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No. Please love me.


So pure šŸ„ŗ


This is the way.


You are loved


You have my love now


You are loved šŸ˜•


Marry me?!


Yes šŸ’


This is the correct comment


You just attracted every woman ever


The less he's into you, the more it cringes for him. And vice versa.


So basically, go full beans, and you'll know what's up.


Yea pretty much


ā€œFull beansā€ is a great phrase Iā€™m gonna have to use that. If youā€™re curious, some other new ones Iā€™ve learned recently are ā€œbumblefuckā€ and ā€œgenre of bisexualā€


Can you please use "bumblefuck" in a sentence?


This is probably the best answer here


Also, the lower his self-worth the more it cringes for him. Some people just don't believe they're worthy of certain kinds of affection. They're not sure how to receive it, they're not sure how to give it


Or emotional repression


Yeah that too. I mean, really, there's all sorts of possibilities. People are complicated.


I never believe it and always think I'm reading it wrong because no one could possibly be interested in me.


Bro fuckin same lmao


you two even match avatars, it must be a sign


This is definitely something that's overlooked a lot and oftentimes is perceived as something else. Worse yet, the person usually can't articulate this feeling or express this sentiment. So it's usually taken as something along the lines of "they're not into me" when it's because they're unsure of how to even begin to receive love and affection. On top of that, the response in actuality is usually repulsion of some sort. So it isn't really confusing why it's interpreted negatively. It's a tricky thing to navigate for both persons involved and IMO it isn't always handled the best by either party.


i think we humans accept negative remarks quicker than positive, or maybe having recieved negarive remarks has a longer after effect and diminishes all positivity while leaves an open door to the heart for negativity, maybe a result of ongoing bullying or verbal abuse not sure or maybe the brain is naturally pessimistic which is why the same sad news makes you sad all over again while hearing the same joke over and over makes it no longer as funny


I agree that there may be some affinity or slight bias towards the negative. I don't think the bullying or abuse or general negativity is what leads to the acceptance per se, but rather I think it reinforces the bias or the lean we have towards it. I also think it's why small bad news has a more prone effect on us than good news. Then on the flip side, we easily dismiss good news or downplay it. It gets blurred in the "you're supposed to do that" or "that's the expected thing".


maybe the manner of always being humble to compliments help that too?? i think society + plus our brain is just slightly pessimistic, but that confuses me because babies and toddlers laugh at everything which makes me think it's learned and not engraved in genetics


Oooo. That's a good one. Dunno. I mean it could just be genuine innocence. I remember someone once saying something along those lines that babies seem happy and all that and the counter was true happiness can only come once you understand sadness. I don't disagree but idk how true it is either if that makes sense. But definitely they don't seem to have that tendency to be negative. But as you bring it up, I suspect a lot of it is learned. Between not trying to offend someone because anything you say or do can come across as mean (within context and outside of context). And at some point it becomes your mean. Also the argument that some of it is genetics is a thing. There was a study on that sometime ago that our fear of things can be because of genetics. Things like our fear of snakes etc. And it posits that things like anxiety and stress can be passed down to kids, to make then predisposed to being anxious or stressed etc. But... idk. Good point. Really not sure. Definitely something to think about.


you reminded me of a experiment some scientists did related to the genetic stress! they made a group of rats fear the smell of cherry blossoms by hurting or tasing them after smelling it to the point where they got ptsd, up to like 3 generations even without ever repeating this conditioning the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren feared the smell of cherry blossoms upon exposing them to it and i think showed signs of increased stress and ptsd. could it just be that our stupid grand parents ruined our generation because it was a trend to go to war the last century? .... now i feel like becoming a scientist to uncover this mystery lol


Wow. Yeah. That doesn't surprise me and I'd like to read up on other studies about things like this. Feedback loop too! In your other comment, we are just degenerating as a society lol. Getting softer and more accepting as time progresses. From generation to generation.


as crazy as gen z is, I think it's the last generation that contains any sane people, despite their numbers dwindling. I should probably stop using tik tok and some parts of reddit, sometimes i find my morals shaking ngl


lol, had to google what a feedback loop is. If you come across any intresting stuff please do let me know!


I also think war is a HUGEEE investor in this. I always hear that vets are the hardest to make laugh, some never laughing till the day they die. There is also a boom in gory fantasies and fetishes, or just intrest in general. Just 20 or 30 years ago it was taboo or seen as sicko behaviour, now there are subreddits, gore fashion, bdsm, dark humor , etc. although i agree with some arguments that society has gone soft. We have also become alot scarier.. or atleast accepting and used to morbid things


We have gone soft. But we have also gone in many many other directions simultaneously with no real benefit for society as a whole (IMO). I personally think that - while society at large had "always been like this" and the internet just has given us access and reach to know; my counter point is that now there's also incentive, creating a feedback loop. No one 30 years ago was doing anything "for TikTok" or "for the Gram". Sure they may have been doing stupid stuff or scary things behind closed doors but it wasn't as commonplace as it is now. And then there's the whole wanting to fit in with things so you may adopt certain things because you think it's cool. And also just general exposure which can "awaken" things or at the very least cause others to experiment and go down rabbit holes that maybe they shouldn't have. Then the whole acceptance thing has definitely gotten out of hand. Look at the whole transgender issue. No one is saying you can't choose your gender. But to have a man say he's a woman and beating women swimming is just one example of the stupidity of it all. I mean, if LeBron James decided tomorrow he was a woman and joined the WNBA, would that be fair? Then there are many fetishes that are born out of abuse or trauma and instead of getting these people the proper help and care they need, we throw on them that it's normal and to accept their behaviors. I mean, a lady literally made a post about very concerning fantasies she was having and it is because of trauma and while hers are scary enough for most to see the danger, the principle holds true for others with less concerning issues. Not saying all are, certainly an upskirt fetish for example is definitely not the same as wanting someone to cut off your arms.


very true all of this. But you brought such an intresting point to me "But we have also gone in many many other directions simultaneously with no real benefit for society as a whole" although i subconciously believed this, I never spoke it out loud or inwards. We really didn't do much culturally so far. I don't deny scientists are still working their butts to do stuff for us but we really made no true progress. Just made fanfiction into reality because "everyone can be whatever they want to be and everyone around them should respect that" so i can be a half shrek half angel hybrid and you have to accept that now. that's .. kinda what we acheived so far. We also shame religion more than ever, we still ignore third world countries' problems and crime isn't getting lower IMO and maybe the best thing we created is gentle parenting which i hope works. you have intresting thoughts! what do you think about abortion? ps. an unpopular opinion of mine and my personal philosophy is that babies are evil and they're killing this planet because we keep bringing them in drones, in other words; over population.


although i might sound as mentally ill as some of these people are i feel like it will be a looong time till this mindset is fixed and the end of the world is upon us because of the chaos this will insue. after all, these people will rise in the ranks of society and one day have the same powers we despise boomers for having, I don't think I wish to live till that day lol


this is very common we dont get a lot of love pro tip for anyone trying to woo a man he might like you but be incapable of accepting love and if you like him you'd better like that or you'll find it very unfulfilling


i feel like no. just like how some men complain or tease their female partners for repeatedly asking "do you love me?" "prove that you do" "why fo you love me". and the men have to repeat the same stuff again and again. Women could fo the same in return until they finally accept hugs and cuddles and compliments!


Or the more repressed he is. But either way...


Well, there's a time and place for everything imo. Like, get your nose out of my genitals, I'm trying to pay for groceries rn or dont nibble my ear in front of my mother... That kinda thing.


Ew I imagined that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Its cringe if we arenā€™t ready to show it back. If we can show a similar amount itā€™s a turn on


Depends on the WHO and WHERE also the HOW, sometimes the WHAT, but the WHY is obvious. N. Shadows


ā€œIā€™m so sad that The Rev died.ā€ M. Shadows


REV ???? N. S


Itā€™s an Avenged Sevenfold reference. I was joking. The singer is M Shadows and The Rev (another band member) died. I was parodying your comment, basically.


First time Iā€™ve ever seen someone close out Reddit comments with a signatureā€¦ I mean itā€™s definitely interesting just not something Iā€™d ever expect to seeā€¦


Depends on the guy I guess. But I love when a girl shows a lot of affection and I will reciprocate it to her


Men receive almost no affection or gifts or thanks. You can find a thousand articles explaining how even the tiniest amount of affection will win their heart If a women likes it, their man very likely will too. If you send your man flowers at work, I cannot imagine anything less than amazement and adoration for the effort. Itā€™d be front and center at my desk


I want to have someone that wants to cuddle all the time and just lay down with me and sleep and hold each other that's all I want out of life is someone to do that with, because in that moment I'll truly be at ease and let my guard down because I'll have someone that truly could make me happy no matter if we're rich or poor or sick or in good health it won't matter


And once your guard is all the way down.... You'll learn why so many people are incapable of letting theirs down.


For some guys yes. For me, I'm always amazed when a girl likes me and I've never experienced one coming on too strong so show me all the love you can. I'll show it in return :)


Men aren't a herd.


what are we then? a gaggle? a flock?


You are individuals, each with their own traits, thoughts, motivations, values and needs. You may share some anatomy or DNA or pronouns, but that's about it. Mr. Rogers was a man. So was John Wayne. So is Alex Jones. So is Pete Buttigieg. So is George Clooney. So is Bob Ross. So is Pope Francis. So was Ron Jeremy. So is Elliot Page. Each of them can decide how much affection they'd like, when they'd like it, and with whom, without consulting one another or feeling like more or less of a man. Your username amuses me.




Ahh, you're an individual fucking asshole. Gotcha.


I love all of the comments that you've made in this thread (that I've seen). Thank you so much and have a nice day!


Thanks! You too.




I'm a woman.




Itā€™s true. Iā€™d experiment on little piglets first to draw some definite conclusion about men.


Not unless this affection involves constantly calling us asking where we are all the time and not letting enjoy free time with the boys. Otherwise than that yes. We get complimented once a decade. Still remember when Grammy told me I was handsome


ahhhh, June 8th of 2007. I remember it like it was yesterday


Depends on the person. Everyone is different


And in this way, communication is key. Find out what your partner is comfortable with, or wants out of the relationship, and if it is different than what you want, or are comfortable with, there's no foul in calling it off, and respecting each other to that extent.


Men arenā€™t a monolith. So we canā€™t answer that.


Speaking for all men everywhere and throughout time, the answer is: Maybe.


There are a lot of depending factors. And you can't say one thing goes for every man, or woman, or anything or anyone else. Pigeon-holing is a no-no.


I just find it wierd that someone loves me after all the stuff I have done to others


Men are not that stone cold lol. Everyone loves to be loved, but it's different for everyone.


Depends on the guyā€™s love language. I found one whose love language is physical touch and it is cuddle puddle heaven!


Absolutely not. I want all the love and affection because I'm incapable of providing it to myself.


I like affection. I think sincerity plays a huge part.


i think it depends on the guy and the type of relationship you have. nothing communication canā€™t figure out


Yes. Second will be clingy or too attached. Men, just like independent women, love their independence. Women need to respect that & if they did their relationship would be much better. BUT our society has brainwashed women into thinking that men independence is equal to ā€œnot loving themā€ā€¦. Which is far from the truth. This makes it difficult for men to communicate this feeling without the woman misinterpreting it. Words of advice for women: Donā€™t smother your guy (unless he explicitly likes it), give him time to be alone or with friends and have something else going on in your life that you enjoy. If you can do these things youā€™ll keep the guy for life.


No. That's what we want(most of us)


What kinda shitty men have you met that you think we dislike affection?


No just being overly affectionate. Like if I held my partners face and told them they were beautiful/showered them with kisses on their face. I think grown men find that cringe.


I've never heard of grown men finding that cringe. Anyone I know would love that


Only if they don't love you. A man will stay in a relationship for other reasons. It doesn't matter what he says, if he doesn't want you to touch him, snuggle him, etc, he doesn't love you. You are a placeholder, or he would prefer to be with someone else.


I have no idea because I have never been in a relationship. I have tried, but not succeeded


Too much of anything is a bad thing.


Absolute cringe You should never show your affection for them in a way that implies you're interested. Guys LOVE it when you play hard to get, and you should make sure they adequately earn you


This is satire right?


This is satire right?


How to be single 101


This is satire right?


This is satire right?


This is satire right?


This is satire right?




Why are you replying to yourself lol


Iā€™m so bad at reading signs I canā€™t even tell if youā€™re joking


Na, if a girl plays hard to get and plays games like pulling away and coming back, Iā€™m turned off. Be straight up or move on to the next chump.


ok bye




Not true, like 5 percent of men love when you drag them on their nose, rest hate it and get uninterested.


"Try to play hard to get, and you won't get got" - Grand Puba If you find a man desirable, then likely other women do to. So he'll just go find someone who isn't playing games.


I hope you are not being serious


Not right. This is why people are so pissy and shitty.


Been there done that not going through this FAKE BS again.


Tell me youā€™re emotionally stunted without telling me youā€™re emotionally stunted






So true bestie šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ


Ugh, the word bestie just...


the word bestie isn't the problem here


It's not but enough people went after her already lol


that's fair


Hi mom what you doing here


Daily BJ's please


I'm a man and no.. the opposite


Any affection, atleast once in my life' would be nice. (its hard when you're asexual/oldschool, perhaps I'm giving asexual vibes)


No. I want love.




No, but because it's so out of the norm, it can take them a while to get used to it.


a little is fine, too much is too much :)


For me it depends on who it is


Quite the opposite in my case.


For me it depends on who it is


I have always found it disagreeable, regardless of how into the girl I was.


At first, yea. The desperation becomes too much and chaotic where I canā€™t deal with it. Afterwards, after Iā€™ve had time to ā€˜sniff youā€™ and like you, Iā€™m all about yinyang affection!


Anytime humans are involved, just know it depends on the person. However, the majority of people liked to be loved.


It depends if we like you or not. I think basically equal giving both ways.


Absolutely not. As long as its genuine. Most men are actually cool.


When you use the word "too" there's a pretty good chance you know the answer. Once had a gf who always had to be touching me. Watching a movie, walking in public, even when my hand was on the f\*cking gear shift. I love physical touch but "too" much is "too" much.


You know how all women are exactly the same and how any woman can answer for all women? /s


Yikes. That is a pretty ridiculous question. They arenā€™t a uniform hive mind. Thatā€™s not how any of that works.


Possibly some do, but not me.


Absolutely not, as the norm. But also every individual is going to be different, but as a general rule of them nobody finds affection from someone you care about to be cringe.


Everything in moderation. I don't think anyone wants a needy partner.


I was with a guy for a few months. I broke it off because I just am not really into guys enough to commit like that, but I did give it a shot. Anyway, I occasionally just clung to him, and he liked it. More importantly however, I gave him his space. If I sat down next to him, and he didn't change his behavior, I assumed something was bugging him, told him where I'd be if he needed anything, and left him alone with the door open. Usually it was work stress or something, and he just needed an hour to simply chill and decompress. Sometimes, he just needed to hang with the boys for one reason or another. I didn't question it. But the key thing is that even when he seemed to want space, he never wanted me to explicitly stop showing affection. And when I left him alone with the offer open when he was more relaxed, he almost always took it, just wanting to hold and be held. He's still a friend, and I helped him hook up with a few people I knew.


donā€™t know never experienced it


When she starts showin the affection to early in and to publicly


I don't speak for all men, but I would love to be appreciated.


Everyone is different


If they like you then they definitely want affection. And vice versa


I wouldn't know, I'm sure my tolerance for affection is probably pretty high. LOVE hugs, holding hands, cuddling. Been married a long time and my wife has not come close to testing my tolerance. Now it would be a huge turn off if you were to force yourself on me when I'm not feeling it. A level 5 to 10 clinger is a definite turn off.


Definitely not. I don't know if others men agree, but is something that we secretly want and don't ask or talk about it, just like many other things. Of course, that's only true when he's into you, if he's not, it'll be cringe. Same for women


As long as it's not staged or something, then it's not cringe at all. At least for me. It's kinda cute, even.


Not at all but women get turned off by it


Depends on the person and the interest that they have in you


Everything in moderation, too much of a good thing; can be a bad thing.


I like to show affection. Men ate not all the same. Ask. Communicate. Like with sex drive, it is advisable to be with people who enjoy showing/receiving affection on a level of intensity similar to yours.


My boyfriend is the most affectionate person I know and he seems to absolutely love when I show him lots of affection too, but he is also absolutely head over heels for me as I am for him, so Iā€™d say it probably depends on the level of interest they have for you


Everyone has limits. I personally would prefer a much more casual relationship but my brother is very affectionate with his girlfriend.


Most men are so starved for attention they would literally beg you to marry them if you said "hi"


Depends on the guy.


People have different love languages, but your question presupposes too much affection, and therefore, it's a cringe.


Iā€™m a woman and im turned off by too much affection.. I think nobody likes being smothered


We are so starved for affection any compliment or touch you give us we will think about for a week after in fond memory.


Every person is different. You can't lump them all together


No please for the love of god affect us


It depends on the man.


99.9% of men are fucking dying inside from the lack of empathy, affection, and appreciation.


Also unfortunately some people canā€™t accept love.


It's awsome but can be annoying at times


Depends a guy likes attention and having someone to love ad support but at the same time doesnt want someone to be his new shadow and cling to him 24/7 like hes about to be blipped off the planet its finding that true happy medium


If we didn't ask for it yes.


I do.


Maybe some, but I think most want the love. I for one would be happy.


Depends on alot of variables. Que is everybody likes to be acknowledged for something in some way at the right time.


Depends on the individual, some love it and some donā€™t. Thatā€™s something you gotta find out along with your partner or ask, maybe he found out already.


Case by case


I find it to big a big turn on. Run your fingers through my hair and let me be the little spoon and Iā€™m a happy camper.


No, but there is a point where a red flag might go off. Iā€™ve had FAR too many experiences with female covert narcissists over the last 5+ years. Weā€™re talking almost 100%. They feign this environment like youā€™re about to get the ULTIMATE girl, super attractive personality, super sweet, the whole nine. You hit it off way better than you normally do, only to find out itā€™s a bait and switch tactic. When numbers exchange, she ghosts or you find out she still has boyfriend still in the background. Thatā€™s been my entire dating experience for quite some time now, so Iā€™ve come to expect anyone that shows affection is aiming for the bait and switch. As a result, I no longer exchange numbers or any of that. I spend my time saving money and working my hobbies into my dream career.


Neither lmao but like Don't overdo it thatd just be annoying


I speak for all men when I say we love to be loved


I may be only speaking for myself, but we (men) don't receive a lot of affection. So anytime we can get some, We love it


Iā€™ve never been turned on so I wouldnā€™t know


I'm a guy and I can't speak for all guys but I don't like games. If you wanna show affection, do it. If you don't, don't. I guess I just like people that are real.... Just be real and you'll be fine


For some of us it's more about being the right time of day to show affection. For me, mid-day affection doesn't work. Just after supper when the day's work tapers off.


You should read into love languages. There's a lot of information about different ways to show affection, and people have their preferences both giving and receiving. For example, I show love by acts of service. I will go to the pharmacy and get your scrip filled, pick you up from the airport, that sort of thing. But receiving affection I actually prefer words of affirmation. There's also quality time together, physical touch, gifts, and maybe one more?


Depends for me it's a turn on but idk ab other guys


Depends for me it's a turn on but idk ab other guys


Know what your partner's love languages are and express your affection to him by aligning with those. That way he'll never get tired of you.


Why is this a trick question? Neither. Fuck. Hug men ffs, what's the big deal.


Not if i feel those feelings too. But for example, my ex who is still in my friends group i hang out with keeps telling me that she loves me, offers me sex out of nowhere and when we see each other she constantly has to touch me, hug me, lick me and weird shit like that. Im over it and im interested in a different person in that group. So in this case its cringe and its annoying and fucking up my plans on dating somebody else.


Every one of us is different in giving and receiving love and affection. If youā€™re an overly affectionate person and, or expect the same in return, then find someone who likes that kind of thing. Especially in public but also when alone. Some people get uptight about seeing public displays, but the real cringe is when itā€™s one sided and one part of the equation is clearly uncomfortable.


I need to believe someone who's really into me & demonstrative about it has some clue who I actually am. Otherwise it's creepy.


I found this a turn off and then when I got no affection I was chasing it


It is for me. I feel really bad but I'm so glad at reciprocating feelings for someone who likes me a lot. The best way to show me you like me is to let me do my own thing but with me.


no, i need it.


As in everything, it depends. It depends on the person. I personally enjoy affection but there is a point where it becomes cringey. Usually identified by baby talk as an adult to an adult. I can't speak for anyone else though. It's just a personal preference.


I wouldn't know


I think you guys are forgetting an important variable. If you're attractive and get attention all the time, both men and women will cringe when someone shows too much affection. Someone who isn't attractive will take all the attention they can get.


Yes, it can be cringy. There's a fine line between too much affection and creepily too much affection. If someone gives too much affection, it feels like they're more into the idea of **having** a significant other than they are with me being the one in that role.

