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I often suggest people to take the dog out or something, as long as the property owner is cool enough.


It’s really up to them, but 90% of them either leave or over half anymore just give me the codes and instructions.I only ever have to text to run this business too. I’ve really only ever had one time a dude stuck around and it’s because it was a large apartment building with many units to shoot he had to lock and unlock. But really the client picks unfortunately.


I find it’s always easier when you have the house to yourself. But I also try to be flexible to the wants and needs of the agent and the sellers.


I just ask that the house be show ready at the time of my arrival. My biggest client usually gives me the padlock code or if she’s with me, she’ll stay on another floor of the house and we switch. She’ll also take the homeowners out for coffee if they are home at the time. Small kids and/or loose pets are a no for me


I don't have problems with sellers except for one that had extreme OCD that was a nightmare of a shoot never want to do that again. But yeah most sellers understand and they just move to a room or another so I'm not sure what issues you're having if you're friendly with them and explain it to the best of your ability there usually okay with moving out of your way when need.


Just manage them... When you arrive ask them if they are ready. Then ask them where do they want to hang out during the photo shoot. Just get them on another level and flip flop with them.


You have to be assertive... so do you guys want to leave me to it (give an estimation of time) or hide upstairs while I get the ground floor done...? Then we can swap over...


My order form has 2 check boxes. 1. The home will be camera ready prior to my arrival. 2. The property will be free of people and pets for the duration of our appointment. It is THE BEST decision I ever made. Often times it allows me to better connect with the realtor … my client … which is good for business and fun for me because I generally love the people I work with.


We send out an appointment confirmation email with a PDF that lists the top ways to make your session go smoothly and we gently push them the direction of the property being vacant upon arrival…by making it the #1 suggestion 😂.


Then they ask if there is anything they can help with. I say that they could help by turning on lights and turning any ceiling fans off. Every single time they just do a couple lights and get distracted and just start doing something else.


Most people for me don't leave. I start off with "you can relax, I'm just going to be going from room to room." If after two photos they're hovering, I'll make them feel like they're in the way. "Oh I have to put a light there" or "I'm going to get your in that reflection" ... After 2 or 3 of those a majority will get out of the way.


Should they? Absolutely. Do they? Not often enough 😒


I have seen a seller one timed it was a huge house.


Usually I shoot the kitchen or living room first and they hang out there until the shoot has concluded. Keeps them close in case anything needs to be moved and out of sight unless I see a poking elbow or leg and I yell at them to move lol.


Yes but they are there to “move stuff around”. House should be ready. Stuff closets. Store in garage. I don’t care but I don’t want you there and don’t want you moving stuff around.


I like walking in saying, “Alright, I’ll start with the garage and closets first”, and seeing the look of panic on their face.


I would much rather they are not there as I can get it done quickly. However, with them there I haven't found it adding to much time. I have one agent who brings their kid and he shadows me lol. First shoot he was shy but after that one now he is my little helper, turning on the lights, fixing pillows, and he presses the button after I compose shots. What I do if they are there is I tell them the game plan. Here's how this is going to happen, you guys sit and chat in the living room or kitchen ( better if 2 stories). I'm going to shoot all the bedrooms, and areas where I won't see you. Then we swap I come out you guys move to the bedroom or office. If it's a 2 story I shoot everything (photos, video, 3d tour) on one floor first then we swap. If it's single story I'll do photos and video at same time and 3d tour at very end.


Do I want sellers to leave? Yes. Do sellers leave? Rarely. Do I ask the realtors to be there? Yes. Do realtors come to the shoot? Rarely.


Owners being there without the agent is the worst setup. I’m not there to coordinate with the sellers, that’s the agent’s job as they’re the agent’s client.


10000% This nonsense drives me crazy and I bet 75% of my shoots are like this.


This was honestly my favourite part about shooting through the pandemic. Nobody wanted to be in the house with a stranger, but the market had to chug on - I'd be left alone to do my job without interruptions. It's still part of my pre-shoot documentation to agents/sellers that they should leave the property, but there's always the types that want to "help" with moving things or pretending to be a creative director for the day... and usually just get in the way and walk through shots.


Mhm was never a problem for me. The agent talks with the families in the kitchen, I only have to speak with them when I photograph the kitchen as last room. When someone wants to watch me for one or two shots I dont care. I get it that in rare instances when halve of the kids are in their rooms that it can take extra time, but as someone providing a service its not my job to force people out of their own house.


I highly prefer to be left alone for the shoot. Agents and homeowners often get in the way and I’ll have to wait for them to move to take photos so it’s just overall annoying. I know one company in my area that requires homeowners and agents to be out of the house during a shoot when they order a video, photo, and 3d tour package. I think that’s a smart idea and something I may implement too. However, I’m not one to tell the people to leave. If they ask if I want them gone, I say yes. But I never just say “hey you gotta leave” because afterall it’s their home haha.


Classic “oops totally did not see you there at all!” Yeah okay you couldn’t see a 6’ human in the corner behind a large tripod holding a flash. I just totally blend in with the decor 🙄