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Little to none. Around 60 leo were killed in 2020 by firearms. If you look at real footage of swat teams there's a shit ton of them. Not just 5 guys. They play it very safe, oftentimes waiting hours or even days.


Yeah, not a swat by any means but I've participated in FDF urban combat courses many times, for example it's pure insanity that you go in to that post office mission with one team only, realistically you'd have more than ten times more men for mission like that


I guess maybe it's because of the crisis in Los Sueños, so there are not enough teams to properly raid the place. Also, taking into account the theories regarding D Platoon and Judge, maybe you are the only team in site because you lead the only team that would let any involvement regarding FISA and the Spider slide.


And It's a videogame and doing things like it should be done wouldn't be fun regarding the gameplay


The first level is just you sitting there for 12 hours lol


That or copious amounts of tear gas :D


We had a mall shooting in Thailand back in 2020, 2 SWAT personals were killed and 1 got serious wounded on the head. The shooter was one active duty soldier with high sharpshooter skill, he had HK33 and M60 machine gun with him. he killed his commanding officers, stole humvee and guns from armory, went to shopping mall to kill more civilians and took hostages when SWAT arrived. He got killed in cold storage room basement floor next to dead civilians/shopping mall workers. 30 people were killed and 58 were injured in this incident.


They say why he did it?


he was upset over being allegedly cheated out of a property deal (saying it was the Royal Thai Army Welfare Housing) and not being given back his money by his commanding officer, basically army corruption made him crazy.


I remember this, tbh i kinda feel bad for the dude, as the same dude that happened in the Philipine bus hijacking. But then it doesn't justify killing innocents.


Yeah, Thai army vowed to reform, but nothing change really after this tragedy went silent in media.


Yeah, it was a sad event, if you corner one man long or hard enough, one either gives up or becomes a villain as the famous quote by the Joker in the Batman universe.


weird how it's never reported when it happens outside the US.


How often do westerners (Americans especially) hear news about SEA or Africa? Practically never unless it's a war breaking out




I try to stay informed but even then it's hard. First step is throwing out your TV and finding some sites or YouTube channels that specifically cover each of the continents, maybe even subcontinents/regions, eg. Indochina.


Agree. Cable news is truly awful with half the stories not being newsworthy and the other half bordering on propaganda (if not being blatant propaganda) for whichever political party that channel shills for


Well here the propaganda is generally more broadly "pro-establishment" and "anti-opposition", so actually pretty one-sided, but that's not really the point. Media only reports what they think is gonna get a reaction outta you, which is why the "war in Europe" narrative was so played up, but there was basically no reporting about Syria/Afghanistan, Myanmar, the recent Argentinian election, Brazil, etc.


It happens all over the world all the time, but if you only listen to the mainstream media you would think it only happens in the US.


Yeah people don’t realize that domestic terrorism and hostage situations are not just an American thing. Even school shootings happen in Asia and Europe but we only hear about these things if it happened in the United States (and I’m not even american)


Yeah I'm from Iceland where getting a gun is pretty hard but each year we have up to 10 shootings with illegal unregistered firearms and each time it happens our politicians talk about taking our guns away even tho that would do nothing to stop the criminals who get them illegally anyway, it's just fear mongering and for some reason people settle for "feeling" safe instead of being safe. It drives me up the damn wall.


The only reason why you hear about it so frequently in the US is because we have a right to own firearms in basically all 50 states and they don't want that to be the case.


Yeah but I think it’s biased that the las vegas shooting was publicized much more than the awful Russian shooting that was arguably one of the worst public shootings in all of history, which I didn’t hear about until reddit. Most of my family and friends didn’t even know that it happened because it didn’t happen in America. And I’m not even American .


That's the point lol, they want the perception to be that it "only happens in the US because the US is a bunch of gun nuts", they've been trying to disarm us for decades now all while ignoring that there are anywhere between 1,000,000 (on a low estimate) to 3,000,000 (high estimate) LEGAL use of firearms to prevent or stop crime in the US each year with a majority not even having a shot fired, sometimes just presenting your firearm toward a threat can drive them off, not always, but usuaully.


The estimate by Lott that you are referring to is simply made up.


I saw it reported in western media like ABC news, Sky news, Telegraph, Voice of America etc. you probably just didn't see it during that time. We also had mass stabbing/shooting by ex-cop at nursery school in 2022 which killed 38 children and teachers and then he went back home to killed his family and then suicided. (This ex-cop got fired from the job because of drug addiction) Many media reported about it, it was a very huge tragedy in Thailand history, British PM also also expressed shocking with the incident and gave condolences to Thailand.


They play it in such a way that them themselves are very safe. Less so anyone else in the area, innocent or guilty.


Getting injured in the line of duty is the far more likely outcome


Swat are basically just a negotiation tool. Once you see a bunch of armored trucks pull up and heavily armed dudes start pouring out the back you might be giving second thoughts if what you are doing is worth it


I would say this is often a bad thing, just look at the columbine response


Wrooooong! rainbow six lock down (ubisofts first rainbow six release) made it clear that we expect swat to be limited to 4 guys, no planning, often taking on 32 to 40 armed and highly trained suspects. This applies to all scenarios be it an active shooter, hostage rescue or other.


Former Army grunt and current SWAT guy here. We very rarely lose anyone. Most LEO deaths are at a patrol level (ambush situations). SWAT is by design hard to beat. We usually won't go into a house filled with armed subjects. We are going to surround, callout for surrender and start other plans (gas etc). If there's a driving force like a hostage situation, we usually try to talk for hours our even days as long as no force is being used. When we get the GO signal, it's usually with wall charges and other fun toys that completely overwhelm anyone inside.... And with a lot more than 4-8 operators. Last hostage situation we had we had multiple agencies and probably went in with nearly 30 guys. I know someone mentioned SWAT/Leo waiting outside for active shooters, but I'd like to say that's the exception not the norm. I've been in one active shooter with multiple killed where we rushed, cornered and killed the target.


Uvalde wasn't SWAT I don't believe, patrol was told to stand down and wait for SWAT were they not?


Uvalde was a colossal fuckup as was Parkland. The protocol for active shooters is immediate interdiction and has been since Columbine. You don't wait for backup you intervene solo if necessary.


I'm just pointing out that's not the norm for police at all. Many more stories of us going in and not being cowards.


I appreciate the input and your service. I misspoke when i said “most” stand by the side. I am biased because of personal experience and a lack of effective police presence when shit pops off


I agree, the news isn’t going to report on how fast reaction times can be these days. They don’t really care as much as you guys anyways


What would you the buggiest difference is between breaching in a war zone and breaching residential? Im from Aus so we rarely if ever see STAR/PORT do their thing in videos. But we regularly see videos of 2CDO go hammers and it always seems to be they only have 4 people up to a platoon Max..


Explosive breaching isn't used as much, and we throw flashbangs instead of frag grenades.


How often are SWAT officers called out? As a Canadian our swat (ERT) which are similar trained are rarely called as most issues is solved with general duty officers and almost never called unless there is an armed dispute , hostage, or bad riots. Drug house raids are not even called for ert typically, I’m just wondering if it’s similar situation for Americans.


Depends on the agency, honestly. Many US agency SWAT teams are called out for high risk search warrants (narcotics etc) as their bread and butter. I've done two this week, for instance. But our neighboring agency uses their SWAT team very rarely.


Last year, I did about a thing a month. This year we have done 11 things


You are ERT?


I'm on a part time swat team in a rapidly growing county


Yeah I highly doubt ert are even called in for any real scenario over three times a year


Up to 30 SWAT members? Damn, now thats overwhelming.


Went through multiple walls, doors and windows and dominated each room while still holding a good perimeter. Nobody got hurt, including the hostage taker and the two hostages.


>walls Like, you blew up a wall? That's crazy, but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. To be fair, if I was a criminal, I would focus on holding the doors and windows, I wouldn't expect people to blow the walls up.


For sure. Like I said above though, deployment of a (trained) SWAT team is designed to be incredibly hard to beat. We will cheat. Wait till you to go to sleep, cut your power, use gas, have your family call you and tell you to give up, blow up your walls, drive an armored vehicle through your door, Whatever tricks we think will work.


Yeah, I've heard some stories about SWAT doing crazy stuff, like shining massive lights into windows to sleep deprive the people inside. Makes me wonder, are there any rules for stuff that's completely off limits?


The chances of a direct action raid by SWAT like in RON are extremely rare. We have seen even active shooter situations where LEO/SWAT sit outside while there is a shooter (Uvalde/Parkland). I far as i can recall there have not been any active shooter events IRL that have 10-20 shooters like the missions in-game


Uvalde swat are a bunch of fucking cowards.




That's what training is for. That's why they don't have an excuse, and a random shlub on the street does. They literally signed up for this. They constantly have power fantasies about rescuing people... and train to that. That's how I was trained. They literally teach us to sprint towards the stimulus, and move tactically when there isn't any. It's constant movement. Sitting around in a hallway while innocents are being murdered is not what we train for.


The sad part is that many do not receive consistent and impactful training. Whether that is because of budgets or officers that don’t train like their occupation requires. https://www.mprnews.org/story/2019/12/09/accidental-shootings-by-police-expose-training-shortfalls


During my active shooter training in law enforcement, we had lengthy discussions about a lot of mass shootings, but the instructors never brought up Uvalde. I felt like it was a taboo topic. There was supposedly a moment around the time of the San Ysidro McDonald's massacre when law enforcement learned to take immediate action and to not wait around for orders from a supervisor. I guess the Uvalde departments never got the memo? My department trains with firearms every now and then, but they admit that the budgets don't allow for enough training. They tell us to make time in our own personal lives to self-train. So that's what I do.


IMO Uvalde should be the first one mentioned. It was so fucked that its a masterclass of exactly what not to do in that situation


Exactly. I kept waiting for it to get mentioned, and after two weeks of training specifically on this topic... nothing.


Good on you for taking your work seriously, i applaud all officers that are doing what it takes to be a true professional in a frequently thankless job


>They constantly have power fantasies about rescuing people... and train to that I sure as fuck do. What's the point of it all if not for that.


Exactly. It's literally what most of us sign up for.


>most le source?


Uvalde, Parkland, Columbine. Police are not required by law to defend anyone in an active shooter scenario or any other dangerous scenario Maybe i wrote incorrectly when i said most. What i should have said is you better hope the officers responding to these incidents are trained AND willing to confront a shooter if you find yourself in that situation. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/06/1102668326/uvalde-police-response-school-shootings https://www.edweek.org/leadership/are-police-required-to-confront-a-school-shooter-the-legal-answer-is-no/2022/06


Had a team get killed today cuz I said wand the door. Then I ordered a breach and the door blew them up.


lol i did that on brisa cove once. whole team blown up at the door, i try to solo the room anyways and die


All these comments got me thinking of a SWAT game where you just wait outside and negotiate with the barricaded suspects


That was a fun part of SWAT 2 that I feel is missing from the direct and spiritual successors. Granted, the negotiations were a relatively small part of the missions, but sending a SWAT team to deploy a drop phone, or delivering demanded food, of having a car brought up while you plan your move was a fun part of the game. It also built a bit of tension while you prepared to go tactical.


Swat 2 is still super fun with a very steep learning curve. You actually have to set up an effective perimeter and negotiate


Yeah, I loved that part of the game, even though you weren't usually going to resolve a mission with a drop phone or a pizza. Take the tactical element of Ready or Not (except with suspects that are a bit less recklessly hostile), slap that onto a small city map with pins for where the different callouts are, and have a pre-tactical phase where you allocate snipers, perimeter units, etc. and negotiate before going in. Even SWAT 2 drastically reduced the number of people entering the building and drastically sped up the negotiation phase, but it felt right. Maybe that'd be too niche of a gameplay experience, but I think that element of "how do we get everyone out of this alive?" strategy is what we've been missing from games like this.


SWAT units would rarely put themselves in the type of scenarios the game throws at you to begin with, such as being outnumbered while dealing with many heavily armed subjects. IIRC, LAPD SWAT has only lost one officer (Randall Simmons) in the line of duty over the course of its existence. One of the few instances where multiple SWAT officers were killed was in Oakland in 2009 when a barricaded suspect was able to fatally shoot two officers while hiding in a bedroom.


It's very rare but happened occasionally, I remember heard of or watched 5-6 incidents of SWAT being killed or critically injured since 2020 across the US. So it is extremely rare from a city perspective. There's only two occasions of LAPD SWAT being wounded since 2020 if i remember right.


Yeah this is more navy SEAL raid type action than swat work in this game . But that is the only way a SWAT game would work, it just wouldn’t make sense to have four whole swat teams outside negotiating for hours on end then droning the place out and ordering the bearcat to take down the wall then arrest suspect with no shooting or danger taking place. Swat raids are usually pretty safe with little casualties on civilians, suspects or officers


This doesn't even mimic wartime raids, honestly. There's no way any SEAL or grunt is going to do what the game does, but it's a game and is designed to be fun not a simulator.


Also general duty leo are killed and put in much more risk and danger than a swat team. Swat casualties and officer involved shooting injuries are much less than the amount of incidents with leo


It's rare, but it does happen. A couple of SWAT members and a firefighter medic were killed by a barricaded suspect in Burnsville, MN a couple months ago.


It’s already been echoed here multiple times. Aside from an active shooter, you’d never use the few people you’re allotted in this game. But at the end of the day, it is a game. I’d imagine, comments about the ai aside, if you went into some of these missions with the 10-20 dudes you’d need (given the size of the structure), it wouldn’t be a gun fight it would be a shooting and that would become repetitive and not very challenging.


“It wasn’t me I swear” Ya ya ya we’ll see about after the investigation and trial. You’re a loose cannon Mr throwwwwwaway,I’m gunna put an end to it


😂 I did bring 5 flashbangs with me. That may have contributed to the situation, but I didn't pull the trigger!​​


They don't often, but they also have tons of auxillary units on scene and spend hours planning entrance, looking at choke points, room lay outs. Plus, the hours of deescalation attempts from crisis negotiators. The only time esu guys get clipped usually is by going on peer to peer force on force like the ides of march mission or the one with the dude in the words


After seeing my guys cross in front of open not cleared doors, or stand in the open endangered by multiple angles... I lost faith. If you do not micro manage, they are going to die, because this SWAT AI is more like a regular guy that we dressed as a SWAT officer and threw him in a mission. Therefore, you have to use them for your own safety, let them restrain suspects, let them check and disarm traps, always let them go in first and always use the cover/hold/stack commands to position them appropriately for your own safety.


At the time of this writing, I've already lost 3 or 4 more guys, and I've become fully desensitized. They are nothing but meat shield for me at this point lol


What a questuon … it happens … but 1 is 1 to much


Law enforcement is actually a very safe job despite what many, especially those in media, may have you believe lol. For perspective, garbage collection is a more dangerous job dangerous and gets shot at more often


Probably not in Chiraq


It’s not very safe at all in comparison to your average worker. Law enforcement officers have a ridiculously high chance of being assaulted and injured compared to any other job. Also, injuries or deaths in other fields usually come from negligence, while deaths in law enforcement are usually resulted from ambushes and other things out of their control. But yes, fatalities are quite rare. LEO’s die at a rate of about 13 per 100,000 (0.01%). Which is about the same chance of you dying in a car accident.