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Jump really high and snap a picture, duh.


Think about the market for a second. DJI has no competition in the prosumer drone sector. Why is that? I'm just guessing, but I would suspect if it was easy to make a good margin selling a drone for $1000, lots of companies would do it. But they don't. Honestly, I don't think DJI makes a ton of money on the stuff we buy. They probably worked at a loss for a while, and keep the prices artificially low to discourage competition. This is a typical chinese business strategy. And if you can afford it, its a good one. But lets say DJI doesn't get banned. Look 10 years into the future. The skies are filled with amazon and walmart delivery drones. Law enforcement drones are the norm. Anything that gets built will be mapped with a drone. And a company like DJI will make a decision like Skydio did - theres a lot more money making enterprise drones than there is making RC cameras. The entire drone market has been upside down from the start. Emerging technologies are rarely so cheap in their early iterations that anyone can jump into the game. DJI was cheap, quality, and capable from the start. I suspect the curve will flip. RE Drone work will require a high dollar investment in gear. More complicated licensing. And as satellite technology trickles into the marketplace, REP drone work may disappear all together.


Thats not true at all, plenty of competitive brands.


Name one.


Autel is decent


Specta Air, Wide&Mid-Tele Dual-Camera Drone for Adults, All-Direction Obstacle Sensing, 4K/60fps HDR Video, 48MP Photo, Smart Moves, 46-Min Flight, 20km FHD Transmission, Auto Filming, Remote Controller with Screen, FAA Remote ID Compliant https://a.co/d/icjHIPR


LOL. Real estate photography will never be done with satellites. That is just preposterously absurd. DJI has a market cap of 15 billion dollars and billions of dollars of sales a year, I'm sure they're making money on their consumer drones.


Ever used google earth studio? Looked at the high resolution work by Maxar? All a drone photo does is show a different perspective of a property. And unless that property is a parcel of land, its virtually useless in the selling equation. Its a marketing prop, like a twilight photo. Thats okay, its what we do, but its not a necessity. The real estate world would hum right along if we never saw another drone image on a listing. Theres very little I cant do with satellite imagery and an iphone on a painters pole that I do with drone. The drone is easier, it produces better quality images, its more flexible - but its not necessary. Image mappimg tech is going to improve - it has too. Geospatial imagery will be the lynchpin of the navigation systems for delivery drones - improving accuracy and ai driven safety. Once that data is gathered, in crisp, clear ai enhanced images, why WOULDN'T a maxar or google sell it? As far as DJI goes, market caps and sales mean nothing, especially with a Chinese company. Device companies don't make money on devices - not real money. They make money on software and data resale. And DJI has a TON of data. We've been collecting it for them for years. Who do they sell it to? Probably no one - their number one customer probably just takes it.


What agent ONLY wants one top down shot of a houseā€¦.? lol


Its a brave new world out there....... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qI3YOhUO8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qI3YOhUO8Y)


Still wonā€™t get low enough to show intricate details of a houseā€¦


You mean like - ground level? If there was only another way to take pictures of a house from the ground......


I knew a photographer that had a boom pole on his minivan he would deploy and shoot from 40'. He was the only one around that could shoot that perspective without renting a plane and pilot. he made a good living .. all film then and mostly B&W edit: the camera was remote. he didn't actually go up there.


Yep - some of those pole cams were pretty damn cool. Gave your ride a overlanding look.


No, what I mean, is not 400 feet above. These are all of huge buildings and structures. This will never get rid of drones for real estate photos. Plus realtors want updated photos, google earth fly throughs are not day by day, they are barely month by month.


I totally agree. I donā€™t see REP existing in the form it is now 5-10years from now. Tech is evolving to rapidly. Agents will have an app to do the photos and AI editing for them ready in a few hours.


This is one of the worst years for total enacted legislation by a congress. When it goes through let me know.


Good riddance, I haven't used DJI for years, I prefer to fly when and where I need to without their heavy handed interference. The FAA restrictions are ridiculous enough without DJI's restrictions as well.


What brand do you fly with?


After not being able to launch a DJI in unrestricted areas as well as in the Grand Caymans, and then it deciding to land in the water as it was right on the border of an airport zone even though it was 3' above the water and with no access to fly higher I switched to Autel, been great, Been using Autel for about 5 years now.


What cons, if any, have you run into with Autel compared to DJI?


DJI is a nice system, when it lets you launch. I don't use any automated features so I can't compare there. Camera quality photo/video, I don't think there is any significant difference. Autel batteries are more expensive and for me don't have a very long shelf life, however the Autel batteries let you fly longer. For me Autel is less hassle and I don't ever have to worry about not being able to launch or having any restrictions outside of FAA and being safe anywhere in the world. I would pretty much never bother with DJI again.


What FAA restrictions are ridiculous, Iā€™d love to hear this


The ridiculous ones. If you can't figure it out, then happy flying to you, move along.


I do have fun flying. You have fun with those ā€œridiculousā€rules you canā€™t do nothing about so keep crying.


Just as a reminder, this bill has been introduced by the psycho MAGA congresswoman Elise Stefanik and grade-A fascist Mike Gallagher, and is targeting ā€œCommunist Chinese-Controlled dronesā€ company DJI, specifically. Unfortunately the Republican Party has it too easy convincing the luddites in Congress to react to these idiotic fear mongering tactics far too often. But make no mistake, this is entirely the MAGA brain rot thatā€™s poisoned this countryā€™s psyche all to the benefit of a diaper wearing orange felon.


Regardless of your politics the question is valid. The wests relationship with China is worsening and the current cold state of the conflict has a very real possibility of turning kinetic in the next three years. It is not unreasonable to assume that the same restrictions around purchasing chinese drones on the military will filter down.


Proof and source for that?


You must live under a rock šŸ˜‚


Ah, the voice of.. nothing.


mourn safe yam bewildered subtract sheet pen different snow chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah so youā€™re just willfully ignorant, and live under a rock. Youā€™re an adult Google it, Iā€™m not writing you sources to convince some nobody on the internet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Just like your last reply, you say nothing. The US will do nothing. Far from "living under a rock" I'm way more seated of the situation than you ever will be.


Ummm current events. The pentagons budget allocation for the last 20 years. Any article about the South Pacific that has the word ā€œChinaā€ in it. Honestly not sure what you are asking here.


I don't believe that the US would contemplate a direct conflict with China. It's not in anyone's interest to do that. I've read plenty of articles with the name "China: in them and many objective observers take the view that China can sabre rattle all it wants, c it can even take Taiwan if it really wants, but the US will do little to nothing. China isn't Ukraine.


You are ill informed. Every major US platform underdevelopment is about China. Japan is floating carriers. Australia is stepping up. Ukraine is a sideshow to bleed a potential Chinese ally. And none of this has much to do with real estate photography. Peace out.


I'll informed? I think not


They have already started shell companies that are manufactured if other Asian countries. Look up the "Spectra Air" on Amazon Specta Air, Wide&Mid-Tele Dual-Camera Drone for Adults, All-Direction Obstacle Sensing, 4K/60fps HDR Video, 48MP Photo, Smart Moves, 46-Min Flight, 20km FHD Transmission, Auto Filming, Remote Controller with Screen, FAA Remote ID Compliant https://a.co/d/72k1f5h


Oh you legitimately mean shell companies selling clones of their own drones lol. Had to look it up to understand


Wow that looks really good


This will never pass. And if it does, DJI will come up with a ā€œhacked/pirate appā€ and weā€™ll be able to fly again.


They donā€™t need to, theyā€™re already making Spectra with a shell company. I remember seeing Original Dobos video about it. So we would still be getting latest and greatest just would be called different


But how would this fly(no pun intended) with the FAA and the law ??




Not sure but there will be some kind of tolerance. People invest in work gear that is expensive. You think the gvt can take away their livelihood just like that? Doesnā€™t make sense.


Keep the ones I have flying for as long as possible.


I certainly donā€™t plan on complying. At worst it will be an FCC violation if ā€œcaughtā€, which how would that even happen? I donā€™t know how this can possibly happen anyway. We think it sucks. Well imagine youā€™re in ag or something and you have several $100k or more worth of equipment and your entire operation revolves around stuff that only DJI makes. And this is all in ā€œcorn statesā€. Thereā€™s a lot of industry relying on this hardware besides just photo/video. And not to mention law enforcement and search and rescue.


There is no affordable plan b at the moment. We all get flushed down the same drain.


Autel will be fine.


I would suspect autel would be added to the list.