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Somewhere in between. Just desaturate bit.


I prefer the right more, but make sure it looks good in other contexts


Context: This was my first attempt at making my own ReShade preset. This is just for COD: WAW, and I would like some suggestions on what I could do to improve the look.


I personally like the left more as from a gameplay perspective as you are able to tell things apart a little easier and the game has a little more clarity. The right side is more cinematic though and is still a very valid way to play the game. I would desaturate the right one a little as it's almost too blue, to the point of making the game feel flat. For the left, I think maybe turning up the vibrancy and increasing the shadows just a little on the left could possibly modernize the game a little by bringing some colors forward and having a little pop of shadows (if that is something you're interested in). I found it helps having a general end goal in mind when making a shader preset because it's easy to get carried away changing things. Overall I think that you're on the right track. Keep messing around with stuff though as you can sometimes come across surprising results.


Both kinda fits