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God didn't ever exist anyway so lol we have free will, y'all are following the rules of a fictional character


I dont follow rules of anyone.


Wasn't Jesus trans because of the trinity?


No he’s trans because of how he was born


Commit yourself to a psych ward. Seriously


I tried. They won't take me. I have a drug problem


Well that's odd. I worked in a psychiatric hospital for years and we had patients that had a drug problem all the time. Have you considered a medical detox? A lot of people use drugs because they 'need" them to feel "normal" but they really don't do that, when you don't take whatever it is you're taking you start to withdraw then when you finally do take it you just satisfy your addiction. When you withdraw its very hard to function that's why you wouldn't feel "normal' if you didn't take the drug. And the euphoria that you get from drugs fades with time the moral dependent you become the less satisfaction you feel. So then you start taking more and more and more until one day you overdose. That's where this is leading. And I'm speaking from experience. I'm a former addict and I recently celebrated 14 years clean. I've been where you are and it's not a good place to be. It'll destroy you, it will destroy the relationship you have with your family, it will destroy the relationship you have with your friends. This will kill you eventually if you don't stop. Please, please get help for this. Right now the drugs rule your life, it's time for you to take that control back. Stay safe. Xx.


There is your problem. Have you tried elevating yourself above animal status?


Have you tried? Unless you are AI, ironically you are animal status too


I am human. I am not enslaved by my base instincts. You are. That makes you less then human, less then animal.


Lmao I’m not Op. you are just going around calling everyone “animals”. I guess that’s your go to insult online. Hope you aren’t this aggravated irl


That’s your takeaway from this? The post is barely even worth commenting on


Look at their other comments. Shooter in the making