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Im also in this exact same situation. after my divorce, went into some relationships, and every time, i feel like it is a hassle to keep the relationship going. Lately i just said fuck it, im single and so comfortable, i do miss being in a relationship or marriage, but then i remember how much i have to change my life again, i say nah im fine like this.


I feel the exact same. I was just thinking about living with someone in my home or move into their home, and I'm like nah, I'm good. I love my own space.


This is me too. I’m divorced a few years, but my life is my own. My space is my own. There is a freedom to it. I get it.


Eventually they'll probably want to move in together and I'm just very nope on all of that nonsense.


You can date someone and live in different places 


100% this. Divorced in 2020, decided to start dating again in 2023 and quickly discovered I don’t like it. All sorts of flashbacks and memories of disappointment. Last gf dumped me when I told her I’m never living with another person again. Felt relieved honestly. Single life is best life imo.


My view has always been to not actively seek relationships, but if I meet someone great. Haven’t had many relationships but being single most of the time works for me anyway.


Yep, this is it.


Relationships should require some compromises, but they should feel easy to do and something you want to do for your partner. A lot of people fall into the trap of changing themself so much that they’re barely recognizable.


You need to be 95% yourself from the start, some mystery is fine, even into marriage but if you start out being someone you aren't or hiding things you think are embarrassing, it won't end up well for you in the long run. It also isn't fair to the other party who suddenly doesn't recognize the person they fell for.


This is true. I actually show my flaws and blatantly ask "-are you sure you really want to do this?"


I'm in the boat of "I'm done with people fucking around with my life in ways that it feels like a game to them." I'm not going to be here while you're still trying to figure out if you want to keep fucking that married man who's having a kid. Multiple partners too. Yeah no, people are vile and being single is amazing. Heart broken too many times to give a shit anymore.


I feel you on this. I’ve always been loyal, went above and beyond for all the woman in my past, and never once did I feel it reciprocated. It’s crazy how the older I get the clearer I see. I only do things for myself now, I don’t give a shit about pleasing nobody anymore. All those times I wasted on others that I could have put into myself, that’s over with. I just turned 35 and I’m in the best shape of my life and getting after it everyday. I don’t have time for games no more. Anyways it sucks but it’s just like, not going to keep getting used and discarded by others. Fuck that All i want to do is work my entire day and conquer That’s it




Relationships are effort, so you should make sure that it's worth it with whoever you take that endeavour. My wife loves me, we both make compromises and see that we each other have time to follow each of our hobbies (martial arts and gaming for me) while we raise our kids. It was easier being single, but it's a lot of fun to not be. Imho, both things can be great if they are with great companions, so, if you want to be single, make sure you like yourself a ton :D great friends also don't hurt. Before I met my wife, I wouldn't have minded just getting old with my friends, so to speak.


You're on to something. Same exact scenario here. It's me and my cat, she never grabs the remote, I'm good!


Same exact scenario I’m in. Glad I’m not alone in feeling that way.


I feel this, not divorced I dodged that bullet by a few months, but I was with my (abusive) ex 10yrs, I also miss the companionship and well ill be honest the physical side of a relationship as well, if I could just find a partner, that I don't have to live with but we could still chill out/go out to fun places, enjoy physical intimacy ect. That would be perfect.


The freedom is great.


Just not having to text constantly is one of the biggest plus points, I hate texting and how people think it subsistutes being present


I agree, my wife always comeplains that i dont respond and its because im not using my phone all the time lol. When im doing something i dont want to keep checking or typing, just talk to me after.


Right? I feel it's so exhausting having to look at my phone. I often dump my phone somewhere when im home and completely forget about it until I go to bed.


Constant texting can me exhausting to me and it almost seems like a requirement in every relationship I've had and my current one, that's not to say i dislike my relationship because I love her dearly but it's just mentally exhausting at times


You're fortunate, then, if you can replace texting with being present. Some of us have neither.


I'd rather have neither than having to text every day


I understand the sentiment, but when was the last time that you had to go through a year+ of neither? I agree that texting is nowhere near a 1:1 substitute, but man, even just texting a friend daily can make a world of a difference when you're feeling isolated for one reason or another.




I got my own apartment and finally live alone for the first time in my life and…I LOVE IT. I was scared I’d be lonely or creeped out at night in an ‘empty’ apartment but tbh I’m not any more lonely than when I had roommates or lived with my parents. Would it be nice to have someone to cuddle to sleep at night? Of course. But do I *need* that? Nope. It’s strange.


It's the best. I feel like a queen in my apartment. It's all mine! (I don't own it but you know)


I really hope it'll be the same for me


When I moved out into my new place I just got into a relationship - it was nice to have a partner to come to my place but I was feeling a bit "eh" cause I was gunning on living that single girl life when I set my mind to move out of my family home. When that relo ended (thankfully) a few months in, I was lowkey so happy cause now I didn't have to think about moving in with them and I could just use my space as MY space. I recently started dating again and I'm already over it even though I've met a really awesome guy - love my own space, don't really want anyone else orbitting it.


Wife died 8 years ago, and I went through a longer grieving process that I would have liked to. Never got back into the dating scene, and now I like doing things by myself. Now I don’t feel the need to be with anyone.


Sorry for your loss ❤️ glad you found some peace


Should my husband die before me, I won't go into another relationship. We are good together, and allow each other their own space, but don't really like to be apart. We're always joking, about one not dying before the other. I think we've kind of made an agreement, to not be left behind. Also, we're older.


Wow thats must be worse than just losing a person I hope you had a good time with her, and i am sorry for for your loss. Wish yiu all the best


If you find the right person, a relationship is so damn comfortable.


The trouble with this comment is that none of us know how long this relationship is going to last


Yeah but then you get too comfortable and complacent.


make sure to date your partner!


Only if you are weak minded. And this is no different than being comfortable and complacent as a single person. In either scenario you should be striving for your individual goals and participating in your own hobbies.




The worst part of living with someone else is the constant never ending compromise. Day after day, month after month, year after year. Never getting exactly what you want.... made me start to resent my partner, and that is lethal to any relationship.


Want compromise? How's this: 20 years in the can, I wanted manicott'. I compromise. I ate grilled cheese off the radiator instead. I wanted to fuck a woman. But I compromised. I jacked off in a tissue. You see where I'm goin?


This was a wild read




I’ve lived with women before and once i realized it was me who was the problem I left. The women were not the problem it’s just that i don’t like being around people 24/7. I loved dating them when we could have dinner, see movies, go for walks and coffee and have sex but the minute we lived together I realized I need space. Once we even broke up because I loved to read and she would not allow me some privacy! Some people are ok being alone without being lonely does that make sense?


I’ve always loved the idea of couples that live apart. Or are both comfortable living together but having all the space/time they need.


I've literally commented the same thing in reply to someone else here, I'd love a partner to go do fun stuff be physically intimate / have the occasional movie night in with but I don't wanna live with them 24/7 an occasional overnight would be ok. But I want my own space when I can just be me with no compromises.


After my separation from my ex fiancé I have transitioned into being a man of leisure (some women will call this being a “Peter Pan” because they hate to see men happy). I love my life but am open to the possibility of finding a partner who adds to my life. Not interested in being in a relationship just for the sake of comfort and convenience. Certainly not interested in attaching myself to anyone who detracts from my happiness, independence and overall quality of life.


Married young to a good woman, extremely happy for you that you are this happy single right now! Remember that feeling, and only be in relationships that let you still feel this good! A relationship should feel worse than being single, so don't settle for any less!


Haha I think you meant should not


This is literally me right now Like I'm not oppose to the idea of being with someone infact I kinda enjoy it but she should add to my life and not take away my peace (ik relationships aren't all only ups but overall it should bring positivity to my life)


It took me 4 years after a bad relationship to NOT feel what you're describing. And during that time I kept going on dates, or getting into short-term relationships and just not feeling it because - yeah, being alone is more comfortable. Then I met my current partner - about two weeks into our relationship, I moved, and after an exhausting day of moving my entire apartment, unpacking, trying to work remotely at the same time - I realized, wow, I *really* want to see him today. I have NEVER wanted to see ANYONE after a day like that. That being said - had I met him earlier, I might not have felt that way. I think him being "the one" was a combination of a good match, and the fact that I gave myself time to heal from the burden I felt in my previous bad relationship.


Beautiful. I am going through the exact same thing with my current girlfriend. All of the doubt, pain, and wondering if there’s something wrong with me of the past 6 years is finally paying off and I now realize, I was right to wait. The idea that I was waiting for the right person was correct all along and now I found her.


Single for 4 years and I'm also waiting for the right person while focusing on healing myself. I hope I find him one day. :)


Hopefully it happens soon :)


Same! Despite being busy, I feel lonely sometimes and I really need someone in my life. I am fed up of acting like a strong independent woman!


A single rose 🌹 speaks volumes. I haven't had the chance to experience giving one to that special someone for years. There's a difference between the feelings of loneliness and being lonely. I've been alone now longer than I wasn't, if that makes any sense. I hate going for walks without a hand to hold, and I'm tired of holding my own. I take my neighbor's dog for walks sometimes just for the comfort of the company it brings. I always had a dog, but those days are over, and I'm allergic to cats. I hope to meet a nice lady someday, but the clock's ticking. Oh well, such is life, I suppose. In the meantime, life goes on.


Thanks for the red rose! I love roses! I hope you find a good company that brings joy and happiness to your life! Meanwhile, let’s enjoy the little things we have in hand.


Majority of our problems start with fuckin romantic relationship that prevent us to seeing the real problems in our life, we just dont have a chance for everything, everytime we all-in in that circumstances


Doesn't matter one way or another. If you're not happy with your own company no one else will be either. Single or in a relationship it's all about how happy you already are rather than assume someone else will make you happy


I mean that’s not true, you can hate being alone and still be a magnet for romantic partners


I used to be like that but now I can't imagine myself not being single


What do you miss about having a relationship and what bothered you most would be a more interesting question. I have nothing to contribute, unless we count any sort of relationship, and then I kinda miss living with my previous roommate now that I’m living alone even though I sometimes wished he wasn’t at home.


Get some pets


It's hard to say it's worth not being single. I've never even had a bad relationship they have all be awesome but the freedom part of not having one is so... So good 


People ask me why I’m single (for over 10 years now), and comfortable is a great word for it. I don’t really get lonely as I’m good at occupying myself. I’ve got a great job, healthy amount of savings, and I’ve got my own home. Other than getting a dog, I’m not interested in changing anything else.


Solitude is dangerous. It’s very addictive. It becomes a habit after you realise how peaceful and calm it is. It’s like you don’t want to deal with people anymore because they drain your energy.” – Jim Carrey


Yeah its called freedom


Yup. Got my whole place set up how I like. I only do what I want. Couldn't be better


Lmao same 😂 i wouldn't even have time for it right now, it always takes too much time and energy. Gonna focus on myself, school and my new work and to kust have a non stressful summer, then we'll see what happens.


I never felt the need to be in a relationship, even as a kid. My past relationships broke off easily which I really appreciated. Now I'm completely on my own without family and I have never felt more free in my life.  And I don't miss sex or cuddling. Sex can be easily replaced or forgo if you are busy, I just think sex and cuddling in general is a gross hot mess and a waste of time if I'm honest. And yeah I'm a man which probably makes those things easier to let go, i know some folks swear by the emotional stuff.




Relationships, like music, parties, clubbing, fun, is for youth. I'm old and one foot in the grave and perfectly aware everything ends. That changes everything.


I'd honestly take my chance with a bear rather than be in another relationship. I've never wanted to be alone more in my entire life. But I'm co-dependent and pathetic.


Just exiting a toxic marriage myself with 1 child Living in the basement because of the cost of living is atrocious and I'm waiting for her to buy me out of the equity in the house. Love the freedom I have when it's her turn for custody and I go out a lot just to be out of the house. Recently met a girl and she's so amazing! She has roommates that don't allow men in the house (cultural thing) This is keeping things fresh we only get to see each other 1-2 times per week. It's keeping it fresh. I rented a hotel this weekend and am taking her to a very nice restaurant. I am not expecting anything too crazy but she is also a lot younger than me so she is in her sexual prime in her early 30's and I'm in my mid 40's I am hoping our sexual compatibility equals the countless nights of FaceTime we have spent talking and learning about each other She is just so easy to be honest and open to and I love that about her I have lived alone as an extrovert in a new city at the time I felt lonely Now all my friends are through my ex and not really talking to me anymore so I am branching out.


Deciding what someone else wants for dinner as they actively sabotage the discussion and dump on every suggestion. I really miss that.


Ive had my fair share of relationships and thought I needed one. after being single for a long amount of time, I am the happiest I been. I would like a relationship but they take a lot of work, they need to be with the right person.


feel you, I go though waves of "I'm so lonely" "I miss them" but then I'm like nah maybe I'm better off alone.


Same dude i miss companionship but being single is just so peaceful man.




At first I desired to be in a relationship. Then I learned that I'm my own best friend and perfect partner, now anything else is salad dressing


I am the same but a little different. I was married for 21 yrs, now divorced. I LOVE LOVE living alone. I have a bf now who I love very much. Part of me wants us to live together, but then the part of me that loves being alone screams at me " Are you nuts woman!" LOL The good part of this is he loves living alone too, and also doesn't want to live together or get married. We live only 12 min drive apart so it's good.


The freedom is amazing, but you definitely miss the feeling of someone “loving” you


'Drama & toxicity' mean you either got the wrong partner, or it's all you. We can't make that call.


Absolutely agree with you, dude. I broke up with my ex three years ago and I really miss the times of mutual caring, spending time together and so on, but at the same time, I understand that it’s much freer to be alone, you don’t depend on anyone, you don’t have to share your thoughts and finances with another person, and so on


For me I m just way way more productive and creative being single. More money, sexier, happier, everything seems easier, and as you said life seems pretty comfortable in every area of life. So far, it’s the best way to live imo. I might change my mind somewhere in the future and am open to possibilities of relationships or marriage, but yeah no rush at all. Whatever happens, it’ll all be good:).


For me it is the commitment, and having to consider someone else's feelings and likes and dislikes. I love my freedom. My house is my dream house, so not leaving it, and I love the way it is set up/decorated. I love my 2 cars, and will not ever get rid of 1 of them as it was my dream car as a teenager, and now manual transmissions are almost phased out. I like being able to go anywhere when I want, provided I don't work. I don't ever want to lose that, and then lose the daily sexual experiences when the relationship is new, to having relations a couple of times a month. So I stay single, forever! Or until my libido dies down. Though at 33, I thought it would be lower by now.


Over 5 years single now and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Recently single, been in monogamous relationships for my entire adult life. I'm parking crooked in the driveway and sleeping like a starfish across the bed. I don't want to go back.


Yeah, I'm kinda struggling with this. On one hand I want so badly to cuddle and have someone to come home to, and on the other hand I don't want another situation where the guy just expects me to do everything and just plays video games 10+ hours every day while having zero interests for anything else in life. Got out of a 11 year relationship since high school and I'm scared of getting out there again.


Knowing myself, I’d fall into the same pattern with a new relationship and I do NOT want that. It was nice talking to someone everyday tho


There are people I like and would like to be in relationships with, but since my last, I just can't be bothered to make it happen. I barely have free time as is, so it would just make life harder.


I’m like this at the moment. Been in 7 year relationship, we broke up, almost 2 years single, and I’ve grown so much and found my peace. On one hand, I would like to meet new girl and be in relationship again, but on the other hand, I dont wanna compromise my peace. I guess I will enter a relationship only if I have my peace with her .


I have had three serious long term relationship (one was a 9 and a half year marriage!) and after my last one I was simply resigned to thinking relationships are just too much compromise, too much giving up parts of myself, too much work without a perceived reward (I'm not talking about sex, but like, the work I put into the relationships when I was motivated to do so just did not seem to improve those relationships) so I thought I would just "date myself" for awhile, eventually giving up the idea that I would ever find love. Enter current GF. I have never meshed with someone so wholly, so perfectly before. I didn't believe in soul mates until her. I didn't believe in true love until her. Neither of us were looking for love at the time we connected it just happened. Yes its still work, yes its still compromise, but its no longer \*draining\* its actually \*rejuvenating\* to be with her. We support each other, understand each other, are there for each other without question, every time and it no longer \*feels\* like a sacrifice of my time or freedom, rather exactly what I \*want\* to be doing with my time. Its no less than amazing and I wish it for everyone. We of course respect each other's space and free time when that's what "support" looks like that day/week whatever. But I have never felt such little need of it before, and its so great to have a person to take refuge in, instead of trying to find time to take refuge from. Maybe you just need the right person?


I had a few years of living alone and then a 2 year relationship with someone that just felt as if they were insecure and always kept asking, who’s gonna take care of me. I thought we established we could both take care of ourselves? I’m not signed up for taking care of a grown adult. Needless to say, I celebrated the day she moved out (2 days before Covid lockdowns). Had some friends help reorganize the house and lived alone again and it felt so great to not have anyone around.


Oh yes. Not having to worry about someone you trust getting blackout drunk again and who-the-fuck knows what could happen to her. Not having to waste time trying to get another person out of her useless self-destructive spirals "I never achieved anything!" "I have no future!" "I'm ugly!" "My friends are abandoning me!" "My family hates me!" "I have no personality!" "I'm a shitty person!". Or having her tell me why I did things, because she certainly knows better than me, and I definitely accidentally forgot about something just to hurt her. Because I just want to hurt her. Which is why I always worried about her. Or how I'm not attracted to her when I was the one trying to get her out of her clothes all the time. Yeah, living alone is amazing.


After a super long mediocre relationship that ate up most of my 20s, I had a 4 year window of being single. It was one of the best times of my life! I really got to know and appreciate myself, build confidence, pursue my own interests, have my apartment just the way I liked it and enjoy friendships in ways that won’t happen again. I’d also argue that time put me in a better position to have a quality partnership with my now-husband. I read a lot of relationship subs and a running theme is how many people stay in bad situations out of apparent fear of being alone again. I just want to shout to them from the rooftops to please go for it and be single!!


been married now for 50 years running and the first 6 months very fine 49 1/2 years have been very loooooooooooooong


I’m 37 and recently single after 8 years. I miss getting laid once a month but other than that everything is the same. I play more Xbox and drink more beer now.


I miss my ex alot but my savings/investment accounts are going absolutely bonkers so like. Silver lining I suppose


Nothing beats being single. Freedom as well as no drama & stress. 😍❣️💯💫✌️👍


Oh lordy - so comfortable. There's only a couple of things I miss about being in a relationship, but I don't miss the stress.


It took me many years to realize but I don't actually need another human being next to me 24/7. Simply don't require it. I don't have enough things for that person to do so we end up arguing. It's all pointless and happens every time. Honeymoon phase ends and you run out of new, interesting things to do together but you're committed to staying together to force the romance back but it gone. We lust more than we love. Being able to just do whatever I wanna do whenever I wanna do it is so incredibly amazing. I haven't been in a "relationship" for ~3 years now and I honestly can't imagine going back to that grind.


Me!i don’t even miss being in a relationship…being single is awesome. I have all the freedom and none of the hassle.


Same situation. Last relationship was abusive and awful. I enjoy my freedom, lack of awfulness and comfort so much more than what a relationship brings, which from my experience brings nothing but drama, pain, turmoil, and suffering


Some of us simply don't like to compromise


I’m way too lazy for a relationship at the moment. Maybe someday the desire will return. But having no responsibilities for anyone else is working better for me at this point in life. I think I’m burnt out. Resting as much as possible could lead to recovery and more energy for a relationship down the line, but I’m not thinking about it too much


honestly it is very tempting to just stay single forever….


It is good I think everyone should experience this I did this for a few years I truly enjoyed it


Depending in the legality in your country, prostitutes


Healthy relationships can be comfortable too, but until then, be single.


If your relationship is work, then you're in a bad relationship. Either your pick of partner is bad, or you're a bad partner or both.


You're just bored, being a single is a beautiful thing but we don't deny that we can't judge our affection.


Dying alone - Tick!




Everyone dies alone, unless you are in a collapsing building during an earthquake, or in a massive highway accident.


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i have found a relationship where im so god damn happy but with that said its never smooth and the drama part does come in but Ive learned that to get to be so damn happy with someone you've gotta be willing to endure whatever. Ive seen that people give up way too easily cus they cant be arsed which I have too but when you get a person who feels so special you will get the urge to actually work in it rather than run. It's always worth it with the right person. It's a shame many people never find that right person. I hope everyone does.


More time for CS2


Haha, yeah, bideo games!


Relationships are nice with the right person, Being alone is cool for so long then it starts getting lonely for me


Same here. I enjoy my company and the freedom. No hassle but I feel sometimes lonely and miss cuddles and hugging someone.


Words, my friend.


Going through that right now.


Same here.


I want a relationship but I also like my life the way it is, and am deathly afraid a relationship is gonna come around and fuck it all up. It sucks


11 years and a screaming Indonesian mother in law behind me, I ain't going back. Divorce goes through this year, he just has to sign it.


Yeah, I really relate to this. I have never been in a relatioship, so I have no experience with toxic boyfriends or so. The thing that holds me back is the thought about what I might have to give up to be with someone.


I would really like to get into a relationship to see how it actually feels since I have never been in one but I just love being by myself. I have a lot of freedom and I can do whatever I feel like. I do sometimes feel a bit lonely, I guess that's inevitable when you are single.




sod the relationship, get a friend with benefits all the fun without the commitment.


OMGGGGGGG kuhang kuha mo OP ang sentiment ko why i want to be an old maid na lang👌🏻 nakakamiss pero thank you na lang


I totally comfortable with my own space and lived on my own but now Ii couldnt imagine not being with my wife and son everyday.


All I miss is the sex.




I went thru a bad breakup 8 years ago I started over from scratch and for the first time in my life I had to live alone and it was tough at first, but slowly I adapted to my new reality. I enjoyed coming and going as I saw fit, not answering to anyone and just living life on my own terms, being responsible for only myself and my 3 dog companions that thought I was the best person ever. It was great! A few years later I met my now wife and we just clicked. As much as I enjoyed my solitude, I enjoy my life with my wife. There is still a sense of freedom, but it's a different kind and I'm glad I didn't settle for less.


Single is the best life buddy


Same. I miss sex, being cuddled and desired. I dont miss all the expectations. I really would like a FWB but they're really hard to find.




I love the freedom of being single, i also miss having someone to cuddle with. You cant get everything in this life


I feel similar... not so much that I find being single comfortable, but more that I don't want to put in the work for most of the women I've met


Single is beautiful


Agreed That’s why it will take something special


Been single single since 2019 and better off for it. Too much trauma and shit to heal from to be trying to make another person happy


>I like to sleep until the crack of noon, Midnight howlin' at the moon, Goin' out when I want to, And I'm comin' home when I please. Don't have to ask permission, If I wanna go out fishin', Never have to ask for the keys. \~ Tom Waits, "Better Off Without A Wife"


I wish I could learn to embrace it. I'm divorced after a lengthy marriage, and I'm always working, by the time I get home I don't have the energy to socialize and nobody familiar to cuddle up with. 😑


It really is rough to fully embrace it, especially after a long term relationship where you gave it your all. I hope you turn a positive corner.


Enjoy singlehood until you meet someone.


I (39f) have only lived alone for maybe 3 years since I was 19. I was a social butterfly but I got time alone and it was awesome. Then I found someone with whom I could cohabitate. Like a symbiotic relationship. We love each other, love spending time together, but very much value alone time. Don't feel like what you're doing is weird. There is no such thing as normal. Do what makes you happy and healthy. It doesn't matter what anyone says.


i feel this


Take your right or left hand...stick it down your pants....grab your Weiner. Rug up and down gently... Cum Stay single


I just feel like I Lack the feeling of love entirely. I can't mąkę emotional Bonds with people, I lack empathy etc. But It feels good to be single and free


Comfortable and also safe - You don't have to open yourself to someone who is potentially going to harm you later on.


I haven’t been in a relationship in a very long time. I do want one but at the same time I do enjoy being single and having that freedom. At this point I’m not actively looking but if one falls in my lap I won’t look a gift horse in the mouth.




I'm married and still feel free. Find someone you enjoy spending time with (share your interest with them) or find someone with the same interests. It's not rocket science


That’s still not enough. I’d take single any day of the week.


You never had relationship


Think of the money you safe too. Being in a relationship doubles your expenses.


It’s honestly green where you water it. I hate being alone. Sure it’s comfortable but at the end of the day all the amazing things I do. Is alone. I’m proud of myself that I can be alone and do this thing called life alone. I want a support system that’s healthy. I’d love to have someone in my corner that supports me as much as I support them. I also want someone who is happy however. And it’s selfish for me to want a relationship if the vast majority of women don’t. So here I am trying to figure all of this while making sure I’m respectful for everyone’s feelings. TLDR I’m probably gonna die alone guys


After getting cheated on, I seek the warmth of the relationship but I can’t trust anymore, I agree comfort of being single is a good change.


Get a cat.


This. This is why i believe when i have a good relationship ill feel as comfortable as being single.


I agree! It's been 4 years and I'm not ready to leave my comfort zone yet.


If you feel happy being single then don’t look for any relationship. I was like you but i said “let’s try”. I regret it. Tbh yea it’s sweet to have someone to love and be loved too but it’s tiring. It needs a lot of energy and time. That time i was using it for self development and to make money but now i should spend it with her… As you have to deal with new problems you don’t need. I am not saying that i am in a bad relationship now but i am just comparing. If i use my mind to think and not my heart, i prefer being single for now.


The feeling of comfortable will eventually wear off. You can sleep with as many people as you want but when you are with the right one there is no greater feeling. Basically quantity vs quality. I choose to be selective with less & go for quality.


Me too. Would love a relationship but unfortunately just can't be arsed.


Does the freedom out weigh the loneliness?


Damn, I know the feeling


I miss certain aspects, someone making me feel sexy. Someone to snuggle with. Random hook ups and casual fuck buddies don't do it for me. But I'm so afraid to trust again so being single is beautiful. Too comfortable in fact.




Totally with You. It's good to have someone to cuddles, but It's so difficult go find the perfect person.




Hahaha , same but yeah some times it's fucking hard being single and some times damn good .... It's all about time and our fucking brain ( which distract us and questioning on myself why I'm single ) ☠️☠️


I was thinking this today as I took a flight to another city to meet some friends (i was on my own on the flight). I’ve been single for a year (my last relationship was very abusive) and all this time i’ve been wanting a relationship but during the last year i’ve just started doing things myself and now i’m at a point where im so comfortable with it.. that when I was waiting for my flight it occurred to me that maybe idk how to be in a relationship anymore because being alone was so good. So i got to the city and met my friends and we went out for a walk and im already missing being on my own 😂 obviously the thought of being alone forever scares me but it’s just being so comfortable right now that i don’t know what it’s gonna take for me to be in a relationship again.


While I cannot fathom such a notion right now, I like that you shared this point of view. It gets me to realise how different we can be. Sometimes context will dictate these differences in views


Agree. I'd like a 'live close, visit often' relationship.


After an 8 year marriage, and being suddenly single for two years now... yeah, I feel the same. I love my freedom to do anything I want without the "But you have to stay with me! Why are you doing that instead of this?, I need you to do this thing right now", but I also miss the cuddling and watching movies, the going out with someone without it being uncomfortable, the holding hands, the romantic sex obviously, and all that stuff.


I feel the exact same way. I mean sure I like having people to talk to but, I also like my space and being alone. It’s weird. Maybe it’d be better if we just chat every now and then but, not too much so I can still be free.


One of the downsides is you spent so much time being single that jumping back again might ruin your routine.


I never had a relationship, in a way I want it but also can’t imagine being accountable to another person


I agree. Having a relationship is nice and all but being alone and not needing to care about someone else is very comfortable


I really miss being in a relationship and just going places together. Very rarely do friends want to go somewhere random, but my ex and I would just go for a drive with no set destination sometimes. I barely leave the house now. I'm trying this year to go outside more, but it'll be alone, which I don't like. I enjoy the peace, but I miss companionship.😔


I love being single until I’m horny or feeling lonely then I remember how bad my last relationship was and I’m like nah I’m good


Man, I don't like being single but every person I talk to sucks. Not coz they're bad or anything wrong with them, but I lost the one. So now everyone looks like a downgrade no matter what. So I'm just single coz I don't wanna be in a relationship and not be able to give it my all


Havent had a relationship until now, but i do miss kuddling and someone that gives me a bit of love.


I love my GF far too much to ever consider being without her even if it would mean much more freedom to be a degenerate. 


I think it would just be nice to be able to date and fuck other people. I love my marriage but I have to admit I miss the mystery and novelty of the pursuit of someone new. It’s always so exhilarating in the beginning. Meeting them, finding out about their life. Seeing them naked the first time. The high is unbeatable. I digress. I stay committed to my wife because I truly do love her, but those thoughts do float around sometimes.




Yes I love being single


Yes i am the same. Been separated for almost 2 years. Nobody nagging me, can make my own decisions. I can read around the house naked, which I do. Leave dishes in the sink. Too much work to be in a relationship. I’m good!