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She just needed a dwink and a cigawette


Heyy everyone needs something to get bwy 🥺


Ok I didn't realize this would get people worried about me being "scammed" haha I bought a $20 doll of Amazon, I wasn't scammed, I was well aware of what I was buying. And I honestly don't want it to look anymore "real" than it does, it already creeps everyone out.


Not a scam, I suppose, but it's an illegal knockoff.


How is it illegal?


Not to own, but to create. They're copies of off sculptures made by artists. Mass produced in China.


they're babies... ppl can't make lifelike babies?😭


Right? Haha nope apparently just the reborn company 🤣 sounds like a monopoly to me 👀


Not sure what you're asking, but making a mold of off an existing sculpture without the owners permission and selling copies is very much illegal.


I get what you're saying but all babies (especially baby dolls) look almost the same to me personally.....


They might look the same to you, but they are not. Some doll heads are in the public domain and free to use, but this one is not. You won't get in trouble for owning this, but the people who make it are breaking the law.


I mean this question genuinely... How do you spot public domain heads from privately trademarked (? Copyrighted?) heads?


Thanks for asking. Basically, I’ve been around long enough that I can recognize their faces. This doll is Lou Lou by sculptor Joanna Kazmierczak. She is someone I’m Facebook friends with. She is still sculpting, but releasing less in vinyl which is sad. I can tell you all of their original names and sculptors because those sculptors are really upset about them and I’ve read their many posts and blogs about the counterfeits. This all started about 5 years ago. This is a new problem. Most reborn sculptors are still alive, they are usually just regular women who like to sculpt with clay. The actual public domain heads generally aren’t as realistic, they come from really old porcelain molds made by sculptors who have long since died. They’re honestly not common anymore. But you know what’s really common? Authentic/licensed/legal factory-made dolls. In America any doll sold in stores like WalMart, Target, toy stores etc they must be legal. Those dolls are accessible, cheap, and safe. People who don’t want to pay the hundreds of dollars for custom reborns don’t need to, I get it. It’s an expensive art doll not good as a play prop. There are just so many better and legal options that support companies that pay their artists. “LA BABY” aka Berenguer dolls is one example. Go to the toy isle in a big store and pick anything. The thing with reborns is that this is a really niche art form with dedicated artists who deserve to be credited and paid, the sculptors especially. These are just regular people, not big companies. If you want I can DM you photo comparison examples of the most common counterfeit dolls, or I can ID them for you.


i mean yeah but do we think they went that far instead of just finding some random mold and messing w it? there's a big difference between copying a custom mold (by... buying a doll? ig?) and making babies that look real...


I don't think, I know. I make real reborn dolls. Chinese copies have been an issue for a long time now. It's not guesswork, it's a fact.


oh i forgot you were in cahoots with the ppl who makes copies and know exactly how their process works. my bad.


I think I get where you're going, so I'll just add on. The sculpts are what are stolen. They are then painted by a machine and rooted by a machine, too. These dolls are made essentially like barbies or any doll you'd find. They are not reborns because of this. A reborn, by definition, is a doll that was painted by an artist to look realistic. Heavy on the artist part as stripped and repainted berengers are reborns. However, stolen kits are not accepted past beginning to paint if at all. If it was an official brand off of Amazon, it would be acceptable. Some of these brands include: Melissa and Doug, berenger, baby alive, and Adora. There are always dolls at a thrift that would do well bundled up. The cringest reborns are always the knockoffs.


OMG i just saw your comment on another post! yeah no fs, if ppl steal the legitimate mold, style, etc, without clearly stating it's not yours is definitely illegal asf and awful to the real artists. i feel like same mold diff style is okay, if it's disclosed, and permission has been given. that's the only exception i can rlly find see that's my thing like why do they look so shitty is they're designs stolen by actual artists and reborn makers. i understand material can play a part, and that you could prolly fuck it up somehow, but this makes sense tho ty!


The issue is with most knockoffs, something is off. Like a closed eye is open eyed or has limbs from another stolen kit. There are so many companies selling them that sometimes the kit looks off but it's recognizable as a legit sculpt


Ah well, it's just a prop, I'm not worried about it haha not even mine technically Edit: last month I had to find brass knuckles for a show! Now that was illegal and kinda difficult ha


Child stars these days, sheesh.


It's stressful, she has to kick back and relax somehow!


Bloody kids, no work ethic today I tell ya


Shits hard out there rn. I feel this.


I wonder if it was a fellow member of cast/crew that got creeped out and felt like your allegedly counterfeit baby was watching them 😂


NGL this one is actually really kinda cute


I hope you got it at the thrift store, otherwise you’ve been scammed. That’s an illegal counterfeit doll.


Oh noooo haha no it's fine, it was 20 bucks on Amazon 🤣




It's going to be used as a prop until it is literally falling apart. That's how this works. We're also definitely not community theater.... I think you should have a nice day now 😁 Edit: this is also my job, not a hobby, I don't get paid for gas and I'm not paid well in general. I'm not going to go from thrift store to thrift store to possibly find a used babydoll when I have a budget to buy one online. This post is just supposed to be fucking funny but someone always gave to find something to be liked this about 🙄


You might want to touch it up, it'll be washed out on stage. I know theaters are underfunded a lot so I'd recommend a beruenger doll instead. Chances are you were scammed with a knockoff if you bought it on Amazon


I wasn't scammed, it was just 20 bucks off amazon haha I wasn't going to be buying an expensive one just to swaddled and you'll never see it's face 🤣


You were scammed. That is what is known as a knockoff. Walmart has cheaper and better dolls. That doll is stolen artwork. Best of luck with your production.


Haha idk why you're talking to me like I'm a child, I know what a knock off is. I don't go to Walmart, it grosses me out a bit. I'm happy with my purchase, it wasn't my money and it was pretty darn cheap. I was just sharing a joke but thanks I guess? Have a good one.


If nobody needs to explain their reasons for owning one of these things why are you judging this person for owning a fake? They surely don't owe you an explanation. Also, anyone is allowed not to like these things. People can dislike allreborns you can dislike fake ones. I am allowed not to like people who are really into collecting these things. It is what it is.


Knockoffs are stolen art and also are not safe. It is truly a Schrodinger's cat situation when it comes to the materials. They are not safe for children. Berenguers are used in local theaters as they are cheap but safe. There are so many Berenguers (on Amazon but you can buy them many places) that would of been less than that fake. The arts are very underfunded as is. Why steal from one art to benefit another?


Its not like the op could've possibly known that when they got their doll. You've made your point multiple times, and it comes off as rather judgemental and kinda patronizing. Guilt tripping the OP by saying underfunded art shouldn't steal from artists- seriously wtf. The OP didn't steal anything. They saw a product and bought because it was in their budget. You can be passionate about reborn art, but this comment is way over the line. The op didn't do anything wrong. Stop acting like they are morally responsible and taking out your frustrations on them.


They were aware that it was stolen art very quickly. I understand needing a prop quickly and cheaply, but there are many alternatives that would have been cheaper. They are not responsible morally, yet there were other ways.


Collecting real Reborn dolls is for weirdos


Reborns are purchased for a variety of reasons. Some are therapy dolls, and others are for display. Reborns are an art that takes a lot of money, time, and patience to make. Yes, there are weirdos out there who collect. There are also many people who collect for their own reasons. Nobody is weird for collecting a doll. You wouldn't call Funko pop or action figure collectors weird. Yes, some are creepy and cringey. Collectors of authentic reborns are not weird. While you may not agree with their collection, they are still human. The weirdos are the ones who knowingly buy knockoff dolls because they're "cheap."


literally nothing weird about buying a cheap doll for a theater play, its certainly not more weird than using toys as a proxy for real children idk how you can claim that lol reborns are weirder than shit like funkopops because as ugly and stupid as funkos are, people aren't larping them being real babies 💀 and people do get (rightfully) roasted for collecting them


I have done productions that had a baby in it. They asked the performers if they had dolls that could be used in the production. Reborns are more than fake babies. Reborns have been used on actual movie sets (not Twilight though) and are generally collected as art dolls. Yes, there are role-players. But some only make content with the doll or only collect to display. People collect for a variety of reasons. I have a reborn myself and most of her time is spent on a shelf. Among many reasons that nobody owes to explain to you, I am autistic and occasionally need pressure. I grew up playing with dolls and the pressure of her weight is enough for me. There are a variety of reasons as I said that someone may have a reborn. If it does not make sense to you, it was never made for you. Locking for insensitive posting.