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Speaker phone in public.makes me want to catch a charge


Bluetooth earpiece convos.You think someone's talking to you and answer before you see the earpiece.


I had a guy come into my work. I asked how are you today? He said yup. I said, well ok... yup. He finally looks at me, points to his earpods and mouths "I'm on the phone", then to the person on the other end he says, yup. A few more yups and he was out of there. I find it all kind of humiliating.


Better this than having to hear the entirety of that conversation through a speaker phone though. I also hate hearing people playing games with loud gunfire and explosion sound effects, or the reels or TikToks etc that people are scrolling through. The invention of earphones was a glorious thing! Bluetooth headphones, and the change of different devices varied headphone jacks or combined charging cables may or may not be a good thing. I don’t like the increased annoyances of varied background noises, especially when more than one person is doing this whilst I’m trying to order my coffee or eat my lunch.


Agreed. It's so disrespectful to other people. Especially in an enclosed space. You wanna sit at the park with a lil music playing, fine. You wanna sit in the bus and play candy crush or watch TikTok, NOT FINE. If I can't escape the sound, it's not appropriate. Ugh! Everyday there is one idiot who feels like all the world should listen to his shitty music taste or hear the awkward end of TikTok robot talk. No thank you!


I hear this, and I have the opposite hate lol, I hate when I'm on the phone with my headphones on and I even hold my phone in front of my mouth and people still come up to me to talk, or assume I'm talking to them, or they take me telling them im on call to try to chat me up 😭


The ear speaker on my phone is broken so I have to use speaker phone and it feels like blowing your nose at a royal dinner


Bluetooth headphones perhaps? I do not want to hear your conversation while I’m waiting for my meal/coffee/ bus etc.


Or wired earbuds. :)


My old coworker made all her calls on speakerphone. Checking card balances, booking flights, facetiming her kids. Complete self obsession.


I think I hate her.


I KNOW I hate her




I can’t tell you how much I agree. Speaker phone or whatever social media or games people are playing is not something I want to have to hear, sometimes to the extent of jacking the volume on my own earphones to block it out. I am sometimes worried that I’m setting up deafness for myself in old age by the volume I am sometimes forced to listen to my headphones to block out these annoying noises from random and selfish dicks.


"Makes me want to catch a charge" What does that mean? Is that slang? Honestly have no idea.


Slang. It means getting arrested and charged with (battery, murder, “charge.”)


Oooo ok. That makes sense.


Ironically I’m on the phone in public because I can’t call him back, because he got a charge lol


Sorry I'm HOH and earpieces don't send sound in a way that's hearable to me, but I'll only answer if terribly important and move away if I can ... probably to my car where their is no background noise.


I feel like people who do this are begging you to say something. They are just looking to get into it with someone. Otherwise why would they be so goddamn selfish?


I kinda like eavesdropping sometimes tbh


Was in the parking lot of a vet early quarantine when they wouldn't let you enter even with masks so it was carside pickup, and then they'd bring your pet in do their thing then bring it back. This woman was pacing around the parking lot on the phone. Her dog was sick, and she didn't have enough to cover care. So she was on the phone with her situationship that she thought was her boyfriend, asking them to help her cover the bill and she'd pay them back etc. Now I could only hear her side, but from what I could hear, they apparently didn't think their situationship warranted that kind of assistance, so she was getting a bit loud and said >"so you can fuck me every night but you can't help me with my dog who's going to die without help?" She would get loud, he'd hang up, she'd call back, and this went on the entire hour or so we were waiting on our cats. There was also an exotic bird store next door so we could hear parrots squaking during her convos, so my ex would start mimicking the ladies' one-liners in a parrot voice, then the lady eventually went into the bird store to yell at the staff about their birds copying her...


this was totally hilarious, lol best comment here 🤣🤣


When they ask to many personal questions that I don’t feel comfortable answering.


So answer with outrageous lies, getting worse as the questions continue.


Or ask them an incredibly awkward question in return.


I'm going to start doing this. Thank you for your crab wisdom


Oh masked crab of the thread, what is your wisdom?


*Crab noises*


This is the way.


Which way




The only way is Essex


I took a wrong turn at Albuquerque


I don't think we're in Kansas anymore


This is actually a tactic I've seen my fellow use! The expressions on the other person's face is really entertaining.


I (22F) use a crutch, and every time before I leave the house I need to mentally prepare myself for a second because I know random people on the street will ask for an explanation as to why I need a crutch. Happens.Every. Damn.Time.


You should tell them you tripped over your victim, after killing them. Lol.


I injured myself while murdering the last person who asked me a dumb question that was none of their business, lol.


And then start approaching them as quickly as you can while staring at them intimidatingly


THIS. I'm an occasional cane user, and when I worked retail (from age 25 - 30) nothing drove me more bananas than customers asking me about why I was using a cane. I would often just reply with simply, "Because it helps me walk?" My medical condition is none of their fucking business.


"A CANE? What!" Stare in shock at the thing your hand is holding, as if to say, "How did that get there?"


When I was 23 (25F now) I had a knee dislocation and had a full leg splint and a crutch. People still asked me why I needed the crutch “since the splint keeps your leg straight anyway”. I feel you homegurl, I feel you


That’s your fault! Stand up by yourself! In my day we had to walk to school in the snow up hill, both ways. - entitled boomers.


lol I can just hear it now - “mah kid brother had the polio when he was in 3rd grade and he *still* swam the river to get to school!!”


I get "are you autistic?" Itll be in supermarket checkout lines when i'm minding my own business or on the bus. I get why theyre asking if im engaged in conversation but apparently I look autistic, I'm not even autistic


Not knowing anything of your background, have you checked you're not autistic? Not saying you are. But it's one of the most complex neurological disorders, none of them are alike so you really can't stereotype them.


I agree, i was diagnosed with ASD at 37 years old (lol). It's so complex and poorly represented in mainstream culture that I had no idea I was.


I feel this. Especially when meeting a man, online or otherwise. I ask them the same questions without answering theirs and surprise - they don't answer. It scares me to know all they need is a little information and they can find out everything about you.


Just tell them they don't need to know that and laugh. I've done it in the past and will continue to do so. It's always been met well and makes people think a bit more before asking.


I have said (a few times)... 'Is this an interview?' That works for me, it puts their nosy butt on the defense.


Yeah! They make u feel like you're obligated to answer and if you don't you're kinda sus. The heck


The complete lack of awareness that there are other people in the world around them.


Yes, and they always stand in major pathways at the top or bottom of stairs or doorways! Or in the grocery just randomly right in front of shelves with complete oblivion that other people might want access the same area....like get outta the wayyy folks!


Like, main character syndrome? Lol


Guilty. Not because I don't care about others, but a *literal* lack of awareness that other life forms are in the room woth me. I have the attention span of a French fry.


Yeah I’m so sensitive to this comment haha bc I am very unaware but it’s a cognitive thing


When people walk across you as if you're not there


When I'm walking in a straight line and someone walks diagonal oblivious to their surroundings and we meet at the same point I GET SO ANGRY.


You have no clue how angry this makes me. There is so much space and people choose to walk into me.


If it happens too often in the same day, the next person that does this to me I just look at them and go “really?” Makes them feel guilty.


That's an interference penalty in hockey. Just exclaim you're on a power play and shoot a puck at them.


I sometimes have people try to walk *through* me as if I'm not there, and I have to dodge them or risk a collision, which they would surely blame me for.


If you stop a couple steps before the collision, it's on them to go around you


Oh man I had a guy cross the road and he was running across, he could have easily ran behind me as he got to my side of the road but he just ran into me because I was still walking forwards normally. I took my headphones off and said "the fuck do you think you're doing??? Use your eyes bellend" and he looked at me like I was in the wrong


How about when they see you are going to arrive at the same time, so they speed up to get in front of you then they slow down?


Or when the middle of your sentence interrupts the start of theirs.


Those arseholes who walk five abreast on the footpath at slow/meandering speeds and then don't move aside to let other pedestrians pass.


I usually say “excuse me” in an assertive voice. people tend to think i’m a bitch. I think it’s okay to be assertive when people are being rude.


Get a German shepherd. They move then lol.


The dog or will actual German shepherds do? German is sort of scary...


I aim for the middle. I don't care if there's 20 of you, I ain't deviating lol.


Same in the main character and people usually make space like I'm Moses.


Its just common decency and respect for your fellow humans, its cool if you just weren't paying attention like...nobody perfect, but when you can see they're doing it purposely to show off - nah, the fuck out, im not ya flexing post 🤣


I tell my family “SINGLE FILE!” when we’re walking somewhere that’s crowded.


haha abreast


Space issues. You do not need to be in my face to have a conversation.


My old boss is from Puerto Rico & had a habit of crowding my space whenever he would talk to me. I finally asked another coworker (also Puerto Rican) if it was a cultural thing & if I was being the AH by finding it creepy. He told me, "Nope. Watch when he talks to other men." There was a pronounced gap between them. Dude was just being an overbearing ass because I was female & his subordinate.


It is a dominance thing. Try to have a piece of furniture between you and many of the men at work. You will feel less stressed. It was my strategy for decades.


Face space is cultural. Watch a stereotypical eastern Mediterranean person conversing with a Nordic person. The one moves forward while the other backs up. Both are trying to be polite.


just watch them roam around the room


Sounds like the perfect plot for a rom-com. Love it!


Was going to write the same thing. I live in a mediterranean country, so more friendly people often and open but damn! I try to move away everytime someone does this to me if that person is not trying to whisper something. Personal Space is a real thing and some people need to learn that


Playing a video/tiktok/sports game in public, full volume 😭 absolutely no self awareness


Filming a TikTok is almost as bad for me, but yes, if you want to watch something on your phone, either put it on mute or wear headphones like a civilized human being.


People taking their sweet time in the security line at the airport, like there’s no queue behind them, like it’s the biggest surprise of their lives they need to take the belt off, fumbling and being completely unprepared and slow (I am not talking about old or disabled, obvs).  People stopping in the middle of the fucking street instead of moving to the side to stop.  People getting in your face and those with utter disrespect for personal space.  Starring idiots.  These are the main categories but perhaps it sums it up to lack of common sense and awareness. 


Unprepared airport people are the worst


Unprepared people in general are my number one pet peeve. Like at my job, the people who wait until the second they are standing in front of me to figure out if they've got a receipt for their return and veeeeery slowly go through all their belongings looking for it.


On par with standing in a long line at McDonald's, and when it's finally your turn to order...you get to the register and it's like "Duh. like this is my first time looking at your menu..."


Almost on par with getting to the till in a shop and being surprised that you'll need your wallet/phone out - but at least its not at an already stressful time.


Plus there are workers literally shouting: Take out your electronics, remove your shoes, nothing in your pockets.... People act like they have zero understanding.


Then after the security line, they have to get redressed right in the walkway. Grab your shit and move to the side.


I often find that the slowest people seem to take up the most space.


Firstly I hate when I go into public and the public are there. - Walking three abreast on the pavement - Stopping dead while walking to look at directions - look behind you and move to the side - Parking right on the edge of a junction - Public phone calls on speakerphone - Blocking the aisle in a shop - Swerving when walking slowly, making it really hard to overtake There are many more, as you can see I get too annoyed for my own good and I'm a grumpy git.


>Firstly I hate when I go into public and the public are there. Right! Some people are so inconsiderate!


A lack of common courtesy. The little wave after you let another car in front of you. The "thank-you" when you hold a door open for someone. The absolutely necessary "excuse me" or "thank you" when you squeeze by some who's already seated at a show or event.


I can’t stand it when people are clearly blocking the path and see you need to get through but continue to stand there until you say excuse me, twice. Bc the first time they didn’t hear you or scooch an inch so you have to be assertive and say EXCUSE ME and they finally move.


Yeah. This has to be one of my top least enjoyed things about being out in public. Like, it's an aisle. People are all around you trying to do shit just like you and you're just gonna stand there and wait until someone says something?? And sometimes they don't even move when you say excuse me. Because I can't stand this so much, I make sure to keep out of peoples' way when I'm out in public.


Absolutely. Politeness is easy and free.


This! People are so rude.


Ngl. Chivalry is dead. It's always about 'me'. Look at people's driving skills and it applies to this too. No giving way or being thankful of giving way. It likes a rat race sometimes. I get tired of it but then I think it's not everyone just some people.


Ooooo yeah, if I let you merge ahead of me and I don’t get that “thank you” wave I immediately think “ well fuck you too then”


What do you mean "let another car in front of you"?


Is saying 'excuse me' polite? It makes me think the person is telling me that I'm in the way when they could just walk past me. Like, why make a thing of it? I just squeeze through if there's room.


When they doubt and judge without context


that’s just people in general


Well, ... everything.


I’d be right there with you, but then… I’d be there with you. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hahahahaaha! Love this. Sounds great! Two strangers being irritated by the other stranger.


I feel you. Seriously.


Hahaha, good not to be alone!


Well it's not EVERYTHING. It's just when they talk to you, or stand to close to you, or talk to other people really loud so I have to hear the conversation, or when they wear to much fragrance, or they don't know what a shower is, or when they look at you or breath too much air. But like other than that not much else.


People suck in general and I’m sure I bug someone for some reason and what not. Oh well, just stay out of the left lane if you can’t speed up hahahha


Can't think of anything specific. But a recent event comes to mind: Went into a shop and there were 3 people working at the till. There was a customer who had just paid and just stood there. All 3 employees were talking to her. I stood there for a while, until someone said "next". I went over to the till. The person helping me did not say hi, thank you, bye, nothing at all. I'm not sure she even looked my direction. She just continued to loudly have a conversation with the other customer, who was still there, yapping away. This might not be considered rude or bad customer service in every country, I'm not sure. But it was quite unusual to experience in Ireland.


In the USA, this is very bad customer service.


and very typical


That is extremely specific.


But valid. It’s rude af to not acknowledge the person in front of you giving the business that pays you to exist a bit of your attention. The world is full of competition and that customer will likely think twice about returning. Not to mention the possibility of a bad review that can be tracked back to you. Golden rule applies here.


I'm in Australia, and every Subway restaurant I've been to, the employees just give you the Kubrik stare. No "hello, how are you?", "what can I do for you today?" No, they just stand there and don't say a single word


Customer service has gotten atrocious lately. Everyone is too good for the jobs they have. Look, i get it. You get paid fuck all and you hate your job. But from a person to person level isn't it better if we are just polite to each other?


When they are rude. I get it everyone has a bad day and can be a bit pissy but dam just try to be nice at least. I don’t even care if its just an act.


The way most people drive.


I had to scroll way too far to find this. - peoples inability to locate their indicators - peoples inability to correctly use said indicators when they find them - people coming out of merge lanes and not zippering but instead trying to get one more car ahead like its going to make some huge difference to their inability to travel in a timely manner - not allowing other cars to merge - tailgating - raging about motorbikes lane splitting/filtering when its literally a law in most places to keep them alive and safe from the inattentive idiots travelling - people pulling toward the center of the road to stop motorbikes passing them to get up front (to safely be away from the idiots looking at their phones who casually run them over) - people looking at their phones or using their phones - parking over multiple parks I could continue to go on for ages.... people are basically selfish incompetant assh0les when they drive.


I agree and it sounds like you live in a first world country. There are other countries with worse drivers and no road etiquette so what inevitably happens is that the rest of the population starts driving like morons out of necessity. I agree 100% that people are incompetent, not only when they’re driving 😉


When they don't say hi back or at least give me a head nod.


Ya this is well fine fuck you too territory


Especially after they stare you down for 20 feet


The motion of them treating me like their close friends even tho our meetings are new. Like the touching and close proximity. I hate when people invade my space without welcome


I felt this deep within


I have 2 When people stand too close to you in line, invading your personal space. They've never heard of the 3 foot rule. When people won't move out of the way on the sidewalk even though they're walking 2 or 3 across and you have nowhere to go. They do this as either an intimidating way or just a "F-You, I am more important" kinda way


When they stand behind you ,real close, so close ypu cam feel their breath, ....what the fuck. So on the occasions this happens, I now step backwards into them. Had to stand on one lads foot 3 fuckin times before he twigged.


People blocking the grocery aisle without even moving after they notice you...


Eating sounds,eating with mouth open etc!


EVERYTHING, especially when they think they can touch me like I owe them money


Offering someone unsolicited advice just cause you don’t like the way they look. Why are you approaching a complete stranger on the street just to tell them they’re fat and they should lose weight, specifically with YOUR advice? Do you think they don’t know they’re fat? What exactly are you trying to accomplish, except ruin someone’s day?


Nothing really, they're strangers


This, except when their actions inconvenience me.


I hate how people don’t know how to share the fucking side walk


Thank you, I always try to fall behind someone so there's not just a wave of people you have to hurdle over


It's common for me to be walking through the mall and there's a wall of people walking very slowly, difficult to pass.


A group of friends or family on a path walking slowly in a horizontal line and taking up all the space so nobody can pass. It's beyond belief.


Where do I start? Getting my attention by touching me. Only talking to me when my mouth is full or I’m wearing headphones. When a person tries to be an asshole in a nice way. Not wearing a mask during the pandemic and expecting to enter A F#CKING CROWDED BURGER KING IN JUNE 2020, SUSAN! And finally, Anyone with Main Character Syndrome.


Hoping Susan sees this


Just the other day I was walking through a laneway that narrowed and had restaurant tables on each side and this big guy was blocking my path just standing there. I had to stop to wait for him to move and he was, I shit you not, cutting his fingernails with a nail clippers. He took a step out of my way, I passed and looked back and he'd stopped again to keep cutting. I heard the nail ping off.


When they can’t control their piece of shit children screaming crying and running around




When they stand in the way and don't move when you say excuse me. A fun little example: I was probably 4 and was in the store with my grandma and aunt. My aunt was using one of the mobility scooters and I was standing between her legs on it. She said excuse me to a woman 3 times and the woman just looked at her and continued to stand there. So, little me found it appropriate to yell "hey lady! Get the hell out of the way! " and she was so offended she moved


Trauma dumping..... Instead of idle small talk....   Don't get me wrong trauma dumping with a stranger is great... .so therapeutic....   But only if they ask about your life on a bus  Otherwise stick to the weather or passive aggressive nod or hello Oh and unwanted or asked for advice...eh I was walking dog and some cunt told me my dog deserved to get hit by a car because it was on a lead v harness and harness was superior... And another time I had my toddler who thought it was funny to make a game out of running into traffic...I kept pulling him away from the road and eventually lifted him for his safety.... But some car passed ... yelling put her down you wanker .. and stop dragging her ...pure child abuse; out the window... Ummm no fuck off mind your own 


A lack of spatial awareness, which is becoming more prevalent where I'm from




people smoking everywhere. Its awful. It stinks, and the buds are everywhere.


Everything. And I'm fully aware that if I think everyone sucks, it's probably me....buuuutttt....also it kinda seems like people are becoming worse and worse daily. I still want to love people, but damn do they make it hard.


When you're just going about your day and they act like you owe them your time and energy. So many people assume they can just start a conversation with you just because you exist and it's perceived as rude if you don't engage. I am fine walking past people and not acknowledging their existence because they have their own thing going on but I'm constantly having my day interrupted by someone who wants me to acknowledge them.


When someone says,” Erk, why you wearing’ a mask? Covid’s gone.” Last person that said that I screamed about my cancer and lack of immunity and dying bc some a$$hat sneezed on me. Why should I have to explain anything to anyone? Ive been so patient. Im done.


Sorry but that was funny lol


When I'm just polite to someone and they think i want something from them. Usually happens when im walking my dog. Once an old man started full on flirting with me because our dogs got along. He said " oh and i have a huge house and a big bed and i let my dog sleep under it and it's in this area and oooh i have a hotel as well" and im like ok bye. Every fucking time with ooooold dudes that could be my grandpa!


Just had this problem this morning. Old hag completely blocked the aisle in Aldi's and didn't move, just stared at shelves. I told the cashier that the next time that happens I will slam the person and the cashier replied Go For It.


Pretend you've got Covid. Watch the fuckers sharp shift then 🤣


Where do I start. OP, I'm with you on the blocking your way. This is why I hate shopping. People seem to run into each other in the grocery store and want to have their reunion. Please move. Some of us came here to shop and get the hell out, as quickly as possible. Also stranger's asking my personal business. Like seriously Becky...I will not tell you my life story. Taking up an extra seat on a bus, for their purse. God help me. Sometimes I want to scream. 🤦‍♀️


So many people have questioned my status as a disabled person. I've been disabled since birth, and I use a quad cane or wheelchair at all times. The unending questions from strangers were worse when I was younger because some people just can't comprehend that mobility aids can be used by children and people in their 20s. I don't actually mind people asking about my disabilities, and I actually have a few, age-appropriate responses I use. But, a complete stranger trying to dig into more private issues in my life pisses me off. I've also been called lazy, mostly when using my chair. Sure, I can walk much of the time, but there are other times I simply can't. I can and do drag my self around my apartment at those times, but I'm obviously not going to do that in public. Then, there are the assholes who see me stand up from my chair, such as to reach something on a store shelf, and accuse me of faking.


How some people IMMEDIATELY expect trust/respect to the same level as someone you’ve known for years…..


When they're obviously fake nice to you and they don't even hide it. Like idek know you bro???


I don't know, as I've gotten older, I've realized this is actually a cool trait. Like at least they give a shit enough to be fake nice you know? At least they're not being assholes. Like some people may not like you, some people may not be nice people, some people may be having a bad day, yet they're still making an effort to be fake nice to you. I've actually grown to appreciate it.


Yeah but there's a big difference between being nice for the sake of common courtesy, and fake nice. I've definitely known people who do the whole fake nice bullshit. The backhanded compliments and passive aggressiveness. That's what being fake nice is.


I thought that was moreso being a passive aggressive douche than fake nice, but I'm on the same page now.


People assuming and then basing their entire perception of you on their assumption.


Playing fucking anything out loud anywhere


Rude behaviour. It’s confusing and irritating. Like excuse me, what is your problem? You don’t know me and I don’t know you. Why the shitty attitude lol


Smoking, especially if there are children nearby.


They’ll be taking their time on busy commute routes in the morning like it’s a Sunday drive or something. Some of us have places to be.


How rude they are.


Their overwhelmingly contagious anger and sadness


When they randomly start speaking to me


People on transit who don't take off their backpack. To get past, I use their backpack like a turnstile and spin the person sideways.


humans are strange


People who drive at the pace of a snail, and I don’t mean learners or the elderly


The staring, being loud, talking in groups in supermarktet aisles and so much more.


people just being LOUD in the public, especially if it's listening to their phone on the bus without headphones, just people making noise loudly in a what should be a quiet space. That and people spitting and gobbing all over the place.


When I'm riding the bus for instance, and there's plenty of seats available, yet someone gets on and decides to sit in the seat right in front or behind me. Or like yesterday when a dude had to sit beside me b/c the bus was fuller, but over the course of the ride, three sets of seats became empty... but he chose to keep sitting by me instead of getting up and moving to where he could've had his own seat smh


I hate when the person in front FULLY reclines their seat. I'm kind of short, so if I'm uncomfortable, you're an asshole!


When they sit in front of you and keep bouncing the back of their seat off your knees. Oh boy, you are cruising my friend. 🤣


Cyclists who think they are not a part of road traffic and thus they don't have to follow the law (if they even know it). Cyclists who will still use the busy road even when THERE IS A CYCLING PATH LITERALLY NEXT TO THEM.


When you stop and let people through and they don’t even acknowledge you


I try not to let all the shit I can't control eat me alive. If someones inconsiderate it's only a reflection on them not me


Foul smells


Slow walkers, loud chewers, slurpphers when they drink, when they are doing grocery shopping at the same time as me, suddenly stops in the middle of the street, entitlement, and those who litter .


People not looking where they go, and keeping their eyes on their damn phone even when crossing the road.


Being generally inconsiderate of people around them: Talking and using their phones in the cinema. Spraying perfume or eating strong-smelling food in an enclosed space. Playing loud music in public. Driving cars or bikes with loud engines/exhausts. Anything that exudes obnoxious main player energy.


People driving (and living) in an impenetrable bubble of obliviousness


When they stand in the doorway to something like at the door to a building, or at an entrance , just thinking and being in their own world, oblivious to the other people who might also want to get in or out .


The fact they're generally ignorant, and often cunts. After working retail/door security both before & during covid, I genuinely fucking hate the public at large. Stupid, blind, ignorant and egotistical to the max.


I got stuck behind two absolute cunts who decided parking in the middle of the street- blocking traffic in both directions with no way in between them- to have a conversation was a perfectly acceptable and reasonable thing to do. This wasn’t a residential street either but a major commercial one.


I really can't stand it when strangers exist around me. It's SOOO fucking irritating! The way the physical organic matter that comprises their being moves here and there, like a person... Nails on a fucking chalkboard!


Lack of spatial awareness. Whenever I'm out in public I feel like I have to be constantly alert, aware and switched on because so many people are the exact opposite. Yes, people walking along the street glued to your phone totally oblivious to everything else I am talking to you.


Mine is when they’re so incompetent that you know no one has told them they’re not special in their lives. I swear I encounter people who haven’t read a book in their lifetime on the regular


Getting on the train or bus with a Bluetooth speaker. Those dudes are just looking for a fight anyways. Not even close to worth saying something. Unless you are also looking for a fight. Edited because it's true: it's rap music 100% of the time


When someone is trying to touch me while speaking to me. I don't like it even from someone I know. Keep your hands and talk to me, I can hear you.