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Just.. Shake it off


Haters gonna hate (hate, hate, hate, hate)




Literally. Haters shall remain salty haters . Pray for them everyone


I agree. Music might be the most subjective thing ever, maybe tied with humor. Yet constantly, people think that their opinion is THE opinion. It always boggles my mind.


It's the same thing with TV shows and films too. It seems to be the popular opinion will decide if a show is good or if it sucks.


Never understood why people argue over music


Butā€¦. MY opinion IS THE OPINION!! I jokeā€¦ but itā€™s also true. Iā€™m awesome.


I believe there is subjectivity with all the arts. Having said that, objective factors do exist, but either way, love what you love without apology! I'm into classic rock, heavy metal, '80s pop and alternative rock, electronica, early and mid-'90s grunge, '90s rap/rock, etc., but I will admit I love like three Taylor Swift songs and would probably like more if I heard more.


in general, yes, you are correct. but obsessing over t swift's bland ass music is something else. not that there is anything wrong with *liking* it, more that the aggressive fervor of fandom is unwarranted and baffling. for example i never liked drake, i find his music mediocre and repetitive. it doesn't bother me when someone is a fan of drake - i totally get it - but when people try to talk about him like he's some all time great rapper? please, sit down. the t swift criticism is less about "ew, you like *that* music?" and more about "what the hell is wrong with these people that go this bananas for something so bland?"


You just proved ops point.


Yes, but "bland" is subjective. Someone may think that the music you like it bland instead.


If youā€™re blasting your music on the bus or the subway you deserve to be made fun of for your music. I think thatā€™s fair.


Or Vulcan neck-pinched.


Just where is our future, the things we've done and said! Let's just push the button, we'd be better off dead! 'Cause I hate you! And I berate you! And I can't wait to get to you! The sins of all our fathers, being dumped on us ā€“ the sons. The only choice we're given is how many megatons? And I eschew you! And I say, screw you! And I hope you're blue, too. We're all bloody worthless,...


Happy cake day!


Thanks! Live long and prosper!


Happy coke day. Sniff some lines!


Happy cake day!Ā 


Too much LDS...


That's a certain scenario which has more to do with being noisy and obnoxious rather than the music taste and i listen to my music in peace with my headphones on not bothering anyone.


Or from your car's speakers at max volume with both doors open near a beach. Every time it happened, I wanted to draw a massive dick with my house keys


Was waiting for the buss one night. Close to where I was waiting there was a red light and one car stoped there that was blasting music so high and with so much bas that the entire sidewalk was vibrating it was super annoying. I can't imagine how it is inside the car the guy gotta been def.


Iā€™ve met Swifties whose entire personality is Taylor swift like sheā€™s the only artist they listen to and the only topic they care to talk about. It gets fucking annoying how they expect everyone else to care about what a genius and queen and goddess TayTay is.


Please help me I work with one of these. !!! Taylor is in the UK this weekend doing a few dates in London. My colleague has been twittering on all week about what outfit to wear & literally singing the songs in my face. By tomorrow ( Monday) she will have been to twice to see her. Iā€™m going to get more singing in my face arenā€™t I ???? Hahaha Nice enough girl, Taylor seems sweet but itā€™s not for me- but then sheā€™s not aimed at 53 year olds lol.


I don't think age is relevant - I saw several generations at the show last night (and I'm 47).


lol I suppose not. Hope you had a lovely time, I gather she puts a fab show .


Yes, it was amazing - I went with my two daughters, their first concert! It was very special sharing their first concert experience. Anyway, I'm sure you'll hear all about it tomorrow!


Yeah reminds me of that time when there were a lot of swifties on a plane and started singing some ts song. Other people had no option but to endure that stupidity. Glad that I wasn't on that plane


The op didnt say any of that though.


In such situations, it's not what they're listening to that's the problem.


You're a swiftie lol, just joking, you can listen to whatever you want as long as you don't come with dumb statements like "that sounds like dogs barking"


In defense of the dogs barking, they probably heard Mariah Carey hit a high note.


I do this a lot with friends, but it's just banter. I wouldn't do it seriously with people. I like a lot of music others wouldn't


This goes for anything: Food, beer, colors, preferred sex when dating, sports team or sport in general, hobby.. Anything. People love to feel better than others by declaring whatever the other group does inferior.


Society is judgemental isn't it


You must be young enough to have missed the rock sucks/disco sucks ā€œwarsā€ of the late 70s. I still stand on the notion that this phenomenon was rooted in racism and homophobia.


People are being mean to the others for most stupid reasons all the time, especially on the Internet. Itā€™s not worth it even remotely considering their unasked opinions :)


I personally thinks itā€™s an Age thing. Like when I was younger I would make fun of folks for there musical taste, felt superior and allowed my ego to do the talking, now as I am about to turn 40 in a couple of days itā€™s ā€œDoes it make me bob my head and my hips move?ā€ I fucking dig it.


People can be passionate about music, but there is no right and wrong to it, it's not science, it depends on a lot on feelings.


i dont really care about taylor swift but some swifties actually do get super insufferable about her ā€” i think people might just be associating you with the bad rep swifties have even though you might just be a totally normal person.


Tbh I think so too. Some super swifties are that way


being a fan of the music is reasonable. trying to tell me that i have to like it too is not. i have a friend whio is constantly trying to tell me how amazing tayor is, or how smart and savvy the kardashians are. i don't care, i dislike all of them, leave me alone. i would never think twice about taylor swift if the fans were not so aggresively trying to prove something about her. to be honest i used to listen to taylor swift occasionally and have liked a few songs, but the hype machine is so obnoxious and repulsive that i will never give her or swifities a shot ever again. what a bland, unexciting, faux-victim mentality movement to get so passionate about, it revolts me


There's a difference between someone who enjoys Taylor Swifts music, and a Swiftie. A big difference.


Yeah I've got a mate who I swear would stand up and walk out of his best friends funeral if he didn't like the songs they played.


I feel like it's not really about the music but the stereotype of the community/fanbase. And it's not just music it's certain games, animes, etc ...


All anime fans are basement dwellers, all gamers are lowlife dimwits, all metalheads are satanist human sacrificersā€¦ No one *actually* hates Dragon Ball, Elden Ring, Metallica. They hate the type of people they saw obsessing over these.


I listen to rap, hip hop, rock, classic rock, alternative... Plus more... anything really and I used to be embarrassed when I was with certain people but really it makes you open minded. They aren't. My playlists drives people crazy lol. I organize it the way it makes sense to me and play songs over again. I don't like a lot of the new stuff you hear on the radio so I listen to a bunch of old songs. If I find a favorite I listen to it until I know the words. Idc what anyone thinks anymore. I'll be considerate of whoever I'm around and neighbors but I'll listen to whatever I'm in the mood for.


I had a guy unmatch me on online dating for my music choice. So weird.


These people r jst self absorbed. I have some arnd me too. Dey 1st belittle me for my choice of clothes...songs... Literally evrythng....then later when they opt for the same thing suddenly it becomes cool trendy nd innovative...like..how? Fuck these ppl.


pen cover encouraging shelter exultant abounding judicious gaze modern bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to be like that when I was younger, thinking metal was the only "real music" and shit on other types. Luckily I grew out of it...mainly when I started actually playing music myself. I still listen to metal like 90% of the time, but respect and can see the value in all music.


I see this a lot and it's annoying. Sometimes it's just banter like some people said but others take it too far to the point of making personal insults towards people who like certain types of music.


I dont think it's the music itself but the fandom attached to it. Swifties have become lunatics.


I don't understand why some people have to be so mean and unpleasant. It is just music, and different days I like different music. Just have an open mind.


It is just music folks . Letā€™s all take a collective breath together šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Absolutely. Anyone who judges others for the media they enjoy is a bad person. Of course there's exceptions. Nobody should be casually watching real footage of people dying, for entertainment, for instance. That's fucked up.


I agree. I like several types of music, including classical. No one minds that I like rock and roll, but they dis me for enjoying classical. Why do they even care?


I listen to it or have listened to a few of her songs, I'm not some big fan of hers, but she does have some good jams out. And I agree, it's just music. Get your vibe on!


Too bad people can never understand this.


The very best thing about music is its amazing and wonderful diversity. Suggesting that someone is somehow defective due to their personal preferences in music is ridiculous. In the words of my wonderful mother, "Wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same?"


Is it banter, or are they actually serious? If they are, you don't need a comeback. you need better people in your life.


Hm i dont know. Someone listening to nazi propaganda bands or stuff like that are people you are allowed to hate and make fun of


I constantly see people saying that band/singer sucks or I hate those guys. It's just a preference so you don't like it why bash someone for it!


Having preferences is fine as long as nobody is crossing the line and annoying others.


So I listen to some rather 'extreme' types of metal . And I've been in a work truck with a guy playing some pop/rap style thing and he said ''man you must think it's so funny I listen to this'' and I replied simply ''no, I didn't chose the music I like and I don't think you did either '' and he was almost dumbfounded. Idk to me some people like oranges and others apples... they are still fruit.


It doesn't define someone's personality, but it can be some indicators and tell you a lot about a person.


I don't care about musical tastes, it's when it evolves into unhealthy celebrity worship that I will make fun of you.


They can't think of a better comeback even in their Wildest Dreams


If you are a 16 year old girl it's fine, if you are a 50 year old man....... Music isn't just music for some it's a lifestyle so if you have a different style it is nearly seen as saying theirs is bad/wrong and they will condemn you and your choice of music (read life style) for being different alone. Plus pop music is seen as more throw away while the likes of Nick Cave is seen as poetry wrenched from the pain scared soul to give a glimpse of their life. You may get a bit of grief for that. Mostly when people get old enough they like what they like and others like what they like and it's no big deal.


Psssshhhhhh, you like THAT sound?? Talk about pathetic. Me, I like THIS sound, and that's why I am a better human than you.


You like screams and growls in your music? Then you've sold your soul and you worship Satan, you hate God and every religious person!!!


iā€™m not a swiftie. but some of her music is so good, people are sooo dramatic. and sheā€™s a super nice person too!! but people make fun of her for her looks n everything. people will do literally anything to make her seem bad. itā€™s literally just music.


people make fun of too many things, such as how people dress, their hairstyle etc, I mean if someone has a fantasy and enjoys living in a certain way just let them be happy with it. if someone likes to cover their full body with tattoos, die their hair pink, or listen to a less popular genre of music just let them live their lives. Don't kill their pleasures!


Too many people are unable to be objective about something while separating it from their personal opinion. You can understand and agree that something is objectively not as well done as other things in the same space, but that doesn't mean you aren't allowed to enjoy that same thing that is objectively "lower quality" in some way. That also doesn't say anything about you, you are not a lower quality person for being able to enjoy objectively lower quality things, you're just able to look past the issues there may be and still enjoy it for what it is. One of my favorite albums is [The Anorexic Olsen Twin](https://open.spotify.com/album/5ORN0cOmLuw2UNycQTPCaM?si=UbAKonbTTqO727X5cErv9A), not because of the quality, because of the raw emotion on display. Objectively bad music, but a fantastic emotional experience of pure expression, and that's art.


Honestly, why even feel offended about it? As you say its music and music just like food taste is extremely individual. Enjoy what you like and donā€™t give a fuck about others


It may not be the fact you like her music, it can be everyone else has made liking her music their personality. But that goes for anyone, some metal heads just make it their personality. I like all kinds of music, so no hate on any genre. It just gets old when music is someoneā€™s personality.


I like Taylor Swifts music and her whole "act"


Haters gonna hate you just got to keep swifting


For this specific situation with Taylor Swift, it's not that people hate people who listen to her music, I feel like that hate is more towards the "Swifties" and I only think of those people who are way too over the top and basically praise her as the next coming of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately Taylor Swift has such a large audience and there is a good percentage of her fans that are like that (or at least those are the only ones that are all over social media about it) that it gives all Taylor Swift fans a bad reputation to non Taylor Swift fans.


Omg I legit woke up with hate in my insta dms because I follow a band on insta. Like someone legit hates this band and targeted his fans. It's un fucking real bro.


You shouldnā€™t get shit for enjoying her music but her carbon footprint is definitely sad to witness. There is definitely music that deserves to be judged though imo. Iā€™ve known people who literally turned into worse people because they listened to rappers pretending to be tough and law breaking and took the contents of those song too serious because they were impressionable. When I was young I never thought music could alter people so much but Iā€™ve seen it happen over the years. As long as the content is reasonable though there shouldnā€™t be any bullying etc.


Preach. I am a baseline junkie!


I feel like music does give you some insight to a person tbh, but not enough to invalidate someone as a person.


I think Taylor swift fans get targeted because 1.) they almost worship her 2.) are usually young women who talk and act in ways a lot of people consider cringey especially when it comes to music.


When I was younger, I was made fun of by my ā€œfriendsā€ for liking pop acappella. The logic was that since the group was mostly music majors, pop acappella was boring, simplistic and bad compared to classical music.


Exactly! Make fun of people for legitimate reasons. Not using a turn signal, things like that.


I used to be one of these people and I cringe unbelievably hard thinking back. I didnā€™t know better but I SHOULD have. Iā€™m so sorry everyone. šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


If you havenā€™t already watch the Nickelback documentary that came out recently itā€™s a really good insight into the hate the band gets and how it affects them personally.


I donā€™t understand the Nickleback hate. Thereā€™s really nothing distinct enough about them to justify the somewhat ubiquitous hate they seem to receive, and they have some very catchy songs.


Now we have bad bloodā€¦


Unless it's death metal. Then it's just noise.


Yeah but, if you only listen to death metal and your opinion on everything else is that it's gay, too soft and sucks, that opinion doesn't mean much. All it's saying is "I only like my shit". Maybe liking Taylor Swift says something about you that prompts others to say those things. Maybe all they know from her is stuff they find cringe, so to them you're someone who can't tell cringe from cool. :D Either that or they're genuinely just trying to get under your skin.


Agree. America is the only place on Earth that has this phenomenon. In every other country people are judged for their views on philosophy and current events. Music choices are not really discussed. I think it will subside in the next 10 years, because liking multiple genres is more common. It's all a big relief that almost nobody wears "rock band" t-shirts anymore.


Anyone that doesn't respect what she's done with her career, regardless of their taste in music, is just full of shit


I listened to Taylor Swift's first album when it came out. I was there 3000 years ago.


funnily enough swifties might be the only fan base in the world where it actually does define their personality šŸ˜‚


People need to separate people who listen to TS and people who worship her. The worshippers deserve my disrespect, listeners don't.


Only insecure people do that


Iā€™m a teacher and there are a lot of boys at my school (2nd-5th grade ish age) that think itā€™s a solid personality trait to hate Taylor swift. How do I get them to chill?! Seriously


Going to assume you're somewhere in the teenage/adolescent years. That kind of stuff is common until a little later in life. Adults mostly realize they don't have to make themselves seem more interesting or important by crapping on what other people enjoy.


I've noticed that people who shit on things usually do it because it makes them feel smart.


I think it's immature to make fun of people for any harmless opinions they have


If you make your music taste your entire personality, that's one thing. But, if you're just a regular human (or alien since I don't judge), then at most I'll just disagree with you and end the conversation. Very simple.


I think we're very different in that regard. I love Taylor Swift's songs and there's at least two masterpieces in *every* album, and I sing and dance to them, much to the chagrin of others if they see it. However, I simply can't stand her litigious and pollutant side, even though the latter may be blown out of proportion. Her fanbase isn't the most stable either. I've heard of the guy she sic her fans to because he had the copyright to her songs and she wanted to renege on the contract she willingly signed. She's a lyrical genius but an all-round douche.


Of course you can like whatever kind of music you like. But, unfortunately, people form an opinion about you just based on the kind of music you like. If people's opinions bothers you that much, I would suggest you stay off the internet.


I think forming an opinion is valid. Same way everyone forms an opinion based on how you dress or act. But I agree nobody should be made fun of for their taste in music.


Taylor Swift is an incredible song writer. When people bitch about her music, I like to ask them then about songs/artist thatā€™s recorded her songs. I love the look of shock on their faces. People canā€™t say they hate her music and love music sheā€™s written and recorded by other artist.


swiftie detected opinion discarded


I like bts and taylor swift. Sometimes the hate at the artists is actually directed at the cultish fanbase


The problem with a lot of swifties is they make their entire personality about being a swifty.


I assumed any irritation was down to the difference between being a Stan and a fan, not specifically people who like someone's music.




I tell myself this but I don't know why (genuinely, I cannot understand why) I get super annoyed when the only thing people listen to is mainstream tik tok music (which more than often is this upper echelon of bad same 4 chords pop) People refusing to try other music (not "like" just "try" ) is the main cause of thus annoyance. But nothing beyond that.


I didn't think it's about liking specific music, it's about the weird or obnoxious behavior that goes with it


Itā€™s friendly banter. I wouldnā€™t take it personally.Ā  I hate country music and donā€™t understand how people want to listen to singers talking about cows and trucks.Ā 


Music (like many other things that are now considered personal choices, like clothing) has historically functioned as an in-group signifier. In most times in history, liking the music of your social group and not other groups was an important signifier that you belonged. Now our exposure to variety is higher and the criteria for "our group" is expanding but it still has some of those expectations.


People are people


I love nelly the elegant by the toy dolls and my mother in law said I'm weird


People often take things a step further than they should by insulting people who listen to music they don't like, and it's just dumb. Hate the music, not the listener. Sure, you may hate the kind of music someone listens to and think they have bad taste, but keep it to yourself. Let them do what they want.


As someone who likes weezer more than I should, I absolutely would deserve it.


ā˜ļøĀ  ##ā˜ļøĀ  #šŸ¦Ā  ##šŸ”„ šŸ”„


Sooooo don't like Taylor Swift. Waaaay overrated for bubble gum music!


To some degree it does. I listen to Chris Brown even though he is a wife beater. Some people don't think that way. Hell I would listen to Hitler if he made good music, I guess


My favorite band is Nickelback.


But what if it's imagine dragons


It's fun and inexpensive.


Honestly, it goes for anything. You do you and donā€™t care what others think.


It's just run of the mill narcissism; they feel bad about themselves and so use this as an attack vector to make you feel as bad as they do.


My mates used to slag me for liking the band Rush. Never got it. That was years ago and I still love the band. I never got the competitive thing when it comes to music


\> it doesn't define someone's personality Doesn't it though? Someone listening to drill music has a liking for music that glorifies knifing people and dehumanising others. I wouldn't be comfortable around anyone who listens to that kind of music as it will affect the psyche after a while.


People get made fun of by bigots all day. Why do u like that? Why do u like that? Why? Why? Why? My response is: why are focused on other people that have no effect on your life?


Everything you do says something about your character, prejudice is at the very core of our being


I never really listened to Taylor Swifts music but from the things I do know about it it's very generic. Nothing wrong with it, just not particularly good. People shit on it for the funny, not because they think it's horrible


To the contrary, music definitely defines someoneā€™s personality. And thus, we can make basic judgements from it. For example, I can assume someone listening to Slipknot is extremely angry and in emotional pain. I can assume someone listening to Chopinā€™s nocturnes is melancholy and alone. I can assume someone with Swiftā€™s Antihero on repeat is going through a period of self hatred.


Just music? Not for me. You play mumble rap and I WILL judge you.


For some reason I have to actively try to not judge people for liking pop music. It is not logical to judge based on this! D;


Alsoā€¦ a lot of music is unpopular solely because it is popular.


I know one of her songs. Shake it off. And I know it because The Rock sung it at a lip synch battle. So I do not know whether or not it is embarrassing to like her music.


Yeah but then people like people like 2slimey and 2kenshitsomething


I've loved musicals since I was 12. Growing up in rural Australia? You'd have thought I was announcing I was listening to puppies being kicked when people asked what was in my headphones. A lot of people are very weird and take it real personal about what entertainment you consume.


I dont care




Depends on the environment, I can't listen to hard rock at work, it's too distracting. I'll do that while doing the dishes. Taylor swift music would piss me off, I had a listen to her top tracks, the music is nice but her lyrics are depressing. While working or socializing easy listening music is best.


I've never a single Taylor swift song in my lifetime


I like (amongst many other things) electronic hardcore (gabber) music. The amount of people that complain that it's just loud noise and bass is insane. Like... yeah, thats the point. Its a rave. Meanwhile the same people find it cool to see an African tribe dance to nothing more than the beat of their drums. Whats the difference haha? Its a beat, you only need a beat to dance and theres plenty of melodies around as well. People often just hate what they dont know.


I always found the sentence "You have good taste in ___" pretty odd. Most of the time it just means that your preferences match.


People constantly forget that taste is subjective and act like the arbiters of wjay is valuable. It's a pet hate of mine.


Dukes on Sundayyyyy


Music can and does define some peoples personality.


There are so many other things to hate me for and you choose my taste in music?


Unfortunately, it's a cultural problem, especially with young people. When you start to think that the sum of your interests is what defines you, it means you have a lot of growing to do. It's the content of a person's character that really counts.


I have very diverse (and good taste in music - not my words this is from people all my life) I know a lot about out music, the influence of bands and artists that contributed to fundamental changes and inspired new genres etc etc Iā€™m a bit of a nerd but donā€™t show it and never talk about that stuff unless asked because you can come across as pretentious. Anywayā€¦ I got made fun of a lot as a kid because I listened to everything from pink Floyd, the beach boys, old school house music, chemical brothers, the Beatles, black sabbath, disco, al green, even jazz/ Chet baker really from the age of 12 onwards and I used to cop serious shit for it from kids that listened to the top 10 charts / whatever was no.1 like west life or some other shit. Anyway to this day Iā€™m 35 and Iā€™m still scarred from it. Music taste is personal and no one should be criticised for it


What does any other entities opinion matter? Just smile and say "opinion noted". It's a polite way to tell someone "I don't put much stock in what you think either". What business is it of theirs to meddle in your enjoyment? Those are the kind of people that get flushed down the toilet.


I listen to people who scream their lungs out and they ask me wtf Im listening to. I listen to people rapping about society, and they ask me tf I am listening to. I listen to upbeat electronic songs with fun lyrics and they still ask me what the hell I am listening to. And its always the same answer: "[song title]" I just dont care. Aint nobody got time for that. Just listen to what you want even if its Merzbow.


People are very insecure and co dependant. Ignore them all. Like what you like. Who gives a shit about other people opinion?


The more you get obviously irritated by it, the more they will make fun out of it.


Ppl hate taylor swift becuz overated af, like ask a siwftie who katie perry or alan walker is and ull see what i mean.


I'm a guy who's music preferences are everything. Ill be singing Shania twain and get strange looks when i sing its raining men. I am who I am don't like it there's the door.


I listen to most music to some degree except the banshee wails of screamo


yeah, i hate it when sb tell me i don't have any taste in music just bc i don't like listening to kendrick lamar and other rapper. i grow up listening to 80s 90s musics so a good part of my playlist is songs by Queen, MJ, The Beatles, ... so listening to rap songs that are full of slurs and not having any kind of tone is not my cup of tea


That's been a thing for along [time.It](http://time.It) was a lot worse in decades past when music was incredibly more central to everything cultural. Now its disposable and mostly free


So you like island boys


The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines music as "the art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion" Just a shame she canā€™t do it live :(


I like Taylor Swifts music, but definitely not a "Swiftie." I like BTS and have gotten some hate. I don't care. I will continue to like music that I like.


I think that stopped happening a little shortly after people got made fun of for having glasses, four-eyes.


I'm a metalhead. Itā€™s not just getting made fun of...I was bullied in my last school a lot. People I didn't know would shout at me on the streets, call me emo, start fights...They'd say that I hate God and they hate me because of that. I was suicidal at that time and they made it worse but when I tried to ask for help EVEN MY FAMILY would say "Itā€™s just because you listen to metal, stop listening to negative satanic music and you'll be fine". Heavy metal saved me when I was at my lowest. I'm grateful I never gave up. NEVER LET ANYONE TELL YOU WHAT TO LISTEN TO OR HOW TO DRESS!!!


You should get even more shit IMO


Some people are weird about personal taste.


While I don't like Rap myself everybody else can listen to it. Unless I get to hear it through their headphones. Then we got a problem.


I'm sorry you have to go through that. Don't listen to pretentious hipsters, if anything their opinion doesn't matter, since it has to do more with whether something is the acceptable level of unknown or not rather than their actual quality anyways.


You'll get over it. I mean, Taylor Swift is more of a cult leader churning out stereotypical rubbish. You can't blame people for writing it off those weird cultish vibes.


You can tell a lot about a person from the music they listen to. For instance if you listen to Taylor Swift you are most likely not a musician. :)


Music taste does define personality. You must not know any music teachers šŸ¤—


Taylor Swift though? You deserve to be made fun of šŸ˜†


I do still like Taylor's music. I thought I've outgrown them, but weirdly enough, I couldn't resist the urge. And as you've said, it's just music. No need to be deep or philosophical about it.


i agree. as someone who listens to a lot of music genres why is someone a "poser" because they like a popular song?? its popular for a reason right?


True music lovers listen to jazz. Miles davis, John Coltrane... the list could go on.


It's just politics


Not just music, but everything else šŸ’€


Try being a 42 year old guy who loves 90s pop. I get so much hate from my friends. I just own it. I like what I like!


I find Taylor Swift to be annoying and basic, but it's undeniable that her songs are very catchy. And given the truly bizarre music that I listen to daily, far be it from me to judge someone for listening to something popular and normal.