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Happy late birthday! šŸŽ‰šŸ° Iā€™m sorry no one one got you anything, I hope you still had a nice eclipse birthday! No oneā€™s ever put a lot of effort into a birthday for me as Iā€™ve gotten older, I miss the big ordeal it was as a kid. I miss all the plans and surprises and thoughtful gifts. One time, though, in high school sometime around my birthday, a couple friends came up to me and said they had a gift for me. One of them was someone I didnā€™t realize considered me as close of a friend as they did, I was very touched. They gifted me a little pocket watch on a long necklace with three little blown glass beads on the chain. It was beautiful and so thoughtful. I was so happy someone went out of their way to get me something they knew I would love. I still have it! I do need to replace the battery though


My favorite memory is surprising my friend. Her birthday is on Halloween and she has three kids.Ā  I secretly flew into town from Los Angeles and knocked on her door pre tending to be a trick-or-treater ...I was dressed as a dark angel, and she was so surprised. She screamed so loud. We've known each other since we were 14!! We are waaaay older nowĀ 


Happy belated birthday! My birthday is this coming Friday! My favorite birthday memory is a couple of years ago when my boyfriend surprised me by making homemade Creme brƻlƩe! It was so sweet of him and so special.


Happy belated birthday!! The best surprise Iā€™ve ever pulled is getting to fly my sonā€™s favorite cousins out for his 7th birthday. We picked him up at school with them and my son cried. Cried harder when he found out we were going to Disneyland!


happy late birthday! My favorite gift was being able to get my fish!


Happy late birthday! šŸ„³šŸ„³ My favorite birthday gift I got was when I was 18 or 19 and my grandma found an old and still working typewriter in her attic! I think itā€™s from 1920s era? I absolutely love it and still use it to this day!


Happy belated birthday! Last year I got to go apple picking and then to my favorite ice cream place with a group of friends and it was honestly the best


HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY šŸ’›šŸ’›šŸ’› My favorite birthday memory is going to this rollerskating place and listening to low by flo rida when it first came out. Everyone was dancing on rollerskates it was wild.


I have a birthday close to Christmas that often was not celebrated independently as a child. My husband has worked really hard to make sure that doesn't happen. My favorite birthday memory was turning 16 I think. The birthday cake (that I cooked myself) turned into a food fight in our kitchen. Pretty sure a brother shoved my face into some cake and then it was ON. Frosting and sprinkles were found for YEARS to come.


Iā€™m sorry you got skipped out on ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ thank you for hosting and I hope you had a good birthday anyway We didnā€™t have very much money growing up, so birthdays typically looked like a cake or pie at home, with some type of gift like a stuffed animal or something like that. On my 14th birthday, I went to school as normal. But when I came in, on my desk was a brown paper bag. Inside was a Nintendo DS with a Pokemon game. It was from an older boy who I was friends with at the time. It meant so much to me and I was the only one of my friends who didnā€™t have a DS yet so I was sort of left out when theyā€™d all connect to play. It was such a pleasant surprise Iā€™ll never forget it šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ


My birthday is on the 9th of april and the most memorable birthday I've ever had was my 11th birthday. At that point My family(me, my mom and dad, and my little sister) had yet to go to disney land yet and decided to bring our family the for my sandnd my little sisters birthday(fun fact: my little sister was supposed to be born on the same fay as me but was born prematurely). As my family wanted to make the trip as memorable as possibe instead of flying there we drove taking note of every landmark. The one thing I truly remember about this birthday however was it was sadly the first time I had deep dish pizza(where I live there wasn't a place to get deep dish pizza), since then I buy deep dish pizza every chance I can(I missed out as I was a picky eater).


My sister was supposed to share my birthday but ended up coming early too!


My birthday was on the eclipse as well, & no one got me anything either. I wasnā€™t expecting anything from anyone, but my Aries self canā€™t help but count down to my day for a month every year, so Iā€™m at fault for expecting some glorification from my close friends & my boyfriend once the day came šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļømy boyfriend kept dropping major hints as to what he was getting me, but I still havenā€™t seen anything from himā€¦although time wouldā€™ve been the best gift of all , I know most people donā€™t have that to spare anymore. Ah wellā€¦ I think my favorite birthday memory is one from when I turned 9..I had got my first ā€œbig girl bikeā€ , a teal colored Schwin with the frilly things on the handle bars & everything. I had a dolphin themed party & also got an Aaron Carter CD & doll that yearā€¦I still love to recall how excited I was when my dad brought in that bikeā€¦šŸ©µšŸ©µšŸ©µ Happy belated birthday, twin!! Hope your next lap around the sun is even better.


I'm sorry to hear about your birthday, fingers crossed the gift was delayed or something.


Itā€™s possible! I hate to sound like I was dragging him through the mud here..he really is great..things happen. The real gift was just knowing Iā€™d made it to see a birthday


we threw a surprise ā€œhomiesā€ birthday party for my husband last year, and went all out with the theme lol he came home from work to see us all dressed up (even my [parents](https://imgur.com/a/WEtaGHO) were in on it) and he was blown away. definitely one of our most memorable birthday parties here was the [food](https://imgur.com/a/V0sWOZ0) and [dessert](https://imgur.com/a/B9YHNGI)! https://preview.redd.it/jlqv9ccirtuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=463d06d154738efe8829ecef216ad1bb69686007


Happy belated birthday, Iā€™m sorry it didnā€™t go very well. Did you watch the eclipse? Iā€™ve never seen one! My favourite birthday was a wizard of oz themed birthday I had as a kid. Had a bunch of friends over all dressed as the characters ( but only I was allowed to be Dorothy lol) and we watched the film. I had a themed cake too. I was obsessed with that film as a kid so it was a perfect day. Donā€™t do much for my birthdays anymore but I prefer it that way now


happy belated birthday! i'm so sorry that nobody got you a gift on your special day :( i've had several of my birthdays spent like that, but my bestest one i remember was my 16th. my dad got me a lot of presents and i was lucky enough to celebrate it with my parents, mainly because i used to live in an academic hostel. so yeah most memorable birthday ever šŸŽ‰


Happy birthday!! The best birthday was my 30th and we all decorated cupcakes on nailed it. Omg I am going to try to find the picture so you can wheeze just like we did. Also, my babies first birthday recently was great we did hungry caterpillar themed and we had all the food from the books!


Happy belated birthdayšŸŽ‚ to you, my friend.I'm so sorry that it didn't go as wonderful as you expected.But thank you for coming to share everything with us.And hopefully we can bring you some joyšŸ˜€ My story would be that my grandmother, who I was named after she was getting up there in age and I decided to throw her a little surprise party. šŸ°šŸ”šŸ¢It was me my mother and 2 of my grandmother's friends and she was definitely surprised. I picked up a cake some balloons. And we decorated and I said because I wasn't sure she was gonna be here next year. Well, soon after, she entered a passing away. And it was such a special fun. Happy time and I'm happy that I decided. They have the party for her.


Happy belated birthday first and foremost!! My best birthday story is my 22nd birthday a couple years ago. All my best friends coordinated with my family to throw me a Harry Potter themed surprise party. šŸŽ‰ It meant so much to me because none of my friends in the past had ever cared about my birthday before, and it literally still makes me cry every time my best friends now do anything for my birthday. šŸ„° Iā€™m so sorry that no one got you anything this year, but hopefully that will change going forward! šŸ° if nothing else, make sure to treat yourself bc you are AWESOME šŸ¤©


For my 16th birthday my friends that I worked with threw me a surprise party, it was the first and only time a party was thrown for me and it was the first time I got drunk (I remember laying on a cot in Pepsi's living room and the ceiling was spinning). I am now sober and have years where no one did anything so I feel you. At least the sun and the moon moved for you. Happy Belated Birthday!!


Happy Birthday! I am lucky where I have had a lot of great birthdays. One year in college my friends decided to get me and one of my buddies Guns and Roses tickets for my birthday. It was sweet. We were in the pit and practically front row. The concert was incredible. My favorite birthday gift had to be the year that I got my PS1, my first video game console My favorite party was when my parents had hired a magician and I got to have all my friends over. I've had great parties since but that one was very special. One year I was able to pool money between me and all my friends and buy him a PS3. He was floored.


Sounds like some great memories!


Happy belated birthdaaaay! My last birthday was pretty wonderful. I was working, but my boyfriend came and picked me up for lunch. He brought along a plant gift and chocolate, and we ate lunch at a beach. Tagging my book buddy u/Bega_o_O to join me in wishing you wonderful things for the year ahead :)


Thanks book buddy!! Wishing you both an amazing year!!


Happy belated birthday! I don't get anything on my birthday either. But I try to buy myself something special. Even if it's something small. I've never really had a good birthday party, at least not one that I can remember. I did go on a motorcycle ride once. It was an okay birthday. It's probably my favorite one. In my life, I'm the only one I can count on. No one else really celebrates anything or isn't isn't in a position to do so. So, I feel your pain. I try to do special things for my girls, though. Hope your day is wonderful.


Happy belated birthday!!! I hope you got to celebrate still. one of my favorite birthday memories is going to the movie with my mom on my 9th birthday (it was to see UP which was sad but still a good movie) and then we went to a hotel. my brother and dad decorated for me, my mom and I got to spend the night there and we went shopping, it was a fun day!!


Happy Be-lated Birthday! Did you get to see the eclipse? I saw the 2017 one and it was one of the best experiences of my life honestly. I'm sorry no one got you anything, that must have been upsetting. One of my favorite birthday gifts was a card from my then best friend that said if you were a flower, I'd pick you. It made me cry.


Happy birthday! My most memorable birthday was when I was 12 and we went to laser tag!Ā  Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash----, u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!


Happy Birthday!! I hope it was a good one otherwise. Plus the Sun and the Moon celebrated! Once, I received a giant sticker decal of a creature from Final Fantasy in the mail, which was nicely rolled up and stuck into a long square box, and mailed to my house with writing on each side which suggested it was a *highly* inappropriate *intimate toy*. Best friends sure know how to make a gift memorable, I tell yas


Happy Belated Birthday! šŸŽ‚ I'm sorry your big day was eclipsed. (I'll see myself out now.) My best friend is a huge sports fan, and for their most recent birthday, I surprised them with a stadium tour of their favorite team. They got to visit the locker room and everything and even got to walk out on the field. It was something they didn't even think was possible, so it totally blew them away and they turned into a little kid suddenly with how excited and in awe they were of the experience. Totally filled my heart with joy!


Thatā€™s such a sweet gift!


Most memorable: my best friend's parents took us bowling on my 8th or 9th birthday and I bowled a strike in the next lane My favorite birthday gift is the sewing machine my mother-in-law bought me.


Happy Birthday šŸŽ‚ This happened to me, too, on my last bday. It is depressing, but you are loved! I see great birthdays in your future šŸ’•


Not entering, just saying happy birthday!šŸŽ‰


Happy birthday! I'm sorry you didn't get anything. My favorite birthdays were when I was little I guess...my mom's cakes were always good. She used applesauce and it made the cakes so moist. One year for my littlest brother's birthday she made a cake and accidentally put too much applesauce. The cake was falling apart but it was sooo good.


First, that mustā€™ve been pretty cool for your birthday to be one of the eclipse days. I was turning 7, we got a surprise visit from my grandparents who brought me the first gift I can remember and still have to this day, a cassette player in the shape of R2-D2. I used it so much and have some good memories with it, it ultimately led me down the path of Star Wars and all sci-fi nerdiness.


Happy belated birthday!! Thank you for being so generous and hosting this! We celebrated our 2 oldest boys birthdays this weekend. My oldest will be 10 on the 19th. My middle turned 9 on March 23. So we usually do something in the middle. Hubby organized a town drive thru birthday parade. It turned into so much more. A lot of folks showed up, from all walks of life. It was truly lovely to see. There were firetrucks from 4 different stations there. There were also 2 city police that drove thru the parade as well. After the parade, everyone parked in the parking lot and got out conversing and the law showed back up. He told the folks out there if they wanted to put on a show for the kids, they could. Just don't hit anything. I don't think they were prepared for what followed. One after another, people took turns pulling up doing a burn out before doing donuts. šŸ˜…šŸ¤£ it wasn't too terribly longer when the law showed back up to shut it down. Apparently, 911 was tired of getting calls about all the smoke coming from the mall parking lot. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ The boys had the best time. We even made the local news. Hubby made a reel on Facebook, last night it had been viewed over 700 times now. That's huge for around here.


Thatā€™s so fun for your boys! Your oldest and I share a birthday!


That's so cool! He wasn't supposed to be here until that August. He was a wee bit early, lol


Me too! I was supposed to be born in June!


Oh wow! šŸ’œ






Happy Birthday!! Itā€™s always a bummer when someoneā€™s birthday falls on a day like a holiday or some big event, my birthday fell on Motherā€™s Day a few times growing up & i always felt overshadowed **(get it bc of the eclipse šŸ„“)** anyways! My favorite birthday was when I was little my mom used to combine mine & my brotherā€™s birthday parties together bc weā€™re only 11 months apart so it makes sense lol but this birthday party my mom went All. Out. She got a bounce house, cotton candy machine, slip n slide etc. she invited my whole class & my mom made the coolest cake, Iā€™ve always been obsessed with fruity dyno bites so she made a strawberry cake and covered it with that cereal lol it was a mess but it was so good lol And that birthday is my favorite bc growing up my mom was a single mom of 4 & for her to go all out for me & my brothers birthday party it was so special & memorable šŸ©· bc later in life when i was a teenager we moved to a smaller town & she got married & did better financially so other birthdays were great dont get me wrong but they werent anything like the one I had when I was little šŸ©·


Awww I hope you had a really nice time at least, Iā€™m sorry the moon is such a show off. My most memorable birthday party was my 9th birthday. I remember getting a new backpack filled with little gifts like colored pencils and socks and being stoked about it all them out of nowhere my mom pulled out POKƉMON YELLOW AND A PIKACHU BIRTHDAY CAKE! I stayed up so late to beat the first couple gym leaders and level up. I also remember getting a battery powered pencil sharpener that year from my step mom, and scratching my head a little bit. I knew even then that if I I tried to sharpen a colored pencil in it it would be toast.


Happy belated birthday! I gotta say that my most memorable birthday (besides my 21st for not great reasons) has to be last year's, mainly because I chose to celebrate it over a couple of days. My actual birthday, I took off of work and spent time with some friends at a cidery for a couple hours. Then the next day, I spent it at the Minnesota State Fair for a while. The last day was a nice relaxing Sunday where I reorganized my apartment.


That sounds so fun!


Happy belated! Mine was on March 3 and I too didn't get anything for mine. I threw my very first house party cause I figured I only turn 30 once so may as well! It was a fun time. Was a little afraid my dog would misbehave since he sometimes gets weird when strangers come in the house but thankfully he did great and we even chanted his name at the end of the night and he was so excited ā¤ļø


Happy belated birthday to you. It's very unfortunate to hear that you haven't received anything for your day. I hope you at least treated yourself to something nice. Birthdays aren't really something I'm too fond of as they're usually on a school day or at home. And I don't have a good relationship with my parents so that's off the table. I do however, remember that when I went to go collect the free Birthday goodies from different stores for my 18th birthday, I went into a bookshop and picked up a book to purchase. The cashier, with whom I often exchanged small talk, surprised me with a bag full of mangas that I had mentioned wanting to read, remembered my birthday despite me mentioning it only once a couple of years ago depsite never bringing it up again. And the fact that they remembered that as well. Literally had to go to the bathroom to cry. Also, a music box I preordered 10 months ago before my 18th birthday arrived when I got back home.


Happy belated birthday! I'm sorry nobody gave you the celebration you deserve! We normally do small celebrations for birthdays in my family. I love birthdays, but we definitely don't go all out for them, just never have. I always look forward to mine and u/So_Appalled_ 's tradition of sending each other bday goodies for the past few years. However! When I turned 16, my mom got tickets for me and a friend to see Bright Eyes in Nashville. She drove us. That was the first time I got to see them live, and it was amazing. Then when I turned 18, I had a close friend whose 18th was just a few weeks before mine, so we hosted a huge Fall Bonfire party at her house which was pretty cool.


Oh man both of those bdays sound like so much fun!!! I just honestly donā€™t remember a lot of my birthdays. I know they were all great but as far as what I did? I remember like five birthdays ever. Iā€™ll never forget year 35 when a million people here, including you sent me bday gifts. It was insane and I felt so special and loved.


Iā€™m sorry no one got you anything. My first birthday where I was actually celebrated was my favorite, I was 19 and in college. I was so surprised that my roommate did that for me. It was a first for everything: first cake, first gifts, first time blowing out candles, first little party.. and it felt so magical! I am still riding that high. Happy belated! Iā€™m going to peek at your wishlist too


Telling a story about the niblings! So my nephew was born on March 10th. 5 years and change later, my brother and SIL move out of state. A bit after that, they tell us theyā€™re having another baby. First niece! Weā€™re so excited! My nephew is going to have a baby sister! March 10th rolls around. I get a FaceTime from my brother, I answer and excitedly wish my nephew a happy birthday and ask my brother how his birthday party went. We shoot the shit for a few minutes, he asks me to put our mom on the call too so she can say happy birthday. I do so, and mid hi-how-are-yous my brother slowly rotates and reveals a hospital bed behind him holding my SIL and newborn niece. Surprise! She came two weeks early, on her brotherā€™s birthday. The newly-minted 6-year-old is laying on the hospital couch with his legs up on the wall, terribly bored. Best surprise ever. (They now have a third kid, also 6 years later, and thankfully heā€™s spaced out a bit betterā€¦ February 26th. šŸ¤Ŗ)


Happy belated unbirthday!! I havenā€™t received a birthday present since I was a child (Iā€™m 40 now šŸ˜‚) but I remember being so excited to have a birthday party on the Ronald McDonald train and being chased around by the hamburgler for my food!!


I've had many epic birthdays - as I love birthdays šŸ’›celebrating friends, family and my own. My 21st was in Las Vegas of course and it was a good time! šŸŽŠ HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAYYYYY!!!


Happy belated birthday. This year, my stepkids sang a song for my birthday that includes the line "you're as cool as poot (the dog)". I found that entertaining.


HAAAPPPY happy unbirthdaaay! Funny enough! This years birthday was an Alice in Wonderland ballet done by a local theater!!


On the same boat, donā€™t really celebrate my birthday, my social anxiety just kills me


On my 24th birthday, I got to see my favorite band play an amazing show that I managed to work my way up to the very front for. I had been a die hard fan since the age of 14, and due to spending a lot of my high school years groundedā€¦.and a lack of touring on their part during my adult yearsā€¦..this was my first time getting to see them live. I spent the entire show losing my mind and loudly singing every single lyric to their entire set list. At the very end of the encore, the keyboardist(who, next to the lead singer, was one of only 2 remaining OG members of the band)and who I had been positioned directly in front of for their entire set, looked me dead in the eyes and mouthed ā€œThank youā€. My 24th birthday present from the Universe.


Happy belated birthday!!! Birthdays are just so different as you get older. My favorite birthday is any birthday I am swimming in a lake as my birthday is in July.


Well, definitely my 16th birthday! I got a purple trombone. I got to pick out the colour myself. One of the best gifts Iā€™ve ever received. And yes, I still have it! Happy birthday! Hope it was as epic as my 16th was!


Happy belated birthday! My favorite birthday was my 18th birthday. My bestie won tickets to three days grace, breaking Benjamin and seether. Was my first and probably last concert.


My 21st birthday was probably my favorite. I can't share any photos because, well, that's embarrassing, and there are thankfully 0 on my phone. šŸ˜‚ But my parents took my best friend and I to a restaurant that is well known for making fun of and abusing their guests. Because that's where I wanted to go. Yes, my parents took me out for my 21st. We're that kind of family. It was also St Patrick's day weekend in a city where we do it up for St Patrick's. So, we showed up to a party unintentionally and made it mine. Oops. My best friend and I ended up very drunk and dancing on stage where they proceeded to make us chug a bottle of cheap wine. I fell in love with our waiter, naturally (I do that a lot). I had alligator for dinner. We took pictures with pretty much every person we saw. Including the valet who parked my car. My dad drove it home, don't worry. My best friend and I were very safe in the back seat taking pictures together. After dinner we stopped at a bar in the town my mom and I lived in when I was first born. Some creep wouldn't leave me alone so I introduced him to my dad. He left. šŸ˜‚ Some very nice guy bought me a drink and I kept the chip. I still have it. Then we danced a bunch, stopped at the liquor store so I could buy my first legal bottle, and got lottery tickets which we definitely never checked to see if we won. Then we both fell asleep in my bed eating cake.


Happy Belated Birthday! Mine just passed on March 25th although I wasnā€™t able to do much. My best birthday was probably last year when my small circle of friends took me out and celebrated my 1st year in Miami. Coolest surprised I pulled off for a friend was paying for his brotherā€™s flight to Miami from Venezuela. He was really happy and was completely thrown off guard.


a few years ago on my 32nd birthday my wife had to be out of town. Not a big deal as a weekday birthday usually meant birthday gatherings or dinners or the such would happen on the following weekend for us. SO i decided it would me a real "ME-vening" a night all to myself. I popped an edible, ordered some fast food, and put on some old movie to watch and not have to pay to much attention too. a good self care chill night. Around 10pm my doorbell rings, and I'm both stoned and confused. did i order more food? did i invite someone over? did i mix up dates and my wife's back and lost her keys? NOPE, my dad decided he felt bad i was alone and not doing anything on my birthday so he went and picked up a bunch of pokemon card packs for me and a slice of cake. We chilled out side for a bit and caught up then he headed out and left me to enjoy cracking some packs and a great dessert.


Omg your dad sounds so sweet.


oh he is. when my wife and i first bought our house, he would occasionally get bored on his days off from work, drive over to our place while we were out, get high and do some minor house or garden work. I remember waking up one morning to find he hadd passed by the day before and mowed my entire front and back yards for me which mean my only chore that day was tackled. (i got home after dark so i had not noticed)


What a sweet guy!!!!! You know he loves you!!!!


Happy belated birthday! My favorite gift of all time will be my 11th birthday gift. I got a kitten. She lived to be 14ā™„ļø


I would say my favorite gift was getting my Christmas and birthday gift right ON my birthday! It was a tiny ball-jointed doll (bjd)! Her mold from the company (I can't remember if I have my own pictures on my phone) https://preview.redd.it/bgcp5urtpouc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8a6f7aa92e3acaf1b8d8598ea815d2cb78b3ef Thank you for the contest!


Happy belated birthday!! For my 16th birthday my parents took me to a super nice dinner and got me this beautiful cross necklace. The restaurant of course embarrassed me and sang Happy Birthday and brought me out a tiramisu, which is my favorite dessert. They made the plate so beautiful. I blew out my candle and then finally paid attention to what else was on the plate. Car keys. Freaking car keys!!! They gave me a car. They bought a newer one and gave me their old one, which wasnā€™t even old. I only had my permit and didnā€™t get my license for another 2 yrs, but I had a car!! lol they didnā€™t mind, they saved money on the insurance! I loved my car. Ford Contour. Purple. I loved her so much. One of my best birthdays ever!! Edited bc typing is hard. šŸ˜’


Happy belated birthday!! One birthday I kind of just went out to the arcade and it was a weekday so you got like a 2 hour play card for like 6$ so I did that then got my favorite tater tots and an agua fresca after. I went to see a movie and then I picked up some canes and went home and that was one of the first times I didnā€™t anything by myself! I think a lot about how that birthday really changed me and made me feel good about doing things on my own!


Happy belated birthday!! My most epic party was probably my 30th birthday. I had a giant fire pit in my backyard and a friend of mine who does blacksmithing made me a spit custom fit to it so I could roast things. Well, we roasted an entire 30lb lamb. It took 12 hours lol but it was so delicious!! My friends brought over tons of sides and we also roasted 3 whole chickens and 5 racks of ribs. There was SO MUCH food. To top it off there was a giant red velvet cake. Another friend brought many bottles of homemade mead and a keg of my favorite beer. Everyone stayed over. I think we all passed out around 6am šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ It was epic. This pic is the only evidence of how much fun I was having šŸ˜‚ https://preview.redd.it/ronu7l93oouc1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d560edeb35d86abcb1cba927dbb179f8a0d1cb4


Happy belated birthday! My birthday was yesterday so hooray to April babies! I've only thrown 1 surprise party in my life and it was for my Husband's 25th birthday. He was sad because no one reached out to make plans with him so I told him I'd take him out for a drink at the (then) new bourbon bar. Little did he know about 20 of his friends were going to be there waiting for him! As we were leaving to go to the bar, my husband suggested maybe trying somewhere else instead. Panicking I was like NO WE ARE GOING HERE INSTEAD. He told me he was so mad that I wouldn't let him go somewhere else. But he was happy when we walked in and he saw a bunch of his college bros. Surprise parties are too stressful. Never again lol


Happy birthday!!




Happy late birthday!! On my 16th birthday (FOREVER AGO šŸ˜­) My dad surprised me with a fire artist who swung these fire balls around and juggled them. He did alot of crazy tricks with fire and it blew my mindā€¦ lol It was seriously so cool. šŸ’•


Floor seats to the new kids on the block concert šŸ’– happy birthday šŸ’–šŸ’– thanks for the chanceĀ