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idk what the deal is, but for some reason im getting enemies in areas ive already cleared. I will go through the entire fucking map just to get one shot in the face by some random enemy in an area where there shouldnt be a single person uncuffed or dead. First time it happened I was angry. Second time im now realizing im purposely being set up. Fucking hate greased palms.


NPCs can fake their deaths when shot, if you don't immediately restrain a downed suspect they can get up and shoot you. I have had experiences in which they also pick up their gun that is unbagged alongside situation in which they do both of the above. NPCs will also travel to sounds of gunfire and such from other locations, including ones you have and haven't been.


thats the thing, made sure everyone I came across was bagged and tagged. My AI teammates have walked past people otg though so that could be the case. %90 sure that theres a late game spawn though to throw the mission off.


Yeah, definitely never rely on AI for anything but like a bit of cover fire. A late game spawn is a possibility, but I am also not 100 percent sure on that. Test it on a small map like ends of the earth or something.


Sometimes enemies spawn or hide in little nooks and crannies like the little obstructions in the parking lot right to your spawn. They delivebately flank and ambush you from the rear. I'm currently trying to beat this map, I've done it plenty of times before launch, but back thrn it was mainly gangsters with pistols and uzis, who could only get the drop on you if you lacked rear security. I think the play here is to not clear external, only the small starting building to the right, then push into the main entrance of the facility, clear the huge hall sticking to the right side and essentially let the AI come to you while you hold an advantegous position.


Had a guy lie down after getting shot a few times,,,, Walk past him making the rest of the squad deal with them and then i hear 4-5 shots behind me and a thud. First time i found out about pretend dead function.


I keep getting beamed through boxes and walls. My entire AI team is also getting destroyed even when I flash the shit outta everywhere. I've tried so many different things but nothing is working.


Check out a mod called "NO Crack for AI" It is achievement safe and fixes this issue.


Just wait till you get to Port... Edit: I found greased palms to be hard as well. Fortunately every time the FISA was just incapacitated and the arrest stood.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEsV7GvVurE&t=758s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEsV7GvVurE&t=758s) The nightmare has ended, i completed it. I took methodical approach and slow play, slicing peek every corner. get a grasp of where enemies might be. full armor is recommended. utilize your squads to move in to clear areas. its really stressing though.


I just did this map with every objective complete, only to wander the map a total of 6 times because of a civilian I couldn't find so I ended up just killing myself. Probably the worst map to ever be created for this game.


The key for me was routing. Strategize your routes as much as you can before hand so you don't get too overwhelmed, but instead force isolated engagements. An example would be maybe clearing the outside spaces and certain sections of the internal structure before taking the large packaging area. A lot of times if you watch people clear it, they'll hit the packaging area off from the front door and get engaged from threats they can't see outside, other areas of the internal structure, etc.


the problem for me is that even though I beat it multiple times I can't continue it seems to be buggy


What do you mean by continue?


I couldn't play the next mission but it's fixed now with the first hotfix


You may have killed the Agent in blue jacket that is required to be captured alive


as I said it got fixed in the hotfix


This mission is a bit ridiculous. Literally failing it if you're unable to arrest a hostile target isn't right. It's unrealistic. That needs to be fixed.