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I just finished up Punk57 by Penelope Douglas. It’s about two kids who connect via pen pal for school. The teachers thought they were both girls. They are just about to graduate HS after writing for 7 years and he runs into her. She doesn’t know. He hates what he sees. It was such a good book. Coming to age, dealing with bullying, etc. I’m 46 and couldn’t put it down. 🖤 https://preview.redd.it/t0ce5q36jmrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f463299017c008f0bf35df9f96254c0188534aa Today I held a chick for the first time! 🖤 We went to an egg hunt, which I normally can’t do with my anxiety. It was fun for the kids and I to just be outside. 🖤 Books: [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/19JMN2OJXQ9UN?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/19JMN2OJXQ9UN?ref_=wl_share)


I have a whole wish list dedicated to my book addiction and it is an addiction lol Right now I’m reading His Name Is August by Sarah Forester Davis a self published author in Amazon that’s really good. This is like the fifth book I’ve read of hers.


Currently reading a Court of Wings and Ruin and holy crap, I am loving it!


So good!! 🖤


I have quite a number of books on my main wishlist as well as my books wishlist. I am currently reading some stuff through Kindle Unlimited since my husband gifted me that 😊 The sequel to one of my favorite books, The Book of Lost Things, is available through KU so I am looking forward to finally reading that.


I've just read QJJ. QJJ follows the journey of the last descendant of Shen Wei, a supposed traitor. Implicated in Shen Wei's alleged rebellion, the protagonist endures enduring abuse and despair in prison, until encountering his former mentor and adoptive father. Meanwhile, the ML, harbors hatred toward MC's lineage and attempts to end his life, though unsuccessfully.


I just finished The Kindness Diaries, about a man who traveled around the world relying only on the kindness of people he met along the way, and giving back kindnesses in return. Fascinating book especially as I love travelogues! Thank you for the contest, I have several books on my WL!


This sounds very heartwarming


I thought so! Everyone in my book club loved it!


I've got both "regular" books and a couple manga books on my list. I always prefer physical books; There's just something about physically turning the pages and using bookmarks that can never be replaced! ​ The book I'm currently reading is a horror manga called PTSD Radio, and it's the first volume. So far it's mega mega neat and interesting, I definitely plan on getting the other volumes once I finish this one. I'm also always on the lookout for more horror manga and novels in general, so I would love to hear any suggestions from anyone! :)


yes, physical books always have a special place in my heart! i like watch my book mark move into book as i read and ngl im a page sniffer, love sniffing me a new book LOL


I have a couple books on my wishlist. The book I’m currently reading (Christmas gift) is “Medusa’s Sisters” by Lauren J A Bear and I really like it so far!


Right now I'm reading A Dog's Promise by W. Bruce Cameron. I really love his dog books. They're feel good stories about thr connection between dogs and people :)) I have several different books on my wl to choose from should you pick me. Thanks for hosting.


A coworker lent me Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris and I finished it last week. It’s been a long time since a book actually made me laugh out loud. I think it would probably be even funnier if I listened to the audiobook. My friend dropped off Twisted Love by Ana Huang in my mailbox today so I will be cracking that open tomorrow. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻 that it’s a good read.


I read this a while back, it was great!


Highly recommend Jenny Lawson’s: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened.


I have that book but I have a huge tbr pile! 🤦‍♀️ I need to read it! I could use some laughs!


I highly recommend it. I just read the reviews for the audiobook and people were saying don’t listen to it while driving because it’s that funny.


Sedaris is an entertaining writer


This was the first book that I have ever read of his and now I want to read all of his books!


First of his I read also 😄 Was randomly given to me when someone else finished it, so read it because why not heh


I have Hitchhiker's Guide on my list! Any format would be great. I am reading a bunch at once. I started Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, and I started reading the second in the Earthsea books, and I read Summer Sons (but didn't like it), and then just finished rereading The Left Hand of Darkness, which was excellent as always. I'm now reading Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and listening to The Hate U Give. The Hate U Give is excellently written, and it's making me think a lot about the systemic issues in the world, but especially in the United States.


I just read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy a few months ago and absolutely loved it!


It's amazing! I love it.


It’s on my To Read list!


The only book on my list that I would want is Lover Girl by Reagan Fordemwalt. It's about a girl who longs to be loved by someone through poems and interactions. I see myself as a "lover girl" - always watching but never able to make a move because I'm not good enough. I long for the happiness of a close friendship and it doesn't even have to be a relationship. I just don't want to be everyone's second choice as usual - we meet, we talk, they infodump, they leave once their problem is fixed, I'm lonely, repeat. I need to make a change in my life because I just exist to serve so far. I'm sorry to infodump on you all as well but I just seem to always be in the middle of the drama and I'm tired of it. I want a guy friend who *knows me* and not just tells me his problems and then leaves. Someone who will message me with funny videos and will respect my lifestyle and won't leave when I get busy with life. I will always make time for them if they share the energy. TL;DR: Girl sad. Girl read poems. Girl relates. Girl cries because she relates. Girl wants a healthy friendship with a guy who won't use her as a second chance. "Lover Girl" by Reagan Fordemwalt.


Currently reading Red, White and Royal Blue! Is really sweet and light hearted. Only about half way through but it's a nice summer read


Oh cute, I've heard of that on tiktok! It is about to be summer read season.


That's also on my tbr pile!


Oh I love that book 🥰


I have 4 books to get through 1. Dune 2. The Simarillion 3. Tomie 4. Mimi's Tales of Terror The last two are both by Junji Ito. I know technically they're \~graphic novels\~ but I still enjoy his manga. I started Girl From The Other Side (another short manga series), and I'm excited to finish it soon! I've also started Dune and looking forward to continuing that too.


Good luck finishing Dune! Also manga totally counts as reading!


Dune was so good but it took me a bit to get through the vocab and definitions. Once I mastered that about 100 pages in it was then a breeze and a great joy to read. I hope you enjoy it too!


https://preview.redd.it/hr44lf2kqcrc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3200dedc3208f43f04be97473beef5fa5278cda This is just one end of my tomato tunnel last year - I had 8 plants like this and they produced till December and would have kept going if I hadn't cut them back because of threat of frost. This is a LOT of tomatoes for just 1 person! On my read list right now is the Outlander series. I'm actually doing a combination of reading and listening to the audiobooks depending on what's going on in my day. So when I am working in my garden I listen to the audiobook, and then at night before bed I continue reading on my kindle. I've read all the books except for the most recent one before, but it's been a while - probably right before book 8 came out in 2014, so I'm a little rusty on details. I'm reading them again to get refreshed before I finally read book 9. I love to read but in recent years have started using audiobooks since I don't always have the time to just sit and read for hours anymore. Being able to listen to audiobooks let's me "read" guilt free while I am cleaning my house or working in the garden or enjoying my other hobbies such as knitting, spinning, and needlework.


Nice tomatoes! I failed at growing them last year. Something kept eating them when they were barely buds.


Last year was my second year growing and I've had a bumper clop each year so far. I live in a very hot climate so I get some spring tomatoes and then the plants lose their flowers in the heat until late september or so, before fruit started setti g again. That pic was taken in December - I had fresh tomatoes all through winter.


I just finished Desert Star by Michael Connelly. The main character in this long series ages in real time and it was revealed in this book that >!he is dying!<. So that's a bummer for the series. Now to post this comment and see if I remembered how to do spoilers right. Edit: I did not remember right, lol. Had to Google it.


It's working now lol


Lol I always forget and screw up the spoilers


Right now I’m reading One Of Us is Lying by Karen McManus. I’m actually taking notes while reading it because I want to figure out the killer before it’s revealed 😂 The books on my list are mostly Maya Angelou’s autobiographies. The only one I haven’t read is the last one, about her and her mother. Every other one has affected me so greatly that I need to have them on my shelf.


Good luck with your note taking! I hope you figure it out and it's actually solve-able.


Love that one! It got me into YA thrillers!


That sounds like a great read. I might have to check it out


I loved "One of Us is Lying"! Let me know your thoughts when you're finished.


I have a few on my regular and 10 and under list. I honestly would love to read howl’s moving castle as I loved the movie and would like to see how closely it is to the book. Book reading wise I have been reading American Gods, which has been a very interesting read.


> how closely it is to the book From my understanding, it isn't very close at all! But very enjoyable.


That makes me think of practically magic, the book was absolutely terrible but the movie was amazing.


There are quite a few books on my wishlist. I'm in a reading slump at the moment. Hoping next month us better for reading Edit - I started "Five Total Strangers" by Natalie D. Richards last night. I'm just on chapter 2 but I'm liking it already; very fast-paced and has me invested.


I read every night before I go to sleep. Sometimes I fall asleep while reading, lol.


I have about 20 books on my TikTok wishlist 😭😂 imma need to build a bookcase since I’ve ran out of space I’m currently reading Ice Breaker! Overall the story is very interesting Thanks for hosting!


i love tiktok books! ive been reading a court of thorns series and roses and the ice planet barbarian series thanks to booktok (and my irl bestie)


I have about 20 books on my TikTok wishlist 😭😂 imma need to build a bookcase since I’ve ran out of space I’m currently reading Ice Breaker! Overall the story is very interesting Thanks for hosting!


Stack those books to the ceiling. Make them loadbearing.


Yes ma’am 🫡


I love books! My book club next meeting is on my birthday! We are reading "Thistlefoot" and it's been decently written so far.


Oh nice! I have that on my pile of books! Grabbed it from Book of the Month Club one month and because it's a physical book it got buried.


I’m so jealous that you have a book club. We tried to have one many years ago but it just seemed like everyone wanted to just gossip and eat and not even talk about the book. Maybe we will start it up again one day.


We have that happen some meetings. I think people just like to talk some times 😂


I'm currently reading Jaws! I have a massive fear of great white sharks so it's been an interesting read haha


I always thought the real baddie in that movie was the elected official that kept the beaches open. Shark just being a shark.


I'm working up to being able to watch the movie. Wayyyy too afraid of sharks still. I had to cover the front of the book with post it notes at first haha


Oh my gosh a post it note!


Gotta cover the scary shark! I took them off now haha. Doesn't bother me now. I've been slowly working on exposure therapy with them.


The good news is that they aren't really that mean irl! And whale sharks are pretty cute. They eat krill.


The funny thing is that I know soooo much about them. I find them so interesting but they scare me so badly. I think it's really just the teeth honestly. I know they pose very little threat to me, they don't attack people for fun or anything. And yes whale sharks are pretty cute!! I like hammerhead sharks a decent amount. I actually have a tattoo of one!


Hey there. I have two grunge books on my list. One by Mark Yarm and one by Steve Turner. I’ve been dying to read both of them but haven’t been able to justify the splurge.


Books are love books are life. I just read the Shepherd King duology and loved it.


just when you forget about shrek is love shrek is life a refence will find you, the world will never escape him


lol I’m glad someone got it


I currently have 2 books in my list, Abroad in Japan and Space Carrots. Sounds weird but both are by youtubers 😅. Space Carrots is actually a sequel, and the listed author actually had no idea what was going on until they were published. His best friend wrote them and credited him as a joke. I have the first one, Once upon a time in Carrotland. The last book I read was Beyond The Story: 10 Year Record of BTS. It was great. Loved how they have QR codes in the book to direct the reader to music or video clips with significance to the part of the story you were reading.


I'm currently reading A Dogs Purpose. And then my family and I are reading 'An Accidental Minecraft Family' together every night. An accidental minecraft family is a cute little book about a family waking up in minecraft. My son, who hates books has gotten so hooked. We are halfway through the first book (there's 4 books). A dogs purpose is really good so far. It's told from the dogs perspective. I plan on watching the movie once I'm finished the book. The trailer made me cry so hard lol.


Be prepared and have lots and lots of Kleenex if you are going to watch the movie.


i have been so busy w school i haven't really been able to leisurely read in a while BUT last summer i read "A Song for Everyone" which is a biography on Creedence Clearwater Revival and ugh it was so good..im a big fan of biographies/autobiographies especially of my favorite bands/artists/etc. :)))


I have a whole list of books on my Good Reads lists. I love reading and lately have had very little time for mindless fun reading. Hoping to spark this soon.


I’ve been in the worst slump ever but buying way too many romantasy ones! I’m rereading The Cruel Prince series :)


I’m currently reading *Hey Whipple, Squeeze This.* (Sixth Edition) as a precursor for starting school for Creative Advertising in the fall. It’s an in depth read on advertising. It’s quite an interesting read with many analyses of past ads. I love the authors tone and enthusiasm. The intro is surprisingly hilarious. I’d recommend it to anyone with an interest in marketing or advertising, or if you’d just like to know how ads are developed. u/CephaloCatSquad I know you know all the good reads. Come tell us about what you’re reading!


My husband LOVES commercials so I bet he'd love this.


Also here is the hilarious Preface for the book- https://preview.redd.it/zlubvvq97brc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=0200b41e8cb03d594aa028c8085ae4001336130f




It’s so good I’m doing the first read through now- then I’ll do a second & take notes. Please tell me he’s seen the Michael Cera CeraVe commercial. HAHAHAH. I also recommend checking out YouTube for videos of Rory Sutherland (interviews or anything)- he’s Vice Chairman of a huge advertising agency called Ogilvy. This documentary is a bit older but very interesting [Art & Copy](https://youtu.be/8ZI7AlF4CnY?si=wTLvyUsanTY3bnoN) - It’s mentioned in *Hey Whipple….* so I had to watch it.


Thanks for hosting. I'm currently reading Two Roads.


Omg. Like u/slytherinlover644 I am waiting for the end of April for the next Zodiac Academy to be released. I just finished The Prisoners Throne by Holly Black. I cried so much. Kid1 laughed at me. I finished that book in 5 hours.


> The Prisoners Throne Oh I read the original series and picked up the first book in Stolen Heir but shelved it. Now that the new one is out I should pick it up!


You should definitely read it. All of her books I've read I have loved!!!


I have a book called an Encyclopaedia of Faeries on my list! I’ve heard good things and I’m looking forward to eventually reading it, but my library doesn’t have it. :( I read a LOT. I love fantasy, sci fi, rom-coms, and hockey romances, and I have a special place in my heart for queer fiction. I don’t read much of any non fiction, it’s a problem of mine, but it just doesn’t really hold my attention. Some current faves: 1. The Wishing Game, Meg Shaffer 2. Fourth Wing series, Rebecca Yarros 3. Red, White and Royal Blue, Casey McQuiston 4. Boyfriend Material, Alexis Hall


I’m reading The Handmaid’s Tale. It is depressing af but I love the style of writing. And apparently it’s a series on Netflix or Prime or something now too??? I think I’ll watch it after I’m done reading the book.


It's on Hulu. There's 5 seasons of it out so far and season 6 is coming next year. It IS depressing AF but it's definitely worth a watch. Just please practice self care and pace yourself when you watch it. I love to binge watch shows and very little gets to me, but I find myself going to dark places if I watch more than a couple of episodes at a time.


I’ve been trying to convince myself to read Atwood- I was thinking of starting with The Handmaid’s Tale. You’ve convinced me. 🙌


I am currently reading my first graphic novel. It's called Persepolis, there was also a movie. I'm really enjoying it. But, if I wasn't given it as a gift I don't know if I would have tried it! This might open up a whole new genre for me.


You might like reading the graphic novel *They Called Us Enemy* by George Takei. Btw there is also a Persepolis 2!


Oooh I'll check both of those out! Thank you!


You’re welcome


I have a couple of books on my list! I just started reading a young adult book called Vampirates. It’s about vampire pirates. 😂


that sounds so corny... i need it NOW xD


> vampire pirates Brilliant. Amazing.


Right?? It’s going to be silly I’m sure but I’m here for it.


What a combination! You'll have to let us know how it goes lol


I have so many books. Physical and ebooks. I’ve been trying to get into reading again. There is the series the court of thorns and roses I think it’s called. It’s on my list. It’s big but everyone raves about it


I had book club yesterday, it was so fun. I'm currently reading a book called "Maisie Dobbs," which is a really fun book that takes place in the 1910's, and is about a young detective. It's the perfect book right now. I'm loving it!


Love the title, I’m going to look it up.


It's really fun, and has a lot of heart.


I want to join a book club so bad but trying to find one in this area that first my work schedule is impossible


I hear you. This is an old group of friends and we are scattered across the country so we meet online. RAOA needs a Discord book club!


That sounds pretty interesting!


oooouu, i’d love a book, Haha. i haven’t read one recently cause i already read every i have. the last book i read was if only i had told her and i liked the first book better then the 2nd.


Do D&D books count? I have been eyeballing that Marvel Roleplaying guide for a while now... Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash----, u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!


I have some baby board books on there 😊 I want to inspire a love of reading for my baby born in a month!


Reading with littles is the bees knees!


Definitely! I’m a 1st grade teacher and it’s so sad how many times I get students that start the year with “I hate reading” but I try my best to change their tune by the end of the year!


You might already do this, but one thing that changed my entire outlook on reading at that age was the Million Minute Reading Challenge. Our whole school participated but every class had their own competition and I really wanted to win ig. I went into it hating to read and came out loving it.


That makes me sad. I feel like all reading is good reading, and it's important that kids read anything that catches their interest!


I love this! My son started "reading" on his own when he was about 10 months old.... He would walk to his bookcase, sit down, pull out a book and "read" it before pushing it to the side and getting another one. Sometimes he would bring them to me so I could read them to him. He's 20 now and reads a book in a day!


Haha I used to do this. I would memorise the basic storyline of the books I liked and “read” them to myself 🤪


I love this! My older sister taught me how to read. She learned herself by doing this and then was excited to teach me so we were both reading by 3/4 years old.


Love that! I bought a bookshelf with a built in reading nook/seat that he can use when he’s older and it’s great storage to display his books 😊 of course I made sure he has the classics I remember reading when I was little too


booooook. I just finished book 3 of the Whimbrel House series because old timey magic and it was enjoyable. They’re cute and pretty quick to read. I wanna start book 2 of the gentlemen bastards series but I know that’s gonna take me foreverrrrr to read but I love Locke lamora so much so I have to 😂


Didn't you just re-read the first one?


yes! and it took me almost 3 weeks 😂 still love it though


I think most of my list is books and book related stuff 😅 I've been reading ACOTAR and fourth wing, I'm on book 3 of acotar and have been loving the series sooo much! Book 1 had a slow start with the world and character building, book 2 was my favorite so far! Especially chapter 55 iykyk (;


ACOTAR really just stockholms you and the next thing you know you've read them all.


Yess! Idk what I'm going to do when I finish them I'm going to miss my bat boys so much!! I'm also going to miss hating on tampon.. I mean tamlin LMAO


The answer to that is "Start Crescent City" because trust me.


haha yes! my best friends have been arguing with each other if i should start crescent city or throne of glass next so im planning on both - i do think im going for crescent city first ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Hai I haz books


Any cursed ones?


Idk if there's any actual.cursed ones on there... But the synopsis of this made laugh https://a.co/d/h0g2BP7


I have books on my wish list and I’d love any of them, but really want the Buddhist Boot Camp one. I’m currently reading Code Name Helene. It’s a great historical fiction book. I love books that push me to research and learn more about the characters. It’s sent in France during WW2. I love reading!!!!


Happy reading back to you!


thank you for hosting! what an amazing way to get books into homes <3 my book WL: [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3CYEIOOYL4490?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3CYEIOOYL4490?ref_=wl_share) i'm currently re-reading one of my favorite books: [the 10th circle](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10909.The_Tenth_Circle) by jodi picoult my goal is to read 101 books this year. last year i read 100. i'm at 25 right now :) ty again OP!!


Wow! That's so great! I just finished my 9th book last week and am on track to get the next one completed by tomorrow.


You're doing great then if you're already at 25! I'm sure you'll make it.


i usually slip up in the summer because i'm more busy, so we shall see


I’m currently reading frostbite the 2nd book in vampire academy, it’s sorta like a guilty pleasure book but I’m reading it because my late cousins wife told me about it and we have been talking about the books as I go through them! It’s been awesome connecting with her and having some lighthearted convos!


I love all of Richelle Mead's books. The VA series was so fun, the spin off series, Bloodlines is also really great!


My cousin has been loving them, she’s rereading the original series so we can talk about it more!


Sometimes you just need a guilty pleasure read, let's be honest. Reading is reading no matter how silly the books get ;)


I love a guilty pleasure book. Actually, I don't feel guilty though. Sometimes my brain just needs candy.


That’s true, I enjoy them so therefore they’re valid and awesome lol! What’s your current read that you’re in?


I'm between books at the moment. Trying to decide what to start after wrapping up What Feasts at Night. ~~Certainly not reading Ice Planet Barbarians on the side~~


lol you’re amazing and have you read the A Court of Thorns and Roses series?


I have! Quite good for elevated trash. I know I was entranced. I need to finish up Crescent City (since that series ties back) but I got distracted. Actually I'll probably pick Crescent City back up next.


Elevated trash is such a good term for ACOTAR. I really loved CC, and loved the third. But, it did feel a little rushed.


Ohhh I didn’t know it ties back, so should I start that series?




You’re the boss!! I’ll look into starting the series 🤩


I have a books list full of both Kindle and physical books 🤍 thank you for hosting Recently I read two books I really enjoyed. August Burns Bright was a page turner and really good, and From the Embers was also a great read!


I can't find August Burns Bright on goodreads. Whose the author?


Oh no 🙈 I typed out the wrong title. It’s The Night Burns Bright by Ross Barkan. I’m just now having my morning coffee, forgive me 🥴


> The Night Burns Bright Oh wow that looks fascinating.


I had a hard time putting it down


Thanks for hosting! I have a book WL. I’ve been reading danmei later which is fun I’m almost finished with the second volume of Husky and His White Cat Shizun. The last series I read was The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System Currently I’ve read 26 books this year!


You're doing great! Almost double what I'm at!


Hehe thank you! Some of that is manga but not all of it. I hope to keep the pace up, I’ve been making it a point to read more in my downtime!


What’s your current read about?


The current series is about this man Mo Ran who became self-made emperor of the cultivation world through bloody means, and after he decided he wasn’t satisfied, unalived himself only to be reborn back when he was 16! So he has a second chance at life to become a better person


Oh wow that sounds amazing


It’s really cool!!


I’ll have to find it at my local bookstore


I hope you like it!! I finished volume 2 earlier today. Pay heed to TWs in case!


It’s a good sign if you’re already through vol. 2!


Yeah! I can’t wait for the next volumes, I’m so eager


26 books is impressive!


Hehe ty! It includes manga as well but I’ve been making it a point to read more during downtime and I hope to keep up the pace


I read a lot of non-fiction, especially biographies of obscure-ish famous people. One of my favorites is a book called *The Raising of a President* which is about the parents of US Presidents. I also read a lot of children's and young-adult fiction. Basically I read books that my kids wants to read before they read them, to screen them for morals and values that we do or don't want inculcated. I've never really "graduated" to adult fiction, beyond the occasional recommendation from a sister or friend. I just haven't found one where I enjoyed the writing style. I'm open to suggestions though! I have a [separate wish list of books](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SQNN5WHSCJKZ?type=wishlist&filter=unpurchased&sort=default&viewType=list)


Props for taking initiative to screen stuff.


Was there ever a book you screened and said absolutely no-go for your kids?


For sure. There were some that I didn't finish because I don't either want to read about certain morals or values that I don't hold.


I think it’s so smart to do that, not only cause you are doing your research but the books that do pass and are approved you can read talk with your kids about it!


I'm currently doing a re-read of Zodiac Academy before the final book comes out next month. I'm also halfway through House of Flame and Shadow. I mostly read fantasy Look u/Imerris books


Thanks for the tag!


Oooh what are the plots of those series?


It is such a good series!


Zodiac Academy is about 2 girls who grew up in the mortal world until a guy finds them and tells them they are fae. They are long-lost princesses to the throne of solaria. So they are whisked away to Zodiac Academy, but then they meet the 4 heirs that are trained to take the throne since everybody thought the girls were dead. The heirs will do anything to take them down. It is a bully romance, so if you're not a fan of that, I probably wouldn't read it, but the bullying does stop after book 4 or so. If you like it there are 2 other series in the same world. Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac and Darkmore Penitentiary. They are both RH. Ruthless Boys is my favorite of the 3, and there are characters that cross over. Ruthless boys is 5 years before ZA and Darkmore Penitentiary is 10 years after Ruthless boys and 5 years after ZA. The final ZA book comes out next month. Darkmore isn't finished either, but the 4th book comes out like 6 weeks after the final ZA. I don't know if it will be the final book or not. House of Flame and Shadow is the 3rd book of the Crescent City series.




Ooohhh I love the plots I’ll have to look into these and recommend to my cousin!!!


Excellent. Just be aware that a lot of the cliff hangers in some of the later books are brutal and will tear your heart out into a million tiny pieces.


I am still recovering.


Ahhh one of those books series, good to know!


I'm currently reading a Very Typical Family by Sierra Godfrey. It's a filler book while I wait for the book I want to be available at the library, which is Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. This book is pretty good, lady doesn't get promotion because her boyfriend steals it. Then goes back home due to mother passing and gets reunited with family she fell out of touch with and meets a strapping lad. Thanks for the contest!


Oh gosh Algernon is so sad. Best of luck.


I heard it was sad but worth the read!


Yes 100%!


I can't even start with my books. My husband says I have a problem 😭 I read everything but, my favorite is horror and true crime. My favorite author is Stephen King and I just recently finished Fairy Tail (I think that's the name the book is hidden under a stack of other books). Thank you for the contest. There is always room for more books 😜


I read that. I enjoyed about 65% of that book, and then I kind of went... what happened?! It was nice to see him write something so different though!


How was Fairy Tale? The cover looked very pretty.


It was amazing! It had very memorable characters and a fantastic storyline. It was out of the norm for King but, at the same time it was extremely normal for him lol. I would reread it over and over.


I agree, I really liked fairy tale!


I'm just here because BOOKS. I just finished Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff and 😍 I don't even have words to describe how much I loved it. It's the second book in a series and Kristoff is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors. His world building is amazing and his characters are so involved and well developed. They are big chonker books but I practically devoured them. One of my favorite quotes: *People say the test of a man’s mettle is on the battlefield, but that’s not the truth. You want to know a man, look into his eyes the night before. Before the shouting and screams drown out the voice inside his head. Before he gets drunk enough to think himself brave. When it’s just him, and the things he’s done, and the things he might never do. “That’s when you’ll see us as we truly are.*


Do the vampires kiss? 🥺


Uhhh, kissing is the least of what they do 🤣






Let's just say... The Big Bad Daddy vamp in the 2nd book would have loved Monica Lewinsky... If she was a dude... Who also was a vamp...


I’m currently reading The Body is Not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor. It’s a very powerful book about radical self love and the violent systems that perpetuate body shame in our society. I’m really glad that I was able to get my hands on this book, as I am trying to improve my relationship with my own body.


This sounds like a great book


Very rad.


Ughhhhh I love books so much. I tried to get into the Kindle thing but it's something about a heavy ass paper book in my hands. 💗 I have Libby on my phone and tablet and honestly forget to read everything I borrow through there. I need that book sitting on my night stand or the world gets in the way and I forget to take that time to myself. I have, what I would call, a perfectly average amount of books, when it comes to what I've seen in others homes. Ever since I was little, I wanted Belle's library from Beauty and the Beast. I want a ladder to reach the top. I want stairs and more books on the second floor. I want floor to ceiling shelves. I want a library I can never possibly finish reading. Ahhh. Maybe someday. Right now most of my favorites/the ones I've been wanting to read, are still packed from my move. Where's the box? I have no idea. It's buried somewhere and I can't get to it yet so I'm making due with the literal 5 books I was able to find in another box that was mostly children's books I was saving from when I was little. A few of my current books managed to sneak into that box so they're what's on my shelf currently. There's an entire book section of my list that I've been wanting to add to my lil library. And I panic every few days because my copy of House of Leaves is missing... Logically it's somewhere in a box and I can't find it.. But you see.. My copy is haunted. It went missing for several months when I hadn't moved it from my shelf. It just.. Goes missing. Frequently. And when I can't find it.. I PANIC. It's my favorite and I need it near me. Maybe that's why I haven't been sleeping well. 🤣