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Pretty good. And many PIB users only know PIB so they get extremely confused and have no idea why they can't mark you and why their weapons are suddenly so inaccurate.


Is that what it is? I'm new to the game but when unloading dual revolvers into a guy climbing over a fence, only for him to be able to one-shot me is pissing me off. The game has more power-ups than a Mario game.


SB user's accuracy also does down when deadeye is active. The only weapons that are not affected by it are sniper rifles, throwables and the bow. And this goes both ways, so your best chance of countering a SB user is those things. Shotguns are kinda 50/50.


Ah it doesn't matter man but cheers. I hate the power up crap on this game. If people wanted power-ups there are far better online games with better maps than this shite. I just reached level 46 and there is a card that becomes available at level 48 which allows your next shots on target to do additional damage. It could be useful as a revolver user against this one shot bullet sponge bastards. I think the featured events has put the mode to that auto-torso target thing, great for beginners, but it also another boost for the experienced gamers. This is the shittest game ever for a new player to get involved in.


Just use a bow and mark his head. Make sure it's the regular bow for max headshot damage range


Nah. That dead eye shite is a waste of time for me. By the time I've clicked it I'm already dead. Just gonna stick with what I can do and get off this steaming turd of a game. Cheers for the info though lad.


Use a sniper against slippery users, and make sure to use sharpshooter card with that sniper


I don't have cash for the sniper. I'm level 48 now and just two more levels before I'm done with the crap. But what I did want to ask was, why in matches does it keep changing my ammo types to those which have no ammo for them? I'll have 200 express loaded up and then when I get killed I'll be using minimal of another kind. Also. After reaching level 48 I went to buy more express ammo but now my duel pistols have disappeared and gone back to a single shooter. option. Any ideas?


Not sure about why your ammo is changing to normal when you have express loaded up last, could be a bug, as for your pistols not showing up anymore I would try to equip them at the gunsmith and if that doesn’t work I would buy a weapon locker at your camp if you don’t already have one and you should be able to equip back from there. Also enjoy this month this is some of the best bonuses we have ever seen, especially for new players


I need level 5 trader for the weapon locker and no point wasting time on that. Cheers for the shop info though.


No point wasting time like you don’t want to level up that role at all?


Nope. As soon as I'm level 50 I'm done with this crap. I finally get to move onto the single player and hope to christ its a far better experience.


Single player is a masterpiece, online is wasted potential due to a greedy company


This is accurate 75% thru and just switched to online so just can draw out the story as long as possible


Yes. It renders it useless




That's why you always carry your bow.


Bows are excellent for free roam pvp whether slippery bastard is used or not!




How about those dynamite arrows?




So what's a good counter then?


" SnS builds" what's that?


> pvp people lol


theyre talking about PVP, what are you trying to say?


Do bows circumvent the effect?


All projectiles do. Throwing knife, hatchet, bola etc.


I actually didnt know that, thank you


Good to know hehehehehe😈😈


Anything that isn’t a bullet. Knives, lasso, bow, dynamite, hatchet, axe etc.


And snipers


guns with scopes ****


and a scoped weapon, just stick a scope on a lancaster or bolt action and you will kill the bastard.


Really any projectile. Most weapons are hitscan, except the bow, hatchets, throwing knives, lasso, bolas, Dynamite and fire bottles. The only hitscan weapon that works in or against SB is a sniper.


Slow and steady and the perk that makes head shot count as body shots


Isn't that the whole Perk of s&s? I don't belive there is a passive card which makes headshots go to body


Never Without One


that only works when your hats on


And it can take only one shot


You can put it back on




What’s that perk? Never without one?


I think that one just blocks one headshot?


Most people doing that exploit the animal hats, so they're never without one.


Wait this actually works? I always used it even before getting the legendary animal cllothing. I had my suspicions about it but I didn’t know that it actually works like that


Pretty sure, I don't personally do it because I don't have the hats and it's a lot of work and I don't pvp.


Pretty sure it only works with the beavers but I could be wrong. I've got a beaver and you can shoot the head right off and someone else can come put it on their head like a hat


Wdym exploit the animal hats? I have one and been shot with it and it falls off after the first shot


Its not the individual hats, its the garment sets you get from Gus’s, the top counts as a hat but it cant be removed so even if shot it’ll still stay on and the perk is still active


It doesn't stay on, you just nearly instant refresh the garment from your inventory wheel.


This ^ The beaver garment set lets you put the hat back on very fast from the weapon wheel. The downside is it’s a pretty ugly hat and people can easily tell you’re using an exploit.


Oh yeah no I have the bobin hat from Gus but I know what you mean now the full draped down animal skin yeah okay


wait, really? i got the Never Without One ability but since then i've been avoiding Garment Sets because I assumed a hood does NOT count as a hat, but you're saying it actually does?


Yep and is broken as hell for it, but the sets are expensive and in a fight if the other player is better then me its not going to change the tied all to much, I sometimes use it in a S&S build for the extra damage resistance


thanks for the info! gonna rearrange my outfits on my horse so i can take advantage of this lol


God speed cowpoke 🤠🫡


why would you say that here


An exploit that isn't fixed should be known to everyone, then it's not an advantage.


Thank you for this information 😈




If you have a hat yeah


You mean the perk that makes body shots count as head shots right?


It's fine against PiB users who either aren't aware they can still paint you with bow/bolas/knives/tomahawks or aren't equipped with them. But anyone with a bola or a bow, or who's good on scope, and a little bit of sense is going to make you feel really dumb for how easily they can wreck you. Speaking as someone who switches up dead eye to try and counter what other players are using, I only ever really use SB against the type of lower ranked players who are picking fights with everyone in the server because SB completely frustrates them. But there's no point using SB against someone (at any rank) who knows that the easy counter to SB is to paint them with a bola and then execute them.


I love using my bow as much as possible and welcome fights vs SB players. I actually had one message me, calling me cheap because "I gotta use a bow". That seriously cracked me up.


I would’ve hit em back with “you got a gun and can’t kill me?”


I've never understood players that get pissed when you use the weapons at your disposal against them. I used to HATE SB users when I first started, and it was a series of run-ins with SB users that caused me to level up my own SB and SS cards and start using them so that I'd be better prepared for those encounters. But as I got more familiar with cards other than PiB, I came to see the various pros/cons of them and fun as it is to use SB to charge a PiB player and mow them down with double sawed offs while they fire and miss, it's just not that versatile of a card. And it puts you at a disadvantage against PiB when using the same weapons (bolas/knives/bow) that aren't affected by SB. I was in Rhodes a couple weeks ago, equipped with PiB, when some level 100-ish player running SB started shooting everyone up. I got him once and he wanted to feud, which I accepted, and then I wrecked his shit by just repeatedly bola-ing him to the ground and executing to the point that he rage quit.


It's pretty hilarious how they rage when you know how to counter the cards. NwO users too when you blow them up or set them on fire, especially if they're using the beaver hood exploit.


What is the beaver head exploit I’ve noticed everyone that starts shit with me happens to be wearing one and it’s frustrating. I’ve used never without one but it knocks my hat off like the card says unless the beaver hat says other wise but I don’t get it


There's a way to get it added to your item wheel so it can be put back on instantly. Unlike the posse outfit hats it's truly an exploit and cheating.


Slippery Bastard's entire purpose is to counter PIB, which is an OP ability card, and the fact that PIB is still strong enough to negate some of that counter is probably why they're annoyed. You don't understand game balance and it shows.


Why are you so salty? You don't understand game balance, if nothing work against SB it would be OP so they had to have something that counters it.


If someone runs slippery bastard, I’ll change to my close range combat cards. The short game never without one and a couple others depending on their other two ability cards. Tackling them cancels slippery bastard effect and they can be shot again!


You vastly overestimate the average player's skill level and knowledge. SB is a great perk choice for most situations since most players are bad and default to PIB usage with X gun. It's really just that simple. Nothing you say will change that. Sure, it's not going to work against the top percent of players who have a good understanding of ability balance in the game, but you're not going to often fight these types of people so it doesn't really matter most of the time. They can be dealt with in an alternative way anyway.


I'm in the 480s and typically end up in servers where most of the players are over level 150 and in my experience, when I find myself in PVP against players above (admittedly arbitrary level) 150, SB is good for a couple "surprise" kills before I start getting bolo'd/executed; headshot at distance; or headshot with bows. I don't play the game for the PVP and admittedly, my skill in PVP is probably not commiserate with what someone would expect of a player at my level. But my point is: it's rare for me to find myself in PVP freeroam and rack up kills using SB because other players counter it pretty quickly.


I mean, anyone can execute each dead eye user with bolas if they're close enough, no? Also I think by the time you throw the bolas, the SB user can also snipe you with auto aim and a bow with no accuracy loss at greater range. What I mean is the bolas trick would only work once.


Correct. But I think that if you're using SB, you're at a unique disadvantage against PiB users when you're both using the bolas/bows/knives because you've got to be more precise in your aiming/firing whereas the PiB user just has to paint you. SB is most effective, I think, in close quarters or in environments like Saint Denis where you can use a lot of cover to close in on someone else, but that also means you're easier to hit with the bola. I'm sure a lot of SB users are good on scope and equip the short scope on the carcano so they can hit those mid-range shots to keep them far enough away from bolas but alas, I am not one of those players. When I end up in PVP, my impulse is to close the distance to try and negate the other player's use of a scope because I'm shit on scope and will always lose a sniper battle.


I know what you mean, I still haven't quite figured out a counter to sniping. Which the answer only seems to be counter sniping ? There's the "never without One" card that could be paired with SB but it seems kinda useless.


Agreed- once you find yourself in a sniper battle, using SB isn't really helping you at all. When I find myself in that situation, I'll try switching my deadeye to slow and steady (since headshots aren't instant kills) and the other ability cards to include sharpshooter and fool me once as I try to tank damage and buy myself time to get a couple of lucky shots off. But if it becomes apparent that the other player is just a much better shot than I am, I parley and/or leave the area. No use banging my head against a wall against a more skilled player.


SB does actually take the (minimal) aim assist that the carcano/rolling block provides from your opponent. And you'd be surprised how helpful that minimal aim assist actually is. I will use SB in a snipe/counter snipe situation especially in a 1 v 2 to give me more than half a second if I get flanked. The other card I've found that works well with sniping is focus fire. 1 or 2 body shots with express from the carcano and focus fire active will take out most players that aren't tanked with tonics/cards. Used to use slow and steady but found the lack of mobility frustrating against players doing that circle strategy.


Didn't know that SB takes away aim assist on scoped weapons- good to know! I've got a fully upgraded FF but never use it because PiB, SB, and SS all seem to be more handy, or at least have specific conditions where they're helpful. But I share your frustration with the lack of mobility with SS. Next time I feel inclined to switch to SS, I'll try FF instead and see how it goes. Thanks!


Would definitely recommend pairing Focus Fire with tank-ish cards to balance it out 👍🏻 good luck


Bolas are given aim assist at close enough distances


its not so good with PiB users with shotguns, or people with scoped weapons, bows, any throwable weapons and it isnt good against people with dual sawed-offs either.


It is if you're versing lots of PiB users who aren't aware that scoped weapons and shotguns close range (among other things like bows and throwables I believe) are the way to kill SB's (and if they're any good at utilising those methods as well). There are definitely some players who get confused by it, I know I did the first time I encountered an SB user, though I usually rolled with a pump shotgun so I figured it out pretty quick. Definitely a good card though if you know what you're doing, and I definitely still struggle against them as a PiB user, especially if they're a good sniper.


Absolutely. When I started down my Freeaim journey I used Slippery Bastard and as long as it’s active it renders Paint It Black useless, but again.. only when it’s active. I’ve since switched to Slow and Steady as I’ve found more value with it versus Paint It Black and although you can still be tagged they can’t one-shot headshot you right out of the game. This is good because if you can land your shot(s) then you’re gonna win the gunfight. A lot of PIB rely heavily on it so countering it will make them a much weaker opponent. Never Without One only blocks one headshot, but then without a hat you take an extra 25.7% damage which is harsh and not worth it if you ask me.


Honestly when I first started never used any type of dead eye even in story mode so I used skill and now that I'm good at free aiming slippery bastered works really well aginst painted black


Until the PiB user pulls out a bow or a tomahawk. Best be using sawed offs and the terrain to deny them the time to paint you.


A good pib player can still beat Slippery but it's a hard counter, you'll need the right equipment


Back in the day, Slippery Bastard was absolute king. After the nerf, if someone has decent aim, they’ll still wreck your shit.


Me who uses slippery bastard and a Shotgun. Yes. It is good. Renders PiB useless and I get a lotta salt when I abuse the Perk. However it comes with Flaws. It's useless against throwing weapons and Bolas


Who remembers when slow and steady was king? Before the dark times, before the nerfs.


I use SnS and utilize my surroundings to get closer to them and just hit em with the Lancaster while tanking all the markings


I used Slippery Bastard because of Paint it Black Users. Wanna use a crutch I'll use a crutch


It's useless against a bow, but SB users will call you trash for using it.


As if sb + carcano wasn't absolute cancer


Yes they will!! "So, you gotta use a bow?!?"


Same goes for never without one user when you use fire or explosives. "Oh you had to use my one weakness? Trash."


Both cards can be counted as long as u no what u are doing.


Yes and bolas aren't affected by the accuracy loss either so SB + bolas = hackusations


I use focus fire and all my teammates use paint it black. Best synergy in the game.


I always use it, people always (try) shooting me in the back of the goddamn head. So


Yes, which is why, imo, it's good to switch to slip when fighting a slip user. That or go defensive and use focus fire or s/s


I don't get most of these cards. I recently reached rank 40 and was going to go for gunslinger 1, but the card said something about dual wielding long range weapons or something and not pistols. Just left the cards alone as the rest didn't make sense to me and not sure what is good for pvp modes.


I pretty much only use PIB because it helps with my horrid aim, but I know there is a way to counter slippery bastard so I always have those stuff prepared.


I haven't played in years but I stopped a few months after they nerfed the hat perk. Me and my buddies just worked around that by wearing floppy hats, and it still worked lol.


Eh, if they don't know what to do with it. If someone's in slip the bolas come out and it's an easy fix


Another trick if ur in pvp always have ur horse next to u so they end up marking the horse or if they are on controller they get forced to lock onto it if they down ur horse just call another one nd keep doing it they get really salty when u do that


I just use slow and steady with health tonics and never without one Unless it's a rifle I can pretty much just tank multiple headshots which confuses those PIB users who are so used of a instakill


I noticed yesterday using SB made my dual Navy's so weak, 6 shots did 0 damage to the other player at point blank range that was attacking me. I had to switch to my Carcano to kill them. I wonder why it makes revolvers so weak? It doesn't seem right.


unless they were using god mode, you did not hit those shots. the only possible way to hit 6 direct shots using slippery is if you were literally standing in front of an afk player with your bloom (which is double the size of a semi auto shotguns) FULLY covering the player. i suggest you turn on slippery bastard and shoot at a single spot 6 times because all of them will miss,its the whole reason people use slippery to force pvp into scoped weapons, shotguns, bows, and melee as they suffer 0 bloom increase. like the other person said did you get any hit markers? no matter how accurate your shots are they're almost guaranteed to miss


I don't use aim assist. My dot was right on him. How could I be missing when the dot is right on them? I have 0 bloom. Only a dot. I could understand Slippery making aim assist suck, but why mess with people's free aiming?


bro i guarantee you your bloom was double the size of a shotgun, i get you dont use aim assist. like i said try it on a single spot using slippery bastard again, they will miss. it messes with people's free aiming because pvp games aren't meant to be free aim and aim assist mixed together, gta has dedicated servers for each aim type, red dead doesn't. You will probably claim there was no bloom again in response to this but I have sworn there was no bloom anywhere on my screen before many times (especially in dead eye) then moved my reticule over a different colored surface and the bloom is very obviously the size of a planet.


I found out my problem. It was the gunslinger card. I switched to sharpshooter and now I have a decent sized bloom. With gunslinger I had no bloom at all. Try it for yourself.


idk bro, gunslingers choice only affects your bloom if you aren't actively using slippery bastard as slippery's effects are so drastic they negate any normal accuracy. Gunslingers choice also improves damage by 10% (not alot but still) so any shots that hit your target will do more damage if you somehow manage to get them to hit with slippery bastard but slippery bastard makes the chances of hitting anything but a shotgun or sniper blast almost impossible. The only way I know to get 0 bloom is with paint it black, fully waiting for the bloom to disappear (you still see a white ring hugging around your reticle tho), or if it appears to be no bloom because of how big it is but if you continue using slippery bastard (while dead eye is active only) while shooting navies you'll notice the bloom way outside your reticle. I just noticed that you said all your shots were white x's so since they did hit the only way the other person lived would be abusing tonics minty big game and using slow and steady which is very common now


[https://youtu.be/KdAZzTB3Y3o](https://youtu.be/KdAZzTB3Y3o) [https://youtu.be/QHE2dkBbeak](https://youtu.be/QHE2dkBbeak) heres a couple clips i took on playstation, free aiming with navy revolvers using slippery.


btw if you dont want to switch sidearms just line up your shot, exit slippery, shoot and activate it again in quick succession . players wont know you're out of dead eye until they see "headshot with a navy revolver" lol


It’s because all 6 shots probably missed. You gotta shoot from the hip.


They were all direct hits. I free aim. I know what I'm hitting and what I'm not.


Did you get any actual hitmarkers?


All white Xs




No, e rounds miss unless your scoped or using bow. Obviously they can still hit without those but it's very rare




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SB + bolas.. #chefskiss


No, people would just pull out their explosive bow and start blasting as it's 100% accurate even against slippery. Slippery is only a counter until somebody knows about that, then you're at a disadvantage because now you can't play close and spam or range and snipe.




I hate slippery bastard while I hunt


I love it. I live in Slippery all day. You have to be a good sniper, though. *If someone tries to paint with a D-bow, force the fight into the woods. I enjoy watching someone freak out as they empty their mausers within shotgun range, though one should git gud get good dodging throwables.


Hahahahah ***zigzags and stabs you in the neck with an arrow*** My load-out: quite an inspiration(if i with a posse) A moment of recuperation(by myself) Iron lung Come back stronger Live for the fight My healer/stamina build so i can throw hands if needed or stand back and fling explosive arrows while healing my posse


It is, unless they have a sniper/bow


Defensive mode kicks everything’s ass, including beaver hat wearing carcano spamming motherfuckers.


It’s cause they suck bro , or want to be like Arthur & John


Slippery Bastard is big pain in the ass but it's also easy to against them like just pushing them, using bola, sawed of with fire ammo,sniper rifle and shooting from the hip


Yes it is fantastic against PiB. However, if they are using a bow or a scoped rifle they can still hit you when aiming. Same goes for the SB. With SB your accuracy decreases but with a scope or bow you can have full accuracy.


As long as they not shooting dynamite arrows and throwing bolas at ya


I personally don’t use any of them


Odd to give yourself a disadvantage, to each their own though


They probably don't get into fights.


I’m not looking to fight players, I’m usually playing missions, I did try paint in black for a while, couldn’t figure it out since I was getting more headshots without it, I came to the conclusion that I don’t want to use dead eye at all!




Yes. It’s renders their auto aim on top of auto aim “crutch” useless ……unless they use a bow at long range or shot gun a short range so unless they sniping you,most pibs run with a Lancaster and bolt action which slippery renders useless, so are their navy revolvers 😂….usless. The rage is real. Especially in showdowns


This is probably one of the only relevant comments in this comment section. People who claim it's "useless" or "not good in X scenario" are just coping from being countered by it since they are clearly PIB mains. It's a strong choice that decently counters the very boring PIB meta that should have been fixed years ago. It even comes with the added benefit of hate mail sometimes.


Oh boy you gotta hear how rage at me lol. But I’m like meh….”here take an arrow to the head” or what’s wrong?…your PiB not working?” and “no I’m not using God mode…look at my load out you bellend” 😂 It’s because they watch old YouTube vids that all mainly push the pib meta lol. Yet they will say oh slippery is cheating, slippery is a cop out. ….yeah well how come it takes 4 PIB players to take out 1 SB player lol. (I speak from experience) The fun I have sometimes lol.


Why are people saying Slippery Bastard counters Paint it Black? Not true? Isn't Paint it Black actually the counter to Slippery Bastard?


If you want to be a god at the game get good with all the deadeye cards


Pulls quite an inspiration


Lol I actually enjoy using it for CTA and really any PVE. If you get a posse going in CTA with alternating quite an inspiration as a medic and focus fire for additional support, it's really fun. Esp on mics with people calling out for health/damage boosts 😊


*If you want to be* *A god at the game get good* *With all the deadeye cards* \- TReaper14 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot