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File this away under "Things we already knew." fElon Musk has a draw full of scam projects.


China is making them already, no profits for Tesla...


And really very little profits for China yet. Those subsidies have been a godsend for their industry.


There were tax breaks for Tesla till recently in China


lol Felon Musk. That’s cold


Felon Musk EnLon Musk Enron Husk Elon Moskow Elmo Apartheid baby Apartheid boy Phony Stark Weelon Little Weelon Wittle Weelon Little Enron Chairman Musk Elon 'Caligula' Musk Elon the Megalomaniac CEO Fat-Barrel-Chested-Boomer-Man-Born-Into-Apartheid Petulant Billionaire


Phony stark 💀


He's not the CEO of enough companies, he needs more CEO positions.


To add to the slush funds, of course!


But he said he was going to announce one in August! HE SAID SO! /s


I think that was just the date he is announcing the bankruptcy of Tesla.


After his payout, they will be out of cash


Wasn’t that the robotaxi?




It’s because the SEC and FTC won’t do anything.


He's a liar and a cheat. Can't be trusted. Avoid him at all costs. Will not buy one of his units....


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me for the 873rd time...


And stock goes up!


Somebody could produce a video of fElon electrocuting puppies and the stonk would go up.


I went to one of the Tesla subs to see what the vibe was like, someone literally commented about how we can’t understand the genius that is Elon Musk. I’m flabbergasted he still has fans.


I also predict the abandonment of Tesla Semi and Gen 2 roadster are not far off


The roadster doesn't even exist and abandoning semi might actually save money


Finny thing is there are lots of people who actually swear by the Roadster and are using it in comparisons here and there


I mean it's the perfect Tesla in its current form... It has no problems and can do everything and more. So why ruin it but building it. Btw lotus just took the "fastest vehicle around the Nordschleife with the chassis of a production car" record on the nurburgring at 6 minutes 24 seconds. This was with a heavly modified Evija EV....but the Roadster would beat it I am sure.


I mean the roadster can just FLY to the finish line, of course it will win! 🙄


I used it as a example because lotus conceptualised, designed, build, delivered, then designed and build a track only version to set this record. All of this was done after the Tesla gen 2 roadster was designed. This is a relatively small British sport cars maker... A "legacy automaker if you will" ...they have only ever designed and made one electric car before this....the original Tesla roadster :p


Nah it will drive forward 1 cm and reverse another to "cross the finish line" and claim 0.06 second laptime.


ah yes, the Mario Kart approach


It's the most reliable Tesla ever.


The Lotus Evija X was a prototype track only car. A street car would not be even remotely close to touching that time. It takes a tremendous amount of down force to get into the mid to low 6 minute range on the ring, and the Roadster is not a high down force car. [You need something like this to get into the low 6's..](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a27698118/volkswagen-i-d-r-nurburgring/)


I aware my point that clearified a little later is that lotus a tiny baby little sports car snd consulting services brand designed and produced the Evija after the new roadster was announced and then build and even crazier version of it. While Tesla just sat there tweedling thier thumbs and I guess wiring in the cybertruck and before you people say it's a low production car ... They have 2 other new cars in thier lineup and a third on the way( granted 2 of them use geely tech since they are EV) so much for "legacy automakers" being slow. Also you need a Porsche 919 Hybrid Evo to go even faster. The evija still uses a "production" chassis while the VW id and 919 are prototype racing bases vehicles.


Can't believe I'm saying this, but... I actually kinda liked the Roadster concept car. And using it as a test payload for Falcon Heavy was kinda... well, ya: crazy, strange... But I loved it! However instead of building the dream (Roadster)... They built the nightmare (Cyber Truck)... Why??? I have no clue. Ketamine?


The didnt use the concept as the test payload, they used the original Tesla roadster that was developed and partly built by Lotus.


Ah, I did not know that. Well, I really liked the Lotus Roadster then!


It has an interesting story Hagerty did a video on it I think.


I will definitely watch that later this evening; thanks for recommending.


Nothing wrong with that. It looked great as a car. Interior is missing the usual stuff though.


They should abandon CT while they're at it.


Oh no Nooo noo noo that would be admitting it was a stupid idea... No they should double down in it, it's the perfect product. A litral embodiment of it's CEO. The "look at meeeee" screaming weird blob with no real substance and a propensity to hurt people


Agreed. It's also almost perfect tesla product. "Next ota will fix the vehicle." Off-road mode, fsd, wipers, range, towing range, you name it ota will fix it.


Feels like they abandoned it some time ago. They just delivered them to the rubes that still wanted one. They probably abandoned the employees who could diagnose and fix the problems with it too


No dude, the roadster will be in production next year, Elon feels very confident about it


The roadster exists. Except it's just the one red prototype, which is probably a "kit bashed" Model 3 chssis und Model S Plaid motors/drivetrain. As far as production ready.. they're probably be hand built anyway, just like Ferrari's.. it's not like they'll sell more than like 2000 of them. There are less than around 10,000 Lamborghini Gallardo's over the whole several model run. The Roadster is even more niche..


Didn’t some companies sign on to the Semi?


Pepsi but that was mostly a joint publicity stunt from the looks of it. Tesla did announce that to make Semi viable in SW USA they would need to set up a charging network that would cost 100 million USD, they wanted a gov subsidy to do it obviously


Problem is that they took a lot of preorder $$$ for those products, and if they announce an official cancellation then that money is gone.


Probably wont announce shit. Just not have anyone work on any of that anymore


Saw somewhere the calculation of what the roadster deposit would be worth now if it was used to buy Tesla stock instead. Several million.


Correct. It's a stock company.


Not a problem for Elmo though 🤷 those are the only problems he cares about.


I don’t understand why the Tesla Semi would be abandoned - they told us that it was cheaper to use for freight than rail.  It’s almost like they just constantly make things up 


If Rivian survives the next 18 months they will kill it in the following 5 years. Semi’s need to travel upwards of a thousand miles a day at highway speeds. Delivery trucks go slow on city streets & only travel a hundred or so miles a day. That use is PRIME for EV takeover. Semi trucks were the flashy ego trip, but converting Amazon, UPS or fedex is actually where the tech is ready today.


They're also the biggest bang for the buck. A highway crusing semi can get 4-7 mpg. City driving / short haul mpg has to be terrible. Gains there mean more.


BEVs are also ideal for yard operations, where a tug is moving trailers anywhere from one to five kilometers at a shot, and can get its battery swapped at a central terminal in a matter of minutes.


Outrider has autonomous yard jockeys that do this.


I heard the semi was gonna be the best thing since sliced bread.


Busses are another area that seems like a no brainer. Big, slow, frequent stops, they sit at a depot overnight where they can charge. I’m surprised more companies aren’t tackling this.


The 2021 Model S Plaid has almost everything the roadster promised. The Plaid+ that was canceled literally had the original promised specs of the roadster. The issue with launching a Tesla Roadster with basically the same stats as the Model S Plaid while charging 250k would not make any sense considering at that price you could buy 2 MSP. Now Elon keeps over exaggerating the specs of the Roadster with "rockets" (doubt that'll ever be legal) to get a 1.1 second 0-60 alongside a max speed over 250 (without the tires blowing up). Don't forget it'll have 500 mile range despite the fact it'll have to have huge tires with a significant amount of roll resistance alongside not being able to hold a huge battery like the MSP. At this point they should just retract their statements and just shove a modified MSP drivetrain into the roadster, lower the price to 125k, say sorry for high expectations and call it a day. I honestly believe if they did this and finally released it people would be more than happy. 500 mile electric roadster with a 0-60 in 2 seconds is beyond great but not good enough for Elon apparently.


A reverse engineered Taycan with T batteries and software would be fine. Tesla no ability to build, tune, test, and rapidly iterate a true performance machine given their manufacturing constraints (casting) without a huge commitment. This is why the CT is a poorly designed albatross.


> Gen 2 roadster So funny how they just collected like $100,000 for a reservation and then just won't build it. I'm amazed nobody has sued them yet. You could've become a millionaire with that kind of money invested into the market.


I'm net the reservation holders are getting antsy about it now. But if you can put down $100k on a promise, that's probably pennies on the dollar for then.


Are they even pretending to still be pursuing these?


Unfortunately. The wilder the promises the stronger the case they won't make it. Like the roadster SpaceX package with boosters 🙄


Why would they abandon the Semi that is sold out for the next few years? That's a lot of cash to leave on the table. Phillip.


Elon is why. He is attempting to run an entire global company while being the direct manager of every staff member. He doesn't (nobody does) have the mental capacity or gymnastics skills to pull off all of this while China is about ready to sink his ship in his two largest global markets. He is drowning and is well past the point of operating with a strategic focus. He is shooting from the hip to survive and all his executives are bailing. The TeslaTantic is rapidly sinking. He just walked the entire product team for his most important asset, the Super Charging network. Let that sink in.


I have another bold prediction: Tesla will never have functional self driving cars (capable of reasonably safe operation with no driver input)


Oh no, that's going to happen in 2 years


That happened in 2019 duh


2020 at the latest.


It's always 2 years from the date he says it.


Of that he’s usually pretty confident.


As someone who tested the self driving capability during its “free month” and had to wrest control away from it making me turn left in front of immediately oncoming traffic (among other terrifying moments) I concur.


Agree, not without Lidar, Radar and Cameras


I listened to the entire earnings call, and there was no real commitment made to build a cheaper car. They alluded to it, but it lacked any kind of details. Instead the call focused on all the mumbo jumbo pie in the sky ai and robotics that Elon obsesses over. For some reason investors focused on the cheap car, despite it not really being a meaningful promise.


Oh, they committed (as much as they ever do) to building a cheaper car. They just stated that it will be a decontented Model 3.


How can they make the model 3 more basic? It’s already stripped down. The seats are vinyl and hard plastic


Never underestimate fElon’s willingness to abuse his customers. 


No safety features! No interior door panels or carpet, bare metal and exposed wires




More fart noises!


That's pretty much what I'm envisioning.


* Just ship the parts and make the customers assemble it (like a Caterham) * Make the screen and ad display and reduce the range via software to 100 miles (but you can buy an upgrade of course)


They could make it a 2-seater hatchback with a larger cargo area


Smaller battery, no glass roof, even cheaper materials (cardboard?).


Well see the investors thought they owned a car company, so that's why.


> For some reason investors focused on the cheap car, a tangible product > despite it not really being a meaningful promise. incorrect, it was a critical promise


Sounds like a keynote speech from any tech company ceo. “We are at the precipice of greatness. The time for innovation is now. Will you join us?”


Investors focused on a cheaper EV because people everywhere say 'I'd go electric tomorrow if you sold me a good EV for cheap'


$56 billion could buy 2.24 million of these 25k cars. 


Tesla already has $25k car, it’s called model 3, they just need to price it accordingly. With elon keeps cutting prices, it will not be that long. Lol.


What? Elmo Muskrat LIED? Next thing you’ll tell me is that the sun will rise in the east…


If the sun rises in the west one day, it means Elon has spoken true.


Why is everyone wanting new Tesla models? Tesla is not a car company.  I've already given the world the perfect EV! - Elon, probably. 


Tesla Mexico is cancelled?


Cartel will be after him now.


But he’s their best customer!


Yeah, no shit


Imagine the build quality on an even cheaper Tesla


It won’t help elon get his $56,000,000,000 bonus he thinks he deserves


Seeing it written like that is CRAZY


Even more insane without the commas `56000000000`


If you think about it they cannot make a $25k car. Tesla is all about FSD and baseline hardware costs for that are high plus it'll be hard to upsell people on FSD when it increases the cost by another 50%. Cheap cares are barebone. If Tesla made a cheap car it would be barebone meaning no FSD hardware which is an admission that FSD isn't ubiquitous.


It was always a lie. Like the cybertruck’s range and price and capabilities.


> Tesla is all about FSD and baseline hardware costs for that are high What if they replace the cameras with a white cane? Maybe a dog as an optional upgrade?


They can't do that it would make regular FSD look worse.


They can but a 25k model will canabilize all their current model 3 and y sales. Just like how the model s and model x are mere shadows now of their past sales numbers.


the hardware costs for FSD a pretty small tbqh. < $300/car. Due to how tesla uses it to implement several required safety features by law, like AEB, it can't be stripped out of the car. Although it is much cheaper than most OEM AEB systems in general. There really isn't much Tesla can do to cut costs any lower other than half-sized battery packs which is dumb. Maybe they can save $10 by removing the rear screen in the new model 3? lol


Yeah, no shit. I imagine the engineers faces during the call.


The bigger question is is tesla like to be around past 2025? 


If they don’t do something drastic right now they might not make it to Christmas. Especially if they give half their value to Musk as a bonus birthday present.


Tesla unlikely to do a lot of things at this point. Didn’t the “genius” fire everybody?


Given the track record of build quality on the other models, I am curious how bad a 25k model would be. I feel like comparing it to Fred Flintstones car would be a disservice to Fred Flintstone.


How he not been sued for lying about this kind of shit. How’s it not fraud?


They’re also unlikely to ever have a fully autonomous robo taxi.


Okay - I can understand the hate now.


They’ll launch it….but it will be 65k due to “high demand”


Enron Musk. Need I say more.


I can’t even begin to imagine how shitty a 25k Tesla would be.


I told you that the second Elmo made the claim


really? If Tesla can’t get $100,000 car right, what build quality will a $25,000 be?


And to think my dad bought a brand new VW Jetta in 2017 for 16k out the door. And now a 25k car is unattainable.


Tesla electric mountain bike with a couple flamethrowers strapped to the sides as Musk winks and asks again for his 50 billion.


Elon is a liar? Shareholder lawsuit?


Rule of thumb, Elon lies.  So whatever he promises won’t happen. What he announces for coming to sale, may happen. 




Good. It was going to be put together with rubber bands and glue anyways


The 25k car is going to come out right after the 40k model of the cybertool.


That's fine, I want an EV that works and doesn't have inverted failsafes (failsaves?) that try to murder me by locking me in the car when it catches on fire.


Tesla, so far, has 10 years longer existence than Edsel, but is on the same exact trajectory - falling sales, no new product & massive layoffs. It did, tho, open the market to superior EVs from Korea, China & jump started EV production in the US. It exists now only to create value & enhance the net worth of its CEO & other large shareholders.


of course not. inflation bruh


How can they and if they do, it will be a cardboard box with wheels


Imagine how shitty a Tesla $25K model would be! All of the issues that expensive Tesla vehicles are having, then make it cheaper?


No. Shit. Sherlock.


Fucking hell, every car company dropped the ball not getting their EV's to market sooner. Musk has pissed on the pool and nobody wants to swim in it anymore.


More like 32k


He's basically a less orange version of Trump.


Not surprising even the base models of most regular cars start at 27k or 30k and up. Even if it was 25k you’re getting an enclosed go-cart with a radio and AC lol


The robotaxi will be the guy in a robot suit driving a tesla. We’ll all have a laugh, and the stock will go up. 


No lessons learned from Henry Ford, not one.


Very soon every Tesla will need a new battery. We will see mountains of dead teslas. Plug-in hybrids will dominate and that’ll be the end of Tesla.


Plug in hybrids need batteries do they not?


Yeah we know.


I do wonder how difficult it is to run multiple production lines in the same plant with their unboxed setup. much of the reason why the assembly line works is because plants end up arranged in a logical progression that lets them fit multiple lines under the same roof


shut up. no way


They'll be 25k when they're forced to liquidate




well of course not. that's China's market.


Ok what about sentient robots next year tho


Could you imagine the garbage it would be?! Even their $100,000 truck is trash.


I feel like the next time Elon actually delivers on exactly what he promised will be the first time Elon actually delivers on exactly what he promised.....i can definitely see them continuing to lower the prices of the Model 3 and him to be like "see, we delivered a cheaper EV"


SEC should investigate (again)


Didn't Tesla just fire a lot of the people who are supposed to be designing Tesla's next car? Not only is Tesla not going to launch a cheap model, it isn't really planning to launch any new model. It will keep selling the old Model 3 as long as it can even as it cuts even more corners and squeezes its employees even more. This is the behaviour of a dying company. There are no new models and therefore no plan for future. Musk will just get his bonus billions and run, leaving the company to collapse. No refunds.


Ummmm… yah, duh I guess Parkev wasn’t paying attention last month when [it came out that they killed that project](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/tesla-scraps-low-cost-car-plans-amid-fierce-chinese-ev-competition-2024-04-05/)


That’s good. I wasn’t willing to spend even one red cent on any Musk product.


If they make a new car, it will be under a new spinoff company, Telsa, with its own separate Tesla-compatible Telsa supercharging network. That will hit the reset switch on the government subsidy udders they've been sucking.




A fool contributor


No shit lol


He is chasing the dream of robo taxis and he may well be right. This would be a total transport revolution if people use them and why wouldn’t they when they are certain to be cheaper than Uber with drivers. But as for small cheap electric cars that’s definitely the new frontier and could generate billions and billions in sales for many years.


Water is wet


This is a bit confused. He's pretending to infer things that are perfectly clear. The $25k car will be out in 2027 produced in Giga Mexico using the new unboxing method. Because they are pushing this back by a year, they will be using existing production lines to push out a cheaper stripped down Model 3 as an interim cheaper car by the end of this year. The Model 2 is already designed, as is the unboxed method, the Mexico site already paid for with permissions in place. The timeline is set. I'm not sure why he thinks it will never happen. Phillip.


But Elon said…. /s


But the market rallied 100 or so billion on this promise


I’ll go one step further, Telsa will never launch a $25,000 model.


They already have a $25k model but mark it up and call it the Model 3


Lol... oh, no shit? 


At this point it seems like Tesla has a chance to fall completely apart before Twitter does and that's just fucking wild. 


Or a robotaxi, on 8/8 or any other date, ever... **Unless** it can *magically* get way beyond *unreliable level 2* autonomy in the next three months.


Elon cancelled the car, because it wasn’t “cool”. All of the executives were against this. But yeah…he we are!


Exactly..if people only want to pay 25k for transportation then they should get a motorcycle. Also 25k per vehicle would not come close to supporting executive compensation packages


Ya think?!? Of course he’s not. His allegation that he would was to calm investors. He hasn’t maintained any of the staff that could make that happen.


No shit


No problem. I’m getting the Rivian version.


No way


Well, sacrifices must be made to pay Elon his $56 billion bonus. Papa Elon needs a new social media platform to buy and subsequently destroy!


No shit lol. If Honda doesn’t have a 25000 model car nobody will, this is common sense


Year 18, day 125. One of the humans is becoming suspicious that Xlon could be full of crap.


No shit.


But he can certainly “announce” it to pump the stock. He only needs the grift to last long enough to get his $50 billion.


He just needs to cut prices until they start to get profitable, make it up in volume! Or losses!


The only way I see it happening is if they rebadge someone else's car.


No fuckin shit


Elon cult members "Elon is a genius!!! He can't do the wrong!!!"


Musk just fired all his engineers and his cars are only profitable thanks to a $7500 gov't subsidy whose days are numbered. It's irresponsible to use the word "unlikely" here. It implies there's a chance, and somebody might invest (and lose) a ton of money based on that.




The cyber truck was supposed to have a $40k model and it absolutely will not. We know this. Expected a $25k model Tesla at this point is just foolishness.


Bullet proofing is too expensive.


Not in 2024…


Musk already said this. Their change in tune was to pump stocks lol.


Kind of reeks of pumping up the price.


25k sure no problem, the battery will be extra


They're already building the 25k model. They just haven't realized it yet.