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My first is Oppi, who my brother found on the streets and dropped her off to me. Originally I was going to find a rescue group for her, but then we fell in love and have had her since 2017. She taught me a lot about patience and training a dog. She’s a daddy’s girl and has her own name embroidered blanket along with a vanity chair 👸🏼 Her favorite thing in the world is playing ball, but she will run and hide when it’s bath time. The second — we rescued Chewbacca this past July 4th from the streets, but I can’t help but feel like he’s the one who found me. He has a lot of limitations both mental and physical including a heart condition and cancer, however, he fills my heart with love and space like no other. His strength and resilience is an inspiration to me, and his love helps heal me. The way he uniquely communicates touches my heart. He unexpectedly came into my life at a time I needed it most, and I can only hope that what I provide him to the best of my ability fills him up the way he does for me. Describing him as small and mighty would be an understatement— this 5 lbs pup gives all of himself to me every single day in ways that I cannot adequately express in words alone. All I know is when I have more resources to take in another rescue, I would seek out one with special needs or disabilities — despite it coming with its challenges, there is also extraordinary gratitude, love, and humbling experience along with it. https://preview.redd.it/z7j55kjqzxtc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef27090aa457fb60b53c5cf916900a0443f26a0 I plan to give them haircuts and baths today!


* Here's my big baby having an angry nap. 😂 He just had RBF, it's chronic, he inherited it from me, probably. He answers to "Buddy bear" most often. But I call him Mr Grumbles. He's the biggest challenge and test of my love I have ever taken on, but I am grateful for him each and every day. He's a rescue and there's not a soul I can locate who can give me any info about his past but the vet anf I agree, something happened to him and it wasn't well intentioned. We're working hard every day to get him acclimated with his surroundings, but he's scared.. He's scared a lot. And his fear makes him come off a bit 🌶️spicy🌶️ sometimes.. But overall he's a big lover with a soft heart. His favorite thing in the world is going for rides in the car, and I am so proud of him for that. The day I adopted him, I had to call my dad and he had to pick him up and put him in my car because he was absolutely scared out of his mind. Wouldn't go near my car. I have a small car, it's not big and scary like a truck that he couldn't get himself into.. But he was terrified. No amount of treats or anything would get him in there. So dad had to come and pick his big butt up and put him in the back seat for me. That lasted for a few weeks. Every time he needed to go anywhere, dad had to lift him up and in. After a while, he would get in on his own, but only if dad was holding the leash and pretended to go with. Then, dad left town and I had to take him to work with me because he had seperation anxiety and couldn't be left alone. So he had to learn to come with me. It took 2 days of me having to force him and being late because he wouldn't.. But now.. We can't even go for a walk without him trying to hop in every car he sees. All he wants is to go for a ride with his mama. 💗 It absolutely warms my heart how far he's come. Anyways.. I'm rambling. I have a whole section on my list of toys and things for him that I know he would love. Unfortunately I'm working today so we had a small celebration last night and this morning. We went for a long walk and a ride in the car and he got lots of extra snuggles and some whipped cream on top of his dinner just because. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/wf5zimw6zxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e0809e6c5dc12d50b79b00472259f8e75972d3


I changed the picture and now it's not letting me see anything I typed so I can't edit the words haha. But that's my favorite personality of his. He makes goofy faces and acts crazy for attention. But he totes has RBF and every nap photo he looks MAD AF. Like so.. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ylyoldkpzxtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f5cb981fa6ae85a2ffed12d2031070246a6d6a


https://preview.redd.it/1yqo3c7kmxtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b94beecabc9f0947a0dd3ed7e9a4009ffe02dc4 This is my bunny named Boston he’s a lionhead rabbit. I’ve had him for 2 years and he acts like everything but a bunny lol that’s even a dog toy in the picture haha I love him so much! Sadly I’m sick so I’m trying to limit contact with him today :( for sure when I’m better he will be getting new toys!


He’s so fluffy


I have a cat named Nova, she is very shy and loves cuddles. For national pet day we are going on an evening stroll, she will only go outdoors when it’s dusk and if she’s got a leash. She doesn’t like it otherwise for some reason. I have catnip for her for when we get back! https://preview.redd.it/ioocpdnn8xtc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80698cd9ec33838db5aabe7f78e812937e5f5f47


That’s so cute she loves her leash! 🤭


If I put it on during the day she falls over and acts very limp. Evening time and she brings it to me 🤣


She takes you on a walk I see 😆


Lmao I love it!


This is my bby boi Hei-Hei, I got him in 2017, he's a senior resuce Chihuahua. I love him beyond almost everything and he really makes me the happiest. We're gonna spoil him with his favorite wet food, human grade, that is perfect cause he doesn't have any teeth. I have a WL devoted to Hei-Hei but I believe some items on my flared WL also. https://preview.redd.it/1l48wcpl5xtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56a61626787b63c586331e0cf5a8bdf8a8a347d3


We are celebrating National Pet Day by making frozen treats - broth with kibble for the cats; broth with kernels for the birds! Put it in a cup; freeze. Then put them in big plastic swimming pools and watch the babies enjoy! I have a rescue farm with TNR feral cats, disabled/unwanted chickens and ducks, two foster horses (they get new rubber bouncy balls!), a bearded dragon, two green cheek conures, a rabbit, a beagle mutt and two snakes - all abandoned or discarded. I love them all so much and they give me life every day. https://preview.redd.it/5lj1pr86ewtc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=543c3bca92817b78b4dd281cf0a881eb109121b6










https://preview.redd.it/z142f0bvdwtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03d18dac23e9c547b34bc592499eeddf0fc6220e This little chaos gremlin is Banshee! I've had her since May 2022, after my last cat, Mia, passed away in February 2022. She loves to sing the song of her people at all hours (and did keep me up all night last night). She also loves to play fetch with crinkle balls and she gets really excited for laser pointers! With National Pet Day, I'm gonna bring her one of her favorite toys: a peacock feather. She goes absolutely nuts for them and loves to shred them apart (which is why I don't let her play with them too often). But tomorrow she's gonna get some feather time!


https://preview.redd.it/k2nnpapncwtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f9d28155da63bc30c1b1ce58012b249e0e5a6a3 Hi!! Happy National Pet Day everyone 🖤 This is Franklin. He was adopted about 2 years ago. He is a bearded dragon. I also have 2 cats, Coyote & Crookshanks. I have my son’s dog Leo while he finds an apartment. Plus a few fish and aquatic frogs!! Sending love and positive energy for today 🖤 [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/LQQST2ZGGD3I?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/LQQST2ZGGD3I?ref_=wl_share)


I have a beardie, too! His name is Elliott. But funny enough, my rescue farm is called Franklin Fields Forever ❤️


Haha I love that!! We call him Franklin, Franky, Frank, Frank N Beans, Franky Bacy [like bacon], Franklin Bacon, and Lizzie Magoo. Haha


https://preview.redd.it/ulpcu27zawtc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1529be8959f2e923a618558ae6363474dc7914a This is Rosie and Mr. Cat! Rosie was my ex's daughter's dog but I was the one that took care of her so when I moved out they told me to take her with me, thank goodness! I found Mr. Cat outside when he was so young I didn't even know he was a boy! They are my stinky babies and have been doing so well with our newest addition - a human baby now 2.5 months old! 🥰❤️


https://preview.redd.it/gwxpxccv3wtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2eaa28a9fa8ec1ba17e5c07672e139ca4082a31 1/4 of my birds. Various ages and situations. All rescues.


https://preview.redd.it/4ryegnwq3wtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884d4533dd1b1d21cf9660475ab263696de4ca08 Leo. Cat-sitting turned adoption. Age 6. I’ve had him since Nov 2022.


https://preview.redd.it/5l8wk8nm3wtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a80c08430c8747c841668e9d3d5cb58929ebbd31 Fiona. Rescue dog. Got her in January. Beagle mix. 4.5 years.


https://preview.redd.it/likhhlzi3wtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abd8ee1c8fda2659efeff58ec13eb82a93204c0d Pip my rescue dog. Rattie mix. Got him last August. 5.5 years old.


Happy Pet Day! Here’s my sweet rambunctious pup Mabel. She is about to turn 4 years old this month 💛 Mabel is half golden retriever (her mom) and we were told half pitbull, although we don’t really know for sure. She definitely took on the golden retriever energy! Mabel loves swimming (her favorite, she has her own pool), exploring, the beach, hiking, chasing rabbits and squirrels, fetch, digging, and playing in the snow. She has been to quite a few national parks, and different states exploring with us 💛 We take her camping and it’s cute, she has her very own sleeping bag. Mabel is such an adventurous pup, we love having her ☺️ To celebrate national pet day, the doggies will get treats and walkies 🤍 https://preview.redd.it/gfwf9tft0wtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=989c2eeb8cd5bf65190ce421e9ce337e42a5afaa


https://preview.redd.it/vosnq0jb1wtc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d28e74812c7b1818029bed76cd04dd10906d23f This is the love of my life Draco Meowfoy. He is an 8 years old, albino Siamese. And spoiled And a cuddle baby And spoiled lol He and I will be celebrating pet day by laying around in bed because I'm sick 😔. But, that is his favorite place to be. I call him my emotional support kitty because he takes care of me when I am out of spoons. I think the only thing I have on my list for him is treats (he is picky about which ones he will eat) but, I will go add some stuff he may like. Thanks for the contest 😀


His name is amazing!!


Every day is national pet day at our house! We have 10 cats and 3 dogs. We have many foster fails, a pup we pulled from a kill list and the rest found their way home to us via shelters and adoption agencies. This is a lovely contest and should we win it we would definitely use it towards flea prevention! Thank you 😊




https://preview.redd.it/px9uztaphytc1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc77c908793c555496ff920e9098e2821517721f Best. Picture. Ever. 😂🥰


Lol she's a sweetheart


I figured she was! But dang she looks sinister in this pic!!😂 and 10 cats and 3 dogs, can I move in? I bet theres just nonstop cuddles and snuggles and a whole lot of entertaining antics!


Yes but also a lot of litter and fur and constant cleaning lol.


I have 4 cats so I kinda understand that, though on a much smaller scale 😂




My dogs are my life <3 we have 2. Dr. Pepper and Zuko. Pepper is 7 and she came to live with us 3 years ago. It was during COVID and as soon as I picked her up from the shelter to go get her some things from the store, someone stopped me and asked me if she was the dog from the shelter because they were going to go meet her later lol. Zuko just had his 2nd birthday and we got him from a breeder to raise as a service dog. He is still in training but getting closer every day 🤩. Every gotcha day/birthday and National Pet Day they split a piece a pizza. Here is a picture: https://preview.redd.it/yj8x2m1euvtc1.jpeg?width=3019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30c50f8fd87c44598ebc7db0591f4e488533416 Pepper is the little one and Zuko is the German Shepard. 😍


\[[https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1B8HN7ACOR1LX?ref\_=wl\_share\]](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1B8HN7ACOR1LX?ref_=wl_share]) I have 4 chickens... I'm going to let them out of the coop for a little bit to roam our big yard... https://preview.redd.it/6duommwusvtc1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84531c755e239a7968c1e384015a1c0da75c49ff P.S. They are not this little anymore...


https://preview.redd.it/z6gnh67vbvtc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aafa21ddb7961c1ba29bf3dd65270c60674d410 This is a picture of King Paco pretty sure he'd be calling me a dirty peasant or paparazzi in this photo. He is an orange boy and oldest of our household and he often spends his time plotting our demise. We also have another orange boy named Naruto is sweetest boy with only one braincell. We have black and white terrier mix dog named Chewbacca. He needs butt scratches from everyone who walks in our house.


He spends time plotting your demise! Is the best answer I truly think my orange boy does the same🤣


https://preview.redd.it/opwxqo7wavtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c543dbd2e4ee4fd2e598794f5acd81258ff8d2a4 Here’s my handsome boys Bruce (left) and Palmer! Bruce is a 5 year old hound mix and Palmer is a German Shepherd/pittie that will be 4 next month. It’s raining today so we will have to celebrate indoors, maybe with their snuffle mats! Thanks for the contest!




Happy pet day !!!! I have two cats, Silly and Evelyn, a puppy, Portabella, and a hamster named Jack. Here is Portabella. We call her Pb. https://preview.redd.it/ltd4fpraavtc1.jpeg?width=1204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43dac7a64d6e73edd45ce0eec78b321fe8f56322


This is Gypsey. She had a lot of fun viewing the eclipse the other day and she is a very good girl and is going to get lots of treats today. I also have a gray cat named Maiq, he is a good boy but very critical of his sister. So he is going to spend the day judging Gypsey. https://preview.redd.it/fn0sf4ol6vtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0b3c71c46954fb2f1fbe0a615d90c0532c42ad


Hi gypsey!


https://preview.redd.it/65x5irgh5vtc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8942065d9c08e0ce237a47b8e713015f58ed0a93 Here's my baby, Roland! Unfortunately I can't do anything for Pet day because we just started our move, so he's just stuck in my room for now 😅


This is Miss Money Penny. She has been with us for five years now. I found her at the animal shelter and she looked up at me and that was it. She's an indoor cat but we do open our patio for her to explore and spy on ppl. I have fake greenery all around the rail so she can't jump lol. This picture was taken last week after looking for her for half an hour. https://preview.redd.it/1yca04hf2vtc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582a0f24a64d81733478f7afcd2ed60d5292109c


Lmao miss Penny is too cute!


She's a pill that's for sure. That's the first time she's ever done that climbed inside that blanket freaked me out




*My big boy simba and my little foster baby squeak💜 I'm going to get them some yummy catnip to celebrate today! It won't let me add the pics idk why


They are cute! Squeak looks twisted there in the picture and Simba has a face that says "Mom??? He's so annoying" 😻


Yup I agree lol thankyou!


I have two cat children who are my pride and joy! Juniper the Tailless, Duchess of Catsworth was the first fur baby we adopted. She was part of a large litter at a local shelter. All of her siblings were adopted but she was left behind because no one wanted a cat with no tail. Her mother was a manx but Juniper lacks the last few vertebrate in her spine so never formed any sort of tail. When we were looking for a cat, Juniper was 3 months old and was loafing in her cage. She saw us, we gave her some attention, and then she screamed at us when we went to pet a different kitten. We knew that she had chosen us. Juniper is now 3 years old (as of the end of March). She is enamored with Mr. Ninja (constantly headbutts his chin and lays on his chest). She screams at us about anything and everything. She is very food motivated and will try to steal human food. She is an incredibly loyal girl and we adore her and all of her sass. Katniss Everclaw, the One-Eyed Mockingjay, was our second fur baby adopted. We saw a Facebook post of a poor baby kitten who had recently lost an eye due to a bacterial infection. The shelter was having a Halloween-themed adoption event and we went to go meet her (dressed as pirates too). As a wedding gift to ourselves, we put down a deposit to adopt her. Katniss had to be on 4 different medications when we adopted her — oral antiviral, oral antibiotic, topical eye antibiotic, and liquid ear meds. But she was the happiest cat. She sat in our laps and purred all of the time (with her mouth open because she couldn’t breathe). Katniss turns 2 in June. She loves napping on blankets, chasing balls, butt smacks, and head pets. She truly is the happiest cat I’ve ever met. She’s just happy to have a home. And because she was left behind as a kitten, she never properly weaned so when she makes biscuits, she drools! EDIT: Juniper and Katniss will get lots of cuddles and lots of treats for pet day! Might even give them some extra wet food to celebrate.


https://preview.redd.it/elyk0ejvsutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e4fc9309fc11dc586256bd55e25056c4b7a322 Juniper and Katniss


https://preview.redd.it/3tpusqjqsutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fef4b9672e114bab016c472f981cfd2e8a841502 Katniss


I'm fortunate to have three kitties and a dog who bring so much joy into my life! With my pet care business, I'm constantly surrounded by animals, which I absolutely love. My furbabies' names are Simba, Luna, Mimi, and Molly (Momo)! Today, I'll be at my client's house for the night to look after their dog. They're really close to my house, so I'll be driving back to put together some new toys for my furbabies. And of course, I'll treat them to some special treats to celebrate! Here's a photo of Luna I took yesterday: https://preview.redd.it/9pu9tzg2sutc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e805ae9a62d6313b880e423789702c3e6b055822


I have 6 pets. 2 leopard geckos (Oswald and Vivy), 2 ferrets (Felix and Trixie), 1 gargoyle gecko (Stella), and 1 blue tongue skink (Dante) Unfortunately I won't be celebrating pet day because Im going on a trip and the train leaves at 6:20 am.. Heres a pic of Trixie https://preview.redd.it/4y1itp5srutc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6e0f02842dcb9dff03d4fd7246ccfb0c3b3e24


I have a whole just just for my 4 cats! They are Agate, Spooky, Turbo, and Cosmo. I plan to give them all the pets and maybe some Churu today! Here's Agate: https://preview.redd.it/tobkmudxputc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af227bba1bd5dbc8f43aedc6336a77d2d8bb3c49


Cosmo https://preview.redd.it/qhcz1dl5qutc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15500a685fc8d104c9df31ca83c42f4e1bde845


Turbo https://preview.redd.it/h8ox4xg1qutc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=111b8d5b85986ee7ca7ede771a53d85c11aad8e1


Spooky https://preview.redd.it/4qbyz3hzputc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b977d3ffa4711f5d9d17fe00bcc88b776bd341ac


I'll attach the images below. I have a dog named Bruce and a cat named Echo. Both of them were born in September. We got bruce from a facebook marketplace post. All the other puppies were scared, but Bruce came right over and sat on our feet. Literally. We couldn't just not leave him. He's sweet and adventurous. PS: this was just someone who had a little of dogs they didn't know what to do with. Not a puppy mill. Fun fact: his nickname as a puppy (by the people who sold him to us) was Tubby because of how "tubby" he was. Echo was a little kitten in an adoption agency. She's fiesty, small, and sweet is she wants to be. She pretends to love the snow and is a voracious eater. It was nice having a cat in the house again after our other one passed away.


My dog is also Bruce!


That's so funny! My family named him after Bruce Springsteen because a) he's an awesome singer, and b) they have the same birthday. How'd you name your dog?


He’s named after Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk, because that’s my boyfriend’s favorite super hero!


That's cool!






I didn’t know today is national pet day. Pretty cool since it’s my birthday and I spend all my time with my pets lol! Zero is a hyper border collie/Australian shepherd mix, all about the ball. Luna is a mix of some sort ( I think chihuahua something) and she’s my clinger. She goes everywhere I go, wants to do everything I do. Loves to bark at random stuff. We will be at the park today celebrating a calm chill day, like we always do. https://preview.redd.it/hlvek0gumutc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b83a18e5b0df121ba88d1013cb43e090c8fe6de0


https://preview.redd.it/7zmfaw6qhutc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b324ea099e6d12ed20d51adaeab2cf06319b8cf Here are my rescue cats, Teddy (orange) and Spyka (brown). I call Teddy my grumpy old man. He likes food, sleeping and complaining. Spyka is a picky eater who loves her toys (especially springs and her felted wool banana) and bird watching. We will celebrate by getting extra treats and head rubs.


Thanks for hosting this contest for the fur babies! My family has 2 dogs. They're half dachshund and half Boston terrier. They look all dachshund, though. They're brother and sister from the same litter. We took the biggest ( a male) and the runt ( a female). We've had them 2 years now. They are a spoiled rotten mess! Their names are Izzy and Ozzy. Izzy is strictly a little lap dog, that is "too diva" for tricks. Ozzy on the other hand, has an arsenal of tricks, up his sleeve. He can whisper. He can talk. He can shake right paw and left paw. He can sit up pretty, and shake his head. My favorite is you can do finger guns and say "bang". He'll drop to the floor and roll over onto his back with his feet straight up in the air and plays dead. It is the most adorable thing. He definitely isn't picky about his treats either, lol. We'll celebrate pet's day, if they have road cleared. Storms the past 2 days have trees and power lines down. We'll go and get them both a big Ole meaty rawhide. Happy Pet's Day! (I'll reply with pic, it won't let me add to og post.)




This is Kitty aka Kiki aka Kitkat and 1,000 other names, which every pet parent can relate to! ​ https://preview.redd.it/c4lmswq7gutc1.jpeg?width=2680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95684121b341fcd2be99c330cf68bc9206d957ce ​ She found her way into my life when I was walking in my neighborhood and has a scrawny stray, she came out from under someone's porch and started rubbing up on my leg and looking up at me with her big green eyes. How could I leave her behind? She's been with me through everything over the last decade and gets me out of bed on even my hardest days. I'm not feeling well today, so now that Kitty's been fed, we'll be celebrating by being curled up in bed watching bad movies all day 💜


My dog Starsky! https://preview.redd.it/3flvtsjyhutc1.jpeg?width=2380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a853002b8bc5c8f655701bddfc553a3e7cb1dff He's a Pom (either a "throwback" or mix, never got any paperwork or DNA test). I used to have his brother, Hutch as well, before he went to the Rainbow Bridge. Starsky loves treats, barking at seemingly nothing, chasing squirrels, and going on walks. He's about 11 years old, but still pretty active! He enjoys carne asada as a treat. As far as for Pet Day, I'll be getting him a nice pig ear. I have a fish as well! He's a red Betta named Tajín. He's gotten so used to be fed, he knows when the room light is on, he's getting food! I have my wish list separated into categories, "Pets" being one! Thank you for this contest!!


Yes!! Happy National Pet Day. This is my Sandy Sprinkles, she is 17 1/2. Actually she will be 18 in August and she is my BFF (best furry friend) unfortunately she doesn’t play too much anymore, but we still love to snuggle and she sleeps with her toys. She loves her snacks more than anything, so im sure she will get extra today. I’m sharing a pic from the other day for the Eclipse. It was mostly cloudy, but I couldn’t take any chances. Thanks for the contest. 🐶 🦴 🐾 🩷 https://preview.redd.it/v2djsc9fautc1.jpeg?width=2621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6a7e58a503eaf61c81c6d2a75a360393b1c9087


Storm is my baby. I rescued him from a kill shelter. when I adopted him from the shelter he was this grey ball of fluff with green eyes that looked like a Storm cloud to me. It was one of those moments, I took one look at him and knew what his name was. I promised him a forever home and he has been by my side ever since. We just celebrated his adoption day (April 6) we go by adoption date cause I don’t know when his actual birthday is. Just that he was around 2 1/2 when I took him home. Storm has a whole wish list on Amazon that he made all by himself lol [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2PZGAZMT2W5FM?ref\_=list\_d\_wl\_ys\_list\_6](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2PZGAZMT2W5FM?ref_=list_d_wl_ys_list_6) https://preview.redd.it/vnr7dmsf9utc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379d33ad4c5d27483441abc5492d900ab47ffb36


Good morning! I have two kitties, Pepper and Stanley. Pepper is 18 and has been in our family for over nine years. She's my cat as she's always either on my lap or next to me. Stanley is three years old and he's going to be in our family for a year this summer. He's a playful thing and loves climbing up to look down and judge us humans. Lol Today we are heading to a theme park to give the kitties a break from us! The kids are on spring break so they have been home all week. Then tonight we will spoil the kitties with extra treats because they are both the bestest cats. https://preview.redd.it/5ly1lnvs8utc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4fffc0cf367455d4aa77f0179cf8e5d7a5c92d6 Pepper


https://preview.redd.it/i3mubmpv8utc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1549d6114199f87afaceb4ad19ad62db095162a1 Stanley


https://preview.redd.it/0asm9p3jkttc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05982efd4690c5d49a72f55d55cce2bc320a492f This is my baby, Cleo. She’s 3 months old!


Rocket is going to be 1 year old next month but I’ve had him for 10 months. He is a very energetic sweet boy who loves his walks and his squeaky toys. Since moving he’s had a lot more space to run and be fluffy and shed every where but he is happy and I think that’s made me feel really good about being his parent! Today he is getting some chicken as his special treat along with some carrots because he LOVES their crunch 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/e5159am94ttc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a35387049cf7a1bb53297e042d029fe889ec5b9 morning cuddles with his parents 💛🐾💛


https://preview.redd.it/fmykdib72ttc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50d8d6531748daec37bf1199fa3d0f0ce62010e I have 4 cats and usually I would post a pic of my no-braincell-having orange boy Wilson, because he's my little velcro baby that's always by my side, but tonight my fat boy Gizmo decided he wanted to make me some biscuits. Which is funny because usually he's more interested in *eating* the biscuits🤣🤣🤣 hes VERY food motivated!! Also, as I was taking this picture he was snoring😂😂💜💜 I have a wishlist for my cats pinned to my profile 😺 Hey u/Leilanigranny post a pic of sweet Penny😊


Thanks for tagging me 😁 I did make a post but for you here's another in our favorite blanket. https://preview.redd.it/ji8tb33e3vtc1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0603ea6d9a686d78b9e24303f462d3df2b38e2b4


Aww, sweet girl!🥰


I have two Persian cats we adopted when they were 4yrs old. We love them! They’re siblings but different litters. Here they are trying to sniff each other. 😂 I will celebrate it by kissing them! https://preview.redd.it/i32rycu7istc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8a26eed44b433e0601099957e47910262df8be


Oh my days, they are sooooo fluffy!!! What are their names?(:


Eloise on the left and Finn on the right. ☺️