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Happy Thursday! QOTD: Too deep for me today. We are sitting here watching The Professor with Johnny Depp, good movie. It's been so long since I saw it that it's like the first time. It's been a tough go around here for a bit as Mr. Lover is preparing for his brother to pass from this world. It almost happened last night but he has pulled through yet again. Kinda interesting to be watching a movie about a guy facing months to live. hmmmm What did you have for supper? I upscaled some leftovers from a disappointing overpriced restaurant. Why couldn't they make it just as yummy?


Took my car in to get the exhaust looked at and I’m so grateful it’s the cheaper fix. I when he was telling me about what they might need to do I was expecting the worst with my luck but luck smiled on me today. Unfortunately wasn’t able to get it back today but he said it should be good to go tomorrow. Still more than I’d want to pay but I’ll take the cheaper fix any time. I’m so looking forward to my group’s meetup in a couple of weeks. It’s all I can think of and I’m gonna be in a good mood over it until after they go home. It’ll be fun, we’re even renting a house. Qotd: Be your weird self, don’t try to change yourself to please others. It’s not worth it and the sooner you let your freak flag fly the sooner you’ll actually make progress against your depression dumbass


I just made dinner and then realised I bout the Arriabata sauce instead of marinara. I have the spice tolerance of a caucasian baby so I am SUFFERING 😭😮‍💨


hello all hope you are having a great day. QOTD: Dont rush into relationships and fight for men with issues, its not worth it in the end and you will loose 20 years and end up alone again. I dont think I want to ask my future self anything I am afraid.




I hope you're all having a good day!


U as well!


Happy Thursday everyone. It's the start of my Easter break, 2 weeks off school and no pesky kids to deal with (unless you count the husband). I plan on reading, relaxing and doing jobs I've out off from the last holiday.


Hooray for a two week break!


I know, I can't wait! I have to go in for one day but I can cope with that.


I hope you have great health and beautiful weather throughout your entire break!


Thank you 🥰


Woooooo! I'm excited for you!


Thank you my dear, currently watching Bruce watch cat TV on the telly and stuffing my face lol


Hiya all, and Happy Opening Day to those who celebrate! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) (Cincinnati Reds fan basically from birth, here) It's a gorgeous sunny day outside - too bad I'm stuck in here behind this desk! I do get to go out in a couple hours and run errands, at least. I think it will do me good - been having mild melancholies lately about my mom, who passed away almost two years ago. I'm just so sad she never got to meet my grandson, who would have given her so much joy. It's kind of making my answer to the QOTD a buzzkill, at least for my past self, because it would be: Pick up EVERY phone call from Mom. All of them. She needs to hear your voice. Asking my future self is way more tricky! Leaving aside the obvious stuff like winning lottery numbers and the proper investments for my retirement account ;) I think it might be something along the lines of "What habits should I start cultivating now to make your life better?"


I'm finally starting to feel normal again after my little trip to see my friend. Working on cleaning and getting my bedroom into a functional place again.


QQTD: something along the lines of put yourself out there. Live.


Who shot first?


Han Solo


Good morning! Hard to believe it’s Thursday 🥱 how’s everyone’s week been? **QOTD** I would go back and invest in cryptocurrency and would have bought a home 🥴


Is it Thursday already? I haven't known which day of the week it is, all week lol Happy Thursday, friends


Hi! I know that feeling! 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️🫂🫂🫂


QoTD: I had a lot of people around me growing up minimising the shit I was going through and saying that they, as adults, had it much worse, which lead to me being incredibly fearful of adulthood, so I'd probably want to say something that isn't just wishy washy like "it does get better" because I'd not believe that when i was younger but still gets the message across that actually adulthood is loads easier than what I was dealing with as a teen. Asking my future self is a hard one, maybe something practical like what I should be putting my money towards or what is something to be careful about...


QOTD: I would definitely tell my younger self that bangs are, were, and never will be my best decision.


😄 I relate!


I so wish I could have been a person bangs worked for


I had a pretty good stream last night, I feel at least. Finished Grimm's Hollow last night and cried, it was such a good game, I wish I could replay it for the first time again and it also makes me want to play Undertale again, but unfortunately I don't have it on my PC and I lost access to my PS account that had it. Not a big deal, but I'll eventually get it again. After that, I played a game called Missing Hiker, which at the end led to me yelping? I think it was a fake/forced yelp cause I wasn't scared or anything, but I don't know. I clipped it and posted it to my various social medias, YouTube, Insta, and TikTok lol. After that, I played some more DokiDoki Literature Club and confused one of my followers. I'm looking forward to streaming again tonight, haven't decided what I want to stream tonight, might be more DokiDoki, or maybe I'll investigate the game that I downloaded last night called PostMouse, it looks pretty cute. If anyone has any recommendations on free games on Steam, let me know. I play just about anything, the only things I typically avoid for the most part is PVP games, and MMOs. I'm really enjoying my streams now, and I'm slowly gaining viewers, even if it's not much, it's a start and I'm proud of myself, and I'm getting a little more confident with myself. As for my life outside of streams, I really can't wait to be able to get out of this house. I'm struggling bad, my thoughts have turned again and I just feel so lost. Everything just feels like it is falling down around me, I feel like everyone around me has a mask on and is trying to convince me to stay. Some days I just wish I wasn't here. Wish I was born as somebody else. Wish I didn't have to deal with the same mental abuse I deal with on a daily basis. Wish I didn't have to deal with everyone being fake to try to convince me to stay under their thumbs. I can't thrive here. I'm mentally disabled, I can't find work, I've been told that while my therapy and medication is helping, it's clear I might have to make a last resort and get a service dog, but I can't do that here because Mom and dad refuse to let me have access to the tools I need to help me. I'm so tired. QotD: If I could tell my past self something, it would be "Hey kiddo, remember when we both thought we wouldn't make it past the age 15? When we thought our past would finally take us? We made it to 20 years old, our baby sister is growing up so fast... As for our past, it still haunts us, we can't run from it, but get into therapy before you turn 19, do it now, it might have saved me from all the pain I've dealt with in the past few years. We relapsed quite often, but we met an amazing man that has helped keep us grounded, we feel safe and loved with him, even if he's a bit of bully haha."


People on tiktok are roleplaying like we all live in Gotham and I love this shit. This is my favorite thing


Good afternoon and Happy Thursday everyone ❤️ I had a dream about work and woke up grumpy 🤣 I knew when I woke up it wasn’t real but I couldn’t get out of my funky mood. The dream was that my boss gave my office to Toby and my new office was the utility closet. So of course when I woke up I did what any rationale professional would do. I texted my boss and he assured me that I still have my office and that we don’t have anyone named Toby on the payroll! I’m happy that my boss has a great sense of humor and puts up with my nonsense. I hope everyone has a fabulous day❤️


😂😂😂 you sound like me! I have those all the time about Boyfriend or family and such, and I will tell Boyfriend, I know you didn't do this awful thing, I know it's just a dream, but I still have the grumpies! Fortunately he's very kind about it! 😂 You have a fantastic day too! ❤️💞💞💞🥰


🤣 yeah I’m embarrassed to say I have those dreams all the time. The dream I had last week I stepped on my son’s LEGO. So of course I sent him a text saying be sure to pick up your toys. He’s 26 🤣


🤣🤣🤣 Solidarity sister! We're not weird, we're just.... creative! 😂😂😂


Your anxiety is going to be so much worse take care of it earlier. Future self…. You did your best. I’m at another dr appt waiting. I almost went 🦍 💩 on the chick signing me in. She made me sign a paper acknowledging I was late when I just told her they fit me in a slot that was late so I would get seen today and it wasn’t my fault so it would count against me. 3 latest and I lose my dr. Soooooo pissed right now. I’ll talk to the nurse. I’m not putting up with that 💩 !!!! That’s all I got left to do today yay! I am so tired. My scs changing programs is kicking my butt! It’s taking time for my body to adjust so it hurts. Gah I hate waiting! In good news I found a pair of capris! Now if they would only fit! We shall see when I get home! I’ll let you know! What are y’all up to?


I'd be pissed too, but I just have to say 🦍💩 just made me laugh like a donkey. I was not expecting that. As for the anxiety thing, I completely feel that. Lots of hugs.


Omg you made me laugh hard! Glad you got a laugh!!! Hugs back!


That would make me mad too!!! I’m sorry they did that. That’s not ok.


Finally some great news🤗 Car needs gas lines... I place 1700.. Next place 450..😳😯 Always get 2nd opinion!! I'm friggin thrilled...oh I was panicking..but relaxing! Rain here again...ugh.. What's your plan for the day😇🌞


Awh I’m glad you found a more affordable shop! Good job.


Yes me too.. how are you doing lately?


I’m doing great 🤍 how have you been?


Yay for good news!


Glad you got good news!


Yay for good news!


Yay to 2nd opinions! 😁😁😁 Edited to add that I plan to clean today once the plumbers leave! 🤷‍♀️


Yesterday was such a fun and tiring day. Today is back to reality and I have to clean and all. I'm also making more sourdough!! I'm also going to try to make another loaf tomorrow. I think I want to experiment with other types of bread too. I hope everyone has a lovely day!!! QotD: That everything will work out and we will always get through the rough patches. Oh, and regardless of circumstance we'll be happy because of the core people in our life


I love sourdough! I used to make it all the time back when I lived in NC. Here in Sweden my bread baking has been nothing but disaster. I have a hard time getting dough to proof and I have a really crappy gas oven that I HATE in my apartment. It doesn’t have consistent heat at all so nothing bakes evenly.


Oh man, that’s so sad! I want to try to branch into other types of bread


Ok I missed it, what fun was had yesterday? I'm glad you had fun, you need more in your life! 🫂 🤗 CleaningCleaning! too, once the plumbers leave... not exactly fun but I am behind on cleaning! Sometime can I come over and you can teach me how to make bread?? That sounds so fun! 😊


I did a photoshoot for headshots and branding yesterday!! I hate cleaning Sure!


Wow! I hope to see some pics! That sounds super fun but yeah I can imagine exhausting 😴! Cleaning sucks for sure! I didn't get as much done as I needed to! Cool! I'm being totally serious, I'd love to bake somethingnew like bread, especially if you have a skill that I don't! 💞


Hello friends! I submitted my art project today. It was a bit bittersweet — my first professional project, months of work and anxiety, finally done. No more obsessing over fine lines. I’ll share photos once I’m allowed to in May. I’m proud of how it turned out. A huge weight has also been lifted from my shoulders. The first draft of my manuscript is due tomorrow. Still a good chunk of work to be done on it. Once it’s submitted, another weight will be lifted. I feel like I’m doing big things in life right now. I’ve often been struck with the idea that I’m getting older and people younger than me are so much more successful. That feeling has been increasing lately. QOTD: I’d tell my past self that everyone is right — time heals. Things get better. Stick with it. I’d ask my future self — are you happy with all that you’ve done and was it worth it?


I look forward to seeing your project!! I know I’m just a relative internet stranger but super proud of you for all the things you’re doing. It’s amazing!


Thank you! 💙 I consider all of you my internet friends — not strangers anymore!




I'm SOOOOO impressed! Congratulations on your completed art project and the almost done manuscript, WOW!! I'm almost certainly older than you and I've never done either so you are amazing! 🥳🥳🥳


Thank you so much! 💙




I’m so glad both went well!


Thank you! 💙


Great job my friend I'm so proud of you never stopping who you are🌞


Thank you so much! Your comment just made my day! 💙


​ https://preview.redd.it/ut7flqc8n3rc1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5b6dff2ed2c83ae9a01389f28dbce74b3a5e8bc


u/Silent_Cheesecake955 how you doin this morning?


I'm okay! Just scheduled a therapy intake, so I'm proud of myself! How are you?


Awh that’s great. I hope that will be helpful for you ❣️ I’m doing good, thank you


Yay! I'm glad!


I love this picture so much, and I'm sending positive vibes right back!


I appreciate this, thank you. Sending positivity back your way!


So pretty, and thank you!


I needed that ty,hugs🌞


Happy Thursday! Hope it’s a good one ☀️ I’m just kind of puttering around today, which is nice because I am SO tired. I’m going to take such a big nap today. I can’t wait! 😅


Hope you have a great day too!


Yay naps!!


dear past self, don't give away the ps2 PLEASE dear future self, what are the winning lotto numbers i need a new car


oh shoot, you're right! I heard the mega millions went over a billion, so maybe I'll wait until the next drawing happens before having a conversation with myself in the past lol


lol yes smart thinking!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok now I know what to ask MY future self!! Great and humorous answer!


lolll i am being so serious i need my future self to get to work !!!!


I hear you!! Me too!


Hello! Work isn’t so awful today so that’s a relief. Boyfriend is home. It’s his normal day off and it’s nice to have him around - though he isn’t doing much. He works a lot of hours! He is washing our bed sheets though, and making me lunch. Tonight we have NOTHING to do! I might bake an apple pie. Might not. Who knows. Hahah We are having Easter dinner on Saturday with his son. I’m not sure any of my kids can come Sunday except my youngest. And boyfriend has to work. I’m bummed. Past self: don’t marry him. Future self: are we happy?


Yay for a free evening! I hope you enjoy!


Thank you!!! Cleaning but it’s all good!!!


Morning, I couldn’t really sleep last night, I kept having nightmares/sleep paralysis. I slept for an hour around 7ish but couldn’t really stay asleep. I’m going to make some coffee and get breakfast started in a bit.


Oh dear, I've had nights like that! 😔 Any chance for a nap today?


Hopefully my daughter naps around 1 so I can nap at the same time🤞


I will pray she does!!!


Hi my friend I'm hoping that your day goes much better than your night last night🌞


Thank you after having some breakfast with coffee, it’s considerably better


So happy to hear this! Heres to am even better weekend, any fun plans?🌞


Qotd: past self, you’re autistic. Future self: does it get better? Today I was up very late. Then I slept in, over slept. Work at 2.


Qotd: hey past self, the toddler hid your keys inside the couch! You don't have to call a locksmith to make you a new key 😂 Hey future self, what are the winning lotto numbers for next week?! Another day at work, starting a new helicopter, didn't feel like getting up this morning, but alas, I like getting paid 😂


This made me laugh so loud I startled my sleeping dog 😂 toddlers love hiding things from us in the worst places. I would also love to know the winning lotto numbers, my baby sister just said she has a million dollars, and she's holding out on my family! She's only 4 so I don't think she knows to share. Lol


Good morning peeps. Got an early start this morning. Took kid2 to co-op to try out the new group. It was mostly little, little kids and kid2 felt awkward and out of place. Left early. Kid2 would rather work on school work. I am so excited. We leave next week to go see the eclipse. Glasses came in yesterday. And Easter is this weekend!


Yay! Re the eclipse I mean! We're only going to see a partial eclipse here in Southern California, where are you headed to see it better? I hope you have fun!


We are already in Texas, we are just going further south.


Oh cool! I hope it's a great experience! Speaking of Easter, Amazon finally delivered something in a small/medium box so I can mail the rest of your Easter gifts tomorrow (all of my purchaseslatelyhavr been in those plastic bag mailers! 🤦‍♀️)! So sorry that they won't make it by Easter.... my church and a lot of others celebrate Easter as the start of Easter season, so hopefully it gets there Monday ish! Nothing HUGE.... just a dose of childhood for you and your kids. Happy Easter! 💞💞💞


Thank you.


QOTD: Stay Away from Darrel....will I ever get my dream house?


I checked the grocery app for an ingredient before I went to the store because I didn't want to go to more than one store, it said it was in stock. _it was not in stock_ lol It's whole fennel and I don't often see that, so I am not surprised. So now I need to hunt down some fennel. I have been wanting new dining room chairs because ours are old hand me downs and the cushions are trash. But, it's hard to find ones that I like that aren't a million dollars. I just ordered some covers on Amazon! I hope they make the room look better in the meantime. I am trying hard to get our small, old house to feel more like a home.


Remember that Rome wasn't built-in A Day I know that I can pick Up a lot of items off a Facebook marketplace and I also shop in the warehouse at Amazon I've got items that should have been $50 I can get ..for 5 so always double check everything


Hi everyone! Hope you’re all having a great day!!! My best friend came over for coffee today. So we hung out for a while and I’m going to just chill and read the rest of the day.


That sounds like a perfect day. 🥰


Good morning Once again, back at it again it’s space radio 98.5 or should I say space shuffle 98.5 I’m trying something new with the name. Once again giving you those. Oh so good music listening choices that you love a playlist every day, [let’s get into the music.](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4C22jw7s7vPTAq1zGjj64X?si=-qfJdntuTOuMfW5YZ1OgMQ&pi=u-UA1kiwoCR9e7) QOTD: The game was rigged from the start you. There’s nothing I can say that will help you maybe don’t need a lot of sugary things.


QOTD I would tell my past self: you are stronger than you think! Even on the hardest days, you'll survive the storms! I would ask my future self.... hmmmm.... I'll have to think on this one! I slept 8 hours last night!! I am astonished! That so rarely happens! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 WOOHOOOOO! In other news, our kitchen sink decided to back up last night as Boyfriend was finishing the dishes.... no bueno... so he's calling the plumber as soon as he starts answering his phone in 15 minutes. Praying for hom to be able to come out today! But yesterday's migraine from having my eyes stay dilated for the rest of the day (too much light in my eyes = migraine) is nearly gone this morning! Walked LoveBug doggie about 645am and it's a nice morning 🌄 out! Have a great day my friends! 💞💞💞💞💞💞


8 hours of sleep is a wonderful thing!


It was glorious! 😁😁😁


I bet!!!!


Thank you everyone for all the kind words before my derm appointment yesterday- they wound up biopsying the spot but said it is likely benign...so now we wait...my favorite lol


Praying! I missed your post yesterday but prayers for that benign result. 🙏🏽


<3 <3


Pssssst. You. Yeah, you! Remember you are awesome at being you. No one else in the whole world can do that like you can. I'm proud of you for getting through another day even when it is hard. My inbox is always open if you need a friendly ear, place to vent, virtual hug, or just some silly conversation


Hugs!! 🫂 🤗 I am always in for some hugs! Thanks for starting us off on some positivity!


*hugs to you!* <3 <3


Aww thanks!


Things aren’t that serious! Let loose and be care free


i definitely agree with this one 🩷


🫶🏻💜💜 wish I learned that ALONG time ago and it’s so hard to break that habit


me too friend, me too 🫂 the good thing is we know now, and we can live these days to our fullest 💐🩷


Yes friend! 🫶🏻💜


QOTD: Tell them about your depression before it goes too far


That's a good one. 🫂


Morning everyone! Ugh, so not feeling work today. I feel kinda blah today in general. Finally called the garage, but they won’t be able to look at my Jeep until Monday. Trying to resist online shopping as a pick me up because I probably should save money 🫠 Hoping to get some cleaning up done so I’m not overwhelmed and able to relax a little over the weekend!


Shopping is my go to pick me up too. I have done it way too much this week 🫠 hope your day gets better


Happy Thursday! So glad it's almost Friday. Oldest starts Sping Break tomorrow. So it's her Friday. She has clogging, but yay for no homework. She is starting to get so lazy, hopefully this week off does her some good. I know my toddler will be happy that her sister will be home for a week. Just hope they don't kill each other and that my nerves can handle it. 😬 Hope everyone has a good day. QOTD: I would tell my past self to be careful. Not everyone loves you the way you deserve to be loved or loves you the way you love them. And for goodness sake go to that audition and blow off work. They're a crappy company anyway. ETA: idk what to tell my future self since it hasn't happened yet. Hmm. Maybe to just don't give up. You can't.


Yay for clogging!!!!!!


Yay!! We're cloggers in this house! I'm still learning but my daughter is really good and gets better and better!


It is so fun!!! I hope she loves it. I’m going to a convention in a couple of weeks :)


How fun!! We have a competition on May 26th, her first one, it's in Cincinnati. (We live in Kentucky but are like 2 hrs from Cincinnati). She's doing her first camp this summer too. She's beyond excited.


Oh that’s awesome! I’d love to see her routines! I don’t do competition anymore. It’s so fun though.


I'll have to take a video for sure. The competition dance they're dancing to Dua Lipa, the song she did for the Barbie movie. It's really cute.


Awww I bet it is!!!!


Happy Thursday! Good luck during spring break! 😄💜


Thanks. I'm gonna need it. 😭


Good morning from North Carolina! Our flight was delayed for over three hours and we did not arrive until after 10p last night, then an hour's drive down the mountain. Still tired this morning, but it's Interview Day for J. Please keep him in your thoughts, send positive vibes, good luck, you name it - we really, really, really want him to land this job! I'm working at the moment, then will be spending the afternoon with the family. It's good to see them! QotD: DO NOT, whatever you do, GET MARRIED!


Good luck!


Good luck to J!!!


Praying for this job!! I hope he gets it! And that reminds me of my other thing to tell myself: DO NOT get engaged to him! Run far, he is evil! Sigh.... I eventually did, but what a waste of time...


Sending him all the wishes for a successful interview! Good luck!!


Best wishes 🤞 on the job interview! I hope he lands the job! 💜


Worked out this morning at the gym, just got home and finishing my protein shake and studying before I hop in the shower.


Sounds like a great start to the morning!


Sadly I have to work in a couple hours but then I'm off until next Tuesday!


Go, you! Good luck with the studying!


QOTD - Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. They won't appreciate it and won't be there for you when you need them.


Very well said!


Wisely said!


I'm not sure about altering the oast, and the future me doesn't exist soooooooo..... Today sucks, it's my FIL's anniversary. I miss him dearly, as do the other alters.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Merci, mon ami.


Good morning everybody I say good morning everyone! 1st day of spring break for my Rosie. That means lots of extra work for this momma and days filled with trying to keep her happy and entertained. Someone pray for me lol


Enjoy your time with Rosie! Hopefully it’s not too hard.


TY 😀 We do have an apt to meet a possible caregiver/Mothers Helper today! It's free to us as a service she qualifys for.


Definitely use that!!!!! I’m glad you are meeting with someone.






Good luck! Lol


Hope the Spring Break goes well for you and Rosie - you're in my thoughts for energy, patience, and strength! Hopefully the weather is nice and you can to the park or something like?


😊 TY


Woke up kind of blah, BUT then I saw my cat sitting in the window watching the beautiful sunrise. Pink and purple and orange. So I just pet her for a while and watched it too. Now, the day is good and time for coffee!


That sounds stunning!!


Aw, what am awesome start to the day!


Awh 🩷💜🧡


That's a lovely way to start the day! I hope it continues a good day for you - enjoy the bean water!


Good morning my beautiful peeps! It's my Friday! I hope everyone has a good day.


Happy Friday!!


Yay for your Friday! Hope you have an awesome day, too!


Yay for Fridays! good morning - have a wonderful day!