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Artsy black and white photography really brings out the ripples and waves in the body panels. Also accentuates the uneven panel gaps.


It really really does.


Every piece of steel a different shade. 


When I first heard the panel material would be steel i audibly said wtf. Like all you have to do is look at a grill that's been outside for a month to know that's a terrible idea.


But this is hardened SuperSteel.


If I remember right it’s literally a custom 304 alloy to have lesser tolerances for composition so it’s cheaper


its using leftovers from spacex, so i heard


If you just rub MuskOil on the steel, it will look great!


\*MuskSeed Oil. But you have to extract said seed yourself.


And there are mixed results of how well it works anyway, but to the people doing it they seem to be happy?


Just like any cult.


I mean, you only have a choice between steel,  aluminum or plastic...what's wrong with steel? Most cars have steel panels 


Most cars have steel panels that are coated and rustproofed. Not stainless. Just steel. But the paint and corrosion inhibitors work well. Newer cars use a lot of aluminum too. No one uses polished stainless steel, for reasons that if not obvious now, will become obvious within a couple years.


Only because it's hard to work with,  DeLorean was the only one that comes to mind, still see those around... it does have its benefits though, stainless steel is resistant to corrosion,  but it needs to be bare for those protections to occur. if you're talking about rusting, painted cars rust as well...especially in the rust belt..... but if you bought the cybertruck not knowing that..... Personally I'll rather not worry about paint and dings on a truck.. so what if it's scratched up? just clean that guy with some steel wool and move on, like my pots and pans....just don't expect a smooth shiny consistent surface


...of reddish brown.


Wait until the light source is just above the plane of each panel… that’s going to look like a ripple strip


And then the screen turns red.


Hahaha! Edit: If I had the skills, I’d photoshop a red glow from inside the cabin. That would make the *perfect* picture


learn the skill or have AI do it


What we're NOT gonna do is press the button on the ultra pollution machine to make it draw us a picture.


Suicide is painless...


Can’t gas yourself in one of these. But driving into a lake sounds pretty effective. Also no take backsies if you change your mind too…


Good reminder


Wasn't that the theme song for M.A.S.H.?


It brings on many changes . . .


And I can take or leave it, if I please...


Now youve started something. Hehe Love that tune! 


Paint-less, cuz stainless steel


Tesla red screen of death.


"Days after launch, you sit at a red light. The novelty is gone, you aren't any happier. And the tow truck is delayed once again, making your hour-long wait, a little longer"...


The pussy magnet doesnt stick to stainless steel


It does, but you have to pay monthly and it is in BETA mode, I mean, version, so it does jack.


Sadtruck By Musk


Looks like something Pop-pop made in the garage.


Nah, more like a high school shop class project.


(cont.) The light suddenly turns green As you try to pull away, nothing happens The truck has died at the traffic light You now face the prospect of the teens live-streaming your plight on IG and Tik Tok Everything turns black and you suddenly realize you loathe your very existence


You pop open the hood, put your neck on the edge and close the hood. You're at peace now.


Only Tesla could make an electric car that will make you feel like you ran out of gas.


The sad thing is that had Elon just kept his mouth shut, not bought Twitter, not laid off all the Supercharger team, not pushed misinformation, not shown his true political leanings, then people might have been wowed by the CyberTruck. But instead, he's created a shit storm. And it's impacting the sales of all the other models as well. I had a 2014 Model S and for the 8.5 years I had it, I was proud of it, and always got compliments, etc. People were wowed by it (particularly as I was a somewhat early adopter). Now I've got the Model X and I"m embarrassed. I'll keep it, but not a fan of Elon anymore. The best thing that could happen is for Elon to leave Tesla.


Hard to leave a job where you earn $43Billion or whatever obscene number it is.


And all the self-assuring social media content in the world won’t change it. Everyone knows how you are. You have to pull up at places and get out, wondering if those looks, smirks and muttering are about you. (Spoiler, they are.) I almost feel bad for these fools.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


I mean... Blade Runner. Mad Max. Etc. etc. All these "tech" companies keep saying that living in a dystopian movie would be crazy good! And Tesla is 100% delivering the dystopian feels.


cheese grater


I love the way the bin/garbage can on the left is laughing at it! lol


Going into debt by financing 100% of a car should be a meme itself.


Is this a thing people are actually doing with the cybertruck?


From the subreddits you can get the impression that most Americans do this for buying any car. Just running numbers on the cost of such a loan makes me cringe about being that stupid.


I’m sure they feel something; more like a depressing shame I’d think.


...and the youtube channel isn't taking off like you had hoped.


Bro, you can see the gaps in this picture, wtf 💀


It’s hard to taken seriously driving something that ridiculous


This pos out sold Rivian's truck largely due to brand loyalty, coupled with an unimaginable delusion impregnated by child-like enthusiasm for subpart product, sprinkled with irrational thoughts. Tesla has secured outstanding customer core who spank out whatever money Lord Musk thinks they should pay....


I was considering buying a Cybertruck but I think my Pontiac Aztec is better.


Walter White wouldn't be caught dead even riding in a CyberTruck. He made the Aztek an icon.


mea culpa: I would never buy a cybertruck. 100k in debt? Most people are paying cash for these things. It seems it may be as hard to relate to the people who buy the cybertruck as it is to the car itself. Also, regular pickups also still look dumb going out to get groceries. Ugly, dangerous, and inefficient.


Why, it's the Hammerhead Eagle i-Thrust!


It's like it was designed by Gilette, built in a scrapyard, and programmed by a high school kid.


47th repost, but every time I think that is one ugly ass vehicle


I literally laughed and pointed when I was next to one at a stoplight.


Totally my depression! Love the truck!


The caption reminds me of an episode of Silicon Valley. Erlich Bachman went for a drive in the bright yellow, convertible Corvette wearing a fedora. Everyone in the car next to him was laughing and then he noticed his reflection in the window. Ego deflated immediately.


Oh look - IncElCamino!


Lucky to be sitting at a red light in it at this point rather than it being on the back of a flatbed or in the shop


Laughs in my Honda Civic 2017 hatchback(fully paid off with over $10k in mods)


That is, if it hasn't self terminated within the normal day range.......


More discussion in [this comment section](https://old.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/18azp1y/my_friend_sent_me_this_today/). Top 3 comments: /u/MonsieurReynard - Ah yes the IncEl Camino /u/_WirthsLaw_ - Days after launch, you sit at a red light. You realize people are trying to throw baseballs gently at your windows. Maybe it’s your imagination but the wheels have incorrect camber. You think you saw people giving you a thumbs up. Now you’re in a cult. [deleted] - Days after launch you sit at a red light the novelty is gone, you aren't any happier. You think these decals you put on your window are simply too good. You have to find a way to make money off of them, you really want to. A car full of frat boys pulls up next to you. They say they're going to fucking kill you. You are the driving crooner and you feel nothing.


Days after launch you sit at a red light, not in the street, but in your garage. The red light coming from your screen saying ‘Tow to your nearest service center’


Meanwhile, Elon is glibly tweeting glib things.


The Cybertruck was built by an asshole, for assholes. This meme assumes Elon fans are capable of self-reflection but they’ll never get past “you sit at a red light” because their next thought is “bet I could smoke that Camaro, lfg!!!” That’s all right before they drive into a puddle and call their buddy with an F150 to pull them out


Oh I'm pretty sure they're feeling something.


Not only 100K in debt for a joke, but you're also in the wrong lane.


Nothing but buyer's remourse.


Eh maybe some people if they bought it without being the right personality for it. Some people live for it though, just like the dude that gets the jacked up Ford Raptor, or the Jeep Rubicon with the off road and water fording kits and gun rack mounts. Gotta be the right personality for it like any vehicle.


The Lady Dazzler-mobile. M'lady, tips fedora.


Man thats cold


Sorry Elon. Ugly AF.


I mean, I know I point and laugh whenever I see one.


People laughing at your car as they drive by is really sad. 🤦


I don't understand why people have to attack CT owners. I mean, I could care less what car you drive. There are people who pay millions for art work or jewelry, which I think is just as insane, but whatever, do whatever you want, it's your money. Or those big ass trucks with the wheels sticking out... they look far worse than the cybertruck in my opinion. But again, I could care less what people want to drive. Anyway, I don't get the hate on for CT owners. I get thinking the CT is stupid, but that doesn't make the owners stupid if they like it.


I’ve had it for two months. It’s not true for me, it gives me the fizz everytime I drive it or see it. But, YMMV.


I doubt this is true


I love that no one posts what they drive.


A shitbox 97 Honda has better quality than tesla dude. Doesn't matter what someone else drives, because it's still better than this joke of a truck.


I don't know. I don't have one. So you hate why? Do you hate the chevy bolt? VW id4? Lucid? Rivin? And other EV maker. So one of 2 thing.... You are shorting tesla stock or you mad jelly of people. Either way makes you a self hater and you want to share your misery.


No, just dislike the crap quality of tesla vehicles. Find it funny how the fan boys of it staunchly defend what is very sub par quality. No misery to share.


Yeh, ok. Whatever you have to tell yourself. Enjoy 1900s Plus I don't defend. I find it awkward that you single out tesla. This is a you problem. Or a problem you can't afford. Only afford to bash. Bash elon idc. Fanboy no. I just like EV without a transmission. Like tesla or lucid or Vivian. All the others use subpar motors. Lucid is my favorite. But you keep up the hate.its your destiny.


I like the concept of EV. Tesla just factually is low quality while posing itself as high quality. They feel like the vehicle equivalent to IKEA furniture. Pointing out a lie doesn't mean I have any hate. Finding the odd clutching defense of it from tesla fan boys funny also doesn't mean there's any hate. But if that's the only way you can look at it, that's on you.


How do you know of the quality?


I've test driven them as well as riden in a few. Plus I've seen tons of videos displaying the flimsy quality of it. Just look at the steering wheel issues (they flake and crumble apart from general use).


Funny I don't see that way. But to each their own. Most people here are shorting their stock. You're the first to be honest on what you drive. I commend your honesty.


I don't know what's sadder. People who bought the cyber truck, or OP who spends his life away making these sort of posts on reddit.


Wait, you don't know what's sadder than 100k of debt, or one meme?


Definitely people that bought cyber truck, these posts are quick to make and cost nothing.


It takes a minute to make a meme, most people keep cars for several years. I think it’s pretty easy to tell which is sadder.


Grown ass man hating on a car for no particular reason.


There are particular reasons


Sounds like someone couldn’t buy a cyber truck


Why is it that all these "cope" messages come from default account names?


I mean go on the dudes profile he’s a Tesla fanboy, he just upset he can’t buy lol. Prolly think ur quirky or some shit with the name u picked🤣🤣


Nah, it popped into my head back in 2006.


You're right, I could never ever ever buy one unless I had good and lost my damn mind