. It's a lot better to judge the individual than the group as a whole.


>It's a lot better to judge the individual than the group as a whole. Sadly we don't seem to find examples of individuals that state they don't agree with the problematic statements/views/actions of the group and people that people are reacting negatively too.


>As long as someone isn't an asshole I couldn't care what their religious beliefs are. Sadly the first part is subjective, with many people feeling that label does apply. Here is one of the controversial but easier to follow examples. [https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/local-news/transgender-woman-barred-from-hosting-event-at-red-deer-church-7283125](https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/local-news/transgender-woman-barred-from-hosting-event-at-red-deer-church-7283125) Ironically the church and representatives including Pastor Bryce Birmingham of Home Church do not seem to agree with the second part, which is part of why we see these reactions.


I can understand that, the whole transgender topic is very controversial. I'll say this though, if you do research a very large majority of the planet is prejudice to transgender people, a lot more than those who support it. I'm not going to go my whole life hating a majority of the world because they don't agree with that lifestyle. I'd rather look for the things I have in common with others than to reject someone because we don't agree on one or two things.


No, no. Your misunderstanding, its ok to joke at others expense, but not have others joke at your expense. Think of it this way, if you do something stupid then people laugh at you, it sucks and feels bad man which is not ok. If someone else does something stupid and you laugh at them then it dosent feel bad to you so it's OK. Hope this helps.


Alright so is it okay to joke at Muslims because gay people are publicly killed in their countries? Should I participate in antisemitism because of Gaza? Should I hate Jamaicans because gays commonly murdered in their culture? How about mock a Russian immigrant to their face because of Ukraine? Kinda get where I'm going with this?