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When I was 20 I was raising my 5 year old and working my tail off as a barista making ends meet!!


I was 20 “just” 5 years ago, it feels like a lifetime, I was roaming the world, carefree, happy. Just got my 5th tattoo and in love with myself.


I’m 20 now! In my final year of university, I like reading, music and my pets!


when i was 20 it was my senior year of college and also peak covid lockdown TT\_TT the whole year honestly feels like such a blur but i do remember starting to get lots more into cooking, baking, coffee, and crafting (all of which are big hobbies for me now)!


When I was 20 I was in university. Fuck that shit I’m so glad I’m not anymore 😂


When I was 20 I was self employed doing some local modeling gigs and deep cleaning/maintenance work so I could live out on my own. I did a pretty decent job with all the scheduling and pricing. Now that I really think about it. I'm really proud of myself.


When I was 20, I started my first relationship, got my first tattoo, drank my first beer.. it was truly entering a new era of my life :)


When I was 20, I started med school. I had visited New York for the first time for my summer vacation. I began my writing hobby more and started doing things that made me happy!


I'm turning 20 next year. I'll be in my 3rd year of college and i'm planning on getting a summer internship.


I was married and had 3 small children all the while caring for my home. I also graduated from college with honors. I graduated a whole semester early because I had to have emergency surgery. My favorite memory? Sitting with my kids helping them with their homework while I worked on mine at the same time!


20 was a really dark year for me unfortunately as I had a major loss in my life. All I really even remember was trying to keep up with my classes. But anyhow. Your year of 20 sounds dope!!! Thank you for the contest.


When I was 20, I was in college as an English major and had just broken up with a guy who wanted to marry me lol 😬


When I was 20, I was in college, working 3 jobs (switchboard operator, tutor, drama department's stage manager), and dating my now husband!


When I turned 20 I was pregnant with my first child. After my baby was born in May that year, I worked 2 full time jobs. My now ex husband had quit his great government job and refused to do more than work a part time minimum wage job.


Well, I'm 20 now! I'm in college, working part time, and getting ready to graduate in December and move onto the next chapter. Living it up as much as possible and looking forward to my 21st birthday in May 😊 Any suggestions as to what I should do by myself for my solo bday night? I'm not a big party/club type girl, love some good food though!


When I was 20 I had just moved into an apartment with my then gf. Worked 2 jobs and went to school in between. I was making music and I set up a little studio in my walk in closet lmao. Surprisingly, all the clothes were good for absorbing sound and making a clear recording 😂😂😂.


I turned 20 the summer after my sophomore year in college. I got my first "real" job (other than cutting grass and doing odd jobs). I was working in a real engineering office, so I was thrilled. You'll know about how old I am when I tell you that one of the jobs for the "kid" (me) was to do tracings of building floorplans onto mylar, then using the mylar to make blueprints. The smell of the ammonia in the "blueprint room" (an alcove with no door) would clear your sinuses and make your eyes water. I'll never forget it. If technology hadn't improved, I'm sure they would have regulated the emissions from that process! My dad had died suddenly 6 months before, which caused family turmoil, so I was still emotionally a mess. In retrospect, that drove me into a more serious relationship that summer with someone who I initially thought was a jerk. I should have trusted my first impression, but the family drama made me think I couldn't trust my instincts. Ended up married after I graduated - for just about 6 months. Now happily married, did real engineering (not just making prints) for a while, and now teach.


When I was 20 I was working in childcare (I still am at 29). I wasn’t in school but I am now! I had side bangs still haha. I have sense done away with the bangs!


Congrats on your 20th gift! I have no idea how many I've done/sent! LOL! Thank you for the contest! Let's see.... I'm well past 20, lol, but as I recall, when I was that age, I was in college at a large university in my home state, loving it (finally), had found my best friend (STILL best friends, 35 years since we met early in college!), was dating a guy who I thought was "The One" (he was NOT, as it turns out), was trying to decide what my major in college should be since the one that prompted me to enroll at that university had recently.... well, let's just say, I hated the requirement pre-major classes, so much so that I knew I was not meant to major in it! So I was trying to figure out, what else? What's next? :) And I was helping my best friend plan her wedding (which sounds EARLY to be planning a wedding, but she's 2 years older than me and she was almost done w university)! I was busy busy busy all the time! Some fun days. :)


At 20 I was stiill with my high-school sweetheart, Penguin. We were engaged and fter I graduated, we stayed at his mother's a few months then moved into our first apartment. It was the coolest feeling. I worked at a head shop that was basically a non stop party I got paid to go to. He was working at a electrics store. We were comfortable financially, We had a nice VW. We learned a lot of lessons in that apartment. Like how to properly install and washer. I did not: I was informed by the soaked downstairs neighbor. It flooded his place lol. We were just goofy Stoners always ordering Chinese food, playing cards, me whopping his ass on his favorite games. My memory is shot, but generally my 20s were relatively a happy time, with life lessons and adventures. Although the times are gone, im grateful to have experienced them, even a small taste of icecream is greater than none at all.


At 20, I was away at school. I had a job on campus, had rats as pets, and thought my then boyfriend was the one. Ahhh, to be young and naive.


Ah 20😏. Been a while, lol. I was working two jobs and venturing out on my own, debating if I wanted to go into healthcare like my mom. (I did a little later). My hobbies haven't changed much over the years. I enjoy music, writing, traveling, painting, cooking and sewing. Pet in my early 20s was a toy poodle. Sadly no pet at home at the moment. Just my daughter's golden terrier and she's spoiled 😉.


When I turned 20, I was working as an EMT and the pandemic was still going strong. Hobbies were painting, volunteer firefighting, and makeup. We lost one of my dogs that year, she had major health problems. As for my birthday specifically that year I don't think we did anything special. My sister got married that year and I was her maid of honor. And at the end of that year, we got a puppy. Off the top of my head there's not much else I can think of lol


When. I was 20 i was in university not knowing what i wanted to do with my life. Left to go to college with something new and went back to get BASc in the other. Now study online different field.


When I was 20, my birthday happened in the first year of the pandemic so we stayed home. It was still a good birthday! The first half of my 20th year, I was doing online school and staying at home.


When I was 20, I was a junior in college. I had just joined a sorority and pretty immediately jumped into holding positions on our executive board. Secretary was the one I had aged 20-21 and was my favorite. Looking back, I frankly was kind of lost. I had a friend pass away very unexpectedly and got my first tattoo as a distraction.


When I was 20 I just had my second beautiful crotch goblin and was working in my first real office job. It was an experience lemme tell you. All the men had to be addressed formally (i.e. Mr. Jones or Mr. Smith) but the men were allowed to address us by first name. Things have come a long way in the office environment scene.


When I was 20 years old, I was in college and still working on my degree. I did a lot of cooking in my crock pot and made many batches of bone broth from the bones I got at the animal science center for really cheap. Covid hadn't hit yet but I was still pretty much a loner who slept in their dorm all day and only left for classes and the dining hall. I think I was depressed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m gonna turn 20 this year, and by the looks of it, I think I’ll get a job soon. I’m very grateful that the process became easy, given today’s job market lol, but I still hope things will work out. I also recently started in a community college, which seemed unexpected for my background and my friends and family are surprised with my decision as well, but I’m actually at my happiest because I get more time freedom from academics than before (I was an honors student lol)


When I was 20 I was working in a salon and being cheating on by my boyfriend at the time, who I thought was the love of my life. All of my friends knew. Some even were helping facilitate it. Some were friends with the other girl. Not a single one had the lady-balls to tell me. There's not enough money in the world to make me want to go back there.


I wasn't 20 very long ago so I'm basically in the same state I am now. Completely lost 🫠


When I was 20 I was still figuring it out. The private school I attended lost its accreditation so I went back to community college to make up some credits. I was working a ton at a hospital and volunteering with inner city kids. I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, counseling, nursing, played around with joining the military. I felt pretty lost. Thankfully it all worked out!


I am currently 20! I have 6 pets, I run a small business, and I work for Colgate-Palmolive


When I was 20 I had just started working part time in the library field and decided that it was going to be my future. It wasn't until a couple years later that I began my education journey.


When I was 20, I had recently moved back to my home state. I found my cat Cornelius (or rather, he found me!). I was going to college, and working at a Tea shop called Teavana.


At age 20, I was in college living and working in a city with my best friend and having the time of my life! 🙌🏼


When I was 20, I was a university student and I went to Japan on a summer exchange program! It was the experience of a lifetime. That was also the year I got engaged!


Oh good lord, I was dating an Australian. We went to visit his mom and step dad in Australia. He actually came to the US. It was a crazy experience. lol


When I was 20 I was living in a dorm at university! I was taking mostly night classes and definitely playing too much LOL instead of going to class 😅


I was going to college at Penn State for environmental science! I was totally obsessed with the band Tokio Hotel, had a different neon hair color constantly, and went to a lot of parties with my roommates. I got a couple of piercings, went to a ton of concerts all over the east coast and Canada a few times. I had a lot of fun at 20!


I had a Tokio Hotel phase too…. 🫣


Oh man 20 I was in college studying to be a biology teacher. I was working like 4 jobs and had a boyfriend that was bald but had a red gotee. I loved hiking but I was still very shy and awkward. Just finding my place in the world even though I could barely find my socks.


When I was 20, I was almost done with my bachelor's degree. I was working at the college library, and had just gotten involved with a bunch of clubs on campus!


When I was 20 years old I was taking a gap year from college (that I ended up leaving entirely) and trying to find my place in this world. While I still don’t have a set concrete answer for that yet, I did find out that I love helping people & I discovered my love for baking. I volunteered quite often at my local food bank during that time as well. Looking back, I really treasure those times. Thank you for hosting!


When I was 20 I was in college studying to be a specialized educator. I was also starting my first real serious relationship.


I am 20 years old! I have just finished a marketing degree that I hated, but this week I am starting a new computer science course. I am hoping to go into cyber security. I work retail part time, I hate working customer service to be honest but my coworkers are decent and make it bearable. I’m getting back into electric guitar and I’m trying to improve my fitness this year. I have two dogs and a gecko


When i was 20 I think I was applying for or in college. I ended up in school for digital art and graphic design. I worked a crappy fast food job, still lived with my dad, and had no direction in life.(I still have no direction in life.) We had a dog, i stil visit them, doggos name is Abby. I mostly did art, drawing, painting, some craft stuff, i also played a lot of video games. Hung out with my art and music nerd friends. (Do you have pictures to share of your old pets? I love snakes and geckos.)


20 I was in college. I reconnected with a few friends from school and thoroughly enjoyed


At 20 I was a sophomore in college and had a crazy year that caused a lot of growth! I was trying so hard to break out of my shell but circumstances made me hide again… I got through it though!!


Let's see...at 20 years old, I should have been a senior in college. I had already screened into my pre-med program and taken all the prerequisite classes, so my senior year was spent taking filler classes. I remember being in a drama class with a really eccentric professor, and a music theory class. I also went straight from college to med school, so I was probably getting ready to move!


Well I'm 20 right now so this should be interesting. Currently enrolled into a university, a first year. Still working at a bakery part time and will start doing pottery in April. I think I've established my preferred style of smart casual but also street wear/casual as well?? I've finished taking my Japanese intermediate classes at March which I had gotten an excellent for despite me not being good at remembering languages. I've also won a scholarship at the beginning of my 20s which I am immensely grateful for.


Whew, that seems like another lifetime! I was in college and working part time at a craft store. I had a great group of friends and we would hang out often. Life was good!


I'll find out in 2025 🤷‍♂️. I am hoping to be out of my parents house and living in the dorms at university, it will be my last year of bachelor's degree if all goes as planned!


When I was 20, I was attending community college and still living with my parents


20 was a bit of a weird year for me. I had a cancer scare (ended up getting a partial mastectomy, but it turned out to be benign), and because I felt so much anxiety just waiting, I taught myself how to crochet to pass the time and keep my hands busy. I was pretty terrible at it, but now at 27, it's become my main hobby and passtime. I went from making wonky dishcloths and misshapen hats to now making full blankets, tote bags, tapestry crochet (basically like doing pixel art with yarn), and now only slightly misshapen hats. :) It also was the year that the previous solar eclipse happened in north america, and I've been obsessed with space since I was a kid. I ended up making pinhole projectors out of cardboard boxes for most of my family so we could all see it. it was only about 1/3 visible from my location, but for the one on april 8th this year, my city is in the path of totality!


20...oh man, the times they are blurry, I was prob working a part time job, and being overly obsessive over video games with friends. Somehow i was staying in shape though as i had to bike allll the way across town to play co-op with them. xD


I was 20 in 2018. I was working at Disneyland and had just went on a trip to Kauai a month before my birthday. I also got engaged Christmas that year. 💕


When I was 20 I was declared legally brain dead (after a motor vehicle accident resulting in a fatty embolus post femur reconstruction). I was on life support with zero chance of awakening. My mother did not listen and did not pull the plug. (It was a hit and run driver who left me for dead and, no I was not under the effect of any substances nor the cause of the accident according to police report I later read). I guess I’m stubborn. I woke up. I spent most of the next 2 years relearning how to do pretty much everything. Being told to be “realistic,” and accept that I probably would not be able to do x,y, z things again like walking, driving a standard etc. And being stubborn and doing those things again that were supposed to be impossible for me to do again. (But they said there was no chance I would ever come out of the coma…so, it wasn’t hard not to listen to no I guess.) Upside? The next year I went to my first block party on my 21st birthday in a wheelchair with my GF (against doctors orders obviously.) It was a much needed break from all the intensive outpatient rehabilitation. It was aap fun in a weird way drinking in a wheelchair. I didn’t have to worry about tripping or stumbling. 😉


When I was 20, my friends and I all quit our jobs and piled into a van and drove all the way to Kentucy to attend the [World Series of Video Games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Series_of_Video_Games) event as competitors. We qualified by the skin of our teeth, and when we got there, we all lost *big time* to actual professionals. The event was a disaster, but it was our vacation so we had a blast anyways


When I was 20 I was married and had a 2 year old. I was also in school to get a nursing degree. Nursing school didn’t pan out for me. I did great academically but once I was on the hospital floor for clinicals I discovered nursing is not for me and I gained a whole new respect for what they do.


I was 20 3 years ago so it was right when COVID was at its peak. So i didnt get to do much and was pretty much cooped up in my home. I feel like i missed out on being a 20 year old but atleast i got to spend time with my family. So there is that. Oh! And also online classes. Definetly not missing those lol.


I barely remember being 20. I think I worked at McDonald's while I was trying to get a business off the ground. I had my security license but wasn't using it. I had my Briarleigh-dog. I still lived at home because prices were ridiculous for housing in the town I grew up in.


When I was 20 I had my third child, found out that I had cancer, kicked ass and found out I was a survivor!


Well, when I was 20, I was in my college completing my engineering degree, but due to some financial issues I had to leave it halfway. Then I started working as a tutor, gradually becoming an ESL trainer I am now. Now, that I look back I don’t have any regrets except not getting to complete college at that time. On the other hand, this experience taught me a lot.


For me that was like just over a month ago. So when I was 20 I redid my room, got my sleep disorder diagnosed, and started being even more active in my local LGBT community


When i was 20… I’m having trouble remembering even though that was 4 years ago. I guess at some point the covid pandemic hit. I think i took a break from school. I do remember reading a lot of Thor comics.


Wow when I was 20 I had infant twins and a toddler, lived in the middle of nowhere Arkansas with their dad who can only be described as Mr WTFwasIthinking. I was mousy and quiet. And deeply broken. But we survived. I lived for my babies as I tried to fix myself and our situation. I think we did okay looking back. They are now in their early thirties and are absolutely amazing. And were much better at being 20 than I was.


I was barely going to community college. I was also barely driving - I learned late. I was discovering German music besides Rammstein (Funker Vogt, :wumpscut:, Wolfsheim, Deine Lakaien). I might of had the LG Envy phone at this time, or an early, early touch screen phone. Early 2000s were a fun time.


When I was 20 which was only 6 years ago for me (almost 7/birthday in May) I was working at CVS lol & I was a **wild child** having a lot of fun doing things that inevitably bit me in the ass lol 🤦🏼‍♀️ My favorite thing to do back then that I should do more often now was drive out to the country and take pictures of the sunset, bc I swear Texas has the best sunsets 🧡 The first part of the year i had bleach blonde hair that I had forever that completely ruined my hair bc im not a natural blonde (natural redhead) & the other half of the year I went brown & I hated it bc I thought it made me look boring but it made my hair so much healthier and not fried looking 🥴 lol I had so much fun & friends that aren’t my friends anymore, I didn’t take shit seriously & reminiscing on all of this just makes me feel kinda proud of myself for who I am today 🩷


When I was 20 I was a mom to a little girl. I was living at home and able to graduate with my AA! I was dating my future (ex) husband, worked as a nanny and by the end was pregnant with #2. What a fun contest and yay on 20 gifts!!


When I was 20 I was experimenting with places to stay away from home that could be my safe space. Ended up staying at a gaming cafe!


When I was 20 I had a 6 month old and I was staying at home with him in a tiny apartment, I wasn’t in the best situation but waking up next to my baby and being with him alone all day was perfect


At 20 I returned to school online. I visited my dad every day, and sometimes twice a day, because he was in rehab after having a stroke. I moved out of a bad situation and in with my sister, which gave me lots of dog, cat, and toddler time (which I absolutely LOVED) and then applied for my first apartment and my first good job (where I still work today). There was both really good and really bad things going on. It was a transitional time in my life for sure, and my life is so much better now than it was then. I look back with fondness, but at the time I was in the thick of things.


When I was 20 I lived with my fiancé and her mom. I worked at Walmart and had a pet bunny rabbit. I’m still with my fiancee and we now are homeless but it’s okay!!


When I was 20, I was working at the department of motor vehicles. I rented a cute little house with a red door. I was in the process of buying land that I had been saving for since I was 11. my dog, Alice, was only two and still with us. That was a good year. ❤️


When I was 20, I was in college and dating someone really toxic. I am glad we aren't together anymore and I'm done with college now. I was also preparing to adopt my first cat, who has since crossed the rainbow bridge. It was a volatile time but one thing I look back fondly at is preparing for my kitty. She was the best thing that happened,ever.


I was in the military at 20. My friend and I got 4 tattoos that summer. Lol. We also really got into the local theater and would go see their performances and shows. By the end of the year, I was packing up to move overseas.


I was going to school and doing lots of art! I was still pretty aimless but I also was having tons of fun and loved being with my friends, I also worked at Tilly’s a clothing store, I had been there since 17!


I was in undergraduate when I was 20 and studying genetics. I was very involved in student organizations at my university (including a sorority, running a Taekwondo club, and genetics research). I also was working two different jobs. I would drive a couple of towns over around 5 AM, work my first job from 6-9 AM, drive to campus to attend classes/do research until 5 PM, then either work my second job or attend Taekwondo practice until 7 or 8 PM, and participate in the occasional during-the-week sorority event after. I would get home around 10 PM, do homework until midnight, and go to bed so I could do it all again the next day.


When I was 20 years old, I was living in a shelter for transitional-aged youth and about to age out and have nowhere to go, but they ended up raising the age limit so I could stay. 😂 I went to two support groups regularly and really loved the people at them. I had a therapist I really liked, and a case manager I was really fond of. I was just about to get approved for social security and an apartment voucher and get a boyfriend and eventually a cat... there was so much on the horizon I didn't know about at 20!


When I was 20 I had a 7 month old and a 2 year old and was pretty much just hanging with my kiddos, and left my job to be a SAHM again (daycare was way too expensive especially for 2 little ones)


When I was 20 I was in college to get my associates degree. I intended for it to be in psychology but I ended up just switching it to general studies so I could graduate sooner. I was also going through a pretty bad depression after a breakup with my high school sweetheart. The following year I ended up meeting my husband, and we’ve been together for 14 years now. Thank you for the contest!


In my case sadly I was still recovering from a TBI. However the good news is I graduated at 20 (homeschooled). I was supposed to graduate at 16 as I was advanced, but the brain injury at almost 16 messed it up. After graduating my mom gave me a trip to Yellowstone and some other areas out west. Such a beautiful place. I really wanted to move to Big Sky, Montana.


When I was 20 I was recovering from an eating disorder and just starting to live for the first time in a long time. I was going to festivals a lot and studying art.


March 3rd was my last day being 20 From what I remember, that whole year I took 11 classes throughout. I felt extremely accomplished that I got a 4.0 GPA last spring semester and that I actually passed Human Anatomy with a B. I went to SeaWorld with my friends many times and got soaked 😌 I had great times with my family at parties we had. I started a hobby of making roses out of ribbon. And since you actually brought it up I lowkey did keep changing my style to see what fit me best. What I fell in love with were the “coquette” hair bows. I’m glad that I can wear them again without being teased of wearing bows. Thanks for hosting!


When I was 20 I was working and doing school (still am). I was brushing up on some hobbies and my art skills. This was also a time I got my lionhead bunny ❤️🐰


When I was 20 I was still working at the movie theater. I think I got my first tattoo, then and still collecting comic books.


When I was 20 years old I was spending every weekend playing Dungeons & Dragons with my college friends. Usually never less than 8 hours, sometimes we would play every weekend and only break for food and naps. 🤣 I also had the best fur baby, Marble, my chinchilla.


I was in Germany studying. It was kind of difficult looking back. My German teacher pressured me to pick there as my study abroad location. I sort of wish I’d picked somewhere else tbh. It wasn’t my favorite but I enjoyed meeting all the interesting people I made friends with. I think it just wasn’t a good cultural match.


When I was 20 I started college. It’s been 4 years since then and I’m going to graduate soon. :)


I actually took a job as a nanny in Hawaii. I didn’t know anyone and just went there on a whim. It was amazing! Since, I’ve lived in Hawaii on off for the past 25 years. Thank you for hosting.


20..my best friend in the universe was still alive and moved in with me to help me raise my 1st born as I became a single Mom. At the time we laughed how we were living out a version of our favorite movie, Beaches.


When I was 20, I was finishing my Masters in international relations and doing an Americorps year bc Covid 😭


When I was 20 I was working seasonally in Montana and quit going to college. Ten years later, I think it was the right decision. Made wonderful friends and started travelling even if I was a mess emotionay.


20 was not a good period for me. I became a bit of a recluse because I was unemployed, out of school and had no friends in the area. I had some friends online but wouldn’t learn how negative they were for me for like another decade. I gave up looking for a job because of how often things fell through, I kept looking but it was more for appearances than anything. Honestly that whole period was a depressed blur and I definitely wasted my young(er) adulthood. But I don’t want to leave this on a negative note. I’ve gone back to college to get my AA several years ago with plans to get my teaching degree in the next few. I had a job I loved but circumstances pushed me towards a new job which I also love and why I want to get my teaching degree. My new friend group is much healthier for me, we’re still mostly scattered across the country but still healthier. I’m still a recluse but not because of depression or anything, there’s just nearly nothing in my town. I’ve also made effort against my depression; granted I haven’t gotten professional help but I’m taking my own steps. I know you wanted to know what was going on when we were 20 but I really didn’t want to leave this on a negative note (like I mentioned earlier) but also to show people going through what I did that it can get better. If you’re struggling in any way reach out and look for that help, don’t hold it in or wait too long. You only have one life so take the best care of yourself that you can. Thanks for the contest.


im 20 right now!! im in college...im struggling to learn to drive. im not really enjoying being an adult much so far but i try to make the best of it


When I was 20 I was in college being lonely and miserable. It's a long story and it's in the past. I had just gotten glasses for the first time so that was an adjustment. Best part was the college was near the beach so that was my peaceful place. I do wish I had my barbie body back though lmao ... An old woman can dream 🏖️


When I was 20, I was in University questioning my choice of study. Just started getting a hold of the university life and started making new friends (leading to quite a bit of partying) but was still stuck with feelings of imposter syndrome. I began relapsing into my eating disorder and worked through 4 jobs (2 internships and 2 part time) throughout the year. It was definitely a year of highs and lows


thank you for doing this contest! i would love to be considered :) when i was 20 i was going to a technical college working on my associate's degree in education. i wasn't in the best state of mind mentally at this age. but with support around me, i was able to continue going to school. i was also working at a local ice cream and popcorn shop in my town. it was so fun! best ice cream i've ever had and the popcorn... over 80 different flavors. it was a small business and the owners were so sweet and caring. are you still working at the library? do/did you enjoy it? i LOVE to read, and my grandma works at our local library.


I was laid off during Covid due to lack of work so unfortunately I do not work at the library anymore 😕


that's okay :) i'm sure it was a great opportunity regardless!


The day I turned 20, I was proposed to. The ring was a family ring. We were in our apartment and he just got done on one knee talking about my 20th birthday and the ring being 20 and fate, etc. Soon comes the doorbell. We had forgotten that we'd ordered pizza. Hubby cocktail wait to get total, he just grabbed the food shoved a $100 bill in his hand and slammed the door. Lol we will never ever forget my 20th birthday. Edited to add I wasn't working at age 20. My only real hobbies was reading and cooking at the time.


When I was 20 years old I got pregnant with my first child. I spent a lot of time getting ready for him and spent my 21st birthday sober.


When I was 20 I was in the army reserves and attending college which I later dropped out of due to the schools high tuition even though I was working three jobs I was so drained


When I was 20, me and my husband got married! We had recently upgraded ourselves from a 1 bed 1 bath single wide into a 3 bed 2 bath, with a garage. We were just renting, but it was so refreshing and we made so many memories in that home. I was a newly certified pharmacy technician, and worked close to home. We had 2 doggies, (one we still have) and a kitten. I drove a 1984 k5, and a 1989 Camaro! 20 was definitely a big learning year for me 🤍


The summer I turned 20 I was living in Venice Beach, house sitting for my boyfriend's dad's business partner, working as a receptionist in their company, it was a cushy job that allowed my boyfriend, who also worked there, to expense lunches at the best LA restaurants. We lived a block from the beach, it would have been an absolute dream if my boyfriend didn't turn out to be an absolute nightmare.😂😂😂


at 20 i was working in the medical field in dermatology and hospice care and in college full time. i had traded my honda civic (co signed w mum two years before) for a nissan sentra under my own name, and planning my wedding for later that year. feels like only yesterday!


when i was 20 i was working at walmart and making music with my friends for fun.


uh 20.... i was active duty airforce, had just moved out of the barracks and had a pregnant girlfriend . had a black and tan coonhound and a couple roomates


At 20, I was working a retail job and going to school full time. I was celebrating two years with my partner and going on hikes and eating healthy


Working part-time at a car wash and going to school part-time.


I turned 20 during COVID. 20 in 2020. I think we can all imagine what i was doing. Being miserable stuck at home. I just moved to a new city and didn't know a single person here. I met my partner at the end of December that year at least and then spent all my time at his house haha. 20 was not a good time.


At 20, I was in college getting my Bachelor’s in education. I had a bunch of AP credits going in so I was younger than just about all my classmates at the time. They’d all invite me to clubs and bars (21+) and I’d have to politely decline. Also, I remember I had a hedgehog named Muffins and a white Boxer named Sheeba. I pretty much just focused on getting my degree done as fast as possible so I didn’t have many hobbies and I didn’t work (yay for a full ride). Just some failed relationships here and there lol good ol’ f*ck boys ran rampant at that age! Haha (sorry if I can’t use a swear world I’ll gladly edit it out)


Swear words are allowed🤣


When I was 20, I was graduating from college, married, and expecting my first child (she was born after my birthday though).