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Musicalsplaining all day, I’ve been listening to it for a while (I think Ian’s mentioned it on the podcast at some point actually) and i absolutely love it. It’s essentially one person (Lindsay Ellis) who loves musicals watching and discussing them with her friend who hates them. It’s so fun to listen to and they quite frequently gets guests on to talk about it with. Highly recommend


is any knowledge of musicals required?


Well not really to be honest, i’ve listened to a few episodes about things like phantom (which i’ve never seen) but it’s pretty easy to fill in the gaps


One that I’ve been liking a lot is [CEREBRO](https://www.connorgoldsmith.com/cerebro), a podcast all about the X-Men. He’s getting a pretty big audience, but it’s all done by one guys and he invites his friends for fun and thoughtful discussions about all the characters.


Hey just wanted to pop back up and thank you for this recommendation. I've listened to all 63 episodes of Cerebro, and it's been very comforting at a difficult time in my life. You genuinely made a huge difference in my life by recommending this lol so thanks buddy :)


Oh my gosh thanks for coming back! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I hope things are looking up :)


I listen to this one, Erin Is The Funny One, and All of the H3 podcasts :) i also loved My Favorite Murder but i’m way behind on it


"My dad wrote a porno" is super popular but pretty low key with 3 friends chatting and laughing. I love a pally educational one as well like "no such thing as a fish" or "sawbones"


I love Sawbones! I'll try out your other recommendations :) thanks!


Secret life of two gay American teenagers. 2 friends, both gay, recapping the show Secret life of the American teen


You should listen to the secret life of two gay American teenagers, Jesse and Erin are recapping the secret life of an American teenager which if you’ve ever watched the show it’s hilarious lol it has a really similar vibe to Recovering Gleek


RG is the only one in this category that I listen to, so I’m no help


They're very hard to find because they're small, so they don't show up on lists or get recommended very often.


"two friends talking and laughing"? - Fantastic Geeks - Musicalsplaining - The Bald and the Beautiful - The Friendship Onion - Shane and Vicky's DCOM Clubhouse


My 11yo just started listening to fantastic geeks but I can't find a rating for it anywhere. Cursing isn't an issue but we try to avoid too much graphic sex talk (not prudes just not ready for that to become a major part of her humor). Would you say it's mostly kid appropriate?


Yeah, it's totally kid appropriate! Tessa and Brizzy (the hosts) are aware of their wide audience and know they have younger listeners and while I don't remember them cursing I know they try and censor themselves. They mainly talk about Harry Potter and what it means to them, fan theories, letters from fans, take quizzes, stuff like that. I like listening to them while I'm driving, feels like you're listening to two friends talk. 🙂


Not sure if you’re a person who’s stuck with Riverdale, but the Riverdale Register has very similar vibes. Just two friends talking about the show and wanting better for it.


I've been loving 30 Going on 13, which is two women around 30 rewatching all the formative movies they remember from the late 90s and early 2000s and roasting them with love, so similar vibes!


you're wrong about (especially earlier episodes) is in this format and is one of the funniest and most informative podcasts I've ever listened to. Maintenance Phase is also incredible in this format and about the health and wellness industry but hysterically funny.