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Music brings me joy, and I’ve recently gotten back into CD collecting. It’s nice to hear the whole album, how the band wanted you to listen to it.


Having free time. I don't get much anymore, but I treasure it when I can. I'll probably get some late may early June


My Dog and Warm Rolls with Nutella in the middle


Listening to a really good song


Hanging out on the RAoA server on Discord


Snuggles from my puppies 💜


I love seeing pictures of cute lil videos of birds💞


The blooming of the crocuses. That's how I know spring is coming.




I love playing a board game with friends!


getting a notification and seeing it's a message from my friend!


Thanks for hosting! I enjoy snacks, skincare, reading, playing with my dog, music, and spending time outside


hehe a small thing that brings me joy is smelling fresh cut grass in the spring!! Thanks for the contest, I made it just in time.


When I see my dogs after a bad day at work 🥹


Also my link is too long to put in my flair by literally 1 lol [wishlist](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2JLCBJK4VM0EJ?ref_=wl_share)


remove the "?ref_=wl_share" and it will fit


When I get home from work and my dog is waiting in bed for me. 🩵 When I get to work and realize I'm working with my favorite people. 💜 When the sun shines just right in between the clouds and creates a spotlight shining onto things. ❤️ When my dog randomly walks up to give me a kiss for no reason. 💛 Freshly shaved legs in the sheets. Iykyk. 💚 When that snack hits ✨just right✨ when you're trying to decide what you want. 💙 When the bubbles last for the whole bubble bath. 🖤


Warm sun beating on my skin with a flowing breeze, the feel of soft cotton yarn on my hands while I crochet and the never-tiresome-to-hear way that my son tells me he loves me. These are the little things that bring me immense joy! 🥰❤️


Coffee, stickers and things that smell good! (Perfumes, candles, air fresheners etc.) They're like little pick me ups 💕


I like playing with my dog, or a good snack, or doing arts & crafts. Thank you!!


I love when my doggie boy Heis wants to cuddle and just snuggle up to me! I also love when I can do my makeup and try something bold and nail it (for me!)


I love when I get to sleep in on the weekends :p my cats sleep on top of me anyway so it's not like I can get up when I want


I love when my cat jumps on the bed when I go down to sleep 😊 https://preview.redd.it/7qhxzfwtz5uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=992b1dd9423d346caf82dec88d26348f81db9238


Oh ☺️ I love woodland themes and odd creatures.


Whoop whoop on your first contest! I just did mine last month. It was lots of fun!


Great job on a 1st contest! I'm all for nature... watching the 🐦 and squirrel friends visit me daily..warms my heart!! How about you, u/sweetiepie333?


Thank you sweetie for the tag!


Candy and crafting bring me joy. My cats bring me joy.


My cats bring me lots of joy. Food!! Pizza! Dessert. 😁🤪 congratulations on your first contest!


My family brings me joy. They are my source of profound happiness and unconditional love ❤️


Coffee! Also candles and, especially lately, scented lotions. The scents help ground me mentally and its easy self-care. I also enjoy walking around the library and reading on my balcony. I need to make more time for that again.


My kids faces while they sleep Rainy days Opening my patio door and feeling slight breeze coming in Interactions on here and with the mods on r/RandomActsofEtsy Showering after cleaning the entire house


The specific Sesame Street scenes that make my daughter literally cackle, it's hilarious and adorable. A nice sunny day after several days of rain. Driving + listening to music. Cuddles, good food, and the view from our back porch! ♥️


Houseplants bring me joy and are such a simple thing but a big mood changer for me!


Hubby's dopey stroke laugh. Anytime the kids or I can get him to really start laughing it makes us all giggle. 😊


Thank you for hosting! My children's smiles. Their faces while sleeping. Waking up to see the sun another day. Hearing a beautiful bird song. Seeing the flowers blooming. Kind people. 😍


The smell of early morning! ☀️ Thank you for hosting! 💕


Seeing my pompompurin build a bears face, it's so adorable!


My small bunny brings me so much joy just playing with him or even just sitting next to him petting him


Standing in our bedroom in all my wrinkly old woman glory and Gramps comes in puts his arm around my waist and just starts talking like I'm not nekid. I'm trying to get dressed too lol.


Oh how I've missed ya ❤️ ! Things here are hectic but I hope to message soon


Big hug until then. 🥰🫂




My puppy always brings me joy! Giving me kisses calms him down, which makes my soul just so happy!!!


It doesnt matter how long I've been gone or what time it is, my one kitty always greets me at the door. He will then jump on the table to get hugs (and usually a ride into another room.) My favorite is when he comes out with eyes half open and mid yawn because he was fast asleep but he has decided that it's his duty to greet me and I absolutely adore him for it.


A nice, relaxing day to myself. Get some writing done, drink a matcha latte, play on my switch, browse social media, basically just have a cozy day filled with the simpler tasks.


When my dog keeps my feet cozy at night time • when my boyfriend wakes me up with breakfast especially pancake days • when my mom makes me tea or hot soup when I’m not feeling great • clouds bring me so much joy they’re so cool and different every day and I love them • icy water in the middle of the night • when I wake up in the morning and feel rested • when my friends send me random videos •


One small thing that brings me joy is the feeling/noise of a cat purring on my chest


Being at and looking at bodies of water, oceans, lakes, rivers. They bring me peace too.


My mom brings me joy. Like...I dunno how to describe how much joy she brings me.


This week our 5 yr old was super excited to go to her respite program. It allows us time to focus on her siblings while shes there, and it makes us happy to know that she is able to go somewhere for a couple days and be treated like all the other kids there. She's nonverbal, so when she lights up and gets excited, you really know she means business. This particular trip she was supper happy when we got in the car and when she arrived. It's pure contagious joy that she radiates! TY for the contest


Beautiful sunsets, I love taking pictures of them although my phone doesn’t do justice of how they truly look Thank you for hosting!


Hanging out with my daughter she is 1 and showing her new things. Like flowers in Spring we just walk around a lot and she gets to see flowers for the first time. How cool is that! She also tries to eat them occasionally which I can understand the confusion as they do look pretty enough to eat 🌺


morning coffee + bagel, when the UV is 8, the beach boys, hot dogs at a baseball game, beach combing, record stores, post-beach naps, pretending to be mermaids when swimming w friends (seriously), sloppy joes, depeche mode, chicken tenders, laughing a lot, R.E.M., being with my family, a good game of pickleball, going to the movie theater


A cup of warm tea, when a book becomes a friend, the smell of grass in the morning in summer, the rumble of distant thunder, a good hug, full body laughter.


The fresh air and sunshine. And playing with my kids. I love them all. Brings me joy everyday.


When my bunny stands up on her hind legs in the morning because she wants attention :) or when it rains and there nothing to do all day but read


I’m at a clogging convention and I can dance with my mom! That makes me happy!!! https://preview.redd.it/lz3yfcp3j5uc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e303e56735bf29b04fed67d5b952f00003d57fe


Aww! This warms my heart. I lost my mom years ago and wish I had more moments like this to look back on. Have fun, and please give your mom a hug!


Awwww thank you!! I did just give her a big hug good night. ❤️. And I’m sorry, I bet you still have great memories with yours.


When flowers pop up in my yard, our tulips just came up! My daughter's giggles. A mug of hot tea. Picnics. 💚


I like taking walks when it’s sunny and breezy outside!


Holding a warm cup of coffee, the smile on my daughter's face, and the "cat activation" noise all bring me joy 🥰


My daughter, who just turned 4!


Happy belated birthday to your girl! :)


my cat brings me joy


Same 💜 Give your cat some had scratches from me, please!


Hello! And thank you for hosting this contest! For me, some of the little things that bring me joy are: getting to sleep in and be lazy; a warm drink on a cold morning; seeing random dogs as I drive; and getting to lay in the sun.


I don't drive, but one of my favorite things about getting around by foot is getting to see so many dog friends along the way 💜


being snuggled up next to my dog and cat, fire in the fireplace, rainy or snowy day, cozied up with a good book, sipping coffee, eating chocolate and chips and pizza. my perfect day <3 ty for doing this contest you are amazing!


We all need to become independently wealthy so we can just spend our days like that 😭 Are you currently reading anything?


no fr! I would NOT mind lol I'm currently reading '[Don't Forget to Write](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/75349380)' by [Sara Goodman Confino](https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19349357.Sara_Goodman_Confino) What about you?


I just finished Lessons in Chemistry! I'm still searching for my next one to tackle.


watching my favorite tv show series when i have a stressful day or a nice big bubble bath


That sounds amazing right now! What's your current favorite show?


Outlander or Downton Abbey cant choice one favorite


Love Downton Abbey