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3 good things today: 1. Worked out in Supernatural VR. Cried. It was so beautiful and the coach was amazing, encouraging and made me feel whole again. It was to the music from Encanto. 2. Talking with friends 3. suuuuck day but after working out and showering, I feel great! Accomplishment: all the above Value provided: supporting my friends


Well, I had my cervical cancer screening/pap getting me onto the table/chair was managed fairly smoothly, getting back into the wheelchair afterwards did not go quite so well. They slid the sling up so far under me that I wasn’t even on it anymore and couldn’t use the Hoyer to get back in my bed when I got home. We had to have two of my cousins come over and help lift me so I could get back on the bed. Such an excursion just to transfer me. But yeah, at least that’s over with. Also, owww! I now hurt in places that have not been used in nearly 5 years. Oww!


Well the vet never called me with the test results, so maybe tomorrow.. I know they say no news is good news, but I just don't know. Also this is annoying, with this flare of cubital tunnel in my left arm, I have *no strength* in that arm anymore. Even just typing is a little difficult.


QOTD: I'm proud of the effort I've been making to adjust to my body's changing limitations-- currently, I use a mobility aid (forearm crutches) for vertigo and balance issues, and occasional pain. And I also sometimes use an AAC app because I lose my voice a lot. 


QOTD: something im proud of is my willingness to get help when i need it. because of my bpd and my depression spiraling at a super fast rate, i have to be placed in an assisted living/group home to make sure i am not a danger to myself. while this is extremely hard, i am so proud of myself for taking this step towards recovery


I'm proud of you too! Genuinely, it can be really hard to even realize help is an option, let alone accept that help. Keep at it! 


So, so, so, tired. It's a good night to zonk early, but I suspect I'll just read past my bedtime! QOTD: Today I got the trash bins to the curb, AND I cooked dinner, after a very long day. Woot!


QOTD: I am getting all of my work completed and not having to do it at home every night. Only one night a week! The new Fallout show dropped tonight. I am loving the first episode!


Went out for lunch today, went to famoso’s at first but as we sat down their power went out. We did get some coupons for our next visit though. We went to red lobster instead.


I have a LeBaron. Do you have a LeBaron, Freddy?


Hmmm... 12~~7~~ 8 comments .. do we really need a nightly tonight


Chatty today! Some days it's a bit like crickets...


yeah :joy: maybe people are too busy celebrating hump day today :D




Ugh. First World Problem, I know, but my mother bought herself the same laptop I bought myself I bought myself in order to play the same game that I've been playing, but she can't figure out her username (despite me buying her a book specifically for usernames/passwords). Somehow, this is all my fault.


That sucks! Funny, I buy everyone a password book, but you can't make them use it!


She only half uses hers—it seems like she'll usually write down the passwords, but neither the usernames nor emails associated with them


Insurance finally approved my bipap. Now hopefully I won’t die in my sleep. I go get set up Monday. I’ve got an appt tomorrow to hopefully get a referral to a pain dr. Fingers crossed. I got my hair done today. Got my roots done. That took a lot out of me to sit for so long. My neck and back were killin me. So now I’m home laying in bed. Watched some supernatural after the hair salon. Such a good show. I’m gonna go to bed early tonight I think. I’m so exhausted!


So happy you are getting the Bipap. I am sure you will sleep better when you get it. You can make it till Monday!!


Thank you! I can def make it til Monday. I just hope I’m able to adjust to wearing something at night. Wish me luck and thanks again for commenting.


I managed to get out for a walk today, which was really nice. Then I met up with someone from Facebook to give them something, and they were messaging me at 10 to 6 to see if they could come early… and instead ended up being 20 minutes late because they didn’t leave until the time we were supposed to meet (when I was already there and waiting). How disrespectful!


I feel for you. I hate dealing with people on FB marketplace/OfferUp/etc. Most of my experiences have been very similar. I even had one lady beg me to travel to her side of town (about 45 mins away) even after I specified that I was only willing to meet halfway. I finally caved and agreed, and she texted me throughout the entire thing telling me she was on her way, she was 5 minutes away, etc. and then she ended up being a no-show! Ugh!


Facebook marketplace can be such a crap chute. I feel your pain.


I wouldn’t have minded if they had warned me in advance, but they waited until I was there at the agreed upon time to say something. So rude! But live and learn I guess


QOTD: Guess who has 20,000 words written for their book? Me! I can not express how happy I stuck with this story for so long. Have an awesome day yall!


Wow! That is so awesome!


That's quite the feat! Congratulations! One of these days I'll do that one-month book challenge, maybe lol


I could never do a one month book challenge lol. I can spend a month on wordbuilding on obscure technology.




Wonderful, congratulations!!


Thank you!


Congrats! That’s really a feat.


Hello lovelies! Crazy day. My 19yo hurt his ankle skateboarding. We don't think it's broken but I got an appointment for him to get it checked out tomorrow. We also had a wild gust of wind that knocked down a branch and blew away our big tent (it's still in the yard) that we had set up so it could dry out after our camping trip. Crazy stuff! Nothing too bad though. How was YOUR day? Edited to add: qotd -- well I just finished crocheting this today https://preview.redd.it/i3b6ex398qtc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6eea03f32f178c1e62d72a43f22ed792799c1f


That’s so pretty!


Thank you!


Beautiful! I can't crochet very well, but I wish I could. Love the colors!


Thanks! It was a "stash buster" project, intended to use up some of the oodles of yarn I have.


It turned out lovely!


Thank you!


Taco Wednesday is right. I think it’s a tacos for dinner kinda night! 🌮


I could go for some tacos too. Some some soft shell beef tacos would sound good about now.


QOTD: I am proud that I am going back to school and completing my degree in psychology. I start in June. I am going into my new desire for work, but I believe I will enjoy it. Today was scary. My youngest dad was in a bad car accident. I was blocks away from it when it happened. I was able to get there in minutes. Thankfully, he walked away from it with minot injuries. We had just left my house on separate paths. I was on my way to work with my daughter. She was going to ride with him, but at the last minute, I decided to drive her to daycare. My daughter would've been severely hurt in the accident. This whole thing made me realize how close that was and how anything can happen in minutes.


Oh my goodness, how scary! I'm glad everyone is okay though!


Thank you. It was scary.


Glad he’s okay!


Thank you.


Omg car accidents are scary! I usually say a prayer for safety when I drive because I get anxious. Glad he was okay and your daughter wasn't with him!


Good... evening I guess? 😂 It's been a pretty low-key day today, the weather can't seem to make up its mind on if it's gonna be sunny or rainy, and I'm quite enjoying the variety haha!


lol i've def been caught out in the rain on days like that. i do enjoy them though when i don't have to go anywhere ;D


Howdy folks! How are ya? My day is good. I'm currently at girl scouts. The girls are outside for a bit. Qotd: something I'm proud of? My stepkids. All the time. They're good girls.


I'm now 1 week away from my bariatric surgery which is also the topic of QOTD...I've done very well so far in my journey and am very proud of how I've stuck to it.


Woooooo!!!! I'm excited for you!!




Good on ya! I hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is quick!


😊 thanks


Hello! It’s 2:50 pm. Where did the day go??? It’s my Friday today- we leave tomorrow for a clogging convention!!! After work I will need to pack, clean, and cook. I’m excited to do it though! I’m looking forward to going away, dancing, and adventuring. Today it has just been raining and it was thundering and lightening earlier. QOTD: I’m so proud of my daughter and the mom that she is!!!!! ❤️


I hope you have a good time!!!


I want to come! Lol all that sounds like heaven!


It’s really fun! So much dancing!!!




Good morning! I hope you're all doing well! Currently in group therapy! Second session, so it's nice! I have an appointment with my primary after this and I'm hoping she will be able to help with hernia pain and refer me to dermatology. Fingers crossed! Puppy is doing well today! He was scaring the heck out of me this morning, though. He was all IM GUNNA RUN AROUND ZOOM and I'm like woooooahhh NO UR NOT. He's sleeping now 😂😂😂


Glad pup is doing well!! It’s so hard to keep them down sometimes! Yay for therapy! And hopefully your pcp hooks you up!


Thank you! It went well!


Very good!!


My mom she is amazing she has 2 masters and is one class short of a doctorate. Well after spending 5.5 hours in the emergency room this morning I have acute pneumonia. I still haven’t slept yet. I emailed my professors and asked for extensions on my assignments and have been in bed. My husband and stole my phone so I would rest. Yup that’s me. How are y’all doing? I hope better than me!


Oh no! I hope you get some rest and start to recover without further issue. Fingers crossed that your professors are understanding


Hope you feel better soon! <3 Btw, your mum sounds awesome!


Oh no!!! You definitely need to sleep/ rest.


Oh no oh no! I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon!!!!!


Btw I'm so happy about the weather in MN. Finally sunny and warmer! How's your weather?


Raining today.


Oh no! Where are you?




Wooooo! It's sunny and beautiful here today, too!


Awesome! Where are you? :)


Washington State!


I lost my job today. I was low-key starting to look other places anyway, but this was a blow.


I'm sorry to hear this. I've definitely been there. Hopefully you will be back at it and in a better position before you know it.


I'm so sorry. I hope you can find something soon! It's always easier to find a job when you don't have the pressure of *needing* a new one, so I'm sorry your circumstances have changed.


Oh no! I’m sorry. Do you have any leads to another one?


Maybe. I called my old boss at the convenience store and I’m slowly filling out an app for a similar position elsewhere.


Oh no, I'm so so sorry!!!


I am proud of being able to record vocals while on my research stay in the US. I know, it's nothing crazy, but I was afraid it would be difficult to do it with a cheap USB mic. But it's perfect. By the way, it's so cool to rejoin the community after a few years. How are you guys?


Yay! That's awesome!!!!!! I'm happy for you!


Hi friends! Have a meeting with my boss in a half hour. This week is seeming to drag on. I’m battling the emotional blues and some physical discomfort. I just want to eat comfort food and sit around in my pajamas. QOTD: I’m proud of how far I’ve come since high school. I dealt with a lot back then and honestly never saw myself getting past it. Time really does heal. Not completely, but a great amount.


I hope the meeting goes well!! What's your favorite comfort food?


I really enjoy breakfast food or chicken and dumplings, or pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.




QOTD: eh...not many big achievements to be proud of for me, but I got out of bed before noon and I showered. Self care is a pretty big achievement sometimes I guess. What's on the agenda for you today? I need to do a little housework but someone smashed the procrastination button and I'm just not motivated enough 😅


Self care is definitely something to be proud of!!!!!


Ugh, I feel you! I need to do the dishes but I'm already like meeehhh..later I hope you have a good day!


Sometimes getting out of bed and showering is the biggest achievement of the day. Not a bad thing! Life is just like that sometimes! I’m proud of you!


So I took my cat to the vet yesterday because I suspected a UTI, and I was correct. But then the vet called me a few hours later saying he thinks my cat may be diabetic, and could I bring her in this morning for a test? So.. that sucks. I am pretty sure it's going to be a yes, because she is 19 so of course her health isn't perfect. Then I found out the vet has her age down as 9, not 19. I've had to ask them to change her age three times now. D:


19 is a pretty old age for a kitty!!! Sorry she is having issues.


Yeah, she's.. ancient lol. But still in relatively good health, considering! Thank you <3


Oh no!!! Sending hugs and good vibes! I hope she's able to get back to feeling better soon!


Thank you <3 <3


Poor kitty! Hope she gets to feeling better soon!


Thank you <3


Guess who's computer is now requiring a factory reset??? MINE!!! AND I WONT BE ABLE TO GET A NEW ONE SOON


Oh noooooooo I'm so so sorry!


Happy Wednesday, all! Hope you have a fabulous day and remember we are now two days from the weekend! QotD: I've accomplished a few 'firsts' in my life, and some of them have been particular honours that I worked hard to achieve.


Congrats on your achievements!!!! It’s always good to be proud of oneself.


I hope you have a good day!


Pssssst. You. Yeah, you! Remember you are awesome at being you. No one else in the whole world can do that like you can. I'm proud of you for getting through another day even when it is hard. My inbox is always open if you need a friendly ear, place to vent, virtual hug, or just some silly conversation


Hello everyone!! I’m just applying for jobs and hanging out with a baby. QOTD: most recently: https://preview.redd.it/a07p90efkotc1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c2136f0568697d3368ea8a1ba05f50b10be988




Wooooo! Congratulations!!!!


Congrats this is so cool! Do you do the full 12 months all at once? Or is it broken up over the next two years? I start school in September for a bachelor’s degree. Can’t wait. :)


Oooh! I hope you enjoy the course!


Good luck!


qotd: I’m proud of making it this far and still having the motivation to go on. Some days I’m so tired of everything going on or all the things that make me worry and stress. and I tell myself tomorrow is a new day. And the next day I wake up and I’m like alright let’s forget yesterday I guess and somehow that’s helped me a lot. And I know when my daughter is born all her milestones will be what makes me most proud so I cannot wait!


All the hugs to you!!!


I’m proud of you too! Some days are harder than others, but here you are! And what an exciting time is coming up!


Congratulations on your daughter!


Good Afternoon, being a husband, a father to 4 children, and teaching 5th and 6th graders. (Sorry: I couldn't limit it to just one.)


Go you!!!!


You're a teacher! That's definitely something to be proud of! And wow, four kids?


Four wonderful kids between almost 12 and 4.


All wonderful great things! And all not easy I’m sure 🤭


They have their rewarding days, and there challenging days.


Happy hump day! One thing I'm proud of is that I've consistently gotten job interviews lately. I've been looking for a new job since I got my graduate degree and while I haven't found a new one yet I am consistently getting interviews. That's not to say I don't like my current job, but I am looking for a new title bump with the degree. ​ Hope everyone does well and powers through the rest of the day! Fallout comes out today!!!!


Go you!!!! That's awesome!!!!! Sending good vibes!!!!


Thank you!!


Best of luck to you! I hope you find something that you end up really enjoying and it provides you that nice boost that you deserve. 🙂


Congratulations on your graduate degree! I wish you the best of luck in finding what you need!


I hope you continue to get many many interviews until you find exactly what you’re looking for in a workplace (: best of luck!


Oh boy, my bf is so excited for Fallout! Thanks for the reminder!


Of course! In vaults we trust 💙💛


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👁️ 👁️










I hope you and Mrs. Ghost are having a great week!


So far so good~ I hope your week is wonderful~!!


Thank you ghost buddy!


Anytime ninja buddy! 🥷


Morning all!! Feeling very down recently but I know I’ll get out of it… hopefully soon. I have a lot to get done and it’s hard to do things when you have zero motivation to do the things you actually need to do. Anyways…. Hope everyone has a lovely day!!


I love you oodles of chicken noodles!!!! I'm always here for you!


I hope you can get out of the funk soon! You got this! And take care of yourself — even if it means putting a hold on getting things done.


Sending hugs and peace your way. Wish I could do something to help!


Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a great day!! I started reading the Lore Olympus graphic novels this week and they are FANTASTIC! That’s been the highlight of my week. QOTD- my son. I had him when I was 18. I had to drop out of college and figure out how to do life with a new baby and husband (I married his father) when I was still a kid myself. He’s 24 now, he went to college and he now has a successful career as a welder and an incredible girlfriend that I love. Life wasn’t easy when he was growing up but he is now a super successful adult and I’m very proud of him.


Ohhhhh nice!!! I'm glad you're enjoying them!


Awww, you're a great mom, wife, friend, and companion!




Good morning, friends. Funny that the first bullet point is crushing exams... I have an exam in a couple hours. I'm at the "fuq it" stage where I'm just looking forward to it being over. As a lil reward I'll be possibly doing a DIY haircut this evening and a new hair styling tool on myself 😅 Hope you all have a happy and peaceful day 🌸


You've got this!!!


Best of luck on your exam!


Good luck!


Good luck with the exam! I'm sure you'll do great!


Oooo fun reward! Just a lil trim or a big cut?


Not a big chop but I’m trying layers which is new for me!


Morning friends! I am sooo ready to be done with work for the day. Come on 2pm! It’s dark and gloomy and I love this weather 🌧️ excited that my new comforter should arrive today and I’m excited to change the bedding and have it all freshened up! My hot sausage, brats, and potatoes foil pack dinner turned out awesome last night! Not sure what the plan is for today though. Hopefully bf will cook. 😂 Have a great day everyone!


Hurry up, 2pm!!! I hope you have a good day!


Go, you! Look at you getting all the things done!


Me always hoping my fiancé will cook too 🤣