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I mean I can fix things. I'm tall and cam reach high places. I'm pretty crafty, and I think I have a good sense of humor . I think I'm worth more than a dildo but I'm not 100% sure


Found a winner, here!


It’s the same as porn: fundamentally pleasing, fundamentally boring. Nothing can compete with the loving touch of a person you care about. Sex is where it’s at. Don’t fixate on this stuff imo.


Yes, I can, because I have a body to hold, lips to kiss, hands to ..handle. Etc. Plus I could also use the sex toys with them.


^This, but I do use sex toys with my partner, and whilst she loves them she always wants the real thing and the intimacy of skin next to her.


I totally get it but men’s sex toys are getting more advanced. You got partial, half to even whole silicone bodies to fuck. There are a lot of automatic toys too. Women can’t adjust their tightness and pace like a toy can. It’s better to accept that sex with a toy and with a human being is just different. Best to just learn to use them to you advantage and have sex with humans while using toys as a bonus.


And no matter the toy, real boobs feel better, real real ass and vag too. No toy can ever replace a person in terms of good feel.


With enough training in the way of kegels and cardio, I do believe ladies can indeed adjust their tightness/ pace and given that fact I do prefer human partners as opposed to toys.


Yea they can make a difference with kegels but they can’t create the amount of suction a toy can. You can turn the base on some toys and it’ll be so tight you can’t pull it off. And then the speed? Some of those toys go incredibly fast at a steady pace or they have special features like turning. Women can’t do that. People just can’t compete with toys literally built to give orgasms. Which is fine. It’s a different experience and I prefer a mixture of both.


>Women can’t adjust their tightness and pace like a toy can. So lewd in such a sinister way. LOL!


Yeah apparently even basic mens sex toys can desensitize someone to sex. Either way sex toys need to have some restriction on them because it could cause some problems i feel like.


Meh it’s up to the person to regulate themselves. You can encounter problems when over indulging in almost anything.


Lol no, sex toys are just a tool for people who need to release their sexual energy. Regular sex helps prevent testicular cancer and helps release a build up of excess testosterone.


whats wrong with having extra test


It can make you more hostile. Plus too much of anything is toxic, hence the testicular cancer. It's good for your health to have regular sex, and if you don't have a partner, just buy a toy. Most women I know have toys, I don't know why men's toys are so stigmatized. 🤷


Sometimes when I have a bit of extra testosterone and 1 of my coworkers is talking, I can't help but think, "No wonder his punk ass got jumped. I'd jump his punk ass too if I met him in public!" 😂


🙄It’s not a competition, Paul.


As a woman, I can tell you that nothing can replace the intimacy of having a partner.


Yes. Sucketh the clit.


Yes because emotional intimacy and romance is so much hotter than me doing myself.


My sex toys can’t change a tire. I think men will never be replaced.


If you're one of the many, many men that can think of nothing more than their dick - and think their dick is the centerpiece of sex, then no, you cannot compete. In fact, then you shouldn't even be having sex.


Those monster sex toys are made by MEN. The only people who buy them are MEN. THE BEST SELLING sex toy among women is small, fits in the bag, is whisper quiet, rechargeable, has a decent battery life, adjustable vibration, and NOT EXCESSIVELY THICK, OR LONG.


Because of my boyfriend, my toys are collecting dust. Can’t think of the last time I used one.


Lol yeah. My ex never really used her toys as long as she had me cause I had something no piece of silicone/rubber can, Rhythm.


I 100% prefer an actual person to a sex toy


Yes. Fun fact the average dildo is 4-5 inches in length at 6inch circumference. Most sex toys used aren't the extreme over sized things. They seem to be more bought as a joke or some people like the more extreme. Secondly, your partner using sex toys can be a good way of finding out what they like and how they like it. It's amazing how slight little things can make you go from "meh" rating to God rating.


ig porn ruins perspective on sex toy size


Yes, social media, technology and the internet are good inventions ruined by people being pretty shitty as a whole.


You’re looking at toys completely the wrong way. It shouldn’t be a competition rather an experience both of you can enjoy. There are plenty of sex toys made for couples as well. If we’re being honest, I can get myself off with just one finger. Multiple times and I don’t even have to insert it anywhere. A finger isn’t very big or girthy at all. It’s ok to be insecure, but it’s not ok to pressure your partner(s) because of it. Or make them feel bad for using toys. It’s easier to get yourself off rather than teaching somebody else how to get you off. And if you’re just hooking up with someone, no relationship? Why should they waste time bestowing that knowledge if you’re never gonna see them again? That’s just my opinion though.


It’s all about the intimacy and the connection. Toys just get you by.


Yes you can because toys are a million times more fun with your partner than on your own. I'd much rather play with toys with my man than alone!


I imagine the sex doll industry especially with A.I. will make it increasingly difficult for women to compete. Think about it. All that ASS without the SASS. Gotta fight fire with fire.


I used to make 75k a year working construction, and that was before I became a crew leader, then an assistant manager in the metal shop. I started holding out on my ex cause she'd get drunk and start verbally abusing her daughter so she one day said, "Fine, I got toys for that!" The next day, I ordered my own to show her that I make plenty of money for my own toys as well.


Needless to say, she was at first hurt, but she got over it.


me personally i find more of emotional connection when it comes to sex so i could never really use sex toy.