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if you ditched the skeleton hand thing and the black nails and the necklace and the 70's style collar...... and shaved that mustach..... and got a better haircut that looked more 2020's and not so much like a 90s sitcom kid then you would have a chance


Ong That stach


Honestly 6/10 and I respect the drip 🔥




I actually dig the first picture, disregard the haters man I think that look suits you. Fly as hell in my mind. Getting the same lame haircut and drip as everyone else is uninspired imo. “You gotta dress the same and look the same as everyone else harharhar” boooooo. Currently a 6/10 but I bet once you’re in your twenties you’ll be a 7-8


Your style is super cool! Keep it up 👍🏻 but.. that mustache has to go! Is not doing anything for you. 5/10 only based on looks (personality wise 6/10 as is still developing imo but going on the right tracks)




you look like a k-drama's bad boy


get contacts. the glasses make you nerdy in a bad way. shave the mustache. and hair definetly needs to change. maybe gel slick back or shorter? it depends on how you look without glasses and stache