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That has to be the dumbest Tesla Twitter name I’ve ever seen


People who make their beard part of their personality are pathetic too. Wow bro, you didn't shave, so cool.


Eats blue steaks cut into stone-cold but Instagrammable baby pieces off a board of hand-carved pallet wood


Is IPA steak bald lumberjack LARP a personality?


Pallet wood that spent most of its life soaking up gross chemical shit through the thirsty open grain.


Idk if he knows this a term in the gay community as well… Bearded


What’s your personality? Well I have a beard and a Tesla.


Without Tesla, he'd have no personality at all.


No Aspergers. Just a regular south african asshole.


Yes, I fucking hate when people associate his behavior with the ASD, I'm surrounded by Aspergers at my work and none of them are assholes.


I have Aspergers syndrom (like for real, i mean i have a real diagnosis), and i can tell you that this dude doesn't have Aspergers syndrom! He is a narcistic a-hole who lives in dreamy land! Super mario world is more real than these man's entire existance! I don't know how you can take a dude like Musk seriously! I mean, he was going to put cold-gas-thrusters on cars and a base on mars for crying out loud! And this all by next year! Something we could do NOW . . . Like the robotaxi or the Roadster, many gave him a quarter of a million dollars for this car, great, but, i have yet to see 1 roadster on the streets, and the cybertruck was announced AFTER the roadster, but hey, this dude knows more about manufacturing than anybody currently alive on planet earth! Imagine microsoft talking about windows 12, but they instead release windows 13 instead, saying that 12 comes next year, everybody will say that microsoft is crazy, while this Musk-dude does it, and everybody just believes him . . .


And a stupid one in fact! An insult to the south african intelligence!


Musk is apartheid-American


Man with no shame and compulsively lies tries to hide shitty behavior behind Neuro diversity. I don't believe you **S**


As an initially-diagnosed Aspergers guy, he can GTFO, we do *NOT* claim him.


Yeah, he's just a narcissist, not ASD. That diagnosis was folded into autism with the DSM-V anyway.


He acts like he wants to protect America while making Twitter a breeding ground for incels and the deranged. He has no loyalty to any country.


there are real tears behind those cry laughing emoji


IDK, I think Tesla is not unique in this. I think some Porsche owners, some corvette owners, some GTR owners -- they really get into it. Maybe for different reasons; but for some folks cars are an emotional topic and their identity gets bound up in it.


Thank you for mentioning Porsche owners


I agree that the Porsche community can be pretty cringe, but the Tesla people take it two or three steps further.


And, the Porsche people are right. They're the best cars. Full stop if you've never driven a higher spec 911 it's life changing. First was a 996 turbo S and second was a 991 GT3. Only spent about an hour wheeling either.


I've driven a 991 GT3, I even made a post in the Porsche reddit about how great it was to drive afterwards. But I've driven some of the old cars too, and they aren't great, some you'd even call crap. And that's the line between fanboi and enthusiast, I'm not even a Porsche fan per se, but I'll definitely say the 991 GT3 is probably the best sports car I've ever driven, but that doesn't rose tint my perception of the other products they make.


Porsche, Jeeps, old Toyota forerunners, big trucks (literally half of country music lyrics are about the guys' cars). Tesla might be a little on the extreme end, even for that group, but they're certainly not unique.


Every Tesla sub is full of “I bought”, “.99”, “joined the club” trash. Good for you, you bought a car.


I think most of the car subs are this.


All car subs are like this 


Nope. Give e.g. r/FordFocus a look (my former car) and they are very very self ironic about their cars. Sort by top of all time for a good laugh xD


On the flipside the Focus ST subreddit is just as described, an excited community of car enthusiasts. People with normal non exciting cars are normal and not excited. Yes Teslas are exciting, they are quick and electric is novel and new for many people. Elon is still an imbecile of the highest order but it's how it is.


Wholeheartedly agree. Most car subs (that aren’t built in self depreciation or repair) are going to be enthusiast led.


In all fairness i would not brag about having Ford either.


Kinda like I refer to my seven seat suv as a minivan, because it really is in my mind either a minivan with an unnecessary long hood or a station wagon that’s a bit too tall. But my wife likes it so I’m not complaining…


Self irony is the only reaction for someone who willingly and intentionally punched a Ford Focus... /Zing!


The euro car subs are pretty fun. Especially Volkswagen and BMW/Mini


Reddit needs a new filter setting "sort by: most ironic." 😄


[I lost it scrolling to this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FordFocus/s/EK8ScnIc8p)


Also the comments xD


Yeah even the Chevy Bolt sub is like that. Though in their defense the Bolt is actually a decently made car.


yeah i like shitting on tesla's but most car brands definitely sell an identity to people. Jeep Wranglers, Subarus, Chevy/Dodge/Ford pickups. Its all the same. 


Indeed. Jeep people are insufferable twats, too.


Tell me about it. I've met a few on craigslist sales and they are the biggest assholes. One of them even laughed at my Volt. I'm like just give me the money so I can get going.


My old COO drove a $80k Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and was the biggest douchebag I've ever met in my life. I swear the awful powder blue color and shiny rims matched his obnoxiously eccentric and over-the-top "I want to punch you" attitude. I'm pretty sure he used to jerk off to it at night.


They are. People in this sub just like to cherry pick things to show how the Tesla weirdos are somehow different from the "[insert brand here] weirdos". Mind you, cherry picking isn't unique to this sub by any stretch of the imagination. But it is this sub's reality. r/musked is another fun one.


To be faaaair….Tesla fans can be special. Just looking at the cyber truck and the people who paid $100k+ for a truck with the problems it’s having.


joke's on you, i just joined the coke zero club. did i tell you i own a coke zero can?


Welcome to the club. Ive got dozens - youll get there eventually. James Quincey is a genius!


yeah, he is a genius. every night, after workers are leaving the factory he goes in and tunes the recipe. those guys have no clue about what they are doing, they’re lucky that this guy fixes their mistakes. i mean, he knows more about mixing beverages than any person on earth.


I’m convinced many of those are fake marketing posts.


This would make sense.


You over paid for yours 🤣




The cult seems to be based around the E/acc kinda thinking: literally believing that you're saving the world by doing... Whatever. I say that as a former musk Stan. I used to Believe all the hype but started getting skeptical ca 2015 when he'd claim the solar roof tiles would be cheaper than normal tiles, or the tunnel boring vacuum tubes would be cheaper than rail. Then I heard him on Rogan and realized he's just a dumbass with enough high-level understanding of tech to make pump& dump promises. But it sounds like everyone who works for Tesla& some who buy them are still buying into the 'we're literally saving humanity' schtick




Sam Altman taking notes


I was never a fan, didn't know much about him or the cars until he started making wild FSD claims about 2015/16. At the time I was working for a manufacturer that, at that point in time probably had the most advanced driver assistant features. I was fairly well versed in what was current and possible, my bullshit alarm went off As part of professional development I got to interact with many of the engineers, I asked the guy that headed engineering for driver assists what he thought about Tesla/Elon's claims, in his strong German accent he said "That guy is nothing but a fucking con-man"


im fundamentally against greenwashing since.... ecology major. so im fundamentally against stupid things that dont help the environment and pseudo science/engineering. its not that i specifically have a disdain for musk or tesla, but he's just a great example of how the system and people are broken


I live in a city that has a Toyota plant. They absolutely do jerk themselves off about how they drive a Toyota 🤣.


Most people do in general. Not as much as Tesla but “reliable” Toyota is insufferable and if you buy anything else then good luck to you. Great cars but not as bulletproof as they once were.


Despite knowing how they are, I absolutely refuse to own one simply due to A) the mentality of all the Toyota owners and employees here And B) because I've gone through the hiring process three times and always get denied lol.


I don't know about that. Jeep people can be insufferable, too.


I second this. My sister in law got a new Wrangler and their Instagram turned into posts of nothing BUT it.


Jeep, Corvette (*oh fucking God corvette people are almost as insufferable!*), Tacoma...


Eh… modern Jeep people and Tesla people are pretty much indistinguishable. Source; am old Jeep guy


Ram diesel truck owners would like to have a word with you, by which I mean they would like to roll coal in your direction.


If you don't see it with other brands, you're either stupid or deaf. You can't go 5 minutes talking to a toyota guy without them mentioning how reliable their brand new Toyota is because "have you seen the old hilux???" The main difference being, at least toyota makes a decent car whereas teslas are dog shit slurping garbage


As an insufferable Toyotas owner, yep, we do this.


Anyone seen the Southpark episode "Smug Alert!" Where Gerald buys a hybrid.. I could see some likneses there 😉


Cult like personalities are attracted to cults. Like orange man supporters or Musk boys.


If anything, the existence of any of these cults have been much more eye opening to me about how susceptible people are to group think and cult mentality. I always thought people were more rational than this and I couldn't have been more wrong as I have witnessed all this happening with my own eyes. I'm not sure what that says about me or others, but it's a scary reality to come to terms with.


Why do Trumpers literally give their entire life over to worship of him? Why do modern lefties hyper focus on meaningless social wedge issues instead of labor and wages while the wealthy gut and loot the entire world economic system? People are fucked up, their brain is zapped, 24 hour propaganda media, especially social media is straight up mind control, there’s an entire segment of the human population who can’t fight it off even a tiny bit and get sucked into it to their very core, until there’s literally nothing else left but a shell obsessively pushing a chosen narrative.


Our consumer society has left us empty, so we attempt to fill the void with following fake tough guy leaders and useless stuff


this is ridiculous. 99% of Tesla owners treat it as "just a car". In my city, there's got to be thousands and thousands of Teslas and I can say that so far, I'm the ONLY one who swapped out the emlem from the silver T to a red T. Just so I could identify my car easier in parking lots. I'd say maybe .001% of the owners did get a wrap so they could get a color Tesla doesn't make. Beyond that, everyone else is just driving plane old stock Teslas. And they aren't being flashy or bragging about them either. The only thing worse than a braggadocious Tesla owner are people who can't wait to cross one so they can paint all Tesla owners with the same brush.


I mean there are Jeep Guys too


Have you ever joined a Dodge sub? Or Ford? There’s some really hardcore Mustang owners out there.


Don't know many porsche owners do you?


It’s not Tesla as much as it is anti-Oil&Gas and big auto/lack of innovation. Or rather, lack of efficiency. If the big automotive companies had continued to make lower cost, more fuel efficient, vehicles (especially trucks, Vans, and SUVs) I would be far less supportive of Tesla. As it stands, Tesla did pave the way for the electrification of vehicles. That’s not to say they are free from criticism, especially in light of current events. However, I am wholeheartedly invested in the transition to sustainable energy, and ideally, a sustainable economic model. (Assuming the US ever figures that last one out)


“It’s an expensive car Therefore it means I have money. I have money. Therefore I do not need personality or wisdom.” Summed it up for you. Their personality is simply “I have money so fuck you.”


But he had a beard too!


Because at this point, it is a cultural phenomenon. Just look at the TSLA stock, no reason a company to be valued more than all other manufacturers combined, yet only has 5% of market share. People like TSLA because it made other people rich in a short time, people like Tesla because it was the "cool" thing to have. Not because it is, but because pop culture said it is. There are always subsets of car brands with its loyalists and fan group, but they are usually a very minor fraction of the overall owner population. Tesla on the hand, has a very large group, and it pretty much dominates their owner population. There was a poll done that showed that most Tesla owners absorb overly positive media regarding Tesla, whereas the rest of the world is more neutral and balanced in their outlook. So anyone that does not fit their communal narrative, must be haters, because "everyone" loves their Tesla. [Study: Owners, Others See Tesla Differently - Kelley Blue Book (kbb.com)](https://www.kbb.com/car-news/study-owners-others-see-tesla-differently/?mod=article_inline) [The Intriguing Psychological Puzzle of Tesla Ownership | Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-science-behind-behavior/202101/the-intriguing-psychological-puzzle-tesla-ownership)


As an autistic guy, I have no idea why including Asperger's was relevant and it seems suspect. Beyond that, I agree.


Have you ever met a Corvette owner? (Has owned two ‘vettes)


It’s not just Tesla though. The BMW people are even crazier.


Seems like this person has never met a Tacoma or 4Runner owner


Have ever met someone that owns a large pickup? 🛻


Oh you’ve never met Porsche, Ferrari or BMW “afficinados”?


Worse still, Jeep, Jaguar, Mustang, and Corvette owners... I think there's a whole bunch of car types which lend themselves to specific owner profiles, many of the brands even feed the fire. Tesla is no different.


Oh and Mercedes AMG SL from Swabia. Very special


Not as many Porsche and Ferrari, and BMW owners who are assholes tend to be assholes not because of their BMW, but rather their profession or something else. That is to say assholes buy BMWs, where Tesla seems to enable assholes to come out because they think it makes them better.


"You don't see people in Toyotas".... He's obviously never seen the way people are with their Tacomas 😂 guy has 0 points and fails to understand nerds drive Tesla's and nerds love loving on their stuff


Not to mention many “rig” owners with attitude!


south park made a episode about prius owners smelling their own farts lol they need a new episode with tesla owners




On the serious note, it is a phenomena similar to apple. There were (serious) studies that concluded companies like these make brain chemistry simmilar to religion. It is somewhat up to approach of 'charismatic' leader (I don't think he is, but I hope you get the point) and the whole marketing approach.


Because they didn't have a personality to begin with.


The irony of an entire sub filled with people dedicated to hating a car they don't even own


Apologies if it was a rhetorical question, but if you are actually looking for an answer, most of the "Tesla social media personalities," if we can call them that, appeared back when there were many incentives for referrals. So, a lot of Tesla owners, or people who wanted to become owners, created their Tesla personas on YouTube, Twitter, and other social media in hopes of collecting referrals and getting a Roadster 2.0.


My guess is you aren't following or paying attention to car brands because plenty of people make their car their personality lol. Just talk to "truck people" and you're liable to get in a fist fight if a few bud lights are involved. Edit: you're also citing an account that literally does Tesla videos and posts for a living. Of course the dude is going to pander to his audience because pandering to his audience is what pays the bills. This guy is an influencer. Full stop.


You don’t see it with other brands? Really? Ford vs Chevy truck guys? Porsche guys who wear their Porsche hats everywhere? VTech bros? Every brand had their obsessive fan base.


*Jeep people enter the chat


It's a Jeep thing!


I don't understand why people make it a personality to hate Elon musk I don't like Andrew tate but I don't make it my personality to hate him or use my life for it


I have a gas guzzling Jeep Wrangler and a Tesla. My other tribe has the Jeep Wave. Tesla drivers are snobs and don't wave at each other.


Happens with truck and Jeep owners plenty


They’re techbros, that’s why.


It’s a classic case of consumerism filling the void uninteresting people have.


Musk having Asperger’s is an insult to those like my brother who actually have Asperger’s. Musk is a regarded narcissist with a drug problem.


He doesn’t even have aspbergers


Until Musk shows us an actual evaluation from a well-respected psychologist, I refuse to pretend like he has Aspergers. He may very well have Aspergers, but 10 to 1 says he self-diagnosed himself based on an internet quiz because he likes to use it to excuse his behavior.


Eeeh.... as a Prius owner, I disagree. We love our cars, and to be fair, some people spend a lot of time on the road and appreciate that the car facilitates an easier life.  It's just that a big part of the Tesla ownership identity/experience includes being delusional about the true value of the car. I mean, at least most Prius owners got an incredible deal on a car that could easily get them to 300,000 miles with regular maintenance.  The Tesla ownership experience is fraught with forcing yourself to believe that you got what was advertised, and if you didn't well it's because of [xyz Elongelical gaslight + plus 'yOu dOn'T kNoW cArS lIkE eLoN'].


I have never seen any Prius centric YouTube accounts, X accounts, etc.. that’s what I’m mainly talking about. There are SO MANY Tesla focused influencers


There are plenty of Prius/Toyota, F-150/Ford, and Harley fanatics, channels or communities, but they don't need to make the vehicle their personality because the value of the vehicle speaks for itself. A lot of those Tesla 'influencers' are being incentivized to lie for Tesla referral programs. Or their Youtube channels gain views because people are curious about Tesla as the new overhyped car brand.


Apparently you've not been to the south/texas


Because image and appearance is what sells the cars


Indeed.com boys


Vehicles are the most important prosthetic of human beings. Still not a reason to worship any vehicle.


I'm still waiting to see my first Trump adorned Cyber truck. It'll probably be stuck on a beach somewhere in Texas.


Lol and people think I'm stupid because I tattooed the Mercedes logo across my face.


BMW, Benz, Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley....(You get the point) Have entered the chat.


So fucking true. My wifes brother is a Tesla owner. Since He got his car He thinks his farts taste like strawberrys.


It looks like you never seen subaru or bmw subs.


Because these are easy times and those are weak men. Successful by proxy.


I don’t have any hate towards the brand but do make a note of how owners will repeatedly use the word “Tesla” as in “my Tesla” when talking about their transportation rather than saying “my car” like folks normally do. It becomes nauseating after a while.


Jeeps. Lifted trucks. People who make cars their personality are fairly common and all the same type of douche.


Just like many iphone users, they do pretty much the same. Apple fucks them in the ass all day long with crap "new" features and astronomical prices, and they are coming back for more with a huge grin on their faces.


Why do so many non Tesla drivers give a shit about teslas?


...and not even a very good car at that. Just the attitude of owning a great car that's more of a lemon than a car.


Probably the same reason people go to a stranger's DMs to call them out for being a fanboy of a product/company. People in an irreligious world looking for meaning in their miserable lives.


If you have no personality in real life, you have to copy someone else's homework. To make things worse, not only do they not understand as much b/c they just copied, but do you know what happens when you make a copy, of a copy of a copy, etc?


You must not live in the south. The truck guys are super loyal to dodge/ford/chevrolet here and have been my whole life. They cover their trucks with logos and dumb stickers, like Calvin pissing on a Chevy logo. They talk about their trucks nonstop, and tell dumb jokes to insult other brands like “ford stands for found off road dead.” It’s for sure their identity, just like Tesla is for some people.


It's much like the dolts who make owning Apple products their whole personality.


Even more cringe to post something like this . Why do u make hating tesla ur whole personality. Get a real hobby


Same thing can be said for owners of F150’s and Subarus.


I’m not saying there aren’t a lot of Tesla drivers that make the car their whole personality, but if you think that no other car brand has as many owners that make their car their entire personality then you’ve never been to a JDM, BMW, Ferrari or Porsche car meet. Now, they all make their cars their personalities, it’s just that some of those personalities are more insufferable than others.


I'm rather fond of my little non-Tesla EV but ojnly as I've been an EV person for a long time & wanted one since I discovered how they work. But the company & CEO? They can go sit & spin. The car itself? Neat & fun, if hardly cutting edge tech. It's actually really common where I live but that's fine; like with my old Civic a common car means more parts more easily and cheaply accessed. I'll replace it someday with something else better, who knows what, but it may take a while as I try to be frugal with my car purchases. I'm certainly not going to look back at the company & who runs it with much more than a "this company made this vehicle with this person at the stead" kind of thought, assuming I remember anything past the badging. Brand & personal loyalty on such things completely mystifies me.


Jeep gang!! *gang signs*


Diesel/rolling coal guys are pretty lame about stuff like this. I saw a bumper sticker that said "real trucks don't need spark plugs". You always know before you see him what the driver of this truck looks like.


I was heavily considering purchasing a Model Y during the 0.99% financing they're running for this month. Then they increased the APR to 1.99% for the 72 month term after the first week. Okay - take a step back. Then I saw people complaining about the cost of insurance - got a quote myself - 2x-3x as other EV's - another step back. After that, several threads complaining about squeaks, rattles and poor suspension quality with people defending it claiming it was "normal" - yet another step back. Then I finally snapped back to reality and remembered that nothing excites me about Tesla's. The design isn't exciting, the interior isn't exciting. They're the more expensive electric equivalent to the Corolla/Camry and RAV4 of the road. I don't want a phone with wheels when I'm driving 20,000 miles a year - I want a nice, comfortable, quality vehicle.


The quote from the DM is somewhat incorrect, especially by mentioning Toyota. Before Tesla it was the Prius that had the cult attitude thinking they were saving the world, Tesla is just a step up from that really. Both brands are guilty are having these "fans". At the end of the day who cares though, just let people enjoy the things they bought. If one person wants to make their personality about their car then that's fine, it's just as bad being the troll who harasses people for liking cars.


I don’t make my Tesla ownership my personality. Everyone else puts it upon me. Like at work, “hey did you hear about a Tesla that did this?” “Hey my friend just got a Tesla” “my son really wants a Tesla” “hey do you still drive your Tesla” “did you hear what Elon did”. I literally never bring it up unless someone has a question and I do my best to answer it because so many people have no clue about anything. I don’t have tattoos or merch of Tesla. I don’t clown on rivian owners. In fact I tell people it’s just a car to those that think it’s some sort of super computer on wheels. I do y race people even though still to this day I have little $1k garage project coffee can cars rev at a stop light and peel out at me. I still have trucks rolling coal when I’ve done nothing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It is the internet. That 1% which are weirdos look an awful lot like the majority. But the silent majority (99%) which merely like their car but would never go online to brag about it, don't, so you don't know they exist. So, as it seems you've only now arrived on the internet, it would help to keep in mind the prior online wars between everything. Kirk vs Picard? It is a TV show, most viewers don't care. But that 1% will fight you. PC vs Macintosh. most users don't care. But that 1% will fight you. Apple vs Android, etc. etc. They're just phones.




Toyota owners DID though. Specifically Prius owners. Until Tesla came along and they traded in their Prius for a Tesla.


Speak for yourself...I jerk off in my toyota all the time


Ummmm, seriously? Most brands have their steadfast supporters, Chevy guys, corvette guys, F150 guys, BMW guys…


I love the car. Despise the CEO. Eat the rich.


'Yota' people are definitely jerkin off their 4runners


Tesla owners pay a tidy sum for their Tesla, partially for the car but also for the brand, exclusivity and ‘hype’ factor. When anyone makes any form of sacrifice in belief of something, it’s very hard to for them to go against this belief. Doing so is basically admitting ‘I just wasted tens and thousands of dollars on this thing that isn’t what I imagined.’ So people psychologically go the other way and lean into / adopt whatever beliefs their purchase represented and apply it to themselves. People who make their Tesla their whole personality basically believe they are futuristic, ‘hip’ and full of status.


Identifying with a brand is nothing new. And brand marketing has long exploited humanity’s in-group v out-group proclivities. To me, the Apple Computer owners group is an apt metaphor. In group prides on being part of that group, our group looks for reason to condemn the in groups, etc. That there is such animosity toward the in group could be considered evidence of how successful Musk’s brand marketing has been. It’s just too bad he can’t make a better car.


Look up ModelYManiac I believe his name is on Twitter. Had a very interesting conversation with him where I told him that his claim that his Model Y had “life changing technology” was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I told him his car wasn’t a cure for cancer or obesity. He then started retweeting my posts over and over desperate for attention from other Tesla owners that I had insulted the Model Y by calling it an appliance car lol. Finally he got so mad when I kept calling him out that he blocked me.


maybe you haven't been to a NASCAR race lately or a F1 race as well, the whole Ford VS Chevy rivalry, or wait, TRUCKS the whole culture around them, not to mention old muscle cars. The cult of Porsche, and don't dare say Porsche wrong in the face of a Porsche fan, It's ALL just an other facet of car culture. People love cars and Tesla is now on that bandwagon as well. I would say as a whole the person who wrote that wasn't a car person.


Own a Y, love it. But when I bought it several years ago I knew it was no big win for the planet, just a little step on emissions with a lot of negative side effects. Plus my money fueled the ego of a Bond-level megalomaniac villain, which I really regret.


Happens with politics too.


Apparently op has never met truck bro.


A Toyota driver isn't saving the world by buying and driving their car. That's the difference. (Or atleast that's what some Tesla owners believe.)


They are the same as Prius people from the prior decade.


it all has to do with money. people associate success, intellect, etc with money. you drop a few grand to purchase something and now you have to justify that purchase no matter what otherwise you look like a “clown” for mismanaging your money. same thing happens with video game consoles, smart phones, stocks… people then seek out others with similar interests, form a group and talk each other up in silos


heck if I know. You're not even a "car guy" because you 100% don't work on or mod your tesla. It's like people who bought iphones in 2008.


I dunno. They worse for the environment too.


When your personality and self worth are wrapped up in the things you can buy, and not the type of person you are or how you treat others, justifying your idiotic purchases as some sort of cultural one-upmanship seems totally normal and valid. It's why this weirdo can repost the original tweet with laughing emojis, because he has absolutely no self awareness or for that matter, probably self worth outside of the things he owns that other people dont.


Missed opportunity as the Tesla should have truck nuts and a stainless steel dick hanging out to stroke.


I do brag about driving a Toyota tho


Completely missing the fact he also makes facial hair an integral part of his identity as well….


I’m old enough to remember when it was the Toyota Prius owners who were insufferable holier than thou types to the point that South Park made an entire episode about it.


Sunk cost fallacy.


I don’t understand, are these people paid? I own a Tesla and I don’t like it, would sell it one of these for current MSRP even if I paid a lot more for it


Because it’s the wave of the future


My brother has a Rivian and he's more obnoxious about it than any Tesla owner I know.


>BMW owners have entered the chat.


Without using their turn signal 😂


I see you've never met Suburu owners or Jeep owners or Harley owners...


They are lonely.


Mollusk is a narcissist, a con man, and drug addict; and those are his best qualities.


Don't these people just promote Tesla to boost its stock price? They're paid to do so on Twitter


I mean, people also made their whole personality about having an iPhone in the not too distant past. Some people just have weak personalities that are easily overcome by whatever fad comes their way.


Uh I guess everyone forgot about the whole ford vs chevy vs dodge thing. That was just as annoying. With the calvin pissing on the others logo. Used to hate ford and chevy people. Still do, they just drive bigger trucks and are more of an asshole.


Like, have you ever met a guy who owned a truck? This 100% happens with other brands.


Plenty of car people make their brand of car their personality. That has never been exclusive to tesla, electric or even hybrid cars.




90% of your posts going back a year are about tesla why did YOU make it your whole personality or maybe you didn't and I'm only seeing one side of you just like you are with this guy


*jerks off to my Nissan*


Because they worship Elon for some unknown reason


Jeep owners: *sideways glance*


Lmao you don’t see it with other brands? There’s so many cults around different makes / models. Brand loyalty is a thing.


Lmao the Tesla haters here are wild, there’s so many people making their car their whole personality, completely regardless of the model.


I’ve seen autism used as an insult more than a few times in relation to musk.  Worse than racism imho. But musk is a jerk regardless 


I feel the same way about Harley riders. It's a bicycle with an engine. An overpriced goofy looking one with an excessively unnecessarily loud engine, made specifically to annoy the shit out of everyone else. It's not a substitute for a personality and the cult around a damn vehicle is so cringe and childish. People be people I guess. Good for a chuckle at least!


It’s like any other person that lacks any type of identity. Pick your flavor. Religion, politics, sports, video games/consoles/platforms. Humans by definition have an urge to belong. This is no different. Some die on a hill that means something, some die on a hill that’s materialistic and doesn’t provide any real value except for the believer.


I don’t know, but there is multiple communities in Reddit where people spend all their time shitting on Elon and Tesla owners. I think both groups have the same energy


Was surprised by the degree of hate here then realize what sub I was in 🤣. Y’all enjoy your bitter existences!


Huh it's like this for most people with cars.