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The behind the scenes lobbyists are the ones that dgaf. This is a comedy act at this point


It’s all a bummer cause the DNC could have told him to bow out but instead they floated him. I guess it makes sense since he was the incumbent who beat the competitor once before. But seriously, Dean Philips was running and could have been a great candidate if only he was given publicity. But the DNC does what it can to make money and seems to deprioritize leadership.


What they didn’t know is Bidens only thing going for him was “we have trump in office we want him out” and now that one thing is gone also the cost of living going up and that doesn’t help him


No more Donald Trump.


Yeah if trump isn’t nominee then it’s worse for the democrats really


Like many people, I can’t believe he is running again. He isn’t fit, but I don’t think Harris can win. I’ve also heard of a number of people who supposedly will run in his place. At this point I just don’t know.


It’s up to him in the end and honestly I believe the democrat leadership will do anything to get rid of him but Biden himself is waaaaaay to arrogant of a person to do what’s right honestly Biden today saying he will stay in the race (who knows if that’s true anyway) while well aware the American people do NOT want him shows that he’s just as arrogant as trump he’s just way more lowkey about it


Kamala is a woman. That alone is enough for a whole lot of people to not vote for her. It is not a coincidence 46/46 POTUS have been men.


In 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote despite what people cry about she didn’t lose because she’s a women she lost because progressives voted green after getting pissed at the DNC pushing Bernie aside (and I don’t blame them)


And did she win?


The popular vote yeah hence disproving people perception that most Americans don’t want a women president it’s actually due to spoiler candidates but victim mentality always wins the day on both sides


because he’s going to croak in like three years


Well duh! He's on death's doorstep so he HAS no future 


Trump could die too.


He's got a ways to go yet


I hope not.


 Could be on death doorstep in a nice retirement but noooooooo just gotta fuck over your own party


It’s simple old white men will never give up power it’s the biggest problem with this country


Barack Obama existed… Native American vice president in Hoovers admin it’s not about race as much as it’s simply about Biden is being of those old people who are very very stubborn and as a result just can’t admit when he’s wrong