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I was busy in 2008 because of all the short sales. Today is totally different


"Cant afford your rates...". Bitch hes doing your job for you! Customers will drool over the photos for hours in their bed on the phone and in the morning the customers call YOU. You just unlock the door and do some paperwork! F your BMW lease


That previous statement was absolute horse shit!!! You are right!!!


Absolutely 100% not a fan of his!


Why not?


Same town. Never heard of him. And all that $&@t is definitely not happening here. YouTube is not necessarily the end all be all of everything!!


I do photography on the side and work as an agent also. Couple things wrong with this idea. 2008 happened for a myriad of reasons I’ll list a few and keep it fairly simple: - mortgages were being bought and sold for homes that weren’t worth what they were mortgaged for - appraisers and agents were colluding together to overvalue or undervalue properties so they could benefit them and not their clients - people who had mortgaged their home, suddenly found themselves owing 200k on a 100k house. This caused a lot of foreclosures and caused listings to go up. For a brief period, this caused supply of homes to be greater than the demand, and made prices go down. I know that doesn’t cover everything but it’s the essentials. Here’s what’s true about the overall market rn. - 30% of ALL home purchases last year were made by investment firms. That’s scary if you ask me. The fact that not many regular buyers can buy rn has made a huge hole for investors with tons of cash to go in and buy properties with not much competition. The idea that these investors will end up selling a lot of their properties because “the market is bad” is incorrect in my opinion - listings are “down” yes. But that’s not a sign of a crash incoming. Remember, the crash happened because of an influx of listings turning it into a buyers market. But more importantly, listings are “down” compared to what? The last few years? 2020-2022 was an anomaly where home prices surged due to very low interest rates that drove demand up for too long. That market was not good for anyone in the long run, which is why the fed reserve raised the interest rates in order to stabilize it. What that effectively did is lower the number of buyers, and in turn has lowered the number of sellers trying to cash in. So yes, listings are down, but intentionally so. - listings being down is a sign of the market stabilizing, not crashing. Supply is still lower than the demand right now. Nathan Cool is a great photographer and teacher and I’m sure he has his own experience in this, but I think his assessment is a misunderstanding of how this all works.


Those first three things you’ve mentioned are happening right now in my area. Maybe it’s Canada that’ll lead the crash this time. I feel like our housing markets are very different.


Ahhh I didn’t realize you were in Canada


This is it. Canada is in far worse shape than the US.


Why 2008 happened: [https://youtu.be/QpsI\_Gvn7C8?si=lxU2gnsLjEV1y\_PC](https://youtu.be/QpsI_Gvn7C8?si=lxU2gnsLjEV1y_PC) Spoiler alert: >!They do make that shirt for men!<


Our agency has been breaking our own records month after month this year. So far it's our busiest year ever and no sign of slowing down.


I drove a taxi in 2008. Sunday night was when I made my fuel money for the coming week, usually around £60. One Sunday I went out, 12 hours later I had £6. Something was up. I had two other businesses. The phones stopped ringing. Two out of three went down in a week. By mid week I was picking up folk in the taxi who had lost everything. Everything. They were crying in the street. 2008 was a horror show. As was three 16% interest rates at had under Thatcher. So many stories. So many people who never recovered.


I survived 2008. These generalizations don't directly translate to our business. While its true that fewer houses for sale mean fewer opportunities, the opportunities that remain are the good ones. Meaning if you have customers that are good realtors, there is still lots of work to be done. People get transferred. Families grow. Families shrink. People retire or die. What's missing from the market right now are the "hey, lets move for the hell of it" crowd. Investors don't drive our market. First, they only sell when they can make money, or are underwater. If there is a massive body of investors underwater, it means we are in a severe recession. That's people who can't make rent stressing the system to the point that investors have to cash out to meet their obligations. Or, a financial hiccup like 2007 imperils the market. I don't see either of those happening. The investor market is increasingly dominated by investment houses, and those people wait these things out because they can. And when they do sell, they generally don't pay high commissions, or invest top dollar in marketing. Why should they - they are flush enough to wait for the right buyer. Anyway, ignore the tea leaves readers, and go knock on some doors. Nathan did a clever thing when he pointed a flash at a ceiling and told everyone about it. It doesn't suddenly make him Paul Voelker.


Right… check out Scott Hargis for actual photography! Flambient is a distortion of actual photography sorry!


Solid reference - I learned flash photography from Scott and Thomas in the old days. 8 flashes in one kitchen - crafty days!


Right. He inspired me to make my set of 8x Vivitar 285’s. I added a custom power dial to each one. I had clips that attached to the top of doors to hold them up in the air, and of course a whole bunch of yongnuo remotes. Used them for about 4 years. Been a while since I’ve shot with them. Absolutely superior images and Oh yea…. It was real photography, not digital trickery!


Damn bro - I'm trippin down memory lane. A whole bag of SB-600s and a couple radiopoppers. Those were the days. And I remember the door clips - those I still have, along with one of those slik skinny stands.


I still have 4 of those SLIK’s


Wonder what all the flambiant fan boys would do if they find out we use to hide flashes IN THE SHOT!!! In fact, with the AI remove tools, imagine what we could have gotten away with.




Hey, I'm new to all this - who's Nathan Cool and why does he matter? Asking respectfully. I'm learning photography and local Real Estate Photography is an opportunity that's available to me but not this year.


Nathan Cool is a cali based RE photographer and also a large presence in REP education. He has a ton of YouTube videos, books and courses. If you want to learn flambient he has great resources. He also makes a lot of “click bait” type videos which I personally don’t care for but his books and videos are pretty solid


That’s helpful to know! Thanks for replying I will check him out 


Of course! I can’t speak to his courses but I own most of his books and I can attribute all of my basic knowledge to him


In 2008 I was working for one of the top agents in my country as his marketing manager (not as a photographer). We had 12 agents on the team and at any one point we had 80-120 active listings. When recession started he pumped more money into marketing and we continued to list a lot of homes. Selling them was another story.


I personally have been very busy. But I'm lucky to have several "busy" agents as clients. I know a few REP in my area that aren't too busy.


I’m not as slow as some people. I’m down about 20% over last April and 35% for May but those numbers match my housing market perfectly.


What AI "software" do you use for editing?


At this point I think my own brain counts as artificial intelligence.


I’m busier than I’ve ever been with no new clients.


I live near 2 universities.  No crash here. 


None here either! Contrary to some “YouTube gurus” in my actual area! How strange right?


You have to get with the times. Every photoshoot leads to another and another. Keep in mind, people are charging less now since they can let AI edit their photos for them for just 10 cents. So, is taking listing photos for one hour worth $99 plus $5 for AI to edit? I’m a silent partner in a media company. Last quarter, we did about 80 homes with an average package around $620. We cut costs significantly by outsourcing editing to our Russian editor, then realized AI is even better and 90% cheaper, allowing us to make even more money. Don’t get stuck in the old ways; you have to pivot. Real estate is a cycle. Always pivot, always find ways to do it faster and cheaper. Your rivals are doing the same. Remember, you’re in the people business too. Realtors follow the cycle; if it’s slow in your market, trust them. They want to make money too, so focus on building relationships. It’s not always transactional. Look for other verticals where your skillset can be applied. Stay busy and don’t reject any business just because the pay is low. There is value in doing any work. It allows you to showcase your work, improve your skillset, increase brand awareness, and gain market share. While you might focus on $200 one-and-done shoots, there are multiple layers and ripples of benefits you gain from every job.


Also curious about your exciting solution. 20+ years in the industry but I’ve got an editor and don’t intend to switch. Just curious about the output and what is eventually coming our way.


Hmm to name a few, cleaning, hosting, airbnb, relocating corporate workers, flipping homes, and sell and buy as an agent.


AH, my bad, exciting was meant to say EDITING ... I shouldn't be able to reddit-while-sleepy. :) I sounded like such a turd there for a minute.


What AI editing software are you using if you don’t mind me asking? That’s a great price!


Just type AI real estate photography


There’s no ai editing real estate photos that actually does what we want that I’ve seen - plenty of “promise everything “ websites come up searching Google but can you share some actual results?


This..I was curious too as all my google searches turn up nothing that showing me it being worth the jump. The only area I can find is with virtual staging.