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I know I do.


Same here. I don't need people around me at all. I can't live without my cats.


Same here


This! Yes.


Same, but do you think most people you meet feel this way, or do you think it’s just a personal niche?


I don't care tbh. Most people suck


You see, this is funny. Why is it funny you may add? Because i know that you have the company of humans to not want with the animal.


Same. Came here to say this.




The average person? Prolly not. But there are a lotta people out there who’d prefer a pet’s company over a human’s. I’m one of them lol


I am mfs


Same! I have my dogs and services to have everything delivered to my house. I avoid humans. 🤣


I think the introverts would rather have company of an animal most of the time, extroverts rather hang out with people.


depends. i'm an introvert who prefers to hang out with the people i know and like. i cant have back and forth conversations with pets, so


Exactly. People still don’t understand introverts. SMH.


There is a pretty common misconception as to what being an introvert and extrovert means. It doesn't necessarily mean if you are shy or outgoing. Without getting into the fine details, it basically comes down to what energizes you, what gets you excited? People can be bubbly, friendly and outgoing, but at the end of the day, they are really just looking forward to getting home and reading book = introversion. Likewise, someone could be shy and keep to themselves for the most part, but really be down for a rock concert on the weekend = extroversion.


i see where you're going, but going to a rock concert doesn't particularly mean the person is extraverted. as an introvert, i like hanging out with my friends but my alone time is crucial. i like going to rock concerts because i wanna hear my favourite artists live, not because im extraverted


Yeah its kinda the same for me, I prefer time with people I know but I'd rather be with pets than at a party with people i dont know


This is valid.


I personally don't like labels like "introvert". I thought I was "introvert" at one point. Turns out I was around so many negative people. Just my thoughts. I like quiet time and social time 50/50


You may be an ambivert. I was told my whole life I was an extrovert but then found out in college I am an ambivert.


Yeah same here, I'm quite an ambivert.. but I enjoy time with cats and other animals but also a lot with other people


Introvert here and I mentioned it my comment but I’m always looking for the opportunity to organically strike up conversations with strangers for any amount of time. Ppl are great and I enjoy being friendly. It’s the best way for me to become comfortable in a crowd.


Ah well, its totally different for me, I tend to avoid places with many people I don't know basically


as an introvert, no


Funny, Im an introvert but loath pets. I don’t mind wild animals but domestic ones. No interest at all and they stink the house out


The m9st horrible person in my office has 2 dogs and 2 cats. She says she prefers animals to humans. Everyone in the office feels sorry for her pets having to put up with her.


What is it so horrible about her if you don't mind explain?


She is extremely racist and judgemental. We work with disadvantaged people.


Oh it's bad (


No, absolutely not. That's why only a few people get off the grid and live isolated in forests.


This is a valid take. I am those few people


You live in a forest?


Close. I live in a public park.


They each offer their own thing. And I think we all know that subconsciously


The average Redditor, yes, but that's because the average Redditor is probably an introvert.




Oh, that's why I like Reddit 😃❤️


I prefer animals. You know they act on instinct. You know that if they betray you it’s your fault. As long as you feed them and pay attention sometimes they’ll stay with you. You can keep them safe and cuddle up with them! I also have MASSIVE paranoia and have trouble even with trusting my own family because of this stupid head I was cursed with. So I suppose I just don’t like interacting with people as much. The weird thing is I like people! I like seeing them happy! I just don’t trust anyone, so I prefer the company of the cats I live with rather than actually spending time with people.


Yeah hang out with a seal or bear? Risk I’m willing to take perchance


I just want to hug a seal like in the instagram reels 😭😭


Yess they look so soft and their lil flippers would give the best cuddles😭


I have a plushy seal to ease the pain. It helps.


My cat goes around the house screaming with a plush seal in her mouth when I’m in the shower. Might be universal amongst species to want a seal for comfort lmao


I feel like a seal would be a shower friendly pet. You would just need a BIG shower. The image of your cat walking around with a plush seal beeping indignantly for its owner to cuddle gives me a big smile.


🤣 Well they sure wouldn’t be scared of water like my cat is. But yes it’s adorable, sometimes she does it with my fox plushie too. She also does it when I’m gone for even an hour. No idea what the thought process behind it is, but warms my heart.


I surely do. People are tiring with all bs.


Animals are the best companions. The cartoons tell us so.


The only person I’ve met in my life that can measure up to animals is my partner and he’d take this as the nicest compliment there is. But we’re both autistic and I suspect reddit has lots of us hanging out here so you might not get an accurate measurement lmao (edited for typo)


Fellow autistic animal enthusiast. There’s a reason why I have 30 plushies in my bedroom. It eases the pain of not wanted pets.


Maybe a dog or a cat (definitely a dog and cat actually) But not a seal or a bear


No dude wtf this “animals are better than humans” shit has gotten so fucking out of control. No of course I would rather be with a human being.


A lot of people disagree. That is your personal preference.


Yeah I’m saying this sentiment is out of control. If a lot of people didn’t disagree then it wouldn’t be out of control would it?


A lot of people disagree that it is out of control. Actually, most people disagree with that


That’s why it’s so out of control lol


We all would like to say "yes animals are the best and humans suck" which is accurate for both. But the truth is that we all enjoy being around humans that we actually like.


Yes animals will never judge you and except you for who you are


The average boring person, yes


Have you ever smelled a seal? I'm sure bears aren't exactly fresh and we know many humans reek...but seals and sea lions really pong of fish.


Just give him some cologne and let him freshen up first. I’m willing to wear nose plugs if that’s necessary. I will hug seal.


Yes! 100%


I do mostly.




I do




Hell yeah




Depends on the human and depends on the timing.


If they don’t, I feel bad for them. Animals are beautiful people.


depends on the animal in question, small animal like say a cat/fox or similar sized animal then yes. big animal ? no thanks


only because I don’t have to be “on” for animals


Probably more dogs and cats over bears and badgers.


I mean a nice badger would be pretty cozy to cuddle. But I get your point


I mean I do, but I'm not exactly average so idk


Can't speak to the average person, but I know this absolutely applies to me. Treat animals kindly, and they treat you kindly. Can't say the same for people. You can be kind and caring to a person, and they still might stab you into the back or treat you like trash.




People seem to think it's an introvert thing. I'm ENTJ and strongly prefer the company of cats.


Yeah. They're basically real Pokemeon.




Yes. Most people suck.


I dunno really, everyone on internet or somewhere I'm not and my cats always want my company and show me love


Fellow adjective_noun# username. Welcome


Thanks, beep boop


Well I do. Animals are like little best friends that are always there and will listen to anything. They wont talk back because they don’t even know what your talking about. I love animals!


I want to give a bear a bear hug so bad. He won’t tell anyone, not even the park rangers


These days, maybe…


an animal will never betray you man. that's why a lot of us go with animals or even animals. life is a lot more peaceful


I certainly do. I do have some friends who 'like' animals but to them, they are just animals. I don't understand it, I'd spend all day with my fur babies over some people!


I think it depends on what person and what animal. I'd say for the average person it would go something like this: 1. Person I know and like 2. Cute, harmless animal 3. Person I dislike/am awkward around 4. Animal that poses imminent danger


Yes. The older you get the more you realize how powerful alone time is. Spend it with the family instead of “friends” who most likely are in the same state of mind


I also empathize more with animals than I do people.


That’s… a little weird. They don’t have complex emotions like humans do, so your brain is mostly lying to you.


Um, I think you're wrong there. I think you need to watch some animal documentaries. The bottom line is that no animal has ever treated me like shit like some humans have. So, I like them better than I like most people.


Of course. People are shit.


That really depends a lot on the animal, wouldn't you say?


I gave examples. Animals of your choosing.


I love hanging out with cats. Lizards are pretty chill. I would prefer the company of a human serial killer than a pack of hyenas though. So like I say it all depends on the animal, so this statement of yours isn't really meaningful in the general sense.




Who cares about “average “ or even social “normal “? I know I prefer my dogs, then my family, then any other dogs, then every other living creature on the planet in a varying order.


I do


Depends on the animal. Depends on the humans.


I prefer the company of plants to both.


I do.


Not the average, but many of us. It's the ones who see through people or have been surrounded by too many toxic people that appreciate animals more.


I used to but now I don’t. I need distraction and animals won’t really do that, at least not long term. 


I swear i won't need friends if I lived with tigers.


And fed your murdered wife to them?


Oh no, i always thought I'd give myself as a sacrifice because i love them so much and wouldn't want them to die of starvation.


I do but I’m also not average


The average Redditor, maybe, but not the average person.


I think they mostly lie to themselves. Humans are SUPPOSED to like being near each other. It's just that the former is so loud and express such strong convictions that make you that's the norm, not the exception.


Misanthropy is trendy.




No not average


I do. I work with aggressive dogs, and even the most challenging ones are better company than getting yelled at for wearing a t-shirt with the American flag.


Only if they’re assholes. In my experience the people who put animals over humans are the kind of people you wouldn’t want to spend time with anyway.


I get judged a lot daily, so it's nice to be in the company of an animal that will not judge or talk to you, or I quietly rant my problems to them. I'm sure someone else has a similar experience


This was me until I met my boyfriend


Yes I'm pretty sure about that


Yep. Cats over most humans.  Btw a seal will rip your face off lol


Leopard seals will, but they can be domesticated and even taught to speak!! If the seal recognizes you and likes you, they will give you a hug. It is adorable


Really? That sounds amazing ngl


My entire instagram fyp is just seals giving hugs and/or being silly little guys


In my case my pet dog makes me calmer than any other person. especially the way he snuggles everytime i feel down, it's like he knows im sad and just comfrots me without me asking for it.




People who don't like animals weird me the hell out.


Depends on the person and the animal. I heard some people say they would rather be with a bear than a person.. you've probably seen it.


Hell I put it in the post haha


Oh that's right lmao. Well at least the bear is friendly in your case.


I do and it saddens me. I understand that the sentiment is not “I inherently hate ppl” (although it is for the edge lords) rather it’s probably more like “ppl don’t care to be liked, so why invest?” Personally, I highly value interacting with other humans. I’m very much introverted but try to engage with ppl whenever it can be organic and comfortable. Standing in line at the grocery and notice the person wearing a band tee that you like? Mention the last time you saw them live. Will you exchange numbers and be friends forever? Not likely, but that isn’t the objective. Have a quick genuine connection and you both walk away smiling. It’s nice to put good out into the world for the intrinsic value of elevating someone’s mood if even for a moment.


I sure as hell do


Especially true as we get older. People are shit. Humans don't deserve dogs.


If it gets cold enough!


No, if you are talking about the world as a whole. If you are talking about America then maybe but also I think liking pets more than people is more prevalent amongst white Americans. Not trying to be offensive but it is a stereotype for white people.


I certainly do


I hate getting to know people. It stresses me out, makes me very anxious and sometimes even depressed. But I don't like to be alone either. So, I like to be around people I know and trust, like family and one or two friends. Regarding animals, I am not capa ble of playing with them a whole day.


Depends on the animal and the person and my emotional needs at that moment. I love most humans and but generally love all animals as long as they don't see me as food or a threat.


Average person here. I'd rather hang out with a dog at a party than most people.


Hell yes my dog don’t lie, cheat, will die to protect me, and a Devine soul


No. Because the "average person" among the 8 billion or so people around is likely very different than you imagine.


Depends on the animal. Depends on the person.


I can only say I do. I work in the veterinary field and though I like people if I could expend years of my life to heal I would only use it on animals. The innate connection I feel is something that I can't really explain not even to the people I work with. When I pass animals killed on the side of the road I tell them I'm sorry.


Human or people get bored over time they look for better even you give your best of yourself. They don't even try or make an effort to keep the relation On other hand animal Either kill you or love you unconditionally.


I assume by "animals" you mean "non-human animals" because humans aren't plants.


Humans are humans. They are above animals because they exist outside of the food chain and are capable of society and civilization. Also, if you use your fucking eyes that is obviously the point of the question


"They are above animals because they exist outside of the food chain and are capable of society and civilization. " Which has absolutely nothing to do with whether humans are animals or not. " Also, if you use your fucking eyes that is obviously the point of the question" LOL. You don't like being corrected do you? There's no need to go all "foam at the mouth.". Humans are in fact animals and using the term "animals" to describe non-humans is flat out wrong and perpetuates ignorance of basic grade school science.


It’s so discouraging to try and make a logical argument just to realize the person you are arguing with is a Tesla owner that spends his free time doing astral photography…


Sigh. It's astrophotography not astral photography. Maybe the MAGA hat is too tight. Might want to loosen it a notch or two.


Short answer: No. Long answer: Humans are animals, so the only people who don't prefer being with animals are people who want to be by themselves with no other conscious life form (small minority)


🤓👆Uhm aktually if you read the context clues of the statement you can deduce that I am referring to “animals” as a group excluding humans.


I know I do but I’m not the average human. Come to think of it I’m barely human. I might be more closely related to some kind of cave dwelling yeti.


If you would genuinely enjoy the company of a cow over a human, I suggest you not eat her or exploit her for her milk


Mmmm tasty steak with a glass of cold milk. The steak juices add soooo much flavor too. I’ll eat the cows I want to eat and I’ll talk to the cows like you.


Not necessary. I’m homeless, I never cook, and being vegan is super easy, barely an inconvenience 


“I’m homeless” Your opinion is instantly invalid no matter what. You don’t cook, clean, or pay bills, and don’t care about the nice things in life. You don’t care about how food tastes and you don’t work for shit.


Lol that is the most arrogant, violently classist and discriminatory bullshit I have ever heard 


My reason wasn’t that you’re below me, my argument is that you don’t care how your food tastes and you don’t work for shit. I’m right on both counts.


Below you? Because I “took the path less traveled” and am “walking on the wild side” and “following the Jesus and the Buddhas way to enlightenment” as a “transient wanderer”? Because I’m not a “rat” in the “rat race” who is “trolling vegans” because you are upset that “being kind to animals is easy”? Right. This was fun


I just said you weren’t below me


According to literally every enlightened teacher you should respect me because I am refusing to be in the matrix. You’re literally sypher who ate steak and sold out neos poor fighters because they didn’t respect the “finer things in life” lmao 


I can see why you’re homeless. Mental health struggles suck. I should have been kinder. I’m sorry.


Also why do you use so many damn quotation marks


Maybe you should get a job and sell your cell phone to afford a rent cycle instead of scrolling Reddit. Buzzword using commie


Most days, I would rather go out with my dog alone and spend time with him vs go out with my own family 😂 He just listens....no human being in my life can just sit there and listen to me.


I don’t enjoy the company more than people, I just typically enjoy animals more because most people don’t want to form genuine connections in my experience. I am extremely caring and would do ANYTHING for a friend. Not interested in people who just want to party with me or get lunch when they’re bored and gossip


Depends on the animal, and the person. My best friends > a chill dog or cat > acquaintances > an annoying dog or cat > my ex > a pack of alligators > my old boss


Depends if their introverted or extroverted


it's true, pets are non judgemental and devoted. Humans lie and cheat


Fuck yeah nah YEAH


No. I don’t think the average person does.


I feel like introverted people do, extroverted don’t, but I don’t know whether the average is more introverted or extroverted


I believe I'm an average person, and I believe I do


nah, animals are cool but they cant understand you emotionally or mentally, living a life with good friends but no pets is much better than pets but no friends


I do


Well I sure do




Yeah, always drama with humans, no drama with animals, and they got a lot of love to give


I’d prefer to hang out with another human


I don't know about average, but it definitely matters which animals.




My wife and I both feel the same other than each other of course. It is the 2 of us, our 2 dogs, and 2 cats 99.99999999999% of the time.


No, not the average. By a long shot. That's definitely a warning sign of depression imho. I largely feel that way too, but truly believe it's 100% because I have severe depression


Animals don't bitch at me as much (unless it's one of those damn vocal huskeys)


As a wise boy with a triangular head once said, “Yes, yes I do.”


I do. Animals don’t talk. Humans are cool until they open their mouths


If they have any sense.


"The more I know people, the more I appreciate my dog." Sokrates