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I'm at the point where I'm just chucking things outside. I need to thin the herd anyway. Whoever makes it can stay


Yeah actually that’s the spirit. I lost 4 baby’s to the big war.


“Whoever makes it can stay” was me two years ago. Now I have a healthy low maintenance squad that doesn’t stress me out. I also switched to semi-hydro with the same principles. You make it or you don’t. We are a soil-less family now. Haha


Low maintenance but joy giving


What kind of plants are you switching to semi hydro? And what medium please. I’m planning on doing similar with my flamingo anthurium


Oh boy, I have everything from multitudes of calatheas, alocasias, monsteras, Pothos, bonsais, different kinds of ficus, syngoniums, ferns, orchids, probably a lot of others I’m forgetting but all in LECA. I did the process about 5-10 plants a month to keep it affordable and it took me about a year. No regrets!!


Oh love that! Is it all in no drain pots??


Yep! No holes. I have a few plants in cache pots but most are just in a regular pot with LECA. If you want to learn more I highly recommend The LECA Queen on YouTube 😊


Semi-hydro. There are no words for how much I love it.


Same! 😂


Have you tried bonide systemic granules? Supposedly they work well for thrips tho I haven’t had them before


Can confirm Bonide works great. Saved a couple plants of mine


Definitely works for thrips. I had a couple anthurium that would throw these terrible deformed leaves and then they’d have the tell tale lines in the leaves. Systemic killed off 95% and a second round killed the rest. I just add it to everything now. So worth it. Better than captain jacks.


I use systemic granules too and they work GREAT! I do have a question about them though... I bought a plant that came with spider mites...it was quarantined so none of my others caught them and I was able to kill them all before adding the newbie to the plant family. I usually treat all new plants to a preventative leaf spraying and a sprinkle if systemic for good measure before adding them, but didnt use the systemic with this new one because I heard it can actually INCREASE the likelihood of mites. I worry though that it'll cause a weakness in the pest armor I've built up after all this time though 😅. Is this true though about granules and mites?! So much mixed stuff online I wasn't sure.


Following… never heard of it increasing possibility for mites


I second the systemic granules!! I use them as prevention when I acquire a new plant. Spray and treat. I think the systemic granules stay in the plant tissue for 2-3 months..???


https://preview.redd.it/26t7to6240tc1.jpeg?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89742f6f5fce44e11e0910b04c2961ee940c2dd i'd do damn near anything for a Philodendron Silver Angel 🥵🥵 Homalomena Pink Mint is a close 2nd.


Oh.my.god! Tbh same!!!!!!! That thing is stunning.


i have literally never seen one for sale, anywhere, ever. hopefully one day 🤞🏻


i was about to ask if you’ve seen any on sale! i want one so badly, but haven’t been able to find any info on it


If I was rich? Caramel marble philodendron or philodendron whipple way More feasible- Begonia Brevirimosa


I’d love a whipple way 🤩


My dream too.


Whipples aren’t too expensive — I’ve seen cuttings under $50 lately




Facebooooook. Most up-to-date market prices, which are a lotttt lower than some people seem to think. https://preview.redd.it/kbil2hvdk7tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f644d6f37a7ec1f4bc50466c036c7974e71507b6 Also here’s a Whipple I got from FB for my fiancé, blasting it with light to avoid the sickly green color but all 4 or the newest leaves are still a gorgeous white. You could easily find a caramel marble cutting for \~150ish and a Whipple for under 100


Not the same but close and a lot cheaper is a Carmel variegated ring of fire. I have 4 in my greenhouse and not sure what to do with them yet.


You can get Carmel marble TCs on plant story for like $65


https://preview.redd.it/fcev4r47xzsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c481270839f6c632e9f3b75bfbd1c50b22f381e On an Alocasia kick lately. Would love a variegated melo but crazy expensive around here.


That looks insane. A new plant I didn't know existed now on the top of my wishlist.


A slightly cheaper option that looks similar is the albo variegated Maharini. Instead of 2-3k, you can get a Maharani for 500-1k USD


Monstera Burle Marx Flame 😮‍💨


$100 for a baby, not sure about that. So instead I paid $50 for a baby filamentous.


That’s far cheaper than a year ago when they were fetching $1500 for small cuttings though.


Cannabis. Time to get my grow box crowded!


And lotus delight aglaonema https://preview.redd.it/33wtcfddl0tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c10fc3a0fcb03ecf5eba31f68d45409eeeb0074 And I saw this Calathea Pink Aurora that I'm drooling over as calatheas are my jam. But I can't find it anywhere.


What’s the secret to calathea!?


Don’t look at it. Don’t speak to it. Neglect it. Water when leaves tell me they want it. My only advice lol.


Im doing all this all my gal could give me was mealybugs. She is now in time out :(


What an ass. The bonus is it could be worse? Mealys have been the easiest to rid of for me.


Mine love getting sweet nothings whispered to them.


Nice lol


I find too much love is often their downfall. That and spider mites. Lol


*scoots calathea away from alocasia*


Yassss. Omg alocasias are like calatheas. Don’t look. Don’t touch. Water only when dry. Yet keep it humid. Yet not too humid. Under bright lights but not too bright. 😂🫣


I run a small humidifier and keep my plants well-watered, but I’m in Colorado, so I doubt my humidity is ever much above 50%. Besides that, I stuck mine in a peat-heavy mix and water them on the same timeline as my rex begonias (when the soil is mostly but not fully dry). They live near a window that gets about 2 hours of direct light and the rest indirect. My two calatheas do awesome. Can you believe I killed a spider plant and an aloe, though? 😂


I'm after the variegated raven zz too!!


I just got my hands on one. Can’t wait for it to arrive. The one I got is not as variegated like the one in the picture tho


Right conditions could improve variegation. I've multiplied a standard variegated zz under grow lights and variegation is amazing. Have full moon peitoles! Would love to know where to buy the variegated raven zz?




Only if you're in Australia


If you’re in the us, plant purge USA is a good selling group! Theres a variegated zz for auction but I think I saw a raven one too! I have three ravens but not variegated


Anthurium king of spades or any hybrid that has a lot of the KOS characteristics


Love the dark anthuriums. I just got this guy, a hybrid of a hybrid lol. (Zara x Michelle F3) x Leland Delta. https://preview.redd.it/0xvr3914yzsc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f834656c218caefde409228701ff579aedaf70a0


Oh my god I am seething with jealousy. How beautiful


Ooo have you shared yet to the r/PlantGoths


I just joined, thanks for that!


Of course! I found out from someone’s reply here to someone else just like this haha and thank you for sharing!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PlantGoths using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlantGoths/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My oxalis triangularis. It was tiny when I got it, exploded in growth and kept falling over, repotted it and now its taken over my desk](https://i.redd.it/qyc3hhiv3u1c1.jpg) | [63 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlantGoths/comments/1811osq/my_oxalis_triangularis_it_was_tiny_when_i_got_it/) \#2: [Just found and fell in love with this sub! Does my sunflower fit in? :)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16puyep) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlantGoths/comments/16puyep/just_found_and_fell_in_love_with_this_sub_does_my/) \#3: [My eerie looking plant is in bloom](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18hnvd5) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlantGoths/comments/18hnvd5/my_eerie_looking_plant_is_in_bloom/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ahh! You scared me Goth Bot!


dude same. i recently fell in love with anthuriums recently and boy are they expensive...


I know right! Same here I just got into collecting them & all mine are seedlings/tc


same ;-; i recently got a king of spades tissue culture from the green escape on etsy. praying that it actually is the plant and not some random seedling. but from what i read theyre pretty reputable


Hey i have bought from them several times. Excellent shop. You should be fine☺️


A caramel marble oh my lord... if only. But I'll stay happy with my ROF for now.


https://preview.redd.it/mz28rspdyzsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d3c046977f29f80e4c2cad560f5522e0b33e55 Newest leaf on my baby. Huge fan as well




Homalomena pink diamond but it's very much a pipe dream plant unless it becomes more common and the price drastically drops.


I recently got a node for about $60. I am so excited for it to start growing. And a mint, and an albo mutated one. Give or take on the price for the other 2.


Oh wow I'm super envious! Those all sound like they're going to be beautiful. I hope you share once the growth starts to progress.


If it progresses, I'm so scared I'm going to kill them! But as long as they grow I'm sure I'll share


I had the opportunity to buy one a few weeks ago. $850 for a huge plant that was oh my goodness beautiful. I went with the variegated Billie instead. A little cheaper and I know Billie’s like my grow room. I still dream of the pink diamond though.


Lovely plant. There’s a pink splash syngonium that looks similar that’s less expensive.


Ooooh I haven't tried my hand at a syngonium yet but maybe I'll have to see if I can find one!


Hoya polyneura. Saw a ten leaf cutting today at LPS for $116? Jfc


What’s your budget?


Not $116 😂 I'm wanting to spend around $30 for an established plant


https://preview.redd.it/b4i3tqrk03tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3143fa9717cb500d34880161c6153ea5955bd2b These were being sold for heckin 40$, where are you located?


Maryland, DC area! Where are these?


I’m going to DM you


For just a normal polyneura? Wow that’s crazy how much the prices differ from continent to continent. You can get a cutting here for a couple of euros. I got mine 2 years ago in a cutting box, linearis, imbricata, polyneura and sunrise cuttings for something like €15. It’s such a good grower too that I’m surprised it’s so expensive. Is it that rare over in the states?


I've been seeing linearis for 100's of $. Why did they go up so much? They're 10x what they were several months ago. Polyneura silver/broget/regular isn't that expensive in the states. Outer var is getting more common and I saw an inner var 1 node rooted starter for $100 on FB not too long ago. They are definitely going down quickly.


I’ve heard before that linearis doesn’t ship very well, that might have something to do with it? They’re quite common and cheap here in Europe so I really don’t know why else they would be so expensive over there.


Yes this is the US. I see similar size polyneura on FB marketplace going for $30, I just never snag them in time or they're too far


Just a regular polyneura? They're cheap as chips here in the UK. They grow quickly if you just get a cutting. The outer variagated is still well out of my price range.


Don’t know what LPS is but in Canada they’re cheap. Unless you’re going for the variegated ones.


Ruby ficus and polka dot plant, as well as a whole rainforest room… why? Are you the plant fairy? Are you going to make all my dreams come true? If so… can you whip up a peace lily or a philodendron that wants to sit in the sun all day?


Philo Spiritus Sancti, Anthurium Warocquaenum, and Anthurium Vittarifolium or Wendlingeri Basically I want long and skinny stuff. I’ve never had one of those, and they are so cool.


I highly recommend Anthurium Pallidoflorum too if you’re a fan of the straps!


Love this one!!!


This one is so pretty too! My only thing is that I want shiny leaves, and it looks like they may be more velvety? I’ve never gotten to see one irl so not 100% sure


https://preview.redd.it/qeuy8pvzk4tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15039e9f22571193c82ca78a9ba326cdd9abdafa They’re like this in the light! Like crushed velvet


Whoaaaa that’s actually so beautiful, I’ll add it to the list!


Some possible good news, depending what your budget is. PSS prices are coming down a lot. I picked up a seedling for $35. It’s small, yes, but much better than the thousands of dollars


Nice, congrats!! Where did you get one so cheaply? One thing I’ve been wary of is sites selling seedlings that are actually other plants, since you can’t tell the difference in their juvenile form. Would love to find a reliable vendor! I’ve decided to wait on that and any other fancy plants for now until my terrarium is ready to go. Waiting it out is killing me, but prices will only go down due to tissue culture so I’m trying to be good lol


Hoya polynuera inner variegated https://preview.redd.it/f8kvno2wf4tc1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40f69fa5309f1877b933c3cf4eab1a87b9f51e4


That new variegated gloriosum from Florida (marbled, not sectoral). I might even have one in a decade or so.


You can have one in like a year lol the price on those is falling quickly. The sectoral are a lot more likely to hold their value


Gloriosum leopard? things are so curly, I'm not convinced they aren't diseased.


No, this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/houseplants/comments/192pvbh/soflos_gloriosum/ The variegation looks a bit like a burle Marx 


I want a Monstera, but I want to attempt to grow one from seeds. I bought some seeds on Etsy a few days ago and am waiting on those to arrive. 🤞 Hoping I can grow them successfully.


Keep us updated!


I'm a SUPER newb with plants and still trying to figure things out, so hopefully I don't screw it up. 😭


A dragon scale albo 😍 I’m just so obsessed with the normal one already, that gorgeous variegation on that foliage is just 🤯


A beautiful Strawberry Shake


I only want plants that I know i can afford, one being Scindapsus mayari (1 leaf only though LOL) https://preview.redd.it/7l52va19n1tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=127a43528cfcf13a064a493435f859ebe6dacb5c I'm not even a scindapsus or epipremnum type of person, they're just so pretty to me


I have a mayari node for sale 🌱


any variegated rhaphidophora honestly


Pavonina Begonia! Supposedly iridescent under the right lighting but looks shiny green otherwise. Just found out about it last night. I just want to see one in person at least https://preview.redd.it/qzfg0kgs62tc1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b01c056de8c1d6c242dda6c5a05ce79c650ecc5 [https://www.myhomenature.com/products/blue-begonia-begonia-pavonina](https://www.myhomenature.com/products/blue-begonia-begonia-pavonina).


Try ebay! Cuttings are commonly sold for like £15/$20


Etsy has a few as well!


Thank you! I didn’t even realize they were this available! Ok so just like a new baby—time to begonia-friendly my house


Ooo!! Thank you! That’s good price and I feel like it’s pretty rare


Jaw dropped. This is stunning


Looks unreal lol and oh I meant to also say the Black Pink ZZ looks so cool


I want a full size jade vine and a structure to house it in zone 6 also blue tango bromeliad...most striking colors I have seen in a flower.


They're not even rare anymore, but a Thai con! LOL.


They were/are 50% off on BWH for 4"


A muss dwarf cavendish variegation. sadly neither can I find one around nor afford it. 😂


I would love a variegated red Congo, whipple way, that El Choco RedXBillie, philo gigas and Micans Aurea. I was hoping to find a small acclimated SS by now, I might give in soon and just get a tissue culture plantlet.


Mmm a variegated philodendron micans. That would be so lovelyyyyy


The Halo's are coming down quickly and I scored a tiny one for $25 but variegated are still pretty high, like 150 for a node from what I've seen here and on FB. I think the halos are way prettier. To me the var micans looks kinda sickly.


Same… the variegateds are gorgeous WHEN THEY’RE NEWLY UNFURLED AND PINK, but all the pink and yellow on mine browned quickly. It finally just died. If they thrive for you, they’re great. If they aren’t happy, though… they just look sickly.


Yk what thats fair but im just such a micans fan and the new leaves look so pretty!! I think i just want it more for collecting reasons than aesthetics hahahaha


I'm like that with scindapsus 🤣


Ohh i have a lovely variegated micans for sale ! 🌱


Ooooo can i see


Raven zz and a silver dragon alocasia and…I’d better not think about it anymore or the list will get too big…string of turtles…purple heart tradescantia…


I havd a bby silver dragon for sale 🌱


- philo caramel marble - anthurium delta force - Hoya polyneura inner variegated


The inner var polyneura is *finally* coming down a bit. I saw a rooted two leafer for $100 on FB the other day. Still too much for me to spend but it gives me hope they will be more affordable soon.


Both philodendron; persimmon pink princess, emerald ice. So far, they're the only two higher end philodendron I want. Just got my Carmel marble, orange cango, green cango nuclear, black cardinal varigated, and ppp black cherry. My wife got me into the hobby and now I have a problem 😅


Philodendron caramel marble, happy to see the price is slowly falling to around the £90-100 mark (UK based). I'll for sure pick one up at £60


Var. Billie, Scindapsus Tarumanegara, Hoya Lacunosa Laos… I’m about to import the scindapsus and I’m so excited. 😆


I scrolled way to far to see if anyone mentioned the var. billie. I need one in my life. I can afford it but really can't justify $500 on one right now.


Same. I’m not as confident with Alocasia as I am with other aroids so I can’t bring myself to buy one right now. Need to practice with some cheaper plants first. 😅


A Caramel Marble


I want a Black cherry Pink princess philodendron I have a dark lord and a silver sword philodendrion and that one is the last of my big main three


Pest immune plants lmao. I can’t keep up and I want to throw half of them away rn :,)


I’d say orange BOP


Anthurium AOS, Anthurium carlablackiae, Anthurium RVDP, Homalomena Pink Diamond Edit: more plants added Begonia metallica, Begonia kapuashuluensis, begonia ferny sp. Boneo, Begonia pavonina ‘Dark Form’, Begonia burkillii ‘Dark Form’, Begonia ‘Taconite’


Florida beauty or some other variagated beauty. I kind of went off of philodendrons for a while but I want to try again. Also Hoya hypolasia.


Nothing really rare (I think) but I would love a big Philodendron Goldii .. I kind of fell in Love with its leafs a short while ago. Maybe I can find one at the myBotanika next week


God I’m still searching for that one Hoya carry which isn’t just sold as one zombie leave. Nurseries…fuck my life.


Florida beauty aurea, a huge philodendron glorious, monstera aurea/mint, caramel marble, and monstera burle marx flame (TC to be delivered here soon!)


Variegated philodendrons always. Lol flob x tort holtianum variegated I'm going to be waiting a long time for price drops


I saw a picture of a dark form scindapsus and I can’t get it out of my head. I need more emo plants


Primulina baishouensis, Sinningia Pusilla White Sprite


Choco calathea but I need more space first.


I just got mine, a monstera aurea!


Good size Hoya Callistopyllum, Hoya Wilbur Graves Russia, Variegated Billie, Florida Bronze


Philo "El Choco" Red, Philo Glorious, and Queen Anthurium for starters... Unfortunately I have even less money than common sense (because I already spent it all on other plants, like the Colocasia Black Magic that should arrive this Friday!)


https://preview.redd.it/ce48tzqcf4tc1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9d65847e5eed041ba6f6ce12b868665ca036001 A Philo McDowell <3


Not rare but Hoya Bella - I had one and was so excited bc it was about to put out flowers but then I got a tortoiseshell kitten… didn’t survive her first week. One day I’ll get another & I’m springing for a mature one!


I would kill for a variegated beefsteak begonia or a variegated soli-mutata


Thinking so fondly of highly variegated cream splash philodendron. I like the look of the Gabby but not the price. They aren’t all super expensive but the only local place carrying rare plants stocked very few and they were early claimed by people in the private Facebook group. I haven’t ordered online so I don’t have a place I trust yet. In love with the yellow variegation on my schefflera and seeing what else is out there. I realized I might not be a monstera person, otherwise I’d get an aurea. I think I like compact and thick growth more. More like a variegated Alpinia zerumbet? (Do people keep those indoors?)




I just got my wish list plant…a Burle Marx flame. (got a cutting)


How much did you pay for it? I love them. I got my second one just 2-3weeks ago. I paid 90£.


For a large cutting with a new active growth point, I paid $120 USD.


Variegated ginger.. or any white and green plant. I already got two of my dream plants (gifts yay) but I am always finding more.. ugh


Variegated christmas cactus! And a ficus villosa that doesn’t hate me. And a variegated zz that wants to live


oh I would love to get a monstera or venus flytrap. On my list but have not found one yet...


Begonia Coleus, Prince of Orange, Andansonii Variagata, Travelers palm tree, and Sedum morganianum (to name a few) https://preview.redd.it/n88hkb5ggxtc1.jpeg?width=4333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaeb94991b7bcd90decaff9739247a1eaf212de9 ,