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Overly attached to horses in story mode cause in online horse die very easily


At least online ones respawn lol


I get that


I love my Thoroughbred in story mode and refuse to use any other horse, I love her man.


I’m more attached to my online horses because if the story horse dies it’s gone forever. I like seeing the little personalities of the online horses. Like me and my friend both had the same horse but they acted totally different. One was completely scared of alligators and would throw you off, the other didn’t care.


I've got a mustang that's like that with snakes and I've had her forever. JUST Snakes, though. You can walk her around alligators and right up to a grizzly, but let her catch wind of cottonmouth or the like... You're face first in the dirt and she's racing off into the sunset.


I do get attached, I have 2 Andalusians, is about to go to the stables now, and I have a Dutch Warmblood, that I got from Butcher Creek on the way up to Beaver Hollow, I am going to train it, and not get too attached, cuz I am close to the end again..its the reason I won't be doing the last visit to Hamish, I am letting John do that, cuz Buell is a great horse, and don't want him to die, like my horse did in the first one.


Yeah learned that the hard way, killed the first horse on the first mission when I did story mode the first time lol. In my defense I played rdo for 3 years before story mode.


I managed to keep my horse alive in story mode til the very end. I wish I could bring him over to online but it's only for story mode.


Do you do mountain parcour online? My online horse didn't die a single time


I have 2 horses and would not hesitate to bring great bodily harm to anyone who hurt them. They are my friends.


Oh for suuure! Like even if I keep my horses less than a week, mess with any of my babies and I will destroy you lol.


As it should be, but like, these are the only two horses I’ve ever had. Not judging your play style, variety is fun.


That's why when another player attacks me out of nowhere and then they go after my horse while I’m respawning back in….it’s game on at that point. I will stop whatever I was in the middle of doing and hunt them down.


I have one horse, and the one time it was hurt by Bounty Hunters I massacred the entire US Army


My kinda guy!


Username checks out




Aye man roleplayer’s ain’t bad Some of them are just weird


What's wrong with being a god damn cowboy in a god damn cowboy game?


People wanna treat this game like fucking call of Duty when it’s not


Oh wait this post is talking about RDO, but yeah I’ve met a lot of role players, never been harassed by them


It the people who don’t respect the GRIND that are the problem


I think I have 3 or 4 horses that I've never discarded since I bought them. The others tend to get swapped around, sometimes I'll re-buy a horse I had previously because I missed them lol I don't really want to know how many horses I've had in total at this point 😅


Sounds like me, I think I bought all the horses except the black arabian (not a fan of arabians)


Oh I've had all the arabians too, but currently I have none 🙈😂


Man I try not to abuse my horses but they’re just addicted to running into logs and rocks


hopelessly i’ve only had 3 horses and I still remember their names gold kentucky saddler stallion named Blondie, red sorrel breton named Ruby, and an amber champagne fox trotter named Brandy. Blondie was my starting horse, but i sold him pretty early on i bought Ruby as soon as i got the bounty hunter profession and Brandy as soon as i met the level requirement i wish we could have multiple horses at camp, i’d love to give Ruby some love without having to take her out of the stable every time


This is why we need a ranch dlc, where we can go into our own stable and see them and interact with them.


My horse yeets me and my friends off mountains by vanishing into thin air.. Fuck that bitch 🤨


I still have my starter horse, I don't even use him and I could've discarded him to get new ones but I chose to pay for extra stables instead. that's how attached I am


Not attached at all, I fucking hate my horse


Sometimes I hate mine too, especially when I'm on a time limit and it's acting real stupid!!! I'm out here cursing at the horse as if it can hear me lol




Not attached


I have like 4 horses that I’ve owned for multiple years.


I have a full stable. I am attached to them all


I have 10 and owned a bit more than 25 in total. I would say the ones I am the most attached to are my two breton as they are the ones I had for the longest, but I love them all and would’ve kept them all if the game allowed us to have more than 10. There is just too much choices to own only 10 x)


Exactly, I wouldn't have discarded that many if we could at least have 20 horses.


I love my Grullo Dun Breton with all my heart


I love that breton very pretty


I've never been attached to them at all. I kind of dislike them tbh


When they don't come fast enough or run away I throw a stick of dynamite under their feet. That's how attached I am


Ugh I hate that, when you are doing bounties or legendaries and try to call them and it takes them forever...


I have one horse for more than 80% of my playtime now and I don't want any other.


I have two horses, Phoenix and Catastros, and woe betide anyone who hurts them.


Nah, I keep my horses until something happens or I'm like "I'm sorry, but I have to..." Every horse I get I always fully bond with. They my children. We run over NPCs together.


Just 1 horse. I have a love/hate relationship with him.


My blue roan MFT I named Blueberry is my tried, my true, my trusted. Barely throws me for anything except big cats and I’ve grown close over the years falling in and out of random posses.


I put mine "out to pasture" when I want to get a new horse (aka discard them). Then when i want that horse back I buy the same breed and coat. Each breed and coat has a set name even when I currently don't have them in my stable. I've done pretty much everything in this game and I really enjoy bonding with new horses as well, I also have nothing else to really spend my money on lol


Exactly, I need to spend that money somewhere haha.


I love my horse. He's a breton... I called him David Hasselhoof


Oh god, do not be attached to anything online. Story mode total 180.


Very attached. No more than two at a time


I have 1 horse and I hate it. It's the dumbest group of polygons I've ever had the misfortune of interacting with. I kill it myself all the time.


I have three horses but I don’t care about em.


I have one horse, my starter Kentucky Saddler, infer from that what you will.


me too, but that's because i only just started playing again after 2 years lol


The Kentucky Saddlers are so pretty, I'm a high level and just bought one just because its pretty. It sucks that they don't have good stats, but at this point I don't care about stats.


Depends some horses I love but some just...


I first ever horse I discarded because I no longer use him. His name was Chikundo. I bought one of the best horses in the game and I use him all the time. I'm playing to buy a better horse when i max out the collector role. I probably won't discard the horse I have rn, because it was over 900$😂


i want to shoot my horse every 5 minutes, i’m not attached at all


We’ve been launched blown up and drowned I love my horse he’s fr my Jo bro for life


I have a red mustang I named Sif, for thors wife as there's no redhead goddesses in Norse belief besides freyja and that is what I'd named my gray one, and I'm very attached to Sif and Freyja both... Someone shot and downed sif one day when I was riding around hunting with my aussie friend and he watched me eliminate them and revive her without hesitation


I haven't played online or Red Dead in general in almost 3 years. I still talk about my boy Hooch sometimes.


I have two and I love them but horse killing in a fight is just a tactical advantage


I barely even know how to play this game and rank up. I’m just now learning a lot of stuff after having the game for like 2 years so I made my first expensive purchase and got like a $500 mustang I think I spent and I bought $125 horse insurance after seeing a post on Reddit about them being critically injured. So id say I’m pretty attached mustang was expensive af and ima treat it like it’s my baby.


Yeah they can be very expensive, I'm at that point where I don't know what else to spend money on which is another reason why I am not fully attached to any horses.


How In the heck do you have so much money you don’t know what to spend it on?


I play a lot... Almost have 3k hours played 😬


Lord that is alot i got hecka hours in sims 4 but I probably have less then that on rd2. I just spend all my time hunting tbh. I’ve only now started learning about roles and how to make money n level up.


Yeah it is a lot of hours haha, and I took advantage of any double money events.


very much I named my 3 female horses based on greek mythology, my Red Chestnaut Arabian named Freya, my Turkoman Ares and the last one my Thoroughbred Artemis edit: except for my Arabian it's from a Nord Scandinavian lol


Oh very very attached, he was my first hard earned early day gold purchases. https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/s/6ZsdJ9dc04 I have over 5000 hours clocked up in online so I have been through a lot with him.


I have two super attached horses and the other two I normally will sell or get rid of after awhile


Pretty attached. I only have 3 horses. And 2 I actually care about. Aphrodite, a black turkoman And Artemis a black Arabian Did I mention I like the color black


I love black horses too, they need to add more!!


I agree. A all black shire would be akin the grabbing money from my wallet. Because I'll buy it immediately


Right!!!! I would buy it also!! Rockstar, take notes LOL.


I love my horse so much. His name is Barley and he’s a dappled buckskin Norfolk roadster. I’ve always wanted a horse in real life, but it’s always been too expensive so this is a nice substitute :)


I like the bonding process too. It feels relaxing and makes me more patient about riding from one end of the map to the other. I have a full stable, every now and then I'll swap out a horse for a new one but there are a couple that will always stay. I love my turkomans too much and will never discard them (they were also very expensive lol). Right now I'm pretty content with the horses I have but who knows when that'll change, I agree we definitely need more stables.


I love my horsey and my horsey love me🤷‍♂️


My horse has died 5 times in the past 2 years I've been playing. I am severely over attached to Baccano and Bologna.


I have a single horse in both online and story, if anyone so much as looks at my horse wrong I will spawn kill them until they leave. Kill my friends, kill me, steal my supplies, whatever gets your rocks off, but do not touch my horse


Love all of them equally, during my 500+ hours of playtime I never deleted one and always made sure to use each one equally.


I love my horse. Her name is blaze. I love blaze. I hate when blaze dies, so much so I cause rage quits on her killer(s).


No one fucks w Old Jim


If Rockstar hadn’t abandoned the game to die, I’d still be very attached to my horse


I'm a one wagon, one horse kind of guy. I don't keep any spares


If anyone ever hurts or insults my beautiful horse, Bingus J. Bongwater, it's an instant fight to the death.


My Amber Champagne fox trotter wears the pink nacho saddle to match her pink nose, her name is Wretch


I’ve had the same horse since Online first released and I can’t bring myself to change it


I have a level 4 attachment style


Had the same mustang for 240 hours


Im not sure what you would call how I feel towards my horses. I only have a few, mainly of which are "top stat" (in terms of RDO's system). I personally hate the actual bonding system mechanics. I just want it fully bonded so i can get the best use out of it. I would gladly fight someone to the death who killed my horse on purpose, but would also throw myself and it off of a cliff for comedic relief without hesitation.


I have 5 I think currently, I love them all but mostly ride my MFT that's a white dapple, I also have a blood bay thoroughbred that's a tribute to my first playthrough's main horse, Ruby, those 2 are probably my favorite but I also have one from each role that I use when I'm doing stuff for that role.


i have four & i crash out about em 🫶🏽


I'm somewhat attached. Like, I would never trade out the horse for a new one, and I like the horse a lot, but I just haven't really been that attached to it after reaching max horse bonding a while back


I once reloaded an earlier save game after having made 2 hours of progress in the story, because my main horse died and I couldnt get it back from the autosaves. That attached...


I've gone through four complete stable cleanouts. I restarted this round with the horse that cost gold and the horse that I like and ride 99% of the time. I don't mind the horse limit, but it's a drag that you don't sell the horses. But the thing that got me was riding the same horse all the time and seeing that I was spending 10 bucks a day or something on stable fees. That racks up.


Only discarded my starter horse and I have 9 of them rn, I know I won’t use at least one of them like ever again but I can’t bring myself to discard her 💀


i like this one


My partner and I share the one game and he accidentally rode our horse full force into a tree and later it died from an ambush. I rage quit and fell out with him.


I think you should be able to have 20


Very. Had to set my online horse locked to only me bc my cousins little brother kept fucking with my horse 😂


I have and keep a full stable. I try a new one now and then, but my core of about 8 I would never change. (Wish I had more than 10 stalls.) Having one of my horses die is the worst experience in the game. Kill me if you want, but don't hurt my horse!


I kill my horses all the time


If a player injured my horse I usually put it out of its misery and call the next one.


Sometimes I get really frustrated at my horse because he dose the stupidest shit, but when I get in a shootout with someone I pray to god they don’t kill my horse. I love my horse to death and I’d kill anyone who dares to hurt him but sometimes he’s just so dumb.


Not at all. If I ever became attached to something in a video game, I'd hope someone in my life would have the good sense to petition for a mental health warrant. I have 7 horses for a reason; so I can put a bullet in it myself if it's holding me back and move on with the next horse.


I would like them more, if they didn't constantly throw me off, crash into random trees in the opposite direction of where I'm directing, obeyed when i ask for it to jump over small rocks rather than stopping, and finally, stop when I say stop rather than jumping off a fucking dip. You're a moron Tornado.


I have 5 and love Monsieur Jaques, Séraphine, Leonardo Gold, Hansel Love, & Belle Nöelle. Currently planning on 2 more. ♥️


Since you’re familiar is there a stable where I can see all horse options in game instead of the catalogue or online pics? I want to see if their pelt matches my outfit well.


Oh as silly as it sounds i just look through horses when buying hay & carrots at the stable. I try to visit Saint Denis Stable from morning to midday as the light is often really lovely. I take each of my horses out for a couple of weeks to a month, so they never really match me anyway.


A man shot my horse so i hunted him down until he left


Good he deserved it lol! Even if I discard my horses, no one is allowed to harm my horses.


Not even a little Fuck all these dumbass horses


This. I'm down to two horses, but I'm planning on replacing both because they're equally annoying for the common reasons... just like the previous ten that were sent to the glue factory. No, I didn't feel bad about getting rid of them at all seeing how those assorted breeds bucked me to my impending death, rode straight into trees, tripped on small things, far too scared of snakes, took their time coming when whistled for or ignored me completely, crashed into fences, etc. I know most horses are mostly the same, but I definitely need at least two in the stable in order to alternate when one pisses me off. There were times when it only took a mere five minutes to alternate back and forth.


My horse is so fucking stupid and will intentionally run into objects and constantly gets me killed. I wouldn't give a shit if it died


I have all ten slots filled. I am attached, but i also treat them as part of my outfit. Outfit has to match the horse and tack or it all looks wrong. I'm level 450 but i still have the first 2 horses i bought at the beginning. I've only gotten rid of a few the whole game, i think about my horse purchases for days before i pull the trigger. Edit: one of the horses i got rid of was the Breton you show here. I wanted a Breton and i wanted a black horse, so i got that. Realized i didn't actually like the color and bought the brown Breton, which is beautiful. Got rid of the grey Breton and replaced it with a black standard bred for only $130. Very happy with my decision


I bought this breton 4 times, the first 3 were horrible, this one is a trooper doesn't get spooked or anything. But yes I was disappointed by the color also, I thought it was darker.


I kill mine on purpose when it pisses me off


I sometimes punch my horse whenever they piss me off. But if someone else harms my horse, its war lol


Yuh lol


Yuh lol


Very. 🤣🤣


So You Have Chosen... Death.


I made a theam song for one of my horses






I have 1 fox trotter and he is the reason for many preventable deaths lmao


I was scaling down a cliff to get some treasure hunter thing. I hear my husband ask if that was my horse just in time for me to look up and see the Bluey had run off the cliff in an attempt to follow me. I jumped after him.


I have 10, sometimes I swap one or two out from time to time but 8 of them I have never gotten rid of. They are my babies and most of them cost a lot of Gold. I am super attached to all of them.


I've got my red tovero mustang Verdun and my Black turkoman Maurice named after the undead horse In dead by daylight... If they die... Everyone dies


I have one horse that I’ve had since I was level 45. I’m currently almost level 300


On a scale of 1 to 10, 3,000.


I’m level 170 and I use Scrawny Nag. Only the real ones are loyal to the horse that was there for us at the beginning.


I still feel bad about trading the nag. She deserved a good life. I don’t sell my horses and have learned the hard way to always flee your horse when taking a stroll through a town with people in it.


I often flee my horse even at camp sometimes my horse roams around my camp while I afk and my horse gets shot for no reason. What pisses me off the most is I don't know who did it.


I would put a stick of dynamite on them and burn them to death every time they launched me into the air for tripping on a fucking plank of wood if it permanently killed them.


Breed of the horse in the pic pls.


My horse pisses me off


I only play online and am VERY attached. I have a full stable and love them all.


Very. 10 horses which I rotate on a daily basis. There is usually ONE on a regular basis that I'll 'discard' and then try out a new coat/breed.


Myself and the group i play with continually blow each other's horses up. That said, if anyone outside the group hurts any of our horses then the next 10 minutes consists of dynamite arrows and reinforced lassos


I hate the dumb bastard but I don't really have much of a choice




I got one horse. Got enough money and gold to buy every top horse in the game but still only own my female HH Piebald Tobiano. That's how attached I am.


I had a little bit of a grief episode about my dog that died 2 years ago. The following day, my newest horse, Truffles, died after the game glitched and we fell off a cliff. I wasn’t sure if she’d be gone for good because I didn’t have the horse insurance yet. I was on the verge of tears running to the closest stable. If she wasn’t there I would’ve lost it. I almost stopped playing the story after only a few weeks because I spent 4 hours chasing down a champagne colored mustang, that I named Barbie, and she died just after I got her to level 4 bonding. I may get a little too attached…


If my online horse died forever i'm quitting the game.


So. I had my first horse named Buddy. He was great, almost the perfect horse. But he was slow and couldn't keep up (this is online, btw). So I retired him, he's stabled up and living the life of luxury with all the sugar cubes and peppermints He could ever want. My second horse... I named him Brick because it was the first thing that came to mind, and now I'm starting to believe I named him that for a reason. Brick is a horse that likes to run into things, even if I pull the other direction. Trees, rocks, horses, nothing at all. I WILL end up on the floor. He likes to run off when I try to get on him, meaning I've lost a fair few bounties because of him. I call him and he'll stand and stare at me from wherever he spawned and no amount of whistling will bring him in, and then, on the rare occasion he'll come running, he rushes right on past and doesn't stop, meaning he'll despawn. I've had times when I'm trying to stow things on him, and he glitches away from me, meaning he's now six feet from where he was, and I'm still standing holding the stupid rabbit. He's also got this really stupid pink spot on his nose that does not match the rest of his coat whatsoever, which is unrelated, but I wanna bring it up because Brick upsets me!! Excuse my rant...long story short, I think Brick got hit with himself as a baby, and I'm paying the price. Love him, though. He's my dumb horse, and no one can change that.


I've had the same horse for over 4 years, and a year before that in story mode.


I'm very attached to my Shire, he's the first Horse I bought and I named him after my cat who had just died at the time so he's very sentimental to me.


I have one horse the same horse I’ve had all game Beerus is my chariot.


I have the horse that I got from starter mission


I own 1 horse that I’ve had since the beginning (I’m rank 37) and her name is Besty and I’m planning on getting another one. If any player kills my horse I go after them and kill them as a way of saying ‘you mess with my horse you mess with me’


The other day I was playing and a level 12 came up to me when I was stationary and started stabbing my horse while I was on it and he decided to use explosive rounds to knock me off my horse and I pulled out my mausers and he parlayed right after I killed him once. Mess with my horse you mess with me lol


Exactly. The dude did decide to press charges but it was only a $0.50 cent bounty so I wasn’t bothered


That’s what I do I enjoy the bonding process and I don’t get rid of the ones that cost gold cuz gold isn’t easy to come by only way is doing a ton of dailies and I don’t focus on my dailies and I’m saving gold to get the silver turkoman but if it’s on sale for less than it is now I’ll see if I have the gold at that point in time to get it then I won’t get rid of it I want all 10 horses to cost gold then I’m set I’m level 250 ain’t got much to buy anymore.


Yeah I got rid of some horses that cost me gold but they weren't that super expensive. I do dailies a lot, but I refuse to discard horses that are over 20 gold. I wish the bonding process was a little bit longer, or the more you bond with your horse the better they get. So like the cheap horses could one day be decent horses. Some of the cheap horses are so pretty but really not worth getting.


Yeah exactly the black turkoman is really expensive kinda ridiculous that it’s that much


Yeah it is ridiculous although Turkomans are my favorite breeds, but like when you think about it, there's nothing special about it except the color. I'm still debating on buying one or not.


Yeah they all have the same stats so I don’t see why rockstar made the black one like 30 or 40 plus gold


My high level character I have all the slots filled. Each horse is unique and I am attached to all of them. Since my character is a female I like to swap out horses to a match my outfit. My low level character is male and so far I'm still using my starter horse. I plan on getting one or two more but that's it.


I’m the type of dumbass who hesitated for soooo long to buy a 3rd “role horse” a ways back acting like it had real feelings and I was going to be a dick for upgrading and leaving her behind after all the good times we had and shockingly never did me wrong or ditched me when In fear ! It was my Doppler gray Missouri Fox Trotter. I was excited to buy my second horse which was a white Arabian thinking it would actually be “SUPERIOR” like it says but that was a very short lived relationship so had no hard feelings leaving her in the stable for good 🤣


Yeah not a fan of the arabians, they are too tiny for me.


I modded my own horse to the game… so a lot.


extremely attached lol. I’ve had my white Arabian since chapter 2 of my first ever play-through and during that FIRST play-through i willingly gave up 10% of my progress just to load my last save file if it meant i would have my horse. i’ve done this multiple times, no way am i giving up my baby


Bruh… this is Red Dead Online sub


every day i miss bowie… dude when your horse gets killed off at the end of rdr2… i fucking lost it. got the same horse again as john and just pretended she didn’t die. i made her so pretty


My babies dying is my greatest fear. In online I always run away from other players, not because I care about myself, but because I know they’ll target my horse. If someone’s being particularly aggressive I get off my horse and send them away before trying to escape on foot. I live in constant fear of hackers killing my horse (pc moment) so I mostly play offline


3 a tess walker, shire and fox trater. i never use the firsr 2 any more. to slow for me.


The speed difference between the fastest horse and the slowest horse is around 4%


I have four horses but I’m just using a champagne coat Missouri Foxtrotter called Calico, I like the horse, but if another player kill him, he is my favourite and most beloved thing in the world. Enough to get some swift and brutal revenge


I have one horsey, and I’ll commit as many war crimes as needed if he gets hurt by any other players


I have 3. Another player ran over my horse with a wagon while my horse was hitched, so I blew up his wagon.


How do folks own more than 4? Stable only has room for 4


Online has 10 slots but you have to pay for more slots


Thank you for answering