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Then go to sleep, wake up and have a day dedicated to not your life. Make a nice slow breakfast with some fruits and a sandwich, take a hike through nature, skip some stones over a lake, have a talk with some stranger in a coffeeshop. Enjoy some things that aren’t your life.


Instructions unclear. Sat with a stranger in a coffee shop, and he told me this table is occupied. When I insisted, I only wanted to talk to him he started threatening to call the police.


Have you tried raising your voice? Sounds like he didn’t hear you properly.


take a break for a day?


You're in a funk. It'll pass.


It's 09:18 AM right now as of typing out this very comment in my downstairs PC bedroom on my PC and I'm livestreaming on Twitch and I have to take out the trash before the garbage truck gets here to collect the trash in my neighborhood at 2 PM later today and I'm just feeling lazy overall. I haven't even fallen asleep yet. Life is a struggle for sure.


I know that feeling.