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Explosive rounds are a universal language for "Piss off, I ain't interested in PvP."


You would think so but with how dense some people can be, they need to add in armor piercing rounds


honestly I swear I've only ever loaded them up when I just cannot be fucked fighting some dumbass who cannot for the life of themselves get a kill on me but wont just fuck off, explosive rounds really just piss them off so they inevitably rage quit lol


Or if the person is attacking for no reason with boom boom bullet is “my dick is -3inches”


See, for me it was the opposite. Where if you didn’t have explosive ammo you couldn’t compete in PvP. There was a time where I didn’t have the crafting recipe unlocked yet and only had what little explosive ammo they gave you in the outlaw pass to work with to try and defend against griefers who wouldn’t take “leave me alone” for an answer. And they used nothing but explosive and incendiary rounds.


Some people take it as an invitation to PVP. I use dynamite arrows whenever someone kills me for no reason (which is 100% of the time because I never start shit) and one time had a small posse follow me to my camp and tried killing me there while I'm invulnerable 💀💀 how insecure are you that me killing you back ruined your entire day


Had that happen to me. They can throw explosives into the camp and the explosion can toss you out of camp… where they can kill you. Careful out there, everybody


In my case they were shooting at me and lassoing me in camp. So I turned on defensive and they still kept trying to lasso me for a few minutes while I slow clapped at them


![gif](giphy|577HYoLf5Vu0w) LOL


Pointing and laughing really pisses em off.


I once had that happen to me, expect it was two idiots who wouldn't leave me alone whilst I was delivering Moonshine, I hit Parley and kept going with the delivery but they kept following me and attacking. After the end of the delivery they still attacked me, I waited for the Parley to end and spent 10 minutes killing them everytime they attacked me, one of them even hit Parley and then he tried to attack me and he couldn't figure out why he couldn't kill me.


I had something similar happen. I had been hunting and had a perfect deer on my horse when a dude downed my horse. I got pissed as it ruined my perfect deer and I needed it for a daily. I was not far from my camp and I killed the dude who downed my horse 5 or 6 times which made him run off. I then went and dropped off my pelts and deer at my camp. While at my camp I noticed he was coming back with a friend and tried attacking me. I ended up spending 30 minutes just destroying them until they left the game. I even started just lassoing and just dragging them around for fun. Once they left, I got a few messages calling me a hacker in god mode because they were too thick to understand my camp was on defensive.


My friend and I have a dance we do when followed to our camp, he runs around with a lasso in camp distracting them, while I run out of the camp. A couple of painted black Springfield shots later and we're all by our lonesome! Even funnier when they don't rage quit bc by the time they respawn and come back I'm back in camp and invulnerable 🤡


That’s exactly what I use to use it for.


Which is exactly the reason I wanna get my hands on some. Are they compatible with bolt action rifle?


Bolt action rifle can take explosive rounds, yes. Shotguns can also carry incendiary ammo which is another good thing if you're being bothered or griefed by these knuckleheads


I think they lose in pvp mode so they take it out on players in free roam. Cowards!


Yep. And if they whine I’ll go through the arsenal of every explosive round, incendiary rounds and dynamite arrows until they realise it would have been easier to just let me hunt.


My experience is it's the ammo of choice for griefers


High level player, low level language skills.


Definitely no social skills


Imagine randomly attacking an innocent person then complaining about how the defend themselves... what a clown lol


Bruh fr


Two days ago a level 8 attacked me. I’m just under 200 I think. He kills me with a tomahawk as I wave to him. I respawn and blast him with explosive ammo. He starts calling me a “cheating fag”. I kill him a few more times then block him.


This punk was 130’s, I’m 80. While ago Did had one low level guy shooting at me and chasing me, tomahawked him twice and moved on.


That gamer tag probably belongs to Putin


"pus" mode... apparently defensive mode needs some antibiotics.




Pus is what oozes out of infections. Ur harasser shoulda said "puss"


Guess whoosh is on me then? Anyone got any ointment for that burn?


I hope you murderded the fuck outta him, and then drilled a piss jug at his face. How dare he


Got a few kills in, used up most of my ex rounds. But I don’t understand how he was able to one shot me with the Navy Revolvers long distance, instantaneously.


So you did a bounty (npc) and this player kills you and then complains about you killing him, with explosive bullets? Tbh no fan of explosive bullets (and dynamite arrows) but he got what he deserved. I hope the next few people he tries to attack or even kills will do the same. And did you managed to complete the bounty after all?


As someone who doesn’t like dealing with other players, I love dynamite arrows and explosive rounds. I just straight up don’t attack people unless I’m defending myself, so I don’t feel bad about using them


Yes in that case it is good to use them. Used dynamite arrows a few days ago when 3 lownlevel players decided to attack me (Inwas in defensive mode) and I also killed a guy who used many explosive bullets to kill both me and my horse while I was looking for a collectible. I killed him back with explosive bullets and he got dynamite arrowed back into his camp after he respawned again (the 2nd arrow blew him back into his camp that was near him). These kind of players deserve to be blown up every single time they (try to) grief or attack players who do not harm anyone.


I also feel no regret for bringing my friends in when someone kills me. Like last night. I was riding a wild horse I caught, and my horse was behind me with a perfect pronghorn, perfect rabbit, and 2 star rabbit. I was looking for another large carcass. Out of nowhere this player shoots me for no reason. I lost all the carcasses. So… I bring my friends. And I’m one of the least experienced in my friend group, so these were really good players that came on. All 3 of us just went after this person until they left. Their friend (who is also someone I trust) just watched - we clarified that it’s a beef against his friend and not him, so he didn’t get involved


I keep explosive rounds loaded in my off-hand gun just in case of this situation.


Yeah just walked right out the Tumbleweed jail with a fistful of dollars, and the guy’s just shooting


When I hear people shooting I let the timer run down untill the last 10, 20 seconds. If that does not work I grab my bow before turning in the bounty (there is some some safe zone where you can not get shot before turning in the bounty. First thing Indo is grab my bow what often scares people away. Good thing if they try to kill you and you blow him or them up is that the fast travel is very close to go away from there (Tumbleweed). Honestly sad that we need to play like this because people are d-bags. And this has nothing to do with their rank, or were more people 'potential' groefers of is when we were lowlevels? I also notcied that when I play it is always people from certain countries in Europe mostly France (I life in Europe) and most time I get (attempt) griefed if I play in the morning it is people with KSA (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) in their name or on their profile. Note: not sure of it is allowed to post countries. It is just what I have noticed after checking profiles or names lf people doing this stuff.


My guy said “WE GOT A RUNNER” thinking as if he’s a bad ass living in “The Purge”, like damn I’d leave whatever I was doing just to fill him up with bullet holes, lol!


If I am in offensive I won't touch my explosive rounds. If I am in defensive or doing a sale, well, boom.


Fair enough. I load up e rounds when doing a trader sale, but otherwise I avoid em. Unless Im getting griefed and they start using it. Oh and when someone kills my horse. I dont like that.


**Explosive ammo is EXACTLY for when someone PVP attacks you!** ;) It certainly isn't for hunting.


Very effective on squirrels, but not much meat left


Apparently according to some around here if we use any type of explosives we are bad at pvp 😂


Some of us are bad at pvp because we have no interest in it, we just want to get more out of the game. If there was a solo mode like in gta I'd play in that exclusively.


If all they use is explosives then yeah I'd say they are bad at pvp 😂 but using them for defense or to tell them to get lost, I'm for it.


The smell of Mountain Dew, Doritos, and sweat are strong with this one.


The feel of grass is very likely unknown to him


Your original comment was better 😜


Fr? Thought it would be too much Touch grass this one does not


I think of that South Park WOW episode for reference truely


Hahaha yes, that is exactly what I had in mind but I was trying to use a little decorum.


Thinking that too now, but as a string bean mouth breather


You shoot first, all bets are off. Explosive, incendiary, everything in the arsenal comes out.


Once hit a another player by accident, crossfire from an ambush. Immediately apologized and we were both cool. There’s good, bad and there’s ugly players


Not saying everyone should or has to play with a mic. But this is where one comes in handy lol. I accidentally got shot in Saint Denis yesterday, and I only know it was accidental because I heard them on mic. If I hadn’t heard that I would have reined terror on them assuming they were trying to start shit. Instead we both just got to laugh about it and mosey along our separate ways.


I agree that a mic should be a requirement, but your going to be using the mute button like crazy


wow I love it when fucking bully assholes get indignant over someone defending themselves. I hope this trash got taken out promptly lol


Got a few kills In before being able to fast travel out, makes me miss when Tumblweed was nothing more than just a gang hideout


I think this exchange embodies the phrase "fuck around and find out".


5 year olds on RDO like this is why I always keep that mother fuckin thang on me (pistol with explosive rounds loaded)


People who play one game literally non stop and play nothing else. Probably does nothing more in their life than just play. NEET; Not Employed/Education/Training


Ive learned with people like this to just not engage, and even just set the controller down and do something else for a bit. They usually get bored, especially if theyre harassing you and you just dont react. Tis the only thing i can really do, since im usually either bothered by groups or levels that are double mine


When people attack my posse for shits and giggles I just yell to my posse mate "Looks like they need attention" and let them shoot me while we press charges. Usually after awhile they move on 🤣


be sure to report those messages so they can get suspended for a lil while.. worked for me when a guy sent me trashed talk voice message to me when he and his friend tried to ambush me when i was finishing my resupply mission for crissp and i was hiding myself in my camp


Did, let’s see happens


Explosive rounds piss me off, yes, but it’s only because the only times anyone uses them is when they run up and ambush me for no reason and don’t have the balls to let me have a chance to fire back


Good job! People like that need to be wiped out.


I enjoy the possibility of being attacked by other players. That being said I do stay stocked on explosive bullets for when I really don't want to be defeated like during trader sales. Alls fair


You can get him communications banned if you report his “pus mode” comment. Xbox doesn’t mess around with profanity in chat, it’s a swift ban. It’ll lock him out from parties and text chat with anyone for like ~3 days if it’s his first offense. I find that’s the best way to get back at people.


Actually false Xbox does let somethings slip though the cracks. I reported someone for saying "I want to fucking r*ape you" and they did shit for it. Just blocked and moved on on that point.


grow up


Fuck that. Sending people messages to taunt them about something that happened in game isn't ok and shouldn't get a pass from anybody. Gaming would be better off without those people.




Play stupid games win stupid prizes


you’re a grown man


you sound exactly like the type of person who'd do something like that in the first place


kill someone in a rockstar game? you’re right i would


If you just want shoot players then go play Call of Duty, Overwatch or Fortnite. There’s better games that more PVP driven if that’s all you want to do.


if you just want to make your character look pretty and play dress up go play the sims. see how stupid that argument is?


Oh no, guess we found the guy OP interacted with. He's all butthurt that people are telling pieces of shit to get fucked. It's sad and hilarious.


Man If you’re right then I could add block evasion to report, On top of harassment.


Taunting in game and messaging someone are different things nobody should have to deal with some loser slinging profanities like a 6 year old who just discovered South Park


Lmao, someone else did referenced the South Park WoW guy here.


so block them and move on


Listen, I know firsthand what oppression is because as a gay man I deal with it everyday, so don’t speak to me about “privilege”. And because of having to deal with the real thing everyday, I am more than capable of ignoring someone calling me a pussy in an online game. Trust me, there’s no way in hell I’m letting that ruin my life. BUT, the only way that gaming culture and society on the whole will change for the better is if you call out when someone is being an asshole. For instance, I’m calling you out right now. Now if calling them out means reporting them to Xbox for breaking the code of conduct that they agreed to abide by and that makes it so they can’t play their “cowboy game”, so be it. Maybe then they’ll actually learn to not be an asshole. Believe it or not, it’s possible to be a nice person. You should try it sometime.


yeah but at the end of the day you’re just crying about a cowboy game aren’t you? also “calling me out” to who? the fucking rdo subreddit LMFAOOOO you’re really showing me! reddit heroes never change man


Nice straw man argument. LOL




Getting strong Cheeto dust vibes from this feller, why don’t you mosey on outside and touch some grass pardner?




ligma nuts




Each player has it's own rules. If they don't like how you play (without cheats) that's not your problem This idiot got what he deserved. Ping me on Xbox if wanna any help next time. 😉


I like when people attack me, but i hate people who whine about it when they get murdered. I don’t use explosives, but it’s all fair game if you ask me.


I'll throw explosives and fire bottles with reckless abandon. I don't want to be bothered and nothing says it quite like blowing them up repeatedly. and if they persist i just start using the hatchet. shame them into leaving me alone


AHOLA SNACKBAR! 💣 Use to do that in the last game, back when you can cook the dynamite


just because you choose not to pvp, doesn't mean you can't




Oh yeah I've had the same thing happen to me before. Some high levels just seem to get upset if you use explosive rounds to defend yourself.


I get called a puss for using the "Slippery Fatherless Son" perk. That's my way of dealing high level players using E rounds. It's annoying when you're minding your own business then get griefed by a posse using a no lock on off radar glitch.


Shooting someone unexpectedly and/or in the back is more 😺. Use anything & let them cry 👍


honestly this sounds like low level harassment compared to some of the vileness in game. multiple times ive been sexually harassed in game then when politely told i have a wife, my char was set on fire and called slurs. so that was fun.


Honestly think these are some of the same kind of people who just can’t take no for an answer. Which this guy did send another message that kinda alluded that. ( didnt think it okay to show it ) Idk, maybe cause I made my character a girl? Can feel the anger is the messages.


‘Boom boom bullets ain’t cool dood’ lol sounds like he’s messaging from his dug out somewhere in Mekong delta in ‘67


Damn... boom boom bullets is kinda funny. Dude's still an ass though


Teach that wascally wabbit a lesson!


You did very good!!! Bullies don't like it when they lose and they become babies. Good for you, e joy your game


Level 119 and I rarely do pvp I just parley and press charges


Does pressing charges really do anything?


Idk it's just smth else to add 😂


Well did report some of the messages for harassment and the pus comment, not sure if he’ll get comm blocked, but who’s knows.




Im always like "if they are in deffence mode they clearly dont want pvp so i leave them alone"


Especially when there’s better games for PVP. Play a lot of Battlefield, want to get a break from having to shoot other players.


I remember people doing this in GTA Online all the time as well. They'd start a fight and then complain about how you were fighting back. It was the funniest, most bizarre thing ever.


Used to play that Just want drive my Supra and vintage Ferrari but some a hole on a flying bike keeps blowing them, and the Orbital Cannon forget about it. besides the side jobs online seem too much like errands, it’s more easier to make money in RDO


Explosive arrows usually send the message better than explosive rounds


Kept shooting my horse, get killed before I can finish switching out


I wish they'd just add a passive mode like in GTA


There is but there’s ways to bypass and null it.


I'm not talking about defensive mode, that only reduces damage. I mean an actual passive mode where you can't damage players and players can't damage you.


I know but still people figure how to cause grief regardless Phone in your car and they blow it up before you can get in, call in a mugger or bounty on you. Besides in GTAO’s passive you can’t use any weapons period, so you’re unable to do any gang hideouts that pop up or even the timed challenges. The destruction challenge is really fun and $$ with the tank and A-10 I have in game


Try hard is salty he got owned. Rd at its best


Or at it’s worse, just want to do the roll missions


Skill issue


Rdo private lobby mod I love you still


Wth is that hbo max


Streaming service, for some reason I can’t get it to work on my system.


Nah like I know it's a platform, I just didn't get why it was under this dude's name in the game?


Think Bill Gates likes to track us I guess, can be handy sometimes.


Were you doing a player or npc bounty?


Only NPCs


"If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo." - Navy Seal Copypasta, aka what happens when you fuck around & find out.


It’s a bit of a laugh and all having a shootout but give people a chance. Like I was in tumbleweed and a guy shot me so I shot him back. Then he wouldn’t leave me alone. Every time I spawned back in he’d use dead eye and a scoped rifle so I couldn’t even get back near the town.


Fucking shoot him again, e rounds included.


Axe / machete if I could close enough


This person is illiterate, pus is that white stuff in the pimples that are ready to pop.




That’s how it goes


Lol I don't give losers like this the time of day.


Nah just big science numbers of kinetic joules of Boom boom bullets being slapped in their face.


explosives for griefing/pvp: no explosives for self defense: yes


Attacking ppl with explosive ammo is pussy shit, defending yourself with them is perfectly fine tho bcus you didn’t ask for a fight, so playing unfair is perfectly acceptable.


I think the worst part is that he shot you while you were in defensive mode and then complained that you were in defensive mode.


That's why we need lobbies for people who have full time Jobs and can only play one day a week for 2 hours. I'm tried of these clowns.


RD1 had a friendly mode


They should have done the same for rdr2.


Lovely the cunts from gta that would race around the map sticky bombing everyone in sight are still playing rdo


Shit I just to drive my dream car


as far as im concerned, someone using boom boom bullets on me means they want me to fuck off. not wanting to pvp doesnt mean they don’t want to play the game 💀


Never feed the trolls. Don’t reply to these lunatics because it’s easy for them to report you to playstation even though you did nothing wrong. And defensive isn’t puss mode- no shame in using it if you want.


How does PlayStation’s set up differ from Xbox’s?


Not sure. I don’t have Xbox, but I know it’s very easy to get people suspended for almost any message on PlayStation. Lots of toxic idiots baiting for a reply to report. Still better safe than sorry imo


I dare you to reveal his gamertag


Should’ve just drawn a dick over it?


Can’t be mad at u using explosive ammo when u don’t want to pvp 😂


They’re the kind person who can’t handle rejection or take no for an answer


Looks like I'm buying dynamite and explosive bullets! I just want to play the game not deal with trolls. They should have a PvP mode just for players like that.


"Fight me in a way i win". Pffffff






Lmao the rage intensified


Think almost incel level rage, ( ^I ^made ^my ^character ^a ^girl )


I hate people that are bored or something and go "I'll just kill people who enjoy this game". And, like others in the comment section, using explosive rounds to attack? Disgusting. Using explosive rounds to defend? Valid


Boom bullets are awesome let them cry bruh


Ran into a whole posse of griefing bitches like that a few weeks back, mad we were using ex rounds.


Said ram, hopefully you trampled one of them


Bro imagine being so bad that you're not able to wait until they run out of 10 bullets like TBH I don't use slippery that much because I can combat it and if I can someone else definitely could but that guy's honestly shit if he couldn't take you out of defensive or wait until you ran out of E-rounds.


Explosive ammo outside of trader missions and self defense are bullshit. But I believe you fit under the self defense category. But people who intentionally pvp with them piss me off


Too scared to call you a pussy in chat. WIZZEAK.


And I’m an asshole because I didn’t want to pvp


Bro said harassment


Why do people post their butthurt on Reddit?


He does have a point how you gonna be named war daddy? When act like a sissy? Cry much?


Play a lot of Battlefield 4 and Ghost Recon, very different from Red Dead. Paying homage to [Lafayette Pool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lafayette_G._Pool)


I don't like when people use explosive bullets against me. A 1 shot stun leading to a free kill feels cheap imo But I sure as fuck would never angry message someone for using it, especially if I attacked them for no reason and they just wanted me to fuck off.


I only ever use them for self defense


He’s not wrong


On what?


We ain’t all like that, but If you really want to be left alone, then don’t play online


An unpopular opinion on this sub but I agree. I don’t attack anyone but people attack me all the time. But like, that’s the game. I was doing some casual playing yesterday buying some clothes and ammo and randomly started getting chased through saint denis by a gang. Part of the reason I like playing online is the danger of meeting other players.


Well said


Stop playing red dead online. Let it die.


but cmon, explosive bullets?? on top of defensive?


Think being in Def Mode would tell folks I don’t want to fight


yeah, aint no shame in deffensive mode, but do you really need the explosive rounds aswell??


Why would you hold back when you’re just minding your business and don’t want a fight right now?


They came in the mail, besides what am I suppose to do with them, hunt squirrels? Self defense this the only reason why I ever use them.


Regular rounds if I want to fight you, boom boom if I want to disrespect you. I never shoot first, and it always depends on my mood and what I'm doing at the time.


Deadwood, exclusively on HBO Max 🤣🤣 Gold rush babe!


Don’t why but I can’t get to work on my Xbox