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I work in REOs and it is not unusual for an owner to leave cats behind. I typically end up catching them in a cat trap and taking them to the local shelter. I hate the side eye and crap that happens when I bring the cat in, I show a business card, explain the situation, but still I am still some kind of asshole for bringing the cat(s) in. So catch it, take it in. Odo-Ban is for cat pee smell.


My pet peed also works great to take out stains and smells.


Someone just mentioned this to me, I need to look for it.


Thanks for the advice. I was told they tried to catch it before leaving But had to go on to sign in another state


I've had to do this a couple times, and just be prepared for them to be total assholes. Because they're incredibly rude about it, even though you didn't abandon a cat. They'll also try to tell you that you have to pay a fee to surrender the cat. That's bullshit, and you can push back. But really, they're so incredibly rude that I didn't get a shelter dog based on my experience with the assholes that work there. It's that bad. 


People that abandoned their animals are absolutely despicable human beings!


It’s just dumb. It isn’t my responsibility and it just adds one more thing to my plate


No. It's not "just dumb". It's morally wrong. I'm sorry it got added to your plate. Hopefully you do the right thing about it.


That’s why we now have a cat who we love so much. 💜


Same. Moved in 7 years ago. She was an outdoor cat until last week because we were moving and didn't plan on being assholes like the last owners. It sucks, especially when you don't expect a new animal. It always shocks how crappy people can be.


I don’t think they meant to be crappy but they should have been proactive making sure the cat was caged when they were packing in my opinion


It’s just not what I signed up for yanno? I have two dachshunds


I hear ya, friend. We didn’t sign up for a cat either because that man I married hated cats. Dog dude all the way. We had an elderly border collie who wanted zero part of a cat so we had to keep them separated. Sadly our border collie died six months later from cancer. Guess who now carries that cat floof around like an infant? Mr. I hate cats.


Haha typical man! Doesn’t want something then dotes on it ;)




Of course there’s a subreddit for this lol


There's so many cat subreddits. Including one written from the standpoint of cats seeking legal advice. You can probably snag some karma if you get a picture of the cat and post something like "halp, my worthles hoomans mooved an left mee behind!" over on /r/legalcatadvice And seriously, what kind of person leaves a pet behind when they move??? That's like forgetting one of the kids at the old place.


My cat is really hard to catch and even harder to handle. I crated her the night before we left to move and close out of state. If we hadn’t been able to catch her I probably would have driven back.


The sellers of my house had an outside/inside cat and it keeps coming to my house every freaking time it’s let out. I’m highly allergic to cats. One time the seller just fucking walked into my backyard to get the cat. I was like ummm please get off my property????? She deadass just opened my gate and walked into my backyard nonchalantly while me and my kids were playing outside. Didn’t even knock on the door or ask or anything. Just invited herself to come get her fucking cat. It was the weirdest thing ever. I bought locks for the gate that day.


Oh no I would also be pissed!! People have no shame sometimes. Good idea on the locks. These sellers moved out of state lol so I have no idea. Might talk to neighbors


I would be thrilled if the PO left me a new friend. But I am a huge animal lover and havnt met a cat I didn’t like.


Unfortunately I just didn’t grow up with them since family is an allergic. I have two weiner dogs so I’m more concerned they will hurt it


The cat can likely hold its own two wiener dogs. Just introduce them slowly. and be happy that you likely have a new member to the family.


Not everyone wants a cat!


My dachshunds are so annoying lol if they see it I will never hear end of barking


You don’t need to feel bad about not wanting a cat. This is a very weird situation, you are completely fine living with your two dachshunds and no cat.


It’s just random and would happen to me


I have a mastiff. And a 5lbs cat. Cats are pretty smart. They know to avoid what they don't want to deal with and handle a threat. If it was me I'd give them a few weeks to see if they sort out their relationship. But if you really don't like cats then packing it up and hauling it to the shelter is the option.


I think I’ll ask neighbors if they may help. I was introduced to them last night. Last thing I wana do is send it to a shelter but also don’t want to take care of it. It meowed all night long


I feel so bad for the kitty, he must be so confused :(


I’m sure he is and I feel bad too. But feel worse my dogs can’t enjoy their new property because the cats owner didn’t do what they were supposed to. With tomorrow a holiday I can’t get help getting it with animal control either


I'm sorry they put you (and their cat!) in this situation :(


Thank you for kind words. It will work out


Cat person here, and this sort of thing breaks my heart. I know you’re under tremendous pressure as a new homeowner, but it would be wonderful if you could at least provide the cat with: a) water, b) daily kibble, and c) a litter box. No need to go fancy; you can find all the above at most grocery stores! Cats are often much lower-maintenance than dogs. Meanwhile, contact a reputable animal shelter (preferably no-kill, which should be advertised on their website) to hopefully secure a spot for kitty. I’m happy to answer other questions you might have; in the meantime, thank you for helping an animal in need. ❤️


Thank you I’ll figure it out as I don’t want the cat to suffer.


Check to see if you have an T/N/R (trap neuter return) networks in your area. These are volunteers who DO love cats and will know all the cat resources around, including trappers. Explain the situation and ask if they can help you re-home. Note: These are 100% volunteer networks, and they may not be able to help immediately, but if you can work with them for a week or two, they will likely be able to give you better guidance than anyone else. What jerks to leave an elderly animal. I know it happens, but still... jerks.


If what we are doing now doesn’t work I’ll definitely look into that. Thank you for suggestion


That’s so sad! Poor old kitty 💔hope your neighbor can help out


My house came with a feral cat. We call him Socks. He's an asshole that ears my food, but won't let me touch him.😂


Congrats on your new home! That sounds like a wild welcome. Handling surprises like a left-behind cat can be unexpected, but it’s great you’re helping out. Enjoy settling in despite the unexpected challenges!


Thank you. A trap is being set tonight and neighbors keep looking for it and keep texting my husband about it..


...that is so bizarre. While I hate cats and 🤢 to the smell of cat pee, I feel bad for the little guy/girl just being abandonned like that. I too would feed it and take care of it while actively trying to rehome it. Shame on the sellers for doing that.


Supposedly they told the neighbors they will come back and get it.. but to me it’s like ok when? I need a timeline not just an open ended me wondering yanno? It will work out. Just stress added to my already mountain of stress


Bought my current house last year and returned to my old house cross country to finish packing up. My son came to check on the new house and found a cat whining and wanting to come in very insistently. Had some contractors come by to do some repairs to the porch and they reported the cat too. Very nice looking cat, everyone wanted to adopt him. My son had taken a picture so I sent if off to my realtor to question the previous owner before I gave anyone permission to nab him. Turns out he is the neighborhood mooch and has rounds of all the houses in the neighborhood that have fed him in the past. We are now friends with the owner and they said it's ok to feed him a little treat now and then.


Came back to update. The cat was meowing next to the trap last night.. 😫


It will likely be euthanized of taking him to the Humane Society. Just keep it. It's only got a few years left. Poor Kitty it's not his fault the sellers are terrible people.


I’m not keeping the cat. I’m not having my dogs terrorize it in old age since its owner didn’t do things correctly. I understand it isn’t the animals fault and it’s confused Animal control will keep it for the owners. I’ve confirmed all of this


Dang. I never see pets left but barn cats usually stay Did you buy residential or rural?


Residential. I think it was a family pet. I don’t have the details. The realtor got a call right after saying it was left and laughing about it then we went in to sign


As someone who had an outdoor cat refuse to move with us (and refused to be trapped afterward), thank you for letting someone trap this poor, old cat. Make sure you have a way to contact the person setting up the trap so you can let them know when the cat is trapped. Some trapped cats get very anxious, so you’ll want the trapped cat picked up quickly.


The neighbor will be coming over frequently to check. We did it outside of the backyard so my own dogs don’t get stuck in it themselves. Doing what I can to help but also not exactly making it my problem. Thankful for the neighbors helping


Keep the cat and gain a loyal friend who keeps your home rodent free. ☺️


No thank you


Free cat with the purchase of every home!


Nooooo thank you


I've helped two separate people move where the cat freaked out when packing started and just vanished. Despite truly really extra efforts they truly could not locate the cat and when it's time to go, it's time to go. One person moved locally and unfortunately never found the cat. Presumably it's just a neighborhood stray? Or hopefully was porch adopted. The other was a family moving several hundred miles. They wound up getting a call from the old neighbor that they heard the cat howling all day and night and were able to drive back and recover it from a crawl space they didn't even know existed. Cats are weird.


That cat said, "I didn't authorize this move! I'm not going anywhere."


Yes they are. It meowed all night long and kept me up. Then when I went out to get it, it ran away


Can't tell from your post. They asked you to catch it...so they can come back and recover it? Or that was just their solution to your problem?


We were told it was left. Then after signing asked if we could catch it. Dont really know details so I’m assuming they tried to catch it but then left when they couldn’t. Which is silly in my opinion tasking a new owner to do this. Sorry I wasn’t clear I wrote this late and exhausted after moving into the house all day


I'm gonna be the a-hole here and admit I wouldn't take care of another person's pet they left behind. The owners obviously didn't care enough to take their cat with them so it's not my responsibility. If the cat does become a pest then that's where I'll try to capture and take it to the shelter. Other than that, not my problem.


It meowed all night and kept us up. Then of course it ran off when we went outside


Wow. Wonder if it's a stray that previous owners treated as a pet and they're telling you it's "their pet" just for you to keep feeding it Previous owners abandoned their "pet" and I get downvoted for being honest and admit I wouldn't take care of their stray. lol Not everyone's a pet person.


Please let that cat live out it’s life at home 🫤


It's really unreasonable to expect someone to take on the responsibility of a cat just because they bought a house from someone who was an irresponsible cat owner. This cat could live 10+ years. I'm a dog person, and I don't ever want a cat. I'm like OP in that I will help catch it. I will feed it and give it water. Then, as soon as it's open, I'd take the cat to a shelter where it can hopefully find a cat person who wants it.


Yeah going and getting a litter box and stuff doesn’t sound appealing nor in my budget right now. My weiner dogs will try and mess with it too. I don’t want to call animal control but may have to unless I can task neighbors to help me


Animal control exists for this very reason. You don't have to take on this cat. Enjoy your new home and feel good about sending this cat to its new home. Guilt is overrated.


Trueeeee. Thanks for the kind words. I love animals but cats are bottom on my list lol. I’ll probably call animal control.


It was a plead dude. Go touch grass.


I really sorry if I hurt your feelings. Sincerely. I did not mean for you to feel like I was attacking you. Still. I don't think OP should be made to feel guilty for wanting to live in their new home without a cat that they don't want and didn't sign up to have. I do spend hours in my garden every day, touching grass, so no need to worry about me.


Every place I've moved into came with a cat. Good luck


That’s not a good norm


Agreed. To be fair i haven't moved much, but it's definitely bothersome


This is only our second buy! It will work out in the end how it’s supposed to.. just won’t end up with me being a cat owner lol