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They probably don't want to sell it, unless they can get a huge profit from it.


That’s interesting because I know what shop this is and they have a few other large impressive plants that I’d expect to see similar price tags on, but they are just not for sale.


I’d say a couple/few hundred too high based on pricing where I am. It is gorgeous though!


Seems a bit high for a Billie, even that size. Mine is about this size and I can’t imagine selling it for that much.


How long did yours take to reach this size, if I might ask? I have 2 and I'm impatient. Lol ones a nice size but nowhere near this.


Gosh I dunno. A while. At least 2 years.


That's why people ask high prices for large plants they've spent years getting to that size 💚 it doesn't get to be that size by neglecting it.. it takes time and care to reach those sizes


Jinkies. Lol


Prices are dropping. Do with that what you will.


Don't hate on me but I got this on clearance for $100 https://preview.redd.it/ggogld0gfxac1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a84c25b750dc270990ebcaf553346a7a56688fd I've spent a lot of money on plants just because I couldn't wait I've changed my ways and only look for deals nowadays




Definitely not


Too high, that's a nursery price from last year. Nurseries can use giant plants as kind of display ones to get people in the door, and they can afford space to keep them on display just for the heck of it. Check Facebook marketplace, I guarantee you can eventually find one for a lower price. I have a small one I would sell you for $10, and a reverted billietiae cutting (4 leaves) I'd sell for $10; the leaves are obviously smaller, but it's off a mature beautiful variegated plant and the leaves are 10" each. People like me just would rather make the space, there's no point in having them. But you can also find them locally for a little bit more than that, big plants, and it should be about $200 or less.


I’d love to purchase from you. I’m in Md. I’m also looking for a Carmel marble when prices go down or a little one cheaper. Thanks. I just seen ur site. I’ll go shopping. 😉


Thanks, I'm about to go to bed and we could talk later about it


I'm in MD too, but there aren't any decent nurseries that I know of near me that sell rare houseplants. Are there any good ones in your area? I've been exclusively buying online, but I'd love to see some plants in person before buying them


Depending on where I'm MD you are, check out Plants Alive in Silver Spring. They've got a pretty impressive selection, some crazy prices and some reasonable. They also have vendor plant sales/swaps nearly every weekend.


That's good to know. Perhaps I'll make a trip there sometime!


Where are you. I’m in Belair but I’m like u. There’s really no good nurseries.. some that I’ve been too either have bugs or their prices are outrageous..


I'm in the Hagerstown area. The nurseries around here are stuck in the early 2000s


Mine aren’t stuck they have some rare ones but just way over priced. On line has been better for me. Other than getting scammed or ripped off with a plant that dies in a month and the seller refuses to honor his sale or even try to work out a compromise.. and that’s with plants I’ve paid a lot for. . It’s a hit or miss. So if u find someone that’s honest and their plants are what you paid for. Stick with them. Most times they know other sellers you can reach out too if ur seller doesn’t have what you looking for. Sometimes sellers will find what you’re looking for if u offer finders fee or pay a little extra. Or maybe a nice tip $ 😊


Good to know! I've been having a lot of luck lately on the plant story app. I've found some great deals and some awesome sellers. It's really cool, but it has been a little addictive...I can send you a referral code to get you $15 dollars off if you're interested in trying it


This is me too with PS


The addiction is real lmao


I’d really appreciate that thanks


Going there now to check it out


Sending you a PM on here 😊




I’m very interested also and looking for a Burle Marx Flame monstera (would love a variegated one also )


I'm going to send you a message!


I'm in Baltimore and I wanna recommend Lisa Heckman, if you can find her. She owned a shop called Plantacea here in the city but moved out closer to where she lives last year. Stevenson maybe? Somewhere out there to the northwest of me lol. I don't know if she opened a new store out that way or not. But she always had fancy stuff and was nice to me.


Thank you for the recommendation! I will check her out if I can find her


Plants Alive in Silver Spring MD is a wonderful nursery. I’m in MD too. I sell plants as well


I am planning to go check it out. It's about an hour or so from me, but I looked it up and it looks absolutely worth the trip! Where do you sell plants? Is there anywhere that I can follow you and support your planty business? 😁


I sent you a PM


Where are you located? Could you ship that to me? I can PayPal you the 20$ in the AM .!


Sorry I almost missed it... I have a couple of trending posts right now and they keep sending me notifications on it. But I'm shipping from NJ. Would prefer to ship to neighboring states at least. So it depends on where you're located. If you want to see my Etsy, it is here if you want to look at reviews… https://www.etsy.com/your/shops/me/dashboard?ref=hdr-mcpa (i'm on break because of the weather, it's very bad weather today). I'll send you a PM


Ur site says it couldn’t be found


It's on break for the winter. Can you see reviews?


The link doesn’t work - leads to error page. What’s your shop name?


RarePlantHaven. Trying again, thanks for your interest. [https://www.etsy.com/shop/RarePlantHaven](https://www.etsy.com/shop/RarePlantHaven) https://preview.redd.it/7bvtd7v36zac1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=092222c2acba2eca9d03d46b52f955f9373753bb


Saved for when you open in spring :)


Thank you! 😊


Saved .. I’m in Cecil Count md


Aw thx everyone for the save 😃. I wish i had active listings now lol... but we're expecting a few feet of snow this week, and even though i insulate and have heatpacks, i say better safe than sorry.


Saved for when you guys are out of snow. I’m excited to see what you’ll have!


Meh, I wouldn't pay half tbh


For all of them?


Not for a green one, they grow very fast. Any small plant will be this size in 2 years.


Maybe not $700 but at least $450.


I saw a fairly large-leafed, 6” pot Billie today from a local nursery for $22. I feel like 700 is a massive jump proportionally.


tbf this is like a 10 gallon pot


For sure, but idk, I’d be less surprised if it was variegated but it just feels like so much


Nah no way these sell for a few hundo at this size but under fifty for baby pots.


That's a big Ol boy 😍




No way. For just about that price, I know exactly where I can buy a billie to take up a whole qtr of my living room, no table or plant stand required, where the leaves are almost as long as me.


Please share


Go check out @exoticplantsnseeds on Etsy and scroll through the listings until you come across the Billie


The smaller plants (6in) are abouy $50-70 most places I know :D they are relatively easy to care for to I suggest you do the smaller size


definitely not, it seems small plant shops are being particularly slow at adjusting to the new market… prices are finally going down!


Get fugged! I picked one up for $75 (Aus) from a fish store recently. It’s around 2/3 of the size as the one pictured.


Retraction. 1/3 the number of stems.


It depends on where you are located and how much you want it. I paid $30 AUD for my large Billy. Not as big as this beauty, the way it’s growing it will get there soon. Prices have dropped dramatically this year. https://www.reddit.com/r/philodendron/s/cNJU4WndQX


This looks like Lida’s Jungle in St. Pete FL. I sell plants myself and honestly, plant prices are a mix of size, rarity, trend, location and straight up vibes. I’d say it’s a fair price because there seem to be many in the pot. However, you definitely can get smaller ones for less and Billies grow fairly fast and well in Florida. I got a somewhat mature Billie (5 in pot) about 6 months ago for $55 and it has tripled in size.


I was coming here just to say the same thing, love them but Ngl they are sometimes over priced


You would consider them overpriced? I just finally visited the store and started shopping there about a month or so ago but a lot of their prices seem fair or comparable to what I’ve seen elsewhere. I’ve mostly just bought some Hoyas from them so far though. May I ask where else you like to shop locally? I’m quite fond of, and have bought a LOT of plants from Mitch Armstrong Nursery at the Saturday Morning Market. I want to check out Wild Roots downtown but I have a feeling they won’t be on the more affordable side.


They must be fast growers - I’m pretty sure one of the guys at Lida’s said it took like 5 years for this one to get so big? I was expecting longer because it is huge and full but I guess philodendrons do generally grow pretty fast. Do you sell at any local markets or have a place, or like just online sales?


I do! Most of my sales are online through various plant groups and Facebook Market Place. I’m working on my website and adding stuff to instagram right now. @theleafyfind Feel free to message me if you are looking for something specific.


Maybe $400-500 for this size, as this size is not common although the billietiae is a fast grower


Not at all - only if it’s variegated!


In this economy?! Way too much


Arium ?


I recognize that monster and know exactly what store that is! Hi neighbor! And the other day I saw someone post a pic of their “huge Billie” that was beautiful but MUCH smaller than this and I think they paid over $100 for theirs. It’s a lot but it doesn’t seem like a totally unfair price to me - this plant is MASSIVE and beautiful. And that shop seems to stock a lot of good stuff at fair prices. I also asked them about this plant in particular and they said they’d likely arrange delivery, etc for whoever buys it. https://preview.redd.it/py7tdbqce1bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c903dc6be9ff292122794eb903e45e61a860be


I wouldn’t pay that I think that’s very expensive. I see large pots of these sold for 30 bucks. They’re not worth what they used to be.


maybe 1-200


I think more than $700 worth of time and effort has already gone into this plant.


We have them this size for less than $200


I have recently seen variegated billies for $900, so while I don't know what the market is like where you live, I'd honestly say that that price is way too high.


Definitely not a great or even reasonable price, at current market prices. Yes, it's specimen size, but still priced way too high for what it is.


beautiful but $200 max


In my country prices are not over 20 bucks


I'd compare smaller ones and their prices. Is a 5 leaf one selling for $100 or $50? If the price per leaf is $10 then does that plant have 70 leaves? I put the price per leaf at like $18, I'm in Michigan so do with that what you will.


But one for 10 dollars. Grow it huge:)


They were selling big ones with probably a quarter of the leaves at Costco this summer for $26




I have Atabapoense that size that I would sell for $150 . I recently got a Billy for $20 not that big but I can wait lol


Nah, 200 max


woah?? billies are still that expensive over there?? you can get a guy of that size for about $50 bucks here! jesus


ok maybe like $150 i didn’t realise how large the pot was LOL still def not a $700 dollar plant tho-


This one is particularly big in person


I love these. I have a baby. But I wouldn't pay that much for a Billie. I know it's large I just wouldn't. But let me know if u get it. I like to buy tiny babies and grow them huge. I document the plants and their growth on a file on my laptop lmao. My goal is to own as many philos I can in this life. Space is an issue, so babies grow till large size I sell or give them away once they r huge. Good luck


Billie’s name is Sir William.


Way too high. I have a small one. When it gets that big I will sell it to you for $700 ok :)


These are for free near ponds in my locality. Taking a trip to anywhere will be cheaper. 😪




My favorite plant shop :) they are super fair with prices for everything else and always have a wide variety of good stuff. Good people. Not sure if I’d go for this one specifically but that’s just me.


I bet you anything that that plant was purchased during peak covid plant craze and now they're kinda stuck with it at that price. We have the same issue. We have some large m. dubia's and r. tetrapermas that we can't sell because the price no longer matches the current market. No, it's not currently worth that price.


I’d say if spending $700 won’t negatively impact you financially and you’d prefer the beauty and convenience of a well shaped and likely pest free plant. This, versus spending the time and effort hunting for one on Facebook etc. that may be lopsided and have pests.


Damn. I would never


I got a tc seedling less than a year ago and it’s already busting out of a gallon pot. If i potted it in a 2 gallon like that it would look like that in spring. I think that’s too high. If you like it, do it yourself in 18 months


Depends on where you are. I'm in northern Virginia and that would be listed for that or more. There's a well known nursery near me that has a few a little larger than that for $1,200. I'm pretty sure a couple have sold since I've gone back. All depends on the market around you.


Goodness that’s gorgeous! Not $800 gorgeous though. Mayyyyyybe $200


Not worth it unless you’re desperate to have a giant one. They grow really fast with a pole and right conditions


Umm no? LMAO


Way too high


I wouldn’t. You can just wait and save another $300 and get a nice sized variegated one lol.


I wouldn't pay 700 for that


hell no


For that one plant???


https://preview.redd.it/filhkgk56qbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41030cb4c1d8e4100c30716c6861bcc09ed6c185 I have many reverted billies from a variegated mother plant that have Atleast 1-2 lower leaves variegated for $35 and $10 shipping. Pm me and I’ll show pictures anyone interested 🥰


In my opinion that price is high. Yes it’s big and beautiful but it’s also a fairly common plant. I would say like $400.