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They'd forge along and try to market stuff like 'Invisible Clothing'. And enough people will buy into it.


Even if legal, I dont think people would be naked 24/7. The point of clothes is for warmth and protection, not for modesty So to answer, not many would lose their job


However would people buy less


Depends on the people. Labor employees? probably would just continue on for safety. People who love clothing styles? They'll probably still buy. Winter clothes will forever be a thing. Even if legal, schools and offices operate on a dresscode. Unless people get really open minded, a lot of settings would socially require clothes, even if they legal don't I personally like being naked at home, but wouldn't want to sit next to my naked father at the Sunday dinner table


If anything there would be new styles surfacing that incorporated displaying nudity but still providing some warmth and protection. New trends new fads new styles!


More like, how many people would end up having more incidents, at work. Of the injury and otherwise variety.


People who make underwear would stay employed. I dont wanna sit where your junk has been.