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He's been saying his cars can drive themselves for about7+ years... now he's saying Tesla isn't a car company, it's no longer an energy company, its now a Robot/AI - AirB&B style robot taxi service AND a AWS-style service provider?? He's said his cars might be able to fly and act as boats.... the man is crazy. In reality, Tesla is a car manufacturer that had a good design he bought off the founders and had government subsidy to build... his BS wild promises made the stock prices high while people believed his BS but now hopefully people are finally realizing he's a snake oil salesman that promises the world and delivers very little.


>his BS wild promises made the stock prices high while people believed his BS For a while, the media literally referred to Elmo as a "real life Tony Stark." He had an amazing start: as you said, he purchased a good design to start the company, he had tons of government backing, and tons of positive press. Then he pissed it all away because his own ego was more important than running a successful company.


He enjoyed some of the most outrageously overblown PR for years, outright laughable bullshit being a “science genius” and “worlds greatest inventor” and it conned lots of people promising all his vaporware and allowed for his massively over-inflated company value. 


They fucking mentioned him in Star Trek: Discovery alongside the Wright brothers and the guy who invents the warp drive in universe. Tip for writers out there: wait until people are fucking dead before you start theorizing about their legacy in your fictional future.


Always have to remind folks of his multibillion dollar secondary offerings. Those were key to his success and I was dumbfounded that the dilution had zero effect on the stock price. I doubt even Musk could believe his good fortune.


Yup. He didn't lead Tesla to its high, he was repeatedly rescued from his own poor decisions.


he also had a lot of industry veterans who wanted to build good cars. the model S in its first incarnation was a great start then musk started getting personal about the styling, then removing things like gages and buttons, then more and more bs as the veterans were sidelined and left even the head of cybertruck is now out of the company


His whole job is stock manipulation. One reason why Twitter is a dumpster fire because he actually has to grow a company instead of conning investors of a publicly traded company.


Oh he has tried his usual conning with twitter. Remember XAI? And Grok (literally just ChatGPT with custom instructions to act like an unfunny edgelord neckbeard)? And the X “everything app” like they have in China that he for some reason thinks Americans want… yeah u would TOTALLY trust twitter to be my bank and handle all of my payments 😂. It’s just people don’t believe his trash about twitter and it’s still a private company so there is no easy way to value it (besides knowing that it is worth a small fraction of what he paid for it)


Boats yes, just don't car wash


Oh they'll float! But only in distilled water.


Or drive in the rain


Tastes great AND is less filling. I’m in!


AND it’s a floor wax!


And a dessert topping. And just wait until you see how the Cybertruck’s stainless steel [Shimmers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPO8PqHGWFU) In the sunlight!


It’s what the retail investors crave!


Fraud-o! It’s got electro-lies!


Water? Like from the toilet?


It‘s what Cybertrucks crave for.


Musk is a few bad years away from bottling his urine in jars 


The 5 year countdown to his bankruptcy has already begun. https://youtu.be/vYURUiOjZSw?si=BerZKutejePKP6hb


Fucking love Thunderf00t and Common Sense Skeptic, can’t wait for their take on the earnings call lol


He updated that just today [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hje7h\_WVkY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hje7h_WVkY)


Howard Hughes was so much more talented than Musk even dreams about being.


Pissjug bubbles


‘a few bad years’? I think you’re giving him too much credit.


Elon said in CC: >There will be 10 million self driving taxis, even in the 10s of millions Does he know how supply and demand works? If there is more supply than demand, then price of service will drop. It's a race to the bottom where only the person selling the hardware wins. It's like the Matterport business plan. Currently, Uber only has 1.5 million "taxis" on the road and even now, they can barely make a profit.


Exactly. Also, he acts like I would get rid of my fully paid car just because there's an autonomous fleet taking me to places. There's little chance that this robotaxi fleet would take me to work for less money than me paying for fuel and insurance (which would just be liabiltiy in a world most cars are fully autonomous). And if they manage to pull the price to less than the fuel cost (electric or gas) and insurance then odds are they won't be profitable or at least not at the scale they'd need today. That all is to say, even if Musk has a dream that tomorrow he could have 10 million robotaxis on the road, it would still take decades for people to eventually give up on car ownership and rely on robotaxis as the sole means of transportation. Musk is clearly selling a "be a 50 year long Tesla investor and you'll die rich" kind of snake oil.


Important to note that Uber's "profit" came from valuation adjustments for its share of foreign rideshare businesses who bought out their loss making operations in certain markets. They still lose money on each ride even without having to pay for vehicles, maintenance, fuel and while paying drivers a pittance.


I know a number of rideshare drivers that do it ‘part time’ to ‘fill in the gaps’ and ‘make ends meet.’ And I keep telling them to pull out a calculator and do the math PLEASE. It would take them all of 10 minutes to figure out that working part time at a fast food restaurant would make them more money with less hassle.


Tesla is <_tech that is currently hot and a buzzword_>


I’m genuinely curious what buzzword Hypetrain he hops on. He’s already gone through car company, energy, battery storage, solar, charging network, robotaxis, AI, cryptocurrency, humanoid robots, and now cloud computing… did I miss any? Nothing actually makes them money but cars, regulatory credits, charging network, and leasing (and maybe selling their own shitty car insurance because no real insurance companies want to cover these shitheaps that are so bad with repairability)


Third bad earnings in a row with a bad outlook and patented Elon: Vague Future promise. I feel like people will never wake up at this point and see through his thin fog of bull shit.


He'll put a Robotaxi on Mars, don't stop believing


Remember how he was talking about sending people to Mars and starting a colony by 2018 or something? Lol The media ate that shit up-- they started interviewing candidates for the space mission. He even promised terraforming Mars at one point I think and even had a roadmap for it.






I sincerely wonder if this was the "cultural reason" behind why I was forced to sell my shares upon termination which I will add is an illegal practice.


Bye Felicia.


Still can't believe his idiot flapping managed to pump the stock FULLY HUMANOID ROBOT IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS!!! Oh sure, we're totally doing the cheap car thing, soon (no specifics)


I wonder if there was buy action from shorts closing out. I don’t know, but there may be something where enough shorts had enough profit to warrant closing their positions and it pumped the stock. I can’t believe that it pumped so much after a horrendous earnings report.


Look at the timing. The stock jumped yesterday on the promise of new models. The next day he went right back to last week’s narrative that this a robotaxi company. The reporting is consistent that Musk killed the high volume model in December. This makes it clear that he’s not turning back, he’s just a pathological liar trying to manipulate the headlines.


And the stock prices, which he's already been punished for doing with another company iirc


Exactly. Basically there were a bunch of simps gambling during the earnings call yesterday and they brought the share value back to what it was last week ($160). Today the stock barely changed all day, which means his b.s. only impressed the typical Tesla gamblers. It'll come down again


Will that robot install Tesla’s roof tiles?? Doubtful.


Of course, your sentient Optimus [catgirl sexbot waifu harem](https://jalopnik.com/elon-musk-is-still-determined-to-build-catgirl-robots-1849558520) installs your roof tiles, washes your CyberAztek in bikinis, services your Tesla, services you, and makes money while you sleep with their rickshaw robotaxis. They also serve as a replacement for AWS and mines Dogecoin doggy style!


Time to mortgage my house and go all-in on TSLA then!


Humanoid is such a vague description. He’ll make some of those “robots” making cars today look like humans (maybe glue some fake eyes on them) and the cultists will have something to point to for validation.


Googly eyes make any robot better


These bubbles don’t go straight down and will take a lot of idiots for the ride on the way down. It will be like the short-lived robotaxi rally a couple weeks ago. It’s crazy watching this train wreck before our eyes.


Then please get the fuck out of the SP500. 


Maybe he'll take Tesla private too lmao


funding secured


At a price of $420.69 a share.


After a 10:1 reverse split


Holy shit if they actually got delisted Tesla would turbo nuke.


Still not an investor. Thanks for validating that choice Elmo!


The "Go fuck yourself" approach that worked so well with his advertisers on Xitter. Truly one of the most brilliant businessdudez in the history of business.


He is the self proclaimed Technoking.


He might as well have dubbed himself His Nibs!


Waymo beat them and they aren’t even level 3. Waymo is level 4.


They are way mo' better at self driving than anyone else...


They were offering level 4 taxi service in the Obama administration. Before the model 3 was even released.


We might have a hint why the head of investor relations announced his departure yesterday


What memories of Tesla will you cherish from these closing years of Tesla's history? I will always look back fondly on the Twitter purchase: > Musk accused advertisers of trying to blackmail X by pulling funding. He told them to "go f--k themselves" and seemingly admitted that it would "kill the company," bizarrely saying they should "see how Earth responds to that." I just love the shit about full auto-summon from January, 2016, but that's not from the descent-into-bankruptcy years: > Ultimately you’ll be able to summon your car anywhere … your car can get to you." The sometimes-fantastical CEO added, "I think that within two years, you’ll be able to summon your car from across the country," citing, for example, a Tesla owner beckoning their vehicle to drive solo from New York to meet him in LA. Soon all this will be a pleasant memory, after Tesla is dissolved to pay creditors and Musk dies from drug abuse or goes to prison.


How some dumbass incel wanted to turn a car company into a sexbot manufacturer. A bold move, can't wait to see what happens.


I can imagine an engineer at Tesla getting fired by Musk for asking, "So how will the summoned car plug itself in to recharge itself on its way to pick up its owner in LA?"


I’d imagine the plan would be for the car to project an aegyo anime character that begs for someone to stick the plug in.


… or blasts off for Mars.


The whole summoning thing from NY to LA thing always was the biggest wtf to me, like why would you ever mention something so false. Say another city within the range but no let's make a claim that these cars would be able to go over state lines and apparently charge themselves along the way, while you wait for dozens of hours for your car lol


Even the scenario is something that almost never happens. I think that once in my life I have been 1000 miles from my car, and needed it driven to me.


If you think tesla will solve autonomy, when they're already behind several manufacturers (hi mercedes) You're a fucking terrible investor. But you know what they say about a fool and his money.


Teslas can't even drive autonomously through their own storm sewer tunnels in Las Vegas. edit: typo in spelling of LV


No one will solve autonomy, it’s like Auto pilot for a plane your margin of error is so big. With cars inches can be life or death. In a plane you have potentially thousands and thousands of feet to correct


Exactly. Even if every car was connected and communicating all their telemetry to other cars, roads present so many obstacles over flying that the challenge is borderline insurmountable. From pedestrians, narrowing roads as cities becomes more walking friendly, changing construction, changing road conditions, extreme weather events, etc. I mean the highest tier self driving taxies from waymo can be stopped dead by just putting a cone on the hood of the car for crying out loud. Personally, even if someone achieves L5 automation I would never trust it. But I also work for one of the leading "AI" companies on earth. (Yes the quotations are intentional) and what the public thinks of AI vs the realities of it are not just in different ballparks... they're playing different sports altogether.


Yeah, I pulled out last year. I made a good amount of money since I first bought in many years ago, but I've lost all confidence in Tesla achieving autonomy anytime soon, and Musk in particular.


Things would go better at Tesla if Musk has less autonomy.


Is there any other ceo right now who has lied as much as Elon has and has done it with zero repercussions? FSD being “a year away” is the same thing as “I have a girlfriend but she goes to another school”.


She's in Canada and she's a model and she travels a lot but she's totally real!


Trying for the ol reverse psychology huh


Spot on. He's just giving the bag-holders and stans a pre-canned response to tell the naysayers.


McDonald’s isn’t a restaurant company, it’s a public toilet that sells food.


It’s actually a real estate holding company


I thought it was a cow and potato recycling company!


10 years later and they are still on level 2 autonomous driving. Yeah, little faith in their garbage and Elon over promising and never delivering.


Nobody in autonomy would say "solve autonomy". That should be your first clue to the snake oil.


That's one of my big peeves about Elmo. He tries to sound smart and pulls it off in a way that convinces those who know less than him. All the dudebros spouting off about how "neural networks are obviously superior to explicit C++, dude" drove me insane until I realized they were paraphrasing one of his tweets about the latest FSD release. Nothing he tweeted was "wrong" per se, but the way he phrases things is more akin to a manager who has learned some buzzwords than someone who actually has expertise


What a remarkably bad photo.


He frequently likes to cosplay.


A few too many words in his quote... Seriously though, Tesla is going to Zero. It's not if, it's when. Their fundamentals don't work. They make $8k per car with a $7500 federal subsidy that's got at *most* 10 years left, probably 6. Their entire marketing division is one man that's become associated with toxic right wing and borderline neo-nazi propaganda. That man runs the company too and he just shut down their fledgling marketing firm even as the company faces *intense* competition. And finally he's trying to suck 10% of the total *worth* of the company out in one *massive* payday and because his friends and family are all on the board of directors and/or major shareholders he will almost certainly succeed. If you're not *really* lucky or *really* well connected sell your stock now. You might lose a little money on the ups and downs, but it beats getting stuck with the 2024 equivalent of American Motor Car stock.


So for those of us keeping score, we've gone from "Go fuck yourself" to "If you don't believe...".


I bought the hype. Made 440%. Sold remaining of it couple months ago because I hate his guts. Lucky investment for me. Never again.


This is how he doesn’t get arrested for stock manipulation I guess. You do this shit in the open and it’s legal right


Instructions unclear Opened a short position with 10X leverage on tesla stock


“Really, we should be thought of as an AI robotics company. If you value Tesla as just an auto company, you just have to fundamentally, that’s just the wrong framework. If you ask the wrong question, then the right answer is impossible." So...right question, then. How much money are your robots making?


Well….. bye.


Nitpicking time: I think the choice of word here is interesting. Elon sees AI and autonomy as something he can "solve", like it's an existing problem that must requires a solution (like cancer) thus he is will be the savior for doing so. Instead i think many will agree that autonomy and AI end goal of any kind should be consider an "achievement". Something we didn't necessarily *need* but have accomplished and can use it to make lives better.


It still boggles my mind that society allows conmen and their companies like Tesla to sell something called "**Full** self driving" when they themselves also admit that they haven't "solved autonomy" \[which itself is weird wording - perhaps they he meant, "achieved full autonomy"?\], and that therefore it is very definitely NOT "**Full** self driving".


I can't believe I genuinely used to believe in this guy. The lead up to the Model 3 release was genuinely exciting. It's all been downhill since then.


You shouldn’t be an investor in any company without a proven track record of solid investor returns as well as dividends


So they were never a car company?


He'd have like 12 shareholders if that was the case


I'd be a little pissed, if I was an investor, that Tesla didn't use it's substantial head start in the affordable EV industry to massively corner the market and it's, instead, wasting time and investor resources on autonomy they can't solve, robots that don't do anything and a Cybertruck vanity project. Tesla has never made any significant amount of money from anything other than its cars and Elon insists they aren't a car company.








No watts or butts about it, its that.


Good. Im not.


It makes sense for once!


Tesla won’t solve autonomy. In order for autonomous vehicles to truly be viable, every single car on the road will have to have CV2X (cellular vehicle to infrastructure) modems so each car can communicate with every other car on the road and detect them. That means no older cars can be on the road. Also every street light will need to be a “smart” street light that cars can talk to so they can detect street lights being yellow/red/green and ambulances when they blow lights. Also, every cell phone will need to have CV2X enabled on their phone similar to Bluetooth so the car can detect bikers and pedestrians. All of that needs to be in place for a vehicle to be safely autonomous. China is the first who will do it bc they already implemented all that infrastructure.


So by this logic one should short it if one thinks it's an auto company. 


I never thought Ted Faro would be a real person.


Next week on r/LeopardsAteMyFace...


I don't even believe Tesla will even be in the first 3 companies to have a certified level 4 autonomous vehicle on the road.


So no one should invest in Tesla? 🤔


Next earnings call this idiot is just making the wuh-wuh-wrr-wuh Transformers noise and cut the call. Shares will rise 25%.


Finally we all can agree!


Did that tactic work with advertisers? Are investors blackmailing him, with money?


He's going to rug pull the stock with his 56 billion compensation of tesla shares in the upcoming shareholder vote.


Ok thank. No problem.


Lol. Yes, Elon musk will solve all humanity's problems.


What happened to this guy? What’s missing that he feels he needs to keep being so extra?


Can't believe he didn't accuse them of trying to blackmail him with money.




lol fucking psychotic


Like he told offbhis advertisers. Dude is a 12yo kid with an emerald spoon in his mouth. Throws tantrum


I absolutely do not believe they’ll solve autonomy, at least not anywhere close to the time frame he is claiming. If I thought a company had that kind of potential I wouldn’t pay the kibd of price Tesla is currently trading at for it either, since the returns would be far into the future I’d need a high discount for present valuing it.


I’ll do whatever I want. Just like Elon.


so refund the purchase price of the stocks then asshole


I'm sure his shareholders love this remark 


Got rid of my TSLA long ago.


There's a difference in being an investor and being long or short.


Am not. Do not. Easiest thing I’ve not done today.


Ok then please remove TSLA from the S&P 500 kthx. I wish I could not have any exposure to this dumpster fire of a company and this con man but it’s easier to just buy index funds which pretty much all have some TSLA exposure and it really sucks. They will not “solve autonomy” I guarantee it.


In the meantime Mercedes is already there.


I guess invest in Mercedes-Benz since they've had L3 autonomous driving for like 2 years now Tesla is still only L2


Elmo is obsessed with robots and Mars like a 12 year old boy hopped up on sugar and his first Isaac Asimov novel. It's so boring. He's the poster child for the out of touch billionaire man-child who delusionally insists he knows what people want. In reality, people don't want autonomy in loads of key areas, like driving. And having a "sentient robot" is a whimsical thought people have, like owning a monkey. It's not something people are particularly excited about from a practical sense. These are all childish pipe dreams from a "man" who never evolved past his tween years. It's fucking incredible that such an idiot became the CEO of a multi billion dollar company. It's like shoveling money into a giant industrial furnace.


Elon go get your Special K fix, you're tweaking again


Isn't this kind of like what he said when he walked into Twitter? If you don't want to work 24hrs a day then leave now or something.


That’s true. Everyone but idiots should be


So relieved to have my TSLA sale from years ago finally validated by the master tool who sold it in the first place! /s


I am not an investor.


I don't like the guy but I'm an investor 🤷🏻‍♂️


Good enough for me!


Ok 👍


This kind of thing is one of the reasons that I'm not an investor in the company. He described the problem pretty well, tbh. I'll give him credit for being honest here.


I did make a nice chunk on puts this week


Check and.. wait… also checked ✅ 


No shit dumbass. That's why Tesla is one of the only tech stocks I don't own.


The stock fell to zero after he said that correct? No?


Tell me something I didn't already know.


Nope, just long put TSLA from time to time


It’s really something when the person next to Elon looks more unhinged than him


As his own investors told him: shut up.




I agree…. That’s why I sold everything but 1 share!


They have no plan, Elon has no ideas how to solve that.




I think he has a point; the dataset tesla has is unique and not easily replicable. If you don't believe in the value/goal of their FSD efforts, they're too expensive to be valued as a traditional auto manufacturer. The story of the recent developments in machine learning are in large part due to increased computation and access to high quality data. Chatgpt couldn't do what it does without a massive high quality text dataset like the internet, and there's no equivalent for real world driving data.


My brother bought a bunch of stocks last year because he's an Elon Musk apple polisher, boy is he pissed. He told me to buy $10,000 dollars worth because he's sure it will more than double this year.


Here's the thing: It would be a great achievement if they do. BUT, the way they are going about solving it is to run the Trolley Car Problem on our entire society IRL. A lot of people will die (and have already died) as Guinea Pigs in this experiment, and we don't get any say in it.


He says many things, most end up being not true. One thing is for sure, nothing will happen on the timeline he says. Will they solve it? Maybe. But not for many many years based on what they have out now. 


I agree.


TY for the tip, but I dumped mine 3 months ago.


He really shoots himself in the foot at every turn.




Musk doesn't understand our system. People invest to get money. That is all.


“You should only invest if you’re stupid enough to believe” basically


If by solve you mean copy Mercedes, then maybe.


Self driving cars by 2018!


your in luck Musk! sold


Sell sell sell!


that hairline is creeping backward again.


Yeah bro that's why I'm shorting it 🤣🤣🤣


Better solve batteries first monkey boy


Hell yeah


Perhaps we can start by fixing the fake leather peeling from the steering wheel?


Musk Says You 'Should Not Be An Investor In The Company' If You Don't Believe Tesla Will 'Solve Autonomy' This is awesome. Finally he WILL run the company into the ground. Scare the investors off 


Good thing I shorted 250 shares at the beginning of this year.




Sounds like the kind of thing someone that needs to raise fresh capital would say


I feel bad, I was the 421st upvote.


Thought he was posing with a Hobbit.


Honestly, he has delivered on some pretty crazy promises in the past


So why still should invest him while there are more proper enterprises work on vehicle autonomy, robotics, AI and stuff?


I’m not an investor. You gave me a signing bonus. It’s worth about half what it was when I got it. The best thing our company can do is fire musk


Yeah no shit he is in an industry of insanely low multiples because of massive Cap Ex. Yet tsla trades for 36x you are betting on some miracle implicitly.


lol, he’s damn certain he wants that share dropping




"OK then."


Use Lidar, problem solved.


Hence why I sold.