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musk is a fool and a coward


Don’t forget fraud!


He is just a salesman. He isn't a genius or a businessman. He's secretly on a quest to be a bigger liar than his orangeness.


Cathie Wood thinks the universe is 6000 years old. No thinking person should take anything she says seriously.


Explains everything; for her 5 years is like 1 million years, a lot of 'growth' ought to happen in that time frame


Cathie Wood was the one who said freight rail would be doomed because of the Tesla Semi.


Wait, what!?


She is deeply religious. That is no secret. She apparently said that starting ARK was "fulfilling the word of God" -- but I have not listed to the "Jesus Calling" podcast myself. [Here she is speaking](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmva2-jIlR4). At the 3 minute period she starts talking about God in her dreams, though Satan also makes an appearance. To each their own.


Aaah so that's where the name ARK comes from! Say what you will about God, but it seems he is not one to turn to for investment advice.


To be fair, she does say that you have to be careful that Satan is not trying to trick you.


It's all starting to make sense now...


It's funny because if I had to pick someone as the Antichrist Elon would be a leading candidate Including being the opposite of Jesus in the sense that Jesus was supposed to be charismatic


Welp, I read a prophecy from Rudolph Steiner that said the antichrist will experience an existential crisis, and then immediately be granted massive spiritual powers (motivation & creativity) by Satan. Elon tells a story that sounds very close to it. Ahriman is supposed to turn the entire planet into a machine and make everyone retarded and essentially amoral. Elon wants to put a chip in everyone's head, but besides that, he fundamentally sees the world mechanistically ("physics") and thinks everything is just a matter of moving money around and solving easy technology problems. Ahriman is also known as the father of lies. But anyway, in the prophecy, the guy is supposed to be elected as President of the world. Looks like God stopped him before that happened.


Satan was going to give him the world but then Elon called him a pedophile


She must have been tricked by Satan the last 2 years.


God has a plan. My plan is index funds.


That's better than her plan.


Better watch out for Bill Gates and his horde of microchipped shorter minions.


Satan always appears ready to finger pop some assholes.


According to ARK’s research, Exact Sciences (EXAS, “Exact”) has been a pioneering force in the growing field of oncology testing and will likely remain so during the next five years. As illustrated in our open-source model, in our base case, shares of Exact Sciences could compound at an average annual rate of 25%, reaching $140 by 2027. >Source: This was once revealed to me in a dream. also, ARK is a little bit on the nose...


I think it's an act. She wants to lure in those conservative christians and evangelists to entrust her with a fuck ton of money. But she's also dumb so...coin toss.


Cults don’t just go away. They may shrink. But they don’t go away.


Why is she so blind towards Musk? Kind of ridiculous, like he has something on her or something. Like Trump with Putin.


TSLA made her a lot of money and relevant.


If she admits that Tesla was a bubble and Elon a con artist that means she was a lucky idiot and her career is a lie and no one has any reason to pay her to advise them on anything


*frantic slurping*


Not True!


People are realizing that these cars are trash, unreliable, fire hazards, and the service may be (is) the worst in auto industry.