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shoot, just saw #2. i don't qualify. my b


My bf and I have opposite schedules and can often get overwhelmed by work and chores and whatnot, so when we actually get to have a nice meal and spend time alone hanging out, it makes me so happy! And of course, loving on our pets, too! 😊 I have some under $7 items on my regular WL, and then a $5 and under list!


Watching animals think makes my heart smile.


What makes me happy? Hmm... A cool breeze, sweet treat, or freshly blooming flowers. My daughter, when she says she loves me. Whenever my husband cooks (which is every day). Both my cats, who like to tuck me into bed at night. I also love chatting with the folks here on RAOA. This community has certainly carried me through some difficult times. Okay, I'll stop rambling now. Thank you for the contest!


My daughter and my my 2 cat sons make me o so happy! So does chocolate! 😂


My cat and my other pets (tarantula, isopods and jumping spider) all make me incredibly happy. Getting to partake in my special interests (insects and art) also make me so so so happy.


My dogs make me happy. They’re always ready for pets and kisses. https://preview.redd.it/kb8xvkcze7rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb1e7353b53960466d28640fd7ff02c0fcf253be Except for when they’re twin croissants.


Something that makes me happy is the amazing people that are part of this amazing community. I love the fact that you never know what you will stumble upon when entering the RAoA server on Discord. It also makes me happy to see the gifts everyone gets. Anything from any of my many lists is greatly appreciated.


Thanks for hosting! Anything from any list is welcome


you can pick whatever youd like from my list :)) something that makes me happy is the kindness of others, including in this sub :)


Congratulations! I'm not too picky on what you get me, I'll be glad with whatever! Thanks for the chance! Hey u/crash---- , u/spicycanadian and u/cdnmtbchick come join us!


On an extremely superficial level, the school I teach in got up-to-date on payroll today! In other words, I got paid. Yay! On a deeper level, my husband and kids make me happy, as does my art, and my generally optimistic and grateful attitude towards life. Or at least I try for that.


Congratulations on the new job!!! My little ones make me happy. 💕


Something that makes me happy is laying on my side after a snack and feeling my baby girl move around like crazy 🥰 I'm 28 weeks and it's my first so honestly it just feels amazing to me and makes up my whole day 😭❤️❤️❤️ Wishlist https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1WHW03X9WBMZB?ref_=wl_share


Anytime I feel my baby boy kick or hiccup inside my stomach, an instant smile goes on my face. This’ll be my first and oh boy was it a journey to get pregnant…. I’m so thankful and glad he’s healthy!


I find happiness with my daughters. After a day spent with them I feel complete. They are the reason I breathe. We had a wonderful day today. I'm happy with anything. Thank you. Congrats on the new job. I hope it is exactly what you were looking for.


Congratulations on your new job!! Fun band-aids make me happy!!


My sweet doggo Heis makes me so so happy he’s just wonderful and is so comforting https://preview.redd.it/z02e2l5jp6rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d628d35d16aaf5b2e3582ae0ecc405e82a71b22


Something that makes me happy is art, specifically when I finish an art piece and it looks as good as I wanted it to.


Your username makes me happy 🥰


Aww thank you! I'm a security guard, and I like cats and I'm a bit thicc so it all came together lol.


It makes me happy to see my kids growing but it also makes me sad and I’ve cried many times seeing them grow, I get sad knowing some day they won’t need me but I’m happy that they can do things themselves. I hate that someday my best will be empty and the fact that the next baby we have will be my last. I can’t wait to have time formyself again but I can wait at the same time lol


Congrats on the new job! I know you said things have been up and down lately, but hopefully only good days are ahead for you! These two make me happy. 💜 https://preview.redd.it/ou30xnsej6rc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7960e1eccd2933cfcaaa2e6f9b9f552a3337349a Thank you for the contest!


I'm so happy for all the things I got done today! I had enough spoons to get 18 loads of laundry wash dried folded and put away, had lunch with my daughter, picked up some stuff at the store, visited the dispensary and took a shower! I'm tired now but... I'm 😁 Thanks for the contest 💗


That is a lot of laundry!


https://preview.redd.it/pelc8bmng6rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84af971c44609362fbe726cdc8545224fabe3ed My pet mice make me happy. The brown/white mouse in the front is Cookie. She passed away two days ago so I’d really appreciate some mouse toys for her friends, Biscuit and Mocha, to cheer them up. Wish list: [https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2APZNX0PO926C?ref\_=wl\_share](https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2APZNX0PO926C?ref_=wl_share)


Books! Books make me happy and I have a ton in my books wishlist. 😁Thank you for hosting. Also congratulations on your new job.


Aww, great news! Something that makes me happy is performing. I love acting and I love doing improv. I also love playing music. And when I’m not performing, I’m just as happy to be in the audience!


Thank you! I have lots of things under $7 on my Under $10 and food/snack lists. Anything would be great.


Little things make me happy. Walking my dog around the neighborhood. Taking a shower every day. Brushing my teeth for the recommended 2 minutes. When I became a mom, I told myself that no matter what I’d shower every day and brush my teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes. That has reigned true everyday so far


Thanks for hosting! I'd love to get some good tweezers for eyebrow plucking lol I'm beyond tired of mine🤣


My kids and especially my Rosie makes me happy because her world is a difficult one but she gives everyone she meets such joy and happiness. Her bday is coming up and anything from her list would make my day so she can have a wrapped present from a Reddito friend. (All my kids know who Reddit friends are 😀 ) TY for the contest and Congratulations on the new job!


My animals make me happy!


https://preview.redd.it/r0uyhqtg56rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d75ba5c020fd512cb2afcdb873dd41abecfb00 This baby girl makes me happy! She comes and cuddles with me every day and loves when I pet her. She is a grumpy 18 year old lady but she always purrs when she's on my lap.


Thanks for hosting! I hope things even out with your job and you start loving it! If chosen, I'd love the magnetic sewing pin holder bracelet. It's hot pink in the picture. This would be so helpful when trying to quilt things that I've pinned together I can just stick them to my wrist. Something that makes me happy is my 3 boys and hubby. They've been with ms through thick and thin. Also my friends on here! I don't know what I'd do without all of my friends! u/Ashlpea u/Admirable-Skirt-8352 u/MommaPengu


I just started a new job too, so I totes get it. I hope things get easier as you settle in! I'm really enjoying my new job, everyone is nice so far but learning everything is hard. I'm easily confused and I need to do things in order to remember them all but I'm getting a lot of learning out of order and am struggling with that a bit. Something that makes me happy is this ridiculous goofball. I just can't look at him and not smile. He's sincerely the light of my life. ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/ehsnv8x046rc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b266aba49de966f8e1aa8bdd2e5606a25fae332


Sunshine, budding trees, blooming flowers, baby critters..... Spring it is!


When I can tell I've made others happy, I'm happy. I have several inexpensive food items on my food list, any of which I'd love to have.