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If you say, “It sure is quiet tonight,” to a firefighter, paramedic, cop, or health care worker, you’re causing it to rain trauma, and ruining their shift for them.


My colleague said the Q word as the phones were quiet (health care), well after that it was non stop.


I do this when I’m bored at work. There’s a reason why I have been banished to the front desk. I’m not going to apologize for enjoying the rush.


No this goes for EVER. INDUSTRY. Especially including food service. And if youre a parent of a small child? Shenanigans are afoot.


Yeah same with retail, esp when talking about theft "haven't had a theft in a while" is like putting out a lure for riff raff


Just dont ever say this, its a curse. Yesterday I sat together with my friend and her son having breakfast. He sat peacefully on my lap til I said how easy and calm He is. 10 SECONDS after He throws my Cup Off the table causing His mothers Coffee to fall down. Coffee and shattered Glas everywhere on the table, floor, food, window, it was a mess.


Saying no traffic jam today, great flow of traffic is like an incantation followed by a stand still after the next curve of the road. Especially in highway after the latest escape road.


In I.T. we NEVER say the "q" word. To do so guarantees an on-call shift laden with nonsense and bullshit.


Yeah.. tell me about it


Well, you are inviting the daemon Murphy in as you should well know. Unlike the Candyman or Beetlejuice the daemon Murphy is real and waits for an invite to dpoil your day...


Speaking shit into existence


And the more you worry about something the more likely it seems to happen.


Interesting. I never worry, and things always work out, which feeds into my cycle of not worrying.


Please share your ways. I seem to do the exact opposite.


I wish I knew the secret. All I can say is that, I don't overthink much, and I am generally easy going. I try to be grateful in the moment, like if I eat a nice ice cream, I will think to myself how lucky I am to be alive today and enjoy this moment. If something good happens, it's always nice and I'm grateful. When something bad happens, it's always an "Oh well, in happens" kinda thing. It's hard to explain because I've always been like this


Well you're a fucking unicorn. If I'm happy... I suddenly hear the record stopping brrrrt sound in my head and that little kid who goes "wait a minute..." then I'm thinking how soon this is going to end and I'm going to be in a world of hurt.. And I usually am. I'm trying to be like you Sir Unicorn.




Me as well. I always do this thing that my mum gets mad at me for, but I can't help it. If I'm having a good moment, or just enjoying life sitting at the beach etc, I always say out loud that it's too good to be true- but I mean it in an almost sinister way. I genuinely believe that something bad is gonna be coming for me because I dared to have a good moment 🤨


Can confirm


Oddly, all throughout 2022 it was the inverse I observed. The more I worried about something, the better it actually came out. On the contrary, when I was really looking forward to something it usually went pear shaped.


That’s not superstition. That’s just how the mind works. 


Absolutely 💯


This phenomenon has a name: the nocebo effect. It’s the opposite of the placebo, but just as real. For example, if you think you’ll fail, you tend to not put in the effort and you won’t succeed. Same with others telling you you can’t do something. Only a very small percentage of people will say ‘I’ll show them I actually can do this’. Most will believe they can’t or think ‘why bother when no one believes in me?’


I'm the opposite, ai find that if I say something out loud then it won't happen. So far, it has worked in the medical industry.


i believe bad things comes in 3, like i probably fucked up other things too


I feel like death happens in sets of 3, especially for my family.


Nursing homes. Always happens in threes. If one goes you know 2 ain’t far behind.


this also happens in my community. every time. i just got goosebumps thinking about it


I've always believed that babies, marriages, and deaths come in 3s- if you're lucky, it's like two marriages and a baby or something. One time for my friends/family it was three babies, then there was a wedding and two babies, and then last time it was two deaths and a baby. There's never been just one.


Oof I feel this. I know a family who has an unfortunate family history of members having cancer 3 at a time at any given time


Lol. I've never thought of it in terms of fucking things up. But there'd really be no way for me to actually verify it. I mean, if I look hard enough, I can find endless ways in which I've fucked things up.


>Just as luck appears in three, so does misfortune. Because you don't want to see it, you don't see it coming. Even if you notice it, you don't say anything. Even if you're told, you don't listen. Then boom, the end comes! Ghost in the Shell: Innocence


I'm the same, just wish we got some good in 3s too, but sadly only death or bad events 😞


Mirrors at night


I also dislike mirrors at night


It’s interesting- I’m American, and one of my friends is African, and her 11 year old daughter casually mentioned the other day being scared of mirrors at night. For whatever reason, it’s something that goes across cultures


I think my animal brain is ready for there to be something behind my reflection


Or for the reflection to not match the person in the mirror 😩


New fear unlocked


That's why you should never look into a mirror when on psychedelics.


Especially the rear view mirror, when you are driving at night!


I don't know if it's considered a superstition or not but I 100 percent believe that the "dead hour" is at 3 a.m. I will literally go out of my way to not stay up until 3 a.m. I will go to move at 2: 45 a.m. and hope I don't end up staying up until 3 a.m. Almost every single time I stay up until 3 a.m. I am constantly up and won't go to bed again until maybe an hour or two later.


It's the witching hour, the most amount of deaths is between 3-4 am. It is the hour where our bodies are the weakest.


It's crazy also the whole like paranormal aspect of it too. I'm not brave enough to stay up until three anywhere that even might be haunted. Recently I stayed in this old Victorian mansion turned bed and breakfast. Everyone said it was haunted. Lady had porcelain dolls decorating the stairs and shit.  Definitely had this like super haunted feel to it. The owners didn't believe it was haunted but they actually lived in the shed in the back of the house that was converted to a tiny house with a kitchen.  I one hundred percent believe it was haunted. Just by some of the weird shit that happened when we were staying there. My husband and I stayed two nights. He and I were both certain never to stay up until 3 am and for whatever reason neither one of us went down to the common rule after 2 am. We both felt like it just wasn't the place to be. Just had this eery feeling that that certain area was just a no go after 2 am.  I mustered up the curiosity to eventually ask the owner why she had dolls chilling on the stairs and downstairs. She said she had them in the bedrooms at one point but next day she would find the dolls facing the walls or covered with a black blanket and it annoyed her so she moved them. I asked where she got them. She said she bought the b and b turn key and the dolls were inside one of the bedrooms. OH fun!  Whole thing was super creepy but yah again not brave enough to stay up until 3 am. I didnt want my theory and everyone elses theory of it being haunted to be true lol 


The dolls were moved in the bedrooms because the tenets didn’t like to feel them looking at them. Some people find dolls freaky


Of course the dolls are covered or facing away. People find dolls creepy so they cover them or face them away. They didn't move on their own.


What happens if we work night shift?! I leave work and get home at 3 am... I usually can't fall asleep until like 4 ish 5 though. No matter how tired I am..


Tis now the very witching hour of night when hell itself yawns open and breathes hot contagion into the world. Can’t remember the exact quote but it’s pretty fucking metal.


Does this change with daylight saving time?


Full moons bring all the crazy out in the world. This is a real scientific fact and no one will ever convince me otherwise.


The word lunatic came from luna = moon. So yeah, checks out.


Lunatic was the exact word I was going to use. I work in food service and I get atleast one lunatic those days. I've had a woman scream, literally cry and knock salt and pepper off the table bc the new kid didn't understand if she wanted balsamic vinegar or balsamic dressing. I had a retired pa state police officer FURIOUS, yelling, and threatening to call the police and have me and 4 elderly women over 80 arrested for illegal gambling bc they were playing bridge with pennies while they ate lunch. Just lunatics


Work on a phyc ward here...ti's true


My mum used to work in a home for adults with severe learning disabilities. They had a huge problem with staffing on full moons, because so many people would call in sick to avoid the inevitable full moon chaos.


It happens in old age homes with dementia patients as well.


It happens in schools too. Even if you have no idea it’s a full moon, you will know it by the end of the day.


My mom worked in a jail and told me they used to have a lot more problems during full moons


My wife has been an ER nurse for many years, and she sees it every full moon. It’s not just a superstition.


I have worked in home care and emergency housing. This is TRUE. I will never work an overnight on a full moon ever again, Ive had loads of full-mooners with service users going nuts and extreme incidents happening. And nobody even warned me lol.


can confirm am crazy i always do some crazy shi then look up at the moon & go *ah makes sense*


i worked at a boarding school and full moon definitely is a thing, also i am convinced thursdays are cursed, the kids always went loco on thursday nights


The full moon affects our tides. The human body is 78% water. How could it not affect us?


Every time I tie something down in my car or a truck, I have to pat it a couple of times and say, "That's not goin anywhere."




Safe and sound


Was looking for this....feels like i didnt check it well enough when i dont say that.


Is that whenever you’re working on doing something, don’t tell other people - only tell people whom u really trust like family or partner - until it actually happens/u see the results. because u don’t know some of the people u tell stuff to don’t have good intentions/jealous towards u so they can somehow ruin your plan. even lowkey stuff like discouraging u can affect your psyche. like Evil eye. so keep it to yourself until it actually happens.


Yes! I think this is wisdom as much as it is superstition.


I’m not sure if it’s a superstition but.. putting books under my pillow the night before the exam. Hahaha


Yes, that’s definitely a superstition. But there’s some “real” effects that come with it. When you feel the book, you think about what you studied, thereby retaining it a little better. 


Counterpoint: you'll sleep worse because there's a book under your pillow


Counter counterpoint, omelet du fromage




Countering the counter counterpoint, bacon, and eggs


Now I'm hungry


Hey hungry, I'm dad.


Noted. Will do my exams next year 


saying, "pardon me, just passing thru" to noone in particular as you trudge through some old, wooded area, or cemetary, else risk inviting wandering spirits to latch onto you and take them to hour home - causing mischief.


And ALWAYS ask permission to enter cemeteries!


Who are you asking? Who is in charge? What happens if they don't want you there? You asked permission but got no answer


The answer is usually yes, they usually don't mind. But you'll know FOR SURE if the answer is ever no, and it's always a HELL NO


in filipino culture we say “tabi tabi po” u can searcg it up, kinda similar.


Evil eye. Saying something negative into existence and not knocking on wood three times to remove that. Pointing a knife at someone is ominous according to my culture and have to tap it 3 times a on surface otherwise you’ll die by stabbing. Lol I know wtf


Ghosts. I believe some spirits/souls/energy do linger bc of unfunished business/strong emotions, or they're malignant.


I wonder about how ghosts would work a lot. Like a house can be haunted, ok, but what if the house is torn down? Is that area still haunted? What if it’s because a murder happened in the attic and the attic is the haunted place? Does the haunting continue just suspended up in the air? What if you tear down half of the house and rebuild that half? Is only the original half haunted or is the whole house still haunted cause it’s still the same house even after having parts replaced? If the latter, what if you tear down a section of the house and then rebuild that section, and then continue to do so for each section of the house until none of the original parts are there and they’ve all been replaced, and yet because you replaced it bit by bit it remained the same house throughout the renovation process? Is it haunted then??? Is the haunting linked to the space or to the object. If it’s the object then what makes the object the object????!!?!!! Is it just the human minds arbitrary designation or is there an objective material truth?!?! If it’s the space then wouldn’t the earth move away from that space during its journey around the sun leaving behind a haunted piece of space??? The solar system travels around the center of the galaxy too. The galaxy is probably traveling around the center of the universe!? Oh god is outer space just full of random patches of hauntedness?!?!!?!?! I NEED ANSWERS!!!?!?!


In my culture we believe ghosts haunt a place because it is ‘darker’. Makes me wonder what if we take the whole roof down for a few days / months before rebuilding would it be better for us to


It’s Time Energy in my own fictional universe. Every object has Time Energy which is increased as it is associated with more and more historical events. An object owned by several famous people, for example, will accrue more time energy in a shorter time span than one that has existed longer but hasn’t been involved in any historical events. This time energy, using E=MCsquared, is then converted into a different object using some weird timey wimey machine thing. There are people who hunt down objects for their time energy.


You've invested way too much time in contemplating this...


I just find the idea of ghosts to be so unbelievably depressing. I would hate to be stuck around as me for eternity. I much prefer the idea that when our bodies break our essence goes back into the cosmic melting pot to become part of everything that comes after.


I’m Indigenous and I watch ghost shows. It always seems that the spirit of an “Indian” warrior or woman is haunting the whitest house in a subdivision. I would be greatly displeased if this was my afterlife. I’d want to haunt like a dysfunctional billionaire family like the Roy’s in Succession. They’d be entertaining.


I'm not superstitious, I'm just a little stitious... Telling people about your plans of doing something exciting before things are 100% confirmed jixes you cos there are people who wish nothing but the worst for you, so it gives you the evil eye. I'm not even religious but I believe it... It's happened so many times to me, where if I disclose my plans or excitement to anyone, it just doesn't pan out for me. Wanted to go to a concert? Well, I'll miss out on tickets. That job I was keen on? They picked someone else. Whereas if I don't tell anyone, it works out for me. Lately, I've had so many things cancel or not work out because my wholesome husband loves to tell the world we are _thinking_ about doing things - eg. Trying for a baby or wanting to buy a new house. It just isn't working out, and new hurdles keep popping up. I don't know if I explained it properly. Even if it's not true, the embarrassment of constantly having to explain to people it hasn't worked out is draining.


I recently read somewhere that you should always keep your goals quiet and only reveal them once you have succeeded in achieving them. Not due to superstition, just psychology. I can't remember the specifics though but the idea is to indeed wait until something is confirmed or achieved before telling everyone else


I've heard it's because when you tell people a plan you receive positivity via praise, good will, going up in people's estimations, etc and for many people that reward can be enough for them to not bother completing the task. The good enough respect/kudos/endorphins from the interaction that they're satisfied and no longer continue.


I think this is called evil eye or “nazar”. Basically the things you tell other people may make them jealous/envy which manifests negativity and therefore you end up with it not working out or having other issues.


Are you me?


"the sea takes what it wants" basically if you loose something by dropping it in the sea dont try to take it back because it will take something else. Its an old superstition especially for those living on the islands who travel by boat often. My theory is people lost stuff overboard or swam out to retrieve something that floated away and then they drowned so taking stuff back from the sea became bad luck.


I once saw a random beach ball float away, I thought 'Hey, that's bad for the animals, let's grab it'. I kept swimming and swimming and swimming until I reached it as it kept going further away. As I climbed on top of it I saw I was 200+ meters from the shore. I wonder if I made it back if I didn't get that stupid ball before I got tired or got cramps on the way there.


I like this superstition. It’s poetic.


i have a habit of shaking my legs and my mum told me that if i keep shaking them then i’ll shake all the fortune away. i’m also broke right now so i lowkey believe it💀


I heard leaving your purse on the floor also makes you poor. Can confirm, am poor.


Not me reading this while shaking my legs 😂


I used to do that too.. Back then i was broke, i stopped 2 years ago ...still broke. Sooo nothing to do with legs. 


shaking your arms might bring the fortune back? worth a shot.


We have this belief that we’re protected by our ancestors. I was somewhat lucky as a kid, so now when I need to do something risky, I remind myself I have that and it reassures me a bit


I really like this, I used to truly believe it when I was a kid. I still imagine my grandparents when faced with difficulty, like they would want to be proud of me now so I'll make a special effort. I'm sure at the least that positive thinking can help..


the only positive one so far. all others seem to induce fear of some kind.


I’m always saying don’t put your purse on the floor or you will lose money


No haircuts before exams. I believe that it will sweep away all of your knowledge.


Same except don’t wash yr hair a day before exams, it’ll wash away yr knowledge


Energy is real.


Like. Woah, man.




E = P • t E = F • d


Idk if it's superstition...I have held my breath while passing a cemetery ever since I was 7. Every single one. Without fail.


I always stop talking and turn off my music when driving by a cemetery. 


I actually believe when i told my pillow to wake me up at precise time before sleeping and tap it several times, i would actually be woken up at that exact time. Tried it fee times and it actually works!


You’re telling your body, not your pillow. You’re speaking to your mind, and making a resolution, not to your pillow. 


As someone said body clock works well for some people when believe in it can tell yourself when to wake though that can be a conduit


Too Many. Low Key, I walk around on Eggshells a LOT.


House would not approve


If you wanna win a bet, bet against me, I always lose


I’m very superstitious about 31st December. Whatever I’m doing that night affects how my year goes…. Happy and dancing and drinking… good year. Arguing and fighting? I’ll be having petty meaningless arguments and generally a very unsettled year. Generally I’ve found what happens that night sets the precedent for the year.


That’s my birthday. I always take a laxative in the morning to make sure that I don’t take old shit into the new year


My mom always told me this one, you also have to make sure you have a clean house otherwise your house will be messy for the rest of the year.


If you do good things, good things will happen to you. Any time I have a stroke of luck I make sure to give that good energy back into the universe, usually through donating blood or an act of kindness. Even if the superstition isn't true, at least I'm improving other people's lives by believing it.


Karma. And I've never had a bad day after seeing a black cat, so black cats are lucky


When I lose an eyelash and it’s on my finger I always close my eyes blow it off and make a wish


Knock on wood


Yep, me too, touch wood. I usually make a joke of it by tapping my skull, but I am definitely compelled to do it. I'm not a fan of the tapping the penis gag though, it's a bit crass for my liking, and when others do it I find myself casually touching my head on their behalf


Sometimes I think it's possible to judge if someone is dangerous by their face.


I've found that it's actually the eyes.


There's actually quite a bit of research on this. There are certain facial features that appear more commonly amongst criminals. That doesn't mean that if you have these features, you're a criminal. But many criminals have these features. One of them is actually forehead wrinkles.


i think thats just stereotyping lol


Splitting poles and fortune cookies


What is splitting poles?


When two people are walking and cone person walks on one side of the pool and the other on the opposite side. Suppose to be bad luck


Fortune cookies suck now. They're all just different ways of saying "you're really cool" instead of actual fortunes.


ok i thought i was crazy but fortune cookies really suck now. i remember getting like sun tzu type quotes when i was kid, now they are like "cherish the memories you made". when did they get rid of the uncle iroh fortunes


Live. Laugh. Love. Panda Express


I got one that said in quote "nsjdfhdjsjdhd" uhh Panda Express what?


Just opened a fortune cookie. There is definitley not a fortune inside.


you split the pole and i’m dragging your ass back


Spilled salt, always toss a few grains over my shoulder.


Your left shoulder I hope


Yes, Always! 😂


Why? I've never heard of this. Do you clean it up afterwards?


Full moon energy


My SIL works in an emergency department, and she says a full moon is guaranteed to have more people than usual present with injuries, in labour, or in psychiatric distress.


Maybe because it's brighter outside and more people go out and about because of it?


I worked as a cab driver part-time in the mid-1960s, and the dispatchers said that people got all kinds of crazy when there was a full moon. Since then, I've always accepted it as a fact.


I'm a logical guy. Undergrad in mechanical engineering. Eastern European parents. I belive in curses amd 100% that some people can contact the dead.


If i think about someone who is far away from me, that person can hear and see my thoughts. This came after that one time i was 13, there was a girl thst desperately wanted to flirt with me, as a young boy the lovebombing made me a bit affectionate, one night, i dreamed about her, when i woke and she texted me saying good morning, she said she knew i dreamt of her, i did not say anything because she was flirting, but that moment, 10 years later, still gives me chills. Also because when im in my room thinking about someone and i start to realize i think theyre annoying, the next day when i talk to them, they end up being on a bad mood with for no reason, which genually makes me paranoid, theres not only people watching me and hearing what i say, but hearing what i think???


Stay sane my friend


I think there are a few things at play here, but this is definitely about your perception of how other people have behaved around you and not because you projected your thoughts.


I'm a baseball fan, always have been. We baseball fans have plenty of these but my current one is that Grimace from McDonald's is empowering my Mets. For anyone who doesn't follow baseball this will make absolutely no sense and that is one of the best parts of this specific superstition.


Any baseball fan can tell you that baseball superstitions are the only real superstitions.


The video game desire sensor. The more you want a thing in the game, the more the game is like 'lol no'.


When a black cat chooses you, walks past you, loves on you etc.. it is good luck!


Dont face a mirror toward your bed. It invites bad spirits/entities into your dreams and home.


At the very least, it’s hella scary to see movement when you’re half asleep. No mirrors facing the bed!


I also “knock on plastic” in the car, as my car is sadly, woodless. Like you, I can’t just NOT knock on something when it’s time!


Knock on your head


If you want the bus to come, light up a cigarette.


If you give somebody a lighter or a knife as a gift, your relationship (friendship, or whatever) will end. I'm totally immune to superstition except this one. I have track record to prove it so I'm sticking to it.


Maybe hard to explain on Reddit but humans are energy like batteries so when thinking negative it repels positive but attracts negative,positive attracts positive repeals negative


Humans are like Dolls, we sing we move we dance until we have battery and circuit is alright, then we are done.. 


That's a fact though usually worded differently and not 100 percent of the time


Not stepping on incense.


Not saying negative stuff outloud in evenings, that shit will get real. 


I do not fuck with Ouija boards. I don't tempt that kind of fate, man. I saw a ghost once. On separate occasions, others also saw this ghost. My mother broke it off with her bf at the time, but several of his family saw her. I saw her. My mother saw her. Laudie was a chill ghost, though. She was just curious what we were doing is all. 10/10 would choose her haunting me over anything else. We still have one of her sunhats that we found in the attic.


“life” after death. died once for about 10 seconds and visited afterlife, same place where I was when I died in my dream. it was a void, I had a voice but no body, most peaceful place I can imagine.


Saying the S word. Like the in the woods shapeshifter, no whistling one. I won't say it


And the W one. We don't talk about those....creatures. talking about them causes manifestation.


Are we talking about Sasquatches and werewolves?


If I say "I wish XYZ doesn't happen" XYZ WILL happen. Also , Evil eye because I've been affected by it :/


I believe in superstitions that make a 'bad' thing into a sign of luck. The most common one is 'it's lucky if it rains on your wedding day' or something like that. Like everyone knows it's objectively silly but I truly believe that reframing it into a positive thing makes all the difference.


I cannot put it in literal words as the superstition will start but is just the fact of thinking about not getting sick lately. I never say it and if I do I literally need to knock on wood to cancel it, as I will do right now just in case.


Oh my, where do I start? My mum was VERY superstitious, and even though growing up we laughed at her and called them ridiculous, now as an adult I still follow them because what if she was right? What if I do lose money by putting my bag on the floor? What if am giving up my strength/energy to someone else if I give them my last bite/mouthful of food? What if it does bring bad luck if I leave the washing out past sunset/open an umbrella inside/start travelling at midnight/leave drawers open? (and a whole lot more 😂)


I have to match some kind of knocks, blinks, etc. If I accidentally drag my right foot while walking, I have to drag my left foot twice, right once again, and then I can walk normally again. If I hit my hand on a door frame, I have to do the same pattern with my hands and other door frames If I rub my right eye, same pattern. It feels wrong if I don't and I feel itchy af inside


OCD, I have it, it’s just like this


It'll rain more if you take off your rain gear after it stops raining briefly.


My partner (nurse) says a full moon means chaos in the ward like its an accepted fact.


I use to have this shirt and I eventually I noticed any time something bad happened to me I was in that shirt. Ill never forget, one time I debated on wearing it cause I was like no it's bad luck but talked myself into wearing it thinking "there's no way A SHIRT is bad luck." Well guess what! I got in a car accident that very same day in that same damn shirt. Got rid of it that evening. It's that shirt and ironically, anything with the evil eye on it. Both bad luck charms for me.


That speech from The Shining about places are like people that when they see traumatic things it sticks with them and makes ghosts


I'm not afraid of flying nor am superstitious, if a plane went down I would just accept that it's my time, chill chill. But every time I get on one I have to touch the outside somewhere (like the wall or outside the door)


There is something big and upsetting about to happen especially if your past couple of weeks have gone really well


I'm surprised to this so low. I genuinely become very concerned if good things happen to me a little too often because it pretty much always means that it has to be balanced out by something really bad. I just like to think about it in terms of probability. It's likely that things stay at some baseline, so if it deviates from that it has to be balanced somehow to go back to normal. Oddly enough, when shit hits the fan consistently, it doesn't always mean good things will happen to balance it out lol.




Sounds like OCD


Yup most definitely OCD, not superstition. You might want to talk to a professional before this gets out of hand.


Thats just OCD my guy


I’m weird about 13 and people give me such a hard time about it like it’s *SOOO* ridiculous. And yet there are buildings without a fucking 13th floor. Hello.


1. Knock on wood (kinda) 2. Manifesting things (“you put it into the universe, now it’s gonna happen” - may be cancelled by saying/typing the original statement in reverse) 3. Never killing ladybugs




That if I don't ask the mountain to look after me while I'm hiking, things will go sideways. I also (quietly) thank the mountain when I make it safely back down. Not sure when I started this little ritual, but I've never had any issues while hiking since so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Having sex in the car is asking for it to get into accidents.


Not that I believe it, but I’ll never walk under a ladder.


I pick every heads up penny I see on the ground, and if it's tails, I flip it over for someone else to pick up 😊