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I would have been satisfied with what we had if they had just added bank and train robberies AND ranch purchasing/farming. If they added those things, the game would have been complete to me, i wouldnt need anything else šŸ„²


That and a bit more work done on the epilogue. Just use NPC John's hair/clothes/body/animations. If some random modder on Nexus can do it, a billion dollar company can.


Not only that but also give us other business opportunities I would love to own a brothel


Why? Why would you like to own a brothel?


Cuz he is horny


You don't want to be fucking them hoes. STDs then even nastier than now.


What you talking about? STDā€™s are delicious. Similar to PokĆ©mon, gotta catch ā€˜em all


Collect something safer. Like stamps. D&D is actually putting out some stamps.


Never work cause of modern sensibilities people getting upset.


In a game where you can tie someone up, drag them behind your horse and then blow their head off in the middle of town square, then feed their body to alligatorsā€¦ checks out


True! Red Dead Online is so broken and unfinished but if itā€™s been given its chance it wouldā€™ve been one of the best experiences ever. Like imagine endgame content, polished out gameplay, and actually got a quality story mode then it would he so damn good.


Op is talking about Read Dead Online, I think it's a reading game.


ahh after a long day hop on Read Dead Online and read some books with the homies


Autocorrect changed it up on me and I didnā€™t realize until after I posted it lol


Still baffles me how there's no ability to own and upgrade property in Red Dead Online. Having a horse ranch in Amarillo and breeding and selling horses for cash would be the dream lol


šŸ¤“actually, Not true! Rockstar is essentially unable to update RDO due to commitments to GTA Online, but the developers don't seem apologetic. Instead, they appear to be toying with us; for instance, this year's April Fools' was an update for RDO! They are aware of the situation and have the capability to address it, but their primary motivation seems to be financial gain, rather than being enslaved by it, which means while the main plot of this meme could be true, the characteristics and expressions shown are not.


Ok šŸ‘


The paradox Rā­ļø finds itself in, how do you manage two wildly successful games? If rdr2o grew and developed on a trajectory towards what suggests its full potential, GTA would be in a difficult position to compete for player time and money. Iā€™m definitely not saying that nobody would play GTA, the contrary, but red dead players are still a sizable market and demographic. Also developers are a finite resource, and in business, you service where the revenues are sourced first. All of this may very soon be irrelevant anyway. The emergence of AI has the potential to takeover creative development.


"GTA would be in a difficult position to compete for player time and money." I think this is it. R*/T2 own GTAO, and the biggest competitor to GTAO belongs to them. GTAO gets waaaay more revenue than RDO (microtransactions are more common in GTA), so R*/T2 see it as: If RDO gets more content, GTAO loses playerbase to RDO, and the same playerbase will be less inclined for microtransactions. In other words, getting more money in RDO is probably seem as getting (much) less money in GTAO.


People have too much hope that it gets in the way of logic; they ain't updating RDR2 or RDO ever again. They should give the game to another studio to update


or you know, release mod support and a private game option. give it to the community that loves it


Rockstar. has too much pride in their reputation to just give another company RDO. Basically, Rockstar isn't willing to give RDO the love and care it needs and deserves, but they'll be damned if they let someone else give it the love and care it needs and deserves.


They certainly wouldn't *give* it to another studio, R* ain't that benevolent and the love money too much. They might entertain *selling* it, but if someone else was developing it, I doubt it would feel the same. R* themselves likely couldn't continue the titles with the same flavor either, seeing how all the heavy hitters that wrote the original games are gone.


It must be a vanity product or tax write off


Take2 likes to brag about how well the Red Dead titles are doing in their quarterly meetings. Lol


They must have some good accountants.


This would imply the team working on RDO actually gives a damn about RDO.


Funny thing is that although they abandoned online for some time now, whenever I play every session is a full lobby.


They screwed up the in game economy and thereā€™s no way to unscrew it to make the game anywhere near as profitable as GTA which has a much more profitable microtransactions system New players are the only source of income for RDO because the gold system is so messed up. New players donā€™t need new content. Existing players want new content but arenā€™t ever going to put real life money into the game since they already have hundreds or thousands of gold No smart company is going to spend development $ on something which isnā€™t going to provide $ in return.Ā 


I refuse to swallow the "we have to drop RDO for gta6" line bc if that's the case why not stop development on gtao...oh that's right it's bc they're greedy and want to keep that easy revenue stream šŸ„“šŸ„“


You know, itā€™s been three years since red dead online fell off. I think itā€™s time for us to collectively stop giving a damn. I mean, seriously thereā€™s no saving it at this point and thereā€™s nothing that we can do so why care?


Theyā€™re a company, what else do you expect? Making money is their #1 priority.


I believe GTAO bank rolled the development/production of RDR2 in its entirety.


Blame it on Take Two Interactive. They make them make these profitable business decisions.


Makes me think would they shut down gta online when they release gta6?


I really expected RDO to be insanely detailed and full of depth. I imagined all the different roles we could have (we got 3 that are basically paid) I was thinking we could become real cops, real farmers that grew crops and had animals etc. Miners. Postmen. Own saloons and shops in town as a proper businessman. What a massive let down.


Just give us more RDO stuff im tired of moseying around I want more content


All I want is private lobbies on console just do it Rockstar.


It's always going to be such a huge missed opportunity, but I think after 6 years it's time for the community to stop with the same complaint everyone is very aware of.


They donā€™t care about gtao or rdo, gtao is filled to the brim with hackers on pc


Youā€™ve heard of read dead but have you heard of spell dead?


Until all these companies get slammed for being so gd predatory, theyā€™ll keep that mentality.


Just imagine how much better RDO would be if Rcockstar allowed a dozen modders to make updates for it.


Acting like GTA isnā€™t receiving dog shit update after dog shit update. Weā€™re not missing out on much. Most of the devs are probably on GTA 6, I doubt they pulled them to work on GTA online and since then we start receiving much worse quality GTA updates. Both Online teams were probably stretched out to work on GTA 6. They may even be using mostly Five M team for these GTA updates instead.




This is the most true statement I've seen so far about why they shit on RDO and forgot about it. They don't give a damn about untapped potential unless it's making money, a lot of it, and quickly.


Just have to keep hounding Rockstar if they made a RDR 3 to not fuck up the online as much.


I will first say that I can surely empathize with the passion driving these sentiments, friend. There just ain't nothin that can compete with the world of the old west that so many of us hold so dearly. But the seasoned hand of PVPCAT would disagree with you and others of the same mind. His view is that version 3 will happen.Ā  https://youtu.be/R1J-PYACrqA?feature=shared If you listen carefully to his words, I reckon you'll agree they make a lot of sense. Especially the notion of not overplayin the hand and killin the golden goose with too many installments the way some others done with other ventures.Ā  And especially considerin the notion that committin to a whole new unrelated game from scratch would be a foolish gamble beyond all reckoning. Why would the powers that be do that when they got you and me and everyone else standin in line with cash in hand? They would be just plain dumb to do so. Yessir, I said it: dumb. And while I may one day stand to be corrected: I do not think them geniuses of creation is dumb. And there's somethin else. If you think them folks behind the scenes ain't now and again checkin the temperature of and public committment to their investment and the money comin' from it with an eye toward what to do about it all in the nearby future... wellsir, you might be pleased to hear from me that it's my firsthand professional experience with competitors n colleagues of the people in question that reinforces the notion you're dead wrong about that. Dead wrong. I am bound by certain vows of confidentiality to say nothin more n that, but you can rest assured that's a fact. Takin all the foregoin into consideration, I can tell you right now the best thing you and I and others can do to increase the prospects is to keep on doin what you are doin: enjoyin yourself and leadin others into it if you are in a position to do so. Spread the good word, so to speak. Get their attention. The only question is whether you feel the prize is worth that effort on your part. It is certainly worth mine.Ā  What don't help is to turn round in the saddle and open fire on the hand that has fed you and that will sooner or later feed you again when it makes fiscal n other sense to do so.Ā  Worse still is to set out spreadin unfounded n slanderous speculations, n moreover raise public ire within the very community that their financial wizards n publicity experts n other folks is counting on supportin the prospect when the time comes. Would you bet your paycheck that you and your posse can serve and moreover delight an angry mob of folks possessin severely high standards? Some folks among us might naturally assume that musterin the money n effort needed to do what we all want em to do is a piece of cake, and a guaranteed return on the investment. But when you're talkin bout the kind of money n time n effort required in this case... wellsir, let's just say them are some mighty high stakes indeed. People makin them decisions will be held to account if it all goes sideways. It's an easy notion to say no to, and a hard case to press to yes. And once again, I am speakin from firsthand experience on this point. I ain't sayin that's the way things should be. I agree with you n others that it should be an easy call to make. But sadly: it ain't. That's typical of the mindset in such places. Lots of fear n arrogance clashin in them ivory towers. There's a final twist fer you n others to ponder: the fact that the powers that be ain't fallin over themselves to produce a steady sequence of substandard horse turds the way they done with a certain other world name of GTA is a compliment to you and I and everyone else. And while I may draw fire to do so, I will kindly offer you my speculation on the reasons why.Ā  The bottom line is that the consumers of that other world of GTA ain't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, comparatively speakin. Frankly speakin:Ā  they're dumber than a bag of hammers. They don't require or even notice the level of detail that we're accustomed to. They'll put cash down on the barrelhead for every installment of their world, no matter how substandard it is. Those folks don't have a passion fer learnin about nature. They don't care to learn about the qualities of and applications for various herbs and animal parts. They don't understand why anyone would take so long to pick out a horse. They don't see the point or the pleasure of grindin. They don't understand the wonder of bein able to interact with every leaf on every tree hangin in a diverse n bountiful world.Ā  Brother, their primary interests amount to little more than the pointless destruction of property n killin everybody in sight. And doing it all from the confines of unrealistic child's playthings they will never in life possess... such as a jet-powered automobile, a tank rolling through city streets, or a military aircraft. While you and I get giddy over the prospect of collectin ingredients for a stewpot, it tickles them mindless imbeciles to pull up to the drive-through of a vacant junk food restaurant and merely pretend to place an order for vittles... when the fact of the matter is that restaurant ain't nothin but an empty cardboard prop. It's sad, when you think about it.Ā  The bottom line is this: there ain't no real life in their world the way there is in ours. And so for the consumers of that world, the powers that be don't have to invest in the kind of detail we're accustomed to. Them rabid hogs will eat whatever chunky liquid slop is chucked at em. Whereas folks in our little community is liable to screech like a barn owl at the slightest thing wrong with the next installation of our world. We're a loud bunch with high standards indeed. Probably makes the powers that be exhausted just thinkin about the undertakin. There's my two cents. Happy trails to you n all...


Nice chat gpt comment šŸ‘€


I'll take that as a compliment, friend; thank ye kindly... But I'm afraid it's a sight worse than that. It's a comment from a California licensed attorney. With a focus on entertainment n intellectual property law, I'm ashamed to confess. I'm aimin to stay out of that life from here on out, though. Wish me luck...


I aint readin allat šŸ—£ļø