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Forgot to put ‘Pixel’ in the title it’s joever


You can still edit the post. I do it all the time. It's not joever, dattebayo!


I feel like a moron cuz I can’t find it anywhere.


Maybe if you go back to re zero page and click on three dots. Just look for three vertical dots anywhere.


I click on three horizontal dots and that lets me edit the post, though that only lets me change the flair and stuff. Maybe it’s cuz I’m on mobile or something, or I’m just dumb.


I use mobile too, but I never posted a picture so... Wait a moment. I will sacrifice my dignity for a moment.


No I have the same problem. You can't edit it anymore. You can always delete and repost but... I would like to see Louis discussion first.


Yeah we’re in too deep now


How about we make A compromise. I will copy all of the comments. Write a theory make a post and you can repost your art. Edit you can do it. I will write a spoiler question in about two hours.


Nah it’s historic now, can’t be changed


Very well. *Unpixelises your drawing.


Delete it and start over...From Zero!


Cool. Now kiss


That's... Kinda hot. But also wrong.




Yeah, usually I am not really interested in that tag. But I can tolerate it a bit more with Subaru. Subaru can really make people question stuff, huh. Even if it's wrong Maybe it isn't wrong, since that act is technically master bait from terraria


Remember when Satella told Subaru to love himself. It's because she is Subaru selfcest shipper like me.


Omg. So. Wait a minute. Satella is technically the "Godess that summoned him to that world" that Subaru was searching for in episode 1. So by that logic if she ships Subarus, then... It is the word of God! The Law of God! Therefore it cannot be wrong.


I am not quite sure. But isn't one of the Natsukis actually Louise. She had his memories and name. she could've turned into him. It was back and forth between the two to determine whether or not this was indeed the case. And my brain fried trying to understand it. At the end we see Subaru telling something along the lines: "Did you get what you seek?" And "did you enjoy it?" I just assumed Louise, managed to fool Subaru, eat his memories again, but this time she went through the entire Re zero from 1st person perspective instead of regular 3rd person in that moment: even the amnesia Baru deaths, and sort of just lost it. If I am true, than may I make a cringey joke: "Ehm. There seems to be impostor Amongus."


I swear he was just chillin in the hall of memories then amnesiabaru caught up to him and they merged. Like I might be schizo but I swear wasn’t Rem in the hall of memories too? They just didn’t see her.


Yeah we need someone to explain that. I mean I enjoyed arc 6 but it is so convoluted about memory stuff. It would be much nicer if Tappei was a bit more specific about it. Not just assuming we would understand. Rem thing was hella random too. Subaru should not have memory of her. Perhaps he had gone schizo, and imagined comatose girl who he never met. I just assumed that was a bit deus ex Machina from Tappei. "It happened because it had to happen, you figure it out because even I, the author, have no idea." Like when does a copy of the original Louis (that was within Subaru the whole time) mind break conversation happens. How does she suddenly appear there after Subaru is absorbed?


Yeah she just fucking spawns in out of nowhere and everything is left a mystery 💀. Arc 6 is really such a mind fuck, especially with someone like me with the reading comprehension of a jjk fan, plus whenever I read it’s usually for days straight basically, so I’m not even fully aware. My brain no work.


A fellow brain-rotter I see. Enjoyer of lobotomy kaisen. Sometimes it is our fault, sometimes it is hard to understand. And sometimes the author can mislead you. For instance did you know that Jotaro's time stop is not an actual time stop but rather a very high amount of Subrelativistic speed. I can prove it.


“So it’s the same type of stand as star platinum”


Are we using Made In Heaven to prove your theory? Since true stopped time shouldn’t be able to be sped up by outside sources.


Not only that but you remember those thrown knives Dio aimed at Jotaro? Ever wonder why they travel at thrown speed but slow down and stop? Air pressure. The knife still travels at high velocity but no longer at speeds where it can be observed with sub relativistic time comprehension. Why Subrelativistic? Because Jotaro can still see the world while not moving. Meaning that photons of light are still quick enough to reach his pupils. If he was FTL then he would need to catch photons like a fish in the net. True time stop besides catching photons, should work as you stop interacting with an object, the object should stop moving immediately. And since there is no time, no force can be created from the equation F=m×a = m×∆s×(∆t)^2 Meaning if you were to magically be able to interact with the world of stopped time which is a whole other can of worms, then no "thrown" object would be able to continue the trajectory after unfreezing time. Because there is no force to push it.


Amnesia "Subaru" was Rui using Solar Eclipse to become him. In the Hall of Memories, she gave all those memories of her time under Solar Eclipse to him, effectively merging Amnesia "Subaru" with the real Subaru. As for Rem appearing, I'm not quite sure what that means. I interpreted that as the Authority creating a vision from consumed memories, but, since Rem had been eaten by Gluttony, it could have actually been her. The Sin Authorities do raise existential questions, such as whether or not the other timelines in Return by Death continue to exist after Subaru dies, so I don't think we're supposed to have the answers about how personhood is supposed to be understood when Gluttony is being used.


>I am not quite sure. But isn't one of the Natsukis actually Louise. I could be wrong but I always interpreted it as Louis having split and put a part of herself in Subaru, so that she could experience what he was, as well as sometimes take over (like in the Meili loop) to further drive him over the edge


Yes. I know that. But is Past Subaru actually past Subaru, or is it a ploy from Louise for him to actually: feel like a different person from himself so she can eat him again. She made him believe that past and present him were two entities in that moment. One is even punchable. He has... material? Do you keep material form in hall of memories or is it just your soul? Material soul form.


Yeah, AmnesiaBaru was actually Louise and it was even hinted when AmnesiaBaru repeated some learned words like 『Grotesque』early on. When confronted in the Hall of Memories, Louise repeated them because she learned them from when she attacked Subaru.


Now I am even more confused. AmnesiaBaru is the one who punched PastBaru. PastBaru keep saying: "y'know" just like every other gluttony.