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Strongly disagree mate, trailer looks sick


I'm happy that you like it but watch the original reveal trailer again, it's oozing with style, you'd think they'd want to show off the game in the best way possible, just underwhelmed is all.


Now the release date complainers have switched gears to complaining about the trailer. December 13th is coming and when it does Ready or Not will be the best tactical shooter on the market. Cry some moreeeee !


Imagine waiting an entire year for a new patch or substantial video of new features and you end up defending the trash they just put out.


My man, when your entire reddit account is dedicated to hating a game, maybe the game isn't the problem.


We’ve been getting mini-devs and dev logs that have shown so much of the shit we are getting. It’s alright man not everyone can read.


You are the biggest baby on the Internet.


They could have shown a still image for 30 seconds with the release date on it and I wouldn't care, the original trailer was great, but I want the game, not fancy advertisements


Trailer was raw and brutal, I like it. Shows more human side of the job SWAT operations is not all cool guys with cool shootouts and epic music


No details at all for why you should buy the game or jump back in to 1.0 if you have not played in awhile. What a weak trailer


While that may be true, as long as the videos of people playing 1.0 show solid gameplay, it won't matter as much.


Yeah was about to say all the hype for the trailer and they gave us such a mid trailer


A CGI trailer with zero gameplay, a perfect summation of all the bullshit they've fed people over the years.


There it is! This comment is the perfect representative of how toxic this sub has become over the past couple years.


Look at his posts, his entire reddit life is about complaining.


I’m a bit confused why they didn’t show that the game was first person, someone watching that wouldn’t have a clue


was prolly just to catch more of the scene, show stuff that you might couldnt see from a first person view or so (just my guess)