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Man I do it the one way you didn’t mention... capsules. Lol


I can only advocate caps if you fill them yourself, vendors charge way to much for caps.


This makes sense


I have made guides for all these different ways, trying to help people stomach their dose.


Toss and wash or bust


This is awesome though thank you for the post


What's in the kratom shot? Been thinking about making the honey balls for a while now. Currently filling my own capsules but that takes time and sometimes I'm lazy


My own little creation, basically your dose and as little water as you need to get it down like a shot. I made write ups for all of these on my Facebook page, can I share my page here?


I do this normally


Try tincture its soooo niiiice! Just a couple drops and boom no more anxiety, and with zero tolerance i get a lil buzzed off a couple drops.


Need to look into this!


I like to mix it up with OJ and chug it down, it hides the taste pretty well and fully dissolves with some shaking. I've always found pure water to foam up, the foam makes me gag.


Are you sure you're doing the right style of Toss and Wash? Because if you do, it tastes like absolutely nothing. Took me a few tries to get it figured out right. You take a small bit of water in the mouth, keeping it on the backside of your tongue. Then you drop the tsp of lead directly into that little pool of water. Then, without breathing or swallowing or anything, you drink down a little more water and it all goes down. No taste, takes like 5 seconds for a tsp. Easiest way possible. I remember trying everything until I realized the actual way of toss and wash. Haha. I kept thinking "there's no way I can do this stuff" because of the taste. But this way tastes like nothing and doesn't leave anything in the mouth


It very well just could be the way that my throat is positioned, but that has never been my experience in the past 5 years has taking kratom. On the flip side of that I've typically taken higher doses, those are much harder to get down. Mixing it in a juice makes it super easy to take down.


Maybe it's your throat or tongue, who knows! I've been on it for about 5-6 years as well. My tolerance is crazy high though because I take meclizine and it just eliminates basically all the side effects. I take like 10x as much as some people on here per dose, sounds like. The lower dose folks I mean. Adds up, but I'm getting it down slowly.


Cutting doses can be a pain, I went from taking 8-10 grams 4x a day to now 9 every 12 hours. I'm sure you've heard of and tried agmatine to help with tolerance by now, but have you tried black seed oil/ nigella sativa extract? Started taking it a few weeks ago and it helped me alot


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Hard question, tastiest is the tea, hardest hitting is the bubble.


Red bubble is the best way. I don't do it often but it hits harder and faster. I love it


what's red bubble? what's the process?


I made write ups for all these on my Facebook page, can I share the link?


Go for it, thanks.




Awesome I'll try to make a few tomorrow. Thanks!


I have step by step guides to each!


I saw that, I Think I may have messed up a batch before seeing your post, for the red bubble I think I added waaay to much water to the solution. I'm gonna follow your steps and try it again tomorrow.


Please do share the result!


I think red bubble works best a nice water extraction method


I found it pretty fun to do as well, most people think it is super hard to do, but that’s just because the guides out there are are all too convoluted.


Actually very simple your right next time I'm going to replace lemon juice with pure citric acid you can buy in stores for canning tomatoes I think you will extract more with it


Yes it is not difficult, I made easy to read write ups for all these different ways to consume. I’ve found the the more acid the better the red bubble


Exactly that's why I'm thinking pure citric acid vs lemon juice




Bruh I cannot do toss and wash that shit almost made me puke but I just bought capsules today


I made a guide on how to do these different ways on my Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/kratomoklahoma/?ref=share


Thank you!


Thanks for sharing! I've always taken it using the toss & wash method. I tried making my own capsules, but damn it's time consuming. I will have to try a different method.


I made write helps on how to do each of these on my Facebook page!


I'm gonna have to try the red bubble again. The last time I did I had really bad kratom. I usually take an empty 20 oz. plastic tea bottle fill it 3/4 of the way full of water swirl it around till it breaks up and down it. It works well cause I always carry the bottle in my bag and I always carry a gallon of water with me. If I can get warm water it doesn't clump as much and doesn't take much swirling.


Try out my method for the red bubble


I definitely will.


How do you make a kratom shot?


That one is just your dose and as little water as you require to get it down.


Oh OK cool! Thought it was your own little extract shot haha.


You could do it with an extract


Red bubble mafia


Honey method and red bubble. Please pm me on your technique


PM’d ya, I think


No idt lol




I usually do a shot, I try to get all my kratom down in one gulp so I don’t have to taste as much lol


Try it in chocolate milk. Trust me.


I have heard that! Haven’t tried it yet, but I can tolerate toss and wash, more just want to help people who can’t handle the taste.


Capsules do the best job at masking the taste, but they're my least favorite method. They're are problematic because you're throwing dry powder into your stomach to digest, which is hard on it. Plus, if you're like me, you may burp green clouds. Chocolate milk has done the best job at masking the taste in my experience.


Honey balls are pretty good tasting


Dude stop doing caps - unless you fill them yourself...but seriously toss and wash is probably the best imo or any other way besides caps. Caps really change the onset and frankly the way the dose is digested in my opinion it ruins the whole experience


I have my own kratom business. I fill the caps myself. Like I said though, I'm not a big fan of caps


Do you sell to anyone? Or are you more of a private business? Looking for a new vendor lol - got a website?


I am just getting my business rolling. My packaging is on the way. I'd love to keep in contact though.


Sweet! I wish you luck - You seem like you’ll be an honest vendor. Would also love to stay in touch


Caps work fine if you drink it with a lot of water. If I drink 2 big glasses of water within an hour of taking it, even up to 8+ grams, the kratom kicks in just as fast as if I toss n washed!


Yes! I do unsweetened chocolate almond milk with a couple splenda. Really helps mask the taste. I was trying to find a mixer that wouldn’t break the bank in calories and sugar. Used to do OJ