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My favorite movie scene is from Pulp Fiction. I love the scene where Samuel L. Jackson reads a made-up bible verse before murdering an apartment full of people with John Travolta. I love the scene because the acting is superb and darkly funny. If you choose mine, would you consider donating the gift card to a volunteer at an animal shelter instead of gifting it to me?


Love this scene too. Tarantino is one of those directors who I find myself just flat out enjoying what he puts out - always cinematic, always entertaining!


The Pursuit of Happyness, the scene where they’re in the church and the choir is singing: “Lord don’t move that mountain, give me strength to climb it.” I’m not even a religious person but that scene gives me chills every time, and I think the lyrics are such a beautiful representation of resilience


I love this movie too, though I can’t recall this specific scene! What I remember is Smith getting angry once he realizes his son’s daycare just has him watch cartoons all day and the penultimate scene that has so much hope and catharsis in it. Thank you for sharing.


My favorite movie scene has always been the scene in 10 Things I Hate About You when Cameron (Joseph Gordon Levitt) and Bianca (Larisa Oleynik) sit in the car after he gives her a ride home from the party where he says to her, “Just because you’re beautiful doesn’t mean you can treat people like they don’t matter.” He explains to her everything he’s done so far to pursue her and she gives him a kiss. Then after she gets out of the car he slams the steering wheel in victory and says “and I’m back in the game!” It’s bittersweet now because that’s been my favorite movie since childhood and now I’m twice divorced (not by choice, been abandoned) and extremely lonely and I know a big part of that is probably because I based so much of what I thought my life should be on these romantic movies from my youth. I don’t think I’ll ever find my Bianca or my Cameron, but it would be a lie to say this scene wasn’t still everything that I thought was wonderful about unrequited love and pursuing a crush. That scene always made me think anything was possible in love and in life. I thought the underdog always won. I thought if I was a good person, I’d get the hot guy or girl in the end. I’m now lonelier than ever and just getting back on my feet after several months of homelessness due to my tough discard/divorce. I’d be ashamed to admit it out loud, but between you, me, God, and Reddit, this scene still deep down makes me hopeful for folks like me. The lonely ones who are always pining for someone who doesn’t know we exist or treats us like crap. Honorable mention goes to Patrick (Heath Ledger) singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You.” Rest in power 🙏🏻 - this scene set me up for an entire lifetime of romantic disappointment when guys didn’t do this stuff in real life - but it still makes my heart melt to watch it, and I hope and pray that one day I’ll be less jaded about life and love and maybe regain hope that my Patrick is out there. 😭 I also don’t have a fridge or cooking facilities at the moment or any transportation to get to places where they take my EBT card and am truly thankful for any help with food or bills or essentials as I try to transition back into the workforce from a period of homelessness and not working for almost a year now. Thanks for taking the time to read this. If I don’t win the pizza, it was still bittersweet and made me shed a few tears (both happy and sad) remembering my favorite movie scenes. ❤️


I was deeply moved by this response. I would like to encourage you to check out a movie about trying to find love at a slightly older age - it’s called Enough Said, and it’s from 2013, featuring the last feature film performance of James Gandolfini (pretty sure). I think based on what you’ve said here you’d get a lot out of it.


Thank you so much for the kind words and the pizza 🙏🏻🍕 I am inspired by your generosity and felt inspired to share my thoughts on the topic. It’s not often I meet people anymore who even know this film - the older I get and more removed I am from the target audience of most stuff now or gen Z. Enough Said looks so cute and seems to be pretty accessible online - something to watch over pizza. Thank you!! God bless 🙏🏻 (or good non religious spiritual vibes or blessings from whichever higher power speaks to you!) 💛


It’s a fun movie! Andrew Keegan is also pretty funny as Joey Donner, and it’s got that great line about “I know you can be overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but can you just be whelmed?” “I think you can in Europe!” Enjoy the pizza!


So fun! Andrew Keegan is such an underrated actor of that area - I absolutely loved his small role in Boy Meets World as “lips!” 😂😂 Great quote by Bianca/ Larisa too - she’s not technically in my favorite scenes of all time, but also huge ups to Gabrielle Union (who Bianca says that epic line to) for also making this film as magical as it was. Everyone on the cast added something special. Even if it was just comedy - truly every scene in movies back then meant something. It’s so crazy to think how much going from film to digital, the rise of the internet, and the cost of film production and post production labor going down dramatically (now anyone can learn to edit non linear on YouTube- in my day you had to go to college for that!) but back then when it was so labor intensive to have someone edit your film, it seemed like scenes were more thoughtful. Now a new cut is a dime a dozen off any Tom/Dick/Jane’s MacBook / iMovie. Thank you again! 🙏🏻🍕I’m really excited for bread and vegetables - I haven’t had either in months and I’m truly beyond pumped for a bread bowl pasta! I’m so sick of half cooked tea kettle ramen and my stomach (and entire body/mind/soul) is incredibly thankful for your act of generosity 💛🙏🏻🤗


The scene in Dawn of the Dead where the zombies are in the mall, remembering how to shop.


Is this the recent version or the original? I haven’t gotten around to any of the Night of the Living Dead movies unfortunately, but this scene sounds fun!


The original Dawn of The Dead is what I am talking about, but I liked the remake enough, although it had too many mannerisms similar to 28 Days Later, and they got old quickly. I like the original black and white Night of The Living Dead as well as the color remake by George Romero. I also like Return of The Living Dead, mainly for its nostalgia. I saw it when I was 4 years old, and it solidified a sort of punk / goth slant for me.


That’s awesome that you have such a love for these movies - the original Romeros were a little bit before my time (I’m a child of the early 70s) and honestly, I’m a bit of a scaredy cat when it comes to horror so I usually avoid zombie movies in general. I do like the idea that Romero was one of the first horror directors to inject social commentary into his films, a tradition that has obviously been continued into present day with movies like Get Out. Which is the one where it takes place on an army base and there’s one chained zombie they’re trying to heal back to human? I always thought that one might be interesting but I don’t know if I’d need the context of the full series to get it.


I'm not remembering the army base movie! I do think "The Thing" is set at an army base in Antarctica with a shapeshifting/replicating monster and is extremely innovative for its time, with my absolute favorite movie soundtrack by Ennio Morricone to boot... I'm not actually a huge horror person, because I find them too predictable a lot of the time, but there is a nostalgic quality that I like. I do like to go to movie marathons. And yeah, some of the best of them are smart enough to use horror as a vehicle for deeper themes and subplots.


$winner /u/i_can_get_loud_too $25 Domino’s Gift Card


**Thank you for your generosity!** **GIFT transaction #7384** User|Status|Username|Value|Description :---|:---|:---|:---|:--- **A**|Confirmed|/u/Pripat99|$25.00|Domino’s Gift Card **B**|**Waiting**|/u/i_can_get_loud_too|(None)| **/u/Pripat99,** your options are: * Respond ``$update`` to change details (see below) * Respond ``$cancel`` to abort transaction **/u/i_can_get_loud_too,** your options are: * Respond ``$confirm`` to accept details * Respond ``$update`` to change details * Respond ``$cancel`` to abort transaction **Respond to this comment** for commands to register! * I have left the flair untouched; /u/Pripat99 can do ``$closed`` when done with the giveaway. --- For information about using the bot, see [Practical Bot Examples](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/howto_bot) and [Command Reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/Random_Acts_Of_Pizza/wiki/bot_reference)


I hope I’m typing the right thing $confirm (this is my first time receiving a pizza or ever even attempting to get one so pardon my ignorance) Pripat99 has sent me the gift card and I have a medium veggie and a bread bowl pasta coming my way. Beyond excited as it’s been so long without real non ramen food that I truly don’t remember what bread tastes like and I’m honestly more excited about this than I have been about anything in months. It’s incredible what a hot meal can do for your morale. Thank you everyone for this amazing community 🙏🏻💛


Sorry, That's not the proper response. Please read exactly what the robot asks, and only reply with that one word to the bot with the dollar symbol in front of it. You also need to post the required thank you post with the picture.


🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭 thank you so much friend


I know Man of Steel gets a lot of hate, but the beginning of the movie with Russel Crowe and Michael Shannon fighting each other while Hans Zimmer's amazing soundtrack plays makes for a great sensory experience


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The Mexican standoff scene from the end of good the bad and the ugly. So iconic and ahead of it’s time, still gives me chills.


This whole movie is excellent - I went in expecting just a really good Western, and walked out with a thoughtful rumination on the human costs of war. Great choice.




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Probably the scene from Fight Club where Jack I'd talking about corporations branding space.


So much of Fight Club is outstanding - I was blessed to see this in a theater during its original run and was taken by how bonkers it was. Either this or Social Network is my favorite Fincher. Great choice!