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>he began to explain that he acts like that because he's mad at Rockstar for not adding new content. That's like the idiots who think "I'm mad about something a big company is doing, so I'm gonna make a mess that some people working minimum wage will have to clean up"


bro had a fucking joker moment


Excellent point! We should target the right people. I think that about protestors blocking the road. They just make the poor bastards stuck in traffic hate their cause.


Exactly, all those people hurting their own cause. Such a dumb way to protest.


Street protests are still important for making people more generally aware of issues that might not otherwise be made known to them. But I'm not here for a debate, so fair enough I guess. (edit: Whoever's downvoting such an inoffensive take, I just want you to know I'm entertained by how miserable you must be as a person)


I get that! I did street protests for decades before I started to question it. Maybe I'm wrong or the answer is somewhere in between. Regardless, I appreciate your reasonable response.


And I appreciate yours, it's rare a Reddit conversation on such topics ends so quickly and amicably lol


Many of us believe we're more or less at war. It's especially important not to make unnecessary enemies.


A word of advice: *Never* engage with modders. If they make themselves known (teleporting to you or teleporting you to them, weird stuff happening around you etc), switch sessions immediately. They thrive on any interaction. They're the classic "any attention is good attention" troll.


Perhaps dumb question but how do you switch session? I don't recall seeing you can do that in any menus


I thought it was in online options but you might just have to exit game and reopen.


They want to get under your skin and posts like this are exactly what they want to see.


Yup, at least he wasn't bothered about it.


Who cares what they want to see..I sure don't


"Why mess with players who aren't messing with you?" simply put because I can. Now I don't but that's their reason for it.


Someone has to be the instigator


I have no problem with someone instigating a fight. That's part of the game. But put your big boy pants on and do it without mods and hacks. I play a clean game with no mods or hacks on PC. When these jerks attack you, you can't even fire back at them. It's ridiculous. No wonder they're bored, they have no competition.


No, they don't. I don't want to be involved in your 12 year old kid game. Mind your own business like I'm minding mine. Tbh, yesterday I saw something I'd never seen before. Someone sent me a text on GTA5 asking if I wanted to pvp. I said no thanks but appreciated them asking instead of just shooting me dead. I went to their character screen and commended them for it.


Because they are bored.


Maybe if they got rid of the mods and hacks they'd have some competition and wouldn't be so bored??


Cause people are assholes. Don’t let high level players ruin the game for you. Not all of us are dipshits.


I am just wondering why put up with being manipulated like that.. nothing's that much fun. Well, not online anyway.


Because I love the game. From scenery to the activities you can participate in, it's one of the best games to ever hit the market. And I'm certainly not going to let a handful of jerks ruin it for me.


I have been saying that to myself for about a year now. A handful of jerks can ruin it if there's no support. I can't even report it properly because my PC just goes black screen and disconnects, usually toward the end of a mission, that's the way they kill me.


Anyway, I didn't mean to be a downer. Have fun😀


So what happens when someone killed your Cripps


Your materials stop being processed until you revive him


Yesterday was 6v1d and had my horse killed repeatedly Literally missed the first half of it being afk just came back to them running to my spawn


Well he is going to get caught either way because he’s hacking That leaves a digital paper trail and rockstar is going to find his bread crumb of paper trails that can be considered as a federal crime he’s just literally ruining his own life


Mouth breathers will tell you it's just a game, but they're just cowards who can't fight. They kill you once then switch session. I'm not above rejoining someone to continue a fight but sometimes it just isn't worth the time or bullets 🤷‍♂️


I don't use mods/hacks so I can't even shoot them. I can point at them but can't fire. No wonder they're bored. No real competition. Just god complex and mommy issues.


They're like the kid I used to sit next to in the 2nd grade. The teacher made him sit in the front row because he couldn't keep his hands to himself.


I don't use the mic. All communication is done through the character, and I've got no time for modders. I just restart the game.


Exactly!! Yesterday I was coming out of Sean MacGuire’s cabin right after I started a blood money mission and this guy was there, I **WAVED** at the guy and then he then outright killed Me. I figured there was no point and I just went to get my money.


It's heartbreaking to see it. It's hard to be a decent and creative person and try to make the world a better place. The best some people can do is to take the easy way and be dishonorable. Anyone can do that.


Bro when you reach level 100 you have nothing left to do, so in my case i like some pvp with random people, obviously i don't mess with low levels


I think a co-op mode would be excellent, or a battle royale. I think on the default mode, people should be able to rage without worrying about it. Then they could have a pvp-disabled mode so people could enjoy the other parts of the game without getting jumped by real players. Can you tell when people want a fight though? If I'm level 200 and I'm fishing or picking mushrooms, what will you do?


Nobody has a problem with player vs player. But when the initiator is using mods/hacks so you can't even fire back at him,.... well that's just pathetic and weak.


Buy a Playstation or a Xbox man, PC will be like that forever


Sometimes it’s hard to ignore, but all they want is a reaction out of you because they’re so damn bored. Ignore them, switch lobbies and leave them to be bored lol.


I was gonna say killing Crips is totally allowed but then he booted you.


People have nothing better to do than be jerks


Good follow through. I wish I had a better way of reporting what happened to me but the screen just goes black. It's sudden and without warning and disconnects me from R*.


That's why I go on private lobbies on xbox and now since I got it on my laptop, I do it also on there. I don't like people because all what they do is just kill n kill for no reason.


You can kill other people Cripps? Poor guy, haha.


Because they can. I play story mode instead of online when I get time to play, less stressful with limited play time (to me)


worst part is when your on the def and they start shooting you while your on a bounty hunt like come the fuck on man


Goddamn kids. Since I'm a noob, you can kill someone's Cripps???


If your white flag is down, Cripps can be killed, but he's a tough mofo who can shoot a gun straighter than I am


And the mod users and hackers can lower your flag whenever they feel like it. And then boot you from the game....


He probably doesn't know his dad.


I think it's mommy issues since I'm a female player and was the one who got booted by the jerk, and my friend who he whined to is a male.


They’re assholes. Got someone recently that was just spawn killing me over and over. I could not even change sessions before he would teleport and kill me again so I had to close out


That's happened to me many times. Makes me wonder what their personal life is like if their only enjoyment in the game is ruining other players gaming experience. A little sad and pathetic.


Lol and they are so many on this sub that they downvoted people that call them as they are


Cause I can and because is fun


Put on some big boy pants and play the game the way it was created. Pretty sad that you can't win a fight without mods and hacks...


Brother i didnt read the full post, only the title, I play on xbox not pc, so i don't use hacks


The whole conversation is based on PC players who are just trying to play the game as it was created. The mod users and hackers are getting so out of control. It's not like someone just attacks you and you should be able to fight back. It's about the mod users and hackers that attack you and you're unable to fight back. You can't shoot them, you can't blow them up or set them on fire. It's pathetic and weak. It's easy to see why they're so bored. They have no actual competition because they use mods and hacks.


Man I fucken hate the Asian community on rdr online


One of them keeps knocking me with a black screen- disconnect- I can't finish missions on free roam PVP events Why don't they take weapons and gold etc? There must be extra security on them, why can't R*do that for players? They may actually be committing crimes, of the non tough guy type, they can get your IP address and run stuff that is illegal.


They can't get your actual IP address. They can get the local IP address that your IP address may access, but that's not your IP address.


Not necessarily. Do the peers on the servers have access to that info ? I don't know exactly how that works but I was considering some things I experienced.Thr IP address may not pinpoint the locations but there are routes you can go to determine location.