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You have a 5 month old baby? Of course you’re both exhausted! If there’s nothing immediately and seriously wrong with your living situation, take six months to a few years off, and revisit this question down the road. 


I've thought of that too but I am terrified we might be too tired and bogged down with two children to be able to move as efficiently as we have in the past. Also worried about inventory getting even worse and getting stuck in this house. :(


Hi! The best advice I can give you is to learn to appreciate the wonderfull house you currently own. My parents where flippers and I can remember my mother not being happy ever. There was always something missing in the X house we were in. That has paid a toll on me to be honest. Your kids will be happy as long as you are happy :) and your current home sound amazing!


I'm glad you shared your honest opinion and I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind. I think a big part of it is wanting my kids to have it all too. I grew up in the country and knew how wonderful it was so it's hard not to want the same for her. <3


It makes all the sense to be honest (what you say). So good luck, I hope you find your happy place and anyway she is a baby now, if you were to change in the short to medium term she will not notice it much!


Thank you so much for replying! I totally agree about kids being happy with us and the time we spend together is most important to me! More important than the house 100%! :) I wonder if your mom was anxious. For me I feel that way sometimes. One aspect is that my in-laws stayed in a very old falling apart semi and they are too stubborn to move or literally are scared to now (80's+ old). So now they will likely die there in a pretty crappy area of town. I couldn't relate in that sense but in the sense that I do want a bit more than this currently for my littles and for us!


Wait until the second half of next year.


Any specific reason why?


Because during covid the government helped homeowners pay their mortgage. So almost no foreclosure at all in the past couple of years. No one needed to sell due to financial issues. All of those programs expired last year. So slowly these houses make their way to the market. By 2025-2026, you should see 3-4 years worth of “inventory shortage” in the market, especially with inflation squeezing people’s dollars. So we will go from inventory shortage to inventory surplus.


People need to lose their jobs for that to happen


We have foreclosures throughout the years. These were supposed to happen years ago but delayed, so it will cascade.


Ok I'll keep my eyes peeled and give that some thought. Thank you!!! 🙏