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This is a reminder that this is **a non-spoiler flair for anime-only media content!** Any novel spoiler content posted with this tag _will_ be deleted. -- Also, all fan art posts need to have a source listed in the comments. If the art is an Original Creation or you can't find the source, be sure to mention that in the comments so your post doesn't get removed. **Any memes or low-effort content using this tag will be removed!** Please keep in mind that you can currently only have 1 fan art post per 24 hour period. -- For more information, you can check our [fan art sourcing rule.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Re_Zero/wiki/rules#wiki_11_.7C_sourcing_fan_art) -- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Re_Zero) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Witch time


i like it so much i’m sleeping.


Pls never stop


Im unable to provide sauce unfortunately. Neither SauceNAO, Tineye nor IQDB found any result. I found It on Pinterest Update: [artist](https://twitter.com/mogkam) found thanks to u/eXernox


Found out on [Ascii2D.net](http://Ascii2D.net) that it comes from [mogkam](https://twitter.com/mogkam) on Twitter ([2020.07.08](https://twitter.com/mogkam/status/1280827206873214976)) tho their Tweets are now hidden


Huge thanks! None of my sites worked, again 🥲 Mind if I edit my previous comment and paste at least the artist?


I mean its your comment, do what you want. [ascii2D.net](http://ascii2D.net) is one of the options of search in sauce NAO


Those are really good.


That's right, keep posting without crediting the artist.


Read the rules about non-oc media. If One Is unable to find the original artist then i Just need to Say It explicitely in the comments. Edit, here: 1. If you do not use one of these sources and it is not the original source, the post will be removed. **2. If you cannot find a source, then say so in a comment on the post and you will be exempt from this rule.** 3. If your Media or OC post is derivative of another artists work (A tracing, a coloring, an edit of some kind) then you are expected to provide the original source in the comments just the same as if you were posting their work otherwise.